

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
It doesn't help with eggnancy or rape, but shouldn't Steele carry condoms if they're not infertile? Why leave it up to whoever we're with? Just an option to say yes or no to condoms would be great. My Steele accidentally got Ilaria pregnant and she doesn't know how to deal with that 'cause she really wasn't planning on kids. I know it's mostly my fault for not having read the update but still...

You just reminded me, Diapharam, a Steele with a vagoo could wear a diaphragm that prevents pregnancy instead of just using condoms, while a herm and male steel wears condoms for their dingus. Thanks for reminding me Scarlette

Now preventing eggnancy we could always just get the super vac and space'em or hand'em off to Yammi for a snack for Pippa, or if you want the lighthearted route then you could just tell Bridget."Send them to their "Father" for parenting" gets you out of having a certain type of child around if you want to be racist towards a certain race and keeps you from murdering a belly full of Nyerans or Bothreic or whatever else pumped ya guts up with babs.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
shouldn't Steele carry condoms if they're not infertile?

a Steele with a vagoo could wear a diaphragm

That's what Sterilex is for (unless Steele overdoses on it). That said, I'd like to see some "Holodom Box" item with x number of units each that are used and discarded after sex scenes, with Steele getting a message once the captain runs out of units.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
That's what Sterilex is for (unless Steele overdoses on it). That said, I'd like to see some "Holodom Box" item with x number of units each that are used and discarded after sex scenes, with Steele getting a message once the captain runs out of units.

Isn't Sterilex temporary? I suppose it doesn't matter if you keep some handy, and taking it before wandering through a forest or something is more reasonable.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Sorry, I mean like, the condoms would kinda just be there, much more convenient than a drug. Otherwise, Sterilex works perfectly fine.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
That's what Sterilex is for (unless Steele overdoses on it). That said, I'd like to see some "Holodom Box" item with x number of units each that are used and discarded after sex scenes, with Steele getting a message once the captain runs out of units.

A pill can't solve all the problems we have.

I just got a better idea, instead of aborting, raise the kids properly give them a loving parent, then when the time comes abort them in their teens to avoid the angst and other B.S. Just live abort the fucks to avoid being called a loser by your son and daughters and get the last laugh on them. Then remember the memories of them it's what they would've wanted.

I can just imagine someone's Steele with like 1000+ kids doing this over a thousand times and just looking at a scrapbook with dozens of kids and Bridget just shaking her head in the background wondering what's wrong with them.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Ah, there's are good old murderboner.

PS Stop abortion chat. This isn't the place.

Lunarl Mune

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2018
how about just selling the bastards(implanted eggs) to breedwell? sounds better than flushed out with a hose up the ass


Aug 27, 2015
how about just selling the bastards(implanted eggs) to breedwell? sounds better than flushed out with a hose up the ass

Breedwell only wants rahn babies.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
You could give players the option of sending them to their father or mother instead of the nursery if not them then send them to an orphanage where they could be a potential protag for Tits 2 or companion trying to find out who their real parents were.
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Jul 18, 2017
Isn't there another way? Maybe have your nanomachines stop any chance of set race of alien here or remove eggs with the egg trainer and have Yammi and or Pippa "Dispose" of them?
k first off what anime is that i goddamn want to watch it

second seeing how this is the dedicated pregnancy forum, aside of the incubator and the motherhusk stuff... is there anything else i can speed up a pregnancy with? i am REALLY bored and question what it would look like if steele could pump out several babies a week


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2017
Ninth Hell of the Abyss, BC, Canada
second seeing how this is the dedicated pregnancy forum, aside of the incubator and the motherhusk stuff... is there anything else i can speed up a pregnancy with? i am REALLY bored and question what it would look like if steele could pump out several babies a week

Yeppers. Go see Shelly on Tavros and assist her with laying eggs. She can be visited every half-hour to 45 minutes. Keep going until you get a small blue egg. Use the 'furfag' cheat to make items infinite. I then make sure it's the only item I have in the inventory, and spam the 1. Depending on the type of pregnancy, it can expedite by as little as 0.01% per usage (for the full human term pregnancy, without the use of motherhusks or laquine ears) or you'll check and find out the pregnancy has like only 3 hours to go. :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
k first off what anime is that i goddamn want to watch it

second seeing how this is the dedicated pregnancy forum, aside of the incubator and the motherhusk stuff... is there anything else i can speed up a pregnancy with? i am REALLY bored and question what it would look like if steele could pump out several babies a week
theres also the laquine tf thanks to that i got my preg speed up to %700+


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
k first off what anime is that i goddamn want to watch it

second seeing how this is the dedicated pregnancy forum, aside of the incubator and the motherhusk stuff... is there anything else i can speed up a pregnancy with? i am REALLY bored and question what it would look like if steele could pump out several babies a week

Space dandy
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
I'm glad there's a combined thread for asking preg questions.

So do does anyone know if there's gonna be any more content geared towards *fathering* children? Cause it seems that this content so far just appeals to the female aspect of it, mostly the degrading, corruptive influence of being impregnated either consensually or (mostly) not, and mothering the little bastards.

I mean besides the gastigoth stuff which is pretty cool, the other options for male players is eeeeeeeeeeehhh kind of..... Not interesting.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Outside of Gastigoth I don't see the point in wanting to impregnate characters you generally have no control over. Most of the time you'll only be tracking those pregnancies in your codex which we all know is super sexy .
Random Zills and Raskvel don't have shit on the Dom Sera and Riya pregnancy texts


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
The problem i have with fathering kids in TiTS is that tracking the pregnancies is a pain in the dick.

Also you can't really speed them up.
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Jul 1, 2017
That's "where did the funds come from", not "why"

First encounter:
As you orgasm, you feel pressure deep in your womb. You feel a sensation of your whole lower body spreading open and massive warmth running down your legs. Your partner's dick feels like it grew to gargantuan porportions inside of you. You feel a smile overtake your face. You have the wonderful sensatiin of being split down the middle. You aee pleased with the outcome as you feel what you are sure is your life essense draining out from your destroyed (pussy)

The pressure of the lifeending cock inside of you continues to encroach deeper as your consciousness pleasantly fades to nothing.


You wake up feeling odd. Something's missing. As you swing your gravid belly off to the side to stand, you overcompensate, rolling entirely too rapidly.

(Low agility, fall out of the bed)

The weight you are used to is gone. The last thing you remember is the awesome orgasm you had from the guy you met in the bar, and then a strange feeling of fullness. You see a note on the table.

"(PC Name) Steele, we have your child. You will do exactly what we want. You are going to contact the local steele tech representative and convince them to buy a useless strip of land on Tarkus. If they purchase the land and you are cooperative, you will get your child back. If you refuse you can rest assured your child will inheret the Steele Tech fortune. Good health to you, for now."

*Begin ransom or Rescue quest*

Genetic diversity
"Don't worry, we'll take good care of your child. It will be raised on Wombstatcherterra to help replenish the genetic diversity of our dying race. Thank you for this wonderful gift."

*Begin Steele invasion quest of Wombsnatchterra*

Fighting to get reimpregnated by someone impregnated with your stolen baby is a good story to people addicted to impregnation, but might be a bit too dark for this game.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
Outside of Gastigoth I don't see the point in wanting to impregnate characters you generally have no control over. Most of the time you'll only be tracking those pregnancies in your codex which we all know is super sexy .
Random Zills and Raskvel don't have shit on the Dom Sera and Riya pregnancy texts

I don't really want to "control" female characters, I mean I don't mind forcefully pieing enemies and bad guys in particular, I just want to see awesome female characters and aliens have my babies.

The problem i have with fathering kids in TiTS is that tracking the pregnancies is a pain in the dick.

Also you can't really speed them up.

I've never really had that problem. Just knowing the generic mook enemies are under the PC's dick and are carrying and raising their young is titillation enough for me. I'm just hoping they start adding more characters to the potential mommy list, not less.

I should reiterate, more interesting and well developed characters.
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