
Lunarl Mune

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2018
Ransom? Not sure what you mean by that.

I don't mean that you would take money from the parasitizer. The Npc would set-up the child in some sort of colony or sanctuary specifically designed for that and raise sapient children for them. If they later became uplifted or tried to enter the UGC system they would be billed. There's something like that with the Lapinara sanctuary and something like that does happen in the family courts of may courts.

For normal parasite pregnancies I guess they could take them behind the shed.

Ah I see... Honestly if that's an option just sell them to Snuggle.
Trust me the best place to dump scum is into a home they can really SNUGGLE up in. ;)

Get it cause their sire dumped them inside you and they Snuggled up into your ass..

Lunarl Mune

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2018
Back to the topic though I thought I saw somewhere that Azra wants to bear Steele's children, is that future content? Could it be that although currently there are no crewmates you can impregnate(I do not count Sera as she joins your ship because she is your slave to start just as how Reaha isn't initially a member of your crew as much as she is your property til she is formally invited to stay with you on your ship) I also do not recall that anyone in the crew is on any contraceptives but that their pregnancies have not been written yet?

Lunarl Mune

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2018
Never heard of her mentioning it I always just fantasized that Anno had microsurgery nanobots that prevented conception like an employee safety regulation as SteeleCo has a lot of horny employees it would make sense that they would have something like that at least in my head canon it makes sense..


Jul 1, 2017
I'd write it for each, but most are some other person's project, and I don't have a full laptop or large amounts of time, so making it ready for coding is out. It's usually not hard to just write the pregnancy and reasons why nothing changes.

It's not lack of creativity sitting in the wings, it's just lack of that step to take it from creativity to code.

Here's an example, a quick writeup for Riley i made last year.

From: Riley WhywouldIgivemylastname <freedomfillyfliesforever13@quiknet.vsp>
To: (Name) Steele <(email_address)@SteeleTech.corp>
Subject: Left something behind...
Hey (name)!
You left something behind when we last met. I hope you don't mind if I keep it...
Attached is a 3d hologram of a naked and heavily pregnant Riley.

From: Riley WhywouldIgivemylastname <freedomfillyfliesforever13@quiknet.vsp>
To: (Name) Steele <(email_address)@SteeleTech.corp>
Subject: Congratulations Stud!
Hey (name)!
I don't know if you got my last letter, my spam folder eats my incoming mail. You knocked me up about 11 months ago and I just birthed (your baby boy/your baby girl/your baby herm/twin girls for you/twin boys for you/twin herms for you/your set of twins/a litter for you). I got planets to explore and a fortune to make, so I am (2nd time:again) leaving it up to you to raise (him/her/it/them). (First time: Your cousin told me you have an excellent nursery on Tarvos station, and I already sent (him/her/it/them) there.)
I enjoyed being pregnant by you, let's try again when we next meet.
Attached is a 3d hologram of Riley suckling your new child(ren).

If someone wants me to write up prego stuff for their character or any character I will, but coding is just not easy enough to do on a cell phone. (Which ended my coding on another game where I did lots of prego work.)


Jul 1, 2017
Nova pregnancy chain:

Step 1, watch a Raskval male be assaulted by a gray goo, he protests about her inability to be bred, while wearing goo armor

Step 2, Raskval female births while steel is wearing goo armor

Step 3, Nova wishes to try to be pregnant. If steel humors, Nova tries but can't figure out the form. If not, chain ends.

Step 3.5, If Steele is pregnant and willing, Nova explores Steele's body and tries to mimic it. And fails. Steele can encourage nova to keep trying, laugh, or discourage Nova to end the chain. 

Step 4, if pregnant Sera is in the crew and "showing", Nova sneaks in and attacks her while Steele sleeps. She protests and either Steele rushes to check on the commotion or wakes up.

Step 5, after Steele has met dr. Lessau and step 4 and after sleeping in the ship one more time, and Shekka quest is started or further, evidence of Sera messing with Steele's terminal, but you don't know what she did.

Step 6, two weeks have to pass from step 5. Nova now has a tiny chance of getting pregnant any time it is exposed to Steele's cum.

Step 7, 70 days after, Nova starts showing pregnant successfully. (Secretly is pregnant) + belly rating to steele wearing pregnant Nova

Step x, steele confronts nova about making clothing all appear pregnant, nova can't stop self from pregnancy mimic because actually is pregnant. Steele discovers sera colluded with Anno and Dr. Lessau to help Nova get pregnant. Steele's dna with random mutations based on a random seed from Nova's networked structure.

Step 8, Nova is heavily pregnant. -4 armor (can go negative? Is protecting baby or something) ++ belly rating

Step 9, 200 days, Nova births. Full blood "gray goo enhanced" version of whatever Steele was is born. 

Step y, Dr Lessau explains that modifications to Nova allow the mass to create a womb, and that some of the genetic changes done by the goo modification allow the goo mass to interface with the organic body, making offspring a human gray goo hybrid.

Step z, repeats of nova pregnancy is possible.

Almost zero chance of implementation. All of those are other people's characters and there's no coding. Not even real dialogue. But ever since I read the two year old topic, I just had to get it out.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Granted I ain't making a push for an abortion clinic in the game run by that psychopath Lash as I don't agree with that
Honestly it is a parasite why do you care?
Boy do I have things to tell you about real life mammal embryos.

I'll share a tip tho:
You can't get eggpregged if your ass is already pregnant, so you can always buy the egg trainer and use the fake pregnancy feature before going to a planet where there are Lapinaras/Bothriocs/etc.
That way no mean egg beast will be able to get your PC and you'll be able to get rid of it whenever. (and honestly, it's so slow to grow that you probably won't even get the belly size debuffs)

Honestly a better way to go about getting rid of eggnancies would probably be to pay a surrogate and transfer the eggs to them? Though the babies would probably still end up in the nursery, but it's not like Capt Steele is paying for any of it.

Lunarl Mune

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2018
or when you get egged up the bum you can just go for a spin on the new texas bronco and get the classic "oops I fell" abortion, I do not see why every option to get rid of the butt babies is to do the "right thing" so that this species can continue living literally the only one worthy of this treatment of not getting flushed out into the void of space is the Water Princesses as their species is on the cusp of extinction and the process maybe gone through consentually where as do we really need MORE bothrics or nyreans its not like Raskevel are dying off anytime soon.

I am starting to feel like I am the only person pushing for more morally grey and evil options than Steele although being a huge asshole is really a super great parent of everything that goes in their ass.


Aug 27, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
wouldn't mind seeing content for Queens Guard, maybe let Nyrean PC's actually fertilize their eggs or something.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
or when you get egged up the bum you can just go for a spin on the new texas bronco and get the classic "oops I fell" abortion, I do not see why every option to get rid of the butt babies is to do the "right thing" so that this species can continue living literally the only one worthy of this treatment of not getting flushed out into the void of space is the Water Princesses as their species is on the cusp of extinction and the process maybe gone through consentually where as do we really need MORE bothrics or nyreans its not like Raskevel are dying off anytime soon.

I am starting to feel like I am the only person pushing for more morally grey and evil options than Steele although being a huge asshole is really a super great parent of everything that goes in their ass.

Or just have the "Ass" personality and be given the option abort when talking to Briget saying you don't want these aliens in guts, or have Lash be given the ability to abort pregnancies since he doesn't like reproduction. It would give Steele a reason for wanting to abort the kid and not be sadden by the pregnancy be over.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
I agree in adding as much npc pregnancy content as possible. If it were up to me every npc and enemy with a womb could get pregnant. Even if it was just a few lines of text, a time tracker and a kid added to the nursery. I would even be willing to help code. I haven't coded for Tits yet but am an experienced software engineer that is willing to learn and help. Especially if it involves adding npc pregnancies.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
That's exactly the kinda shallow shit we want to avoid.
Ahh, sorry. I wasn't aware that was off-limits. I would love as much depth as possible for all pregnancies, I was just thinking something was better than nothing. Although I understand wanting to make everything have depth. However I guess I was thinking that kind of thing would be applied to enemies like there is now for zil and raskvel, not allies and named npcs
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
or when you get egged up the bum you can just go for a spin on the new texas bronco and get the classic "oops I fell" abortion,
How is that not more objectionable than an abortion/pregnancy transfer clinic.
It'd be so much more unsafe, and you'd still have to know what you're doing to get that scene, because no way are you implementing that without a disclaimer for people who want to keep their pregnancies.

I do not see why every option to get rid of the butt babies is to do the "right thing" so that this species can continue living literally the only one worthy of this treatment of not getting flushed out into the void of space is the Water Princesses as their species is on the cusp of extinction and the process maybe gone through consentually where as do we really need MORE bothrics or nyreans its not like Raskevel are dying off anytime soon.
Believe it or not, you can get eggpregged by Nyreas and Bothriocs consensually too, if you win the fight. 'Cause some people acually want their PCs to get swollen with eggs.
And I'm not sure why you're bringing the Raskvels into this? Unless you're talking about the Lapinaras, who are the only ovipositor-wielders on Tarkus

I am starting to feel like I am the only person pushing for more morally grey and evil options than Steele although being a huge asshole is really a super great parent of everything that goes in their ass.
Abortion is not evil or morally grey. It's a medical procedure that saves lives everyday.
I'm not opposed to implementing a way to get rid of unwanted pregnancies (like transfering the pregnancy and/or offering the babies up for adoption or aborting) but all you've done so far is whine about not wanting butt babies, who are easy enough to avoid if you play decently and save regularly.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
I don't want that shit in my sex fantasy game. This is one of those few times where just the option existing is repugnant to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So... hypothetically... would pregnancy transfers/surrogates/putting up the fetus for adoption be okay?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Me? I'd like my Steele to grow herself in a tube. Then artificially age and educate said cloned Steele and have her compete against herself in the race for the probes. Then top it off with selfcest and end it with selfcest pregnancy.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Isn't there another way? Maybe have your nanomachines stop any chance of set race of alien here or remove eggs with the egg trainer and have Yammi and or Pippa "Dispose" of them?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
It doesn't help with eggnancy or rape, but shouldn't Steele carry condoms if they're not infertile? Why leave it up to whoever we're with? Just an option to say yes or no to condoms would be great. My Steele accidentally got Ilaria pregnant and she doesn't know how to deal with that 'cause she really wasn't planning on kids. I know it's mostly my fault for not having read the update but still...
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