
Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2021
It seems that many players will not see anything wrong with this ... but I would say that this distribution of attributes is a mistake!
After all, Agility affects your base accuracy, with low accuracy you will often can't hit the broad side of a barn, let alone strike anyone out. Yes, you can still make up for your poor base accuracy by using Powers, which have a bonus to accuracy, but I personally would avoid this distribution of attributes.
In my opinion, agility is the only must have stat. Accuracy is important for a Damage Dealer, but the initiative is equally important. DDs can pick off enemies before they get a turn and supports want to get their buffs or debuffs out Asap. Healers want to go before the enemies, else your teammates might be already dead or so low that you can't outheal the dmg. The extra evasion also gives some survivability, but i wouldn't rely on that too much.