corruption of champions 2

  1. L


    Hey this is my first time posting anything on the thread since I've pretty much just started playing the game a few days ago, but now I got hooked on it. As such I wanted to actually be better at playing the game and have an better grasps on the combat mechanics. I've went through about like 15...
  2. Falken_Moonlight

    Fun fact: During Kinu’s quest you can view her appearance screen and character details

    A few details caught my attention 1) She really is quite small indeed at 4’7”, but not by much in comparison to her mother which is 5 feet. 2) somehow F-cup. Her mother at 9 tailed form is D-cup bordering DD territory. The character image doesn’t do justice I guess, though on the CGs where she...
  3. Primename

    Remove Scales?

    Hello! Is there any items that remove the scaled flag from the face and torso?
  4. WatoroX

    Small Hello, Big ol' Thank You <3<3<3

    Sup all you lewd folk & persons of culture, I raise a glass to ya'll. I've been around since the early days(late 2017 I think?) of C.o.C.II & T.i.T.S. and since I enjoyed them both so thoroughly, I thought it was finally time I start getting more involved in the community. Hopefully somewhere...
  5. 4

    Kaneituuhou & Lucky Strike question.

    There are two rings in the game that give a money bonus, the Kaneituuhou (which doubles EC combat reward), and the Lucky Strike (Which gives a 10-20% bonus to combat EC). Likely for balance reasons, these do not stack with each other or with itself (like if you had two Lucky Strikes for...
  6. Cypher

    [Steam][0.6.2] Critical Error in Abyssal Depths F1 of [Winter Wolf], at start of 1st Combat

    Description: Critical Error occurs at the initation of combat during the Abyssal Depths dungeon, Floor 1, of the Winter Wolf questline. Specifically the "AbyssalDepthsBarricadeDoCombat" aptly named in the .js file I saw in the raw data dump. Utilizing a Crystal Grenade or Advancing results in...
  7. O

    Getting a blank title screen on the browser version (Firefox, iPad)

    Hello, sorry if this has already been answered, didn’t have luck searching the forums. I‘ve been playing on Firefox (the latest version), on an iPad, and sometimes, when the game updates, it zooms through the loading screen and brings this up. There are no options to load data or start a new...
  8. A

    The God Keros and His Creation (A Flash Fiction)

    The God Keros and His Creation -By S.R. Woodworm Keros the god of trickery, once was simply a wandering empty form of energy. A god waiting for their form to be unfolded. One early dawn Keros was finishing what was known as Allergies, a small annoyance to some but a great fear to those with more...
  9. Kaelzaad

    Something Silly(Hey There Daliza)And a Thank-You.

    I created this account because I wanted to shout out to all the awesome creators of Corruption of Champions II. While it is unquestionably a sex game, it is an absolutely enthralling story with compelling, -real- characters. When I first I was fascinated by her story. And let's face it. She's...
  10. M

    Critical Error in saves? CoC2 version 0.4.28

    I had jumped into the fight against Chief Argoth and Benny after waiting for Arona to call. I regenerated health from Mare's Ring and was hit with the error. Error displaying this code on my Android Device: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'owner') at n.value...
  11. Beem0b0t

    Fiction recommendations?

    So, I was doing some looking earlier and there's a few pieces of fiction written for CoC2 but I couldn't find any outside of anything I've written for Etheryn. Has anyone else found or written anything for Etheryn as far as fanfiction goes out there?
  12. 4

    Flames Within Usability.

    So I was on the wiki looking at the powers and I saw Flames Within. I read it and think it's a pretty cool power and that I can buy it from Nieves at Vixen's Arcane Arsenal. But after a second I noticed that it's level 7 but you can only currently be as high as level 6 from what I recall. Does...
  13. 4

    Transformation post Keros Soulbound.

    I’m thinking of making a character that's a Kitsune and so I’m gonna go for Soulbound. I know once you’re Soulbound that yo can no longer transform certain parts of your character (such as tail, head, and face) but I do remember last time I did one that there are parts of the body that could be...
  14. H

    CoC2's Kiyoko on russian TV

    Intriguing title, isn't it? Hello everyone from Russia! Recently, I was scrolling through the channels on my old TV out of idleness, and on the "Ren.TV" ("Рен.ТВ" in russian) channel, I came across a rerun of the "Chapman Mysteries" ("Тайны Чапман" in russian) program from January 25th. In...
  15. Sparks

    Class Perk Swapping

    So I'm building my character as a paladin-esque white mage. Thought about starting out as white mage for the histories, mostly acolyte, and getting all the skills then swapping to warrior, mostly for the veteran class perk. I tried this out at one point and went through the centaur village...
  16. B

    More future Kiyoko content planned?

    Hello all, new user here. Sorry if this has been asked before but I'm just curious if there has been any talk of future Kiyoko content planned? Specifically things like more dates and just romantic stuff planned? Thanks, and sorry again if it's already been asked
  17. O

    Accidental bug that breaks entire window from alt-tabbing

    So I was playing COC2 for about 10-20 minutes, alt-tabbing between windows cause I was getting ready to play games with my friends on something else. When I did it quite rapidly because I kept going to the wrong window, and the game was in fullscreen/borderless fullscreen, the window for the...