
Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Also, this discussion should be taken to B's TiTS submission thread, this is for CoC2.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Nikol with 6,000 words! This completes his first sex scene, where you give him Cait, and it dips its toes into the scene where you and Cait both blow him.
“It’s no fun when it’s just me,” Cait says as she tosses her robes aside. Her left hand finds Nikol’s, and she moves it to his own waist, hiking up his skirt for his underwear. They shuffle their hips back and forth repeatedly, working Nikol’s underwear first off his hips, then lower, then lower. The shaft of his throbbing, mottled horsecock lifts free from its cloth cage, with the tip still stuck underneath the band.

When they collectively work the rim of his flared tip underneath the band, the whole cock, all two feet of it, lurch upward and slap Cait in her ass, right between her two cheeks. A thick, fat rope of pre slings from the tip and arches high enough to streak across her lower back, catching at the base of her tail. Even from the distance you’re sitting, you can see it throb with Nikol’s heartbeat, bloating nearly a full inch in diameter before resting, then bloating again.

[nikol.dsn|Your mouth waters a little bit. The sight, the smell – it’s hard to make out between their breathing, and your own heartbeat, and the creaking of the bed, but you swear you can <b>hear</b> it, if you focus. That’s the cock that’s bent you, broken you, made you such a mewling, thirsty [pc.race] that you’d pay for the privilege of watching it go inside someone else. It takes some amount of willpower to keep from saying that you change your mind and that you want Nikol for yourself.
[nikol.dsn|She reaches back, but Nikol stops her, gingerly gripping her by the wrist. “[],” he says, his eyes turning to you predatorily. “Guide me in.”

The breath leaves your lungs – and the strength goes to your crotch. With three little words, your [pc.hasCock|[pc.cock] is as hard as it could possibly be[pc.hasVagina|, and your]][pc.hasVagina|[pc.vagina] soaks through even more, leaving stains on the floor beneath you]. You nearly lose balance from your sitting position as you lean forward, scrambling to your knees to comply.

Cait looks over her shoulder at you, saying nothing. Her tail flicks once in curiosity. Slowly, you crawl forward and pull yourself onto the bed beside them. The heat of their bodies is matched with their combined musk: the temperature of the air gets noticeably warmer, and the thick smell of a cock is need of release mixed with a pussy in need of ruining is enough to make your eyes water.

Your hands gingerly reach for Nikol’s cock. You need both to properly wrangle a beast like that into position. Slowly, you guide the flattened, bulging flare of his cock towards Cait’s pussy, but Cait needs to scoot forward a bit to give the clearance necessary for his cock to reach. When she does, his tip presses snugly against her vulva, and when it does, you can feel another fat rope of pre surging up the underside of his shaft, pushing out from underneath your fingers.

“Good [pc.boyGirl],” Nikol congratulates. He pushes upward, just slightly, and Cait pushes downward. Despite her experience, it’s a <b>whole</b> lot of cock to take in at once, and it’s something that needs to be eased into. She winces, and reaches back with one hand to pull her ass cheeks apart, for all the good it’ll do.

From your up-close vantage point, you get to witness the particulars of a cock that huge going inside someone else. The way Cait’s body yields slowly; the way it pinches around the tip of Nikol’s cock; the sounds of flesh sliding against wet flesh. It’s as much an intricate dance as it is combat between him and her. Whole seconds pass by until Cait’s pussy finally yields and, with a lurch, the tip catches inside of her.

When you pull away, you absentmindedly lick your fingers.

I thinking of this today, when I see manga or even D&D game, dragon and many creature have the power to change form like demon in Coc. Do you think is an interresting idea to have this possibility in Tits with Frosty and Flurry? For exemple, when we have enough child their psionic abilities power up and they can switch in an alternate form like an hermaphrodite anthropomorph dragon, like Bahamut form in final fantasy 7 (epic game, I really like it) or like what we become when we take frostwyrm TF with muzzle ect (and breast experience because I like when Nykke tease Frosty with that XD), they learn of this new experience, learn to switch between normal and alternate form and reinforce the link with the PC? With that we can expand the frostyrm content and not add a new dragon because if i remember, they are no other frostwyrm pure blood in the future. It's just an idea but maybe is interresting to think about it^^. (And give more freedom for new content^^).

I've thinking of this with your work on tall Lyric and the identity concept discussion we have with her in the content. (An interresting subject even in the real life too and not forget the concept of evolution beacause in real, the Frostwyrm even if it's a little harsh to tell, are a primitive species with high possibility to evolve).
I had entertained the idea of giving Frosty an anthropomorphized form via a dreamscape. The PC falls asleep and they can fuck a twenty-foot-tall anthro version of Frosty in their dreams. But it ultimately didn't go further than about five pages because, one, it didn't really accomplish anything that Nykke didn't do (other than macro/micro, which is a valid reason to write it, but Frosty would be a poor avenue for it), and two, like TheShepard256 said, the appeal to Frosty is that she's a dragon - you wouldn't want a centaur to be 'anthro' for the exact same reasons. It removes the biggest physical appeal to the character.

As was also explained, transforming a person's body isn't really a thing within the capabilities of psionics, at least not in Frosty's case.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Nikol x Cait with 4,200 words! A lot of this is different content for Nikol's dominance parsers, BUT, overall, it's the PC sucking dick, then going face-first into his big ol' nuts while Cait takes over.
“{first time|Now, knowing my male escorts,” Cait says as she looks Nikol up and down. “And especially what I know about minotaurs… you’ve either got the cutest little cock, or you’re hung like an actual horse.” Her fingers go to the lower hem of Nikol’s skirt. “I bet it’s the latter.”|You know, I’ve seen a lot of action,” Cait says with a snicker as she looks Nikol up and down. “And of all the dicks I’ve seen, a lot of them have been pretty, well, substantial. But not a lot of them know how to work it the way you do, Nikol.” Her fingers go to the lower hem of Nikol’s skirt. “I guess all that work as an escort gives you lots of practice.”}

You and her lift his skirt out of the way to reveal a bulge that, frankly, looks out of place on a body like his. His panties stretch and strain, the fabrics audibly creaking with effort to contain that much meat as it struggles to break free. His normally-white panties are stained off-grey with pre, forming just a little below the front, where the tip of his cock has curled downwards.

{first time|Cait recoils momentarily. She was right, but she wasn’t quite prepared for how ‘right’ she was. “Whoa,” she says, then giggles. “This’ll be an adventure.”|At the sight, and smell, of Nikol’s bulge, once again this close to her face, she crinkles her nose and the tip of her tongue slips out, licking her lips. “Hello again, love,” she whispers.}
You heft his cock[pc.strengthRange 0 66| (which is a bit of an arduous task on its own, given its weight and your strength)] and glide your way down the underside, feeling its hot skin glide across your forehead. When you and Cait cross paths, she grabs you by the chin and presses her lips to yours, her tongue surging inward. It’s dry and a bit weak, but at the taste of Nikol’s pre, it comes alive, wrangling yours for every last drop you had collected and pressing against the inside of your cheeks, seeking out every nook in your jaw for more.

[nikol.dsn|Nikol lets out a single, smug ‘heh’. You feel his cock bloat slightly as another dollop of pre travels along its length. There’s nothing quite like seeing two people fight over your cum like this.|“Oh my,” Nikol whispers, lifting a hand to hide his face behind it. You feel his cock bloat slightly as another dollop of pre travels along its length. For someone as reserved as he is, he can’t deny the impulse running through him at the sight of two people fighting over his cum.|Nikol lets out a self-satisfied hum at the sight of you two. You feel his cock bloat slightly as another dollop of pre travels along its length. No matter how many times he sees it, there’s something very primeval and satisfying about seeing two people fight over his cum.]
Cait pulls away from you, leaving a string of saliva and pre between your mouths. She glides up the rest of the length of Nikol’s cock, desperate, <b>hungry</b> for more now that she’s had a proper taste. The moment her lips find the tip of his cock, you watch her throat work rhythmically, and you hear the pleasured gurgles of her swallowing something awfully tasty.

But you still have your own tasks. To your left, halfway down Nikol’s dick, are a pair of nuts the size of your face, each of them already shining and slick with Cait’s spit. When you lean in and start bathing them yourself, you’re indirectly kissing Cait once more, using Nikol’s testicles as a medium.

They’re part of a greater whole, but lavishing Nikol’s balls with your tongue is a wholly different experience and requires a different approach. Your throat relaxes now that something so big and hard is violating it, and now, your [pc.tongue] is working overtime to apply a second layer of coating to the taut, smooth skin of his sack. You reach up and cup both balls, one hand each, deepening the cleavage between them; you drag the tip of your tongue along the crease, pinching it between the meatus of the spheres and wriggling it back out.
Ought to be finished with this project either next update, or the one after.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Nikol with 2,800 words! This finishes the scene where you ands Cait blow him, and it wraps up this commission!

Read it early on my Patreon!
Once your nose arches further backward, the tip dragging into the bottom of Nikol’s ass cheeks and your tongue finds the soft flesh of his perineum, you feel an odd, yet familiar, looseness in the bottom of your back and between your own legs. Some part of you is aware, if only vaguely, that you’re cumming, and you’re doing it despite having no external feedback yourself. It’s purely through you giving your mouth to Nikol and his gargantuan[nikol.dsn|, all-encompassing] cock. With another stroke of your tongue going from the back of his sack, across the taint, and to the entrance of the canyon of his ass, [pc.hasCock|another surge of your [pc.cum] jets from your shaft and adds to the mess you’ve already made[pc.cumVol 0 1000||. There’s already so much of it that you’re practically sinking into a lake of your own jizz, and yet, it just keeps flowing][pc.hasVagina|. Simultaneously, with every other lick, ]][pc.hasVagina|your [pc.vagina] clenches and squeezes on nothing, hoping beyond hope that somebody would give it something to suck on].

[nikol.dsn|Nikol leans to one side so that he can see around the thick barrel of his cock, and he smirks to himself at the sight of you: legs spread, [pc.hasCock|[pc.cock] fully erect, fountaining ropes of your cum straight into the air only to come washing back down against yourself|[pc.vagina] exposed, the inside of your thighs soaked through with evidence of your own debauchery]. “Typical,” he says snidely, although his tone isn’t very mocking. “If you’re enjoying your position so much, why not <b>really</b> make yourself useful and… go even deeper? I bet I’ll give your kitty dinner three times over if you do.”
“Aah,” he moans out, and you feel the wrinkled star of his asshole begin to tighten even further. It’s so clenched that you never had any misgivings about probing deeper, but that’s okay: you’re perfectly content with lapping at it like a cat with a milk saucer. His glutes lift and squeeze around your cheeks, forcing them to hollow with the pressure, and your nose is lifted up higher to press into the base of his tail.

You feel his fat nuts pulling up against your [pc.chest], the smooth skin grinding against your [pc.skinFurScales]. He lets out another long, deep-chested sigh. Some distance away, Cait swallows, her throat working to suck down thick mouthfuls of potent, tasty minotaur cum. As much as you’d like to watch her cheeks fill out, then hollow, then fill out, or her throat to bob and reset with every swallow, or for her stomach to bloat and thicken as it’s packed full with Nikol’s cream, or for whatever she can’t swallow to drip down her chin and land between her boobs, or for her eyes to roll into the back of her head as she cums like you had just from swallowing his jizz… you can’t. You’re busy.
Now that he mentions it, with a little bit of creativity and imagination, you don’t doubt that there are lots of services that he, or the brothel, could provide. Roleplaying is a pretty common fetish, after all. You ask him if he could roleplay as a courier and deliver a package for you.

“Sure,” he replies warmly. “As long as the recipient is a worker here in the Passion Pasture.” Then, suddenly, he changes his posture. “Actually, the marm might not appreciate strange packages addressed to one of us coming into her business. I’ll have to workshop this a bit.”
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Nikol's threesome content is now implemented! Go and give your kitty some cream.

I'm hard at work on my next project! It's one I've been looking forward to for a while. It's futa (sorry if you hate that) and it's scalie (sorry if you hate that) and naga (sorry if you hate that). I'm hoping to have something presentable later this week.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Nikol's threesome content is now implemented! Go and give your kitty some cream.

I'm hard at work on my next project! It's one I've been looking forward to for a while. It's futa (sorry if you hate that) and it's scalie (sorry if you hate that) and naga (sorry if you hate that). I'm hoping to have something presentable later this week.
You had me at futa.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Nikol's threesome content is now implemented! Go and give your kitty some cream.

I'm hard at work on my next project! It's one I've been looking forward to for a while. It's futa (sorry if you hate that) and it's scalie (sorry if you hate that) and naga (sorry if you hate that). I'm hoping to have something presentable later this week.
Gib all these things.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
Nikol's threesome content is now implemented! Go and give your kitty some cream.

I'm hard at work on my next project! It's one I've been looking forward to for a while. It's futa (sorry if you hate that) and it's scalie (sorry if you hate that) and naga (sorry if you hate that). I'm hoping to have something presentable later this week.
I personally don't have anything against futa really my only problem is when the futa is a one way road. I'm still frustrated that both Nyx (i think was her name) and Nieve are both such futas.

I can get over them having a dick but I have zero interest in receiving.