Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Have you considered having Lyric summoned by using a Dragonsblood while in combat (outside of combat it just has its TF effect)? Similar to it being like an Effigy Seed. Maybe she just says her new body and senses are attuned to it, and by breaking one, she'll sense it and come find you. This would keep her combat summon from using up a Skill/Power slot the tradeoff is that carrying Dragonsblood will require an inventory slot, but I think most players would prefer that to one of their 5 skills. I don't think it would be too hard to code a variant use for the item if Combat is occuring.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2022
I come too see if we have news for the actual project that be a moment we not see anymore, everyone now something about it?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
"I came to see if there was anymore news about the project, its been a moment and we haven't heard anything new. Anyone know about it?"
I mean I got the gist of it, but I still had to express my utter confusion on the most broken sentence with zero typos I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure it came out of a translator, at least I hope it did.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Sorry for being late! Updated Lyric with 6k words! People keep forgetting to feed Lyric so I made these scenes sexy to entice you to come back. Also did Lyric's combat stuff, and the start of a scene where Lyric starts an altercation with Arona.
Lyric is initially taken aback by the sheer size of the pouch{lyric.isDom|. But, at the sight of it, [lyric.heShe] quickly regains [lyric.hisHer] composure – and a smug, cocksure grin spreads across [lyric.hisHer] face. “Give it here,” [lyric.heShe] says, offering [lyric.hisHer] upturned left hand, fingers splayed, expecting you to place the bag in [lyric.hisHer] palm. You do so.

Rather than pull the mouth of the bag apart and dump the whole thing into [lyric.hisHer] mouth, [lyric.heShe] instead, with [lyric.hisHer] free hand, pinches [lyric.hisHer] thumb and index finger together, then reaches into the bag and withdraws a single coin. “Purse your lips,” [lyric.heShe] instructs, presenting the coin’s edge to your mouth.

It’s an unusual ask: it’s supposed to be Lyric’s treat. But you do as [lyric.heShe] says, and with your [pc.lipsChaste] tightened against each other, [lyric.heShe] presses the coin between them, sticking out halfway from your mouth. [lyric.HeShe] doesn’t push it in any further.

Then, with the coin still halfway in your mouth, [lyric.heShe] leans forward, pressing [lyric.hisHer] own scaly lips to yours. With a slow, thorough swipe of [lyric.hisHer] tongue, the coin is swished from your mouth – [lyric.hisHer] tongue dipping an inch into your maw – and pressed into [lyric.hisHer] own.

Lyric leans back and shows off the coin in [lyric.hisHer] own mouth, standing on its edge between [lyric.hisHer] lips with a toothy smile. With a flip of [lyric.hisHer] lips, it vanishes into [lyric.hisHer] mouth, and [lyric.hisHer] jaw presses down, [lyric.hisHer] teeth easily cutting through the metal with a satisfying crunch. “That’s one,” [lyric.heShe] says as [lyric.heShe] reaches back into the pouch with [lyric.hisHer] thumb and index finger. “Only ninety-nine left to go.”
You try to imagine the sight from an outside perspective: you, pinned, smothered underneath your dragon, while [lyric.heShe] feeds [lyric.himHer]self one coin at a time by pressing [lyric.hisHer] tongue into your mouth. Lyric humps you unabashedly all throughout, and you hump [lyric.himHer] back, desperate to find some kind of purchase against [lyric.hisHer] gargantuan body. You’re out in the open air of your campsite, but neither of you care: gone is the timid-yet-promiscuous kobold that was willing to do anything you asked, and in [lyric.hisHer] place is a bold, brash dragon that is <b>having</b> you the way [lyric.heShe] <b>wants</b> to have you. If only [lyric.heShe] would reach for the waistband of your [pc.lowerGarments] and work [lyric.hisHer] fingers [pc.hasCock|around|into] your–

“Aaaand, one hundred,” Lyric sighs as [lyric.heShe] pulls back. [lyric.HeShe] looks down at you with smug satisfaction as [lyric.heShe] wipes [lyric.hisHer] mouth with the back of [lyric.hisHer] arm. “Thanks for the meal, [].”

That’s… that’s it? That can’t be it!

“I have no idea what you mean,” [lyric.heShe] says coyly as [lyric.heShe] tilts [lyric.hisHer] head to one side. That smug grin of [lyric.hisHers] spreads wider across [lyric.hisHer] jagged, draconic muzzle. To prove that [lyric.heShe] had eaten all one hundred coins, [lyric.heShe] turns the pouch, now empty and flaccid, upside down, waving the bag a few times to prove that there isn’t a single thing left inside it. “That is, indeed, ‘it’.”
Despite the frozen tranquility of the moment, the amount of coins in the pouch dwindle, and the pouch is left sitting deflated and empty beside you soon enough. The muffled sound of metal being rent and torn finally stops. After a few seconds of Lyric’s mouth hanging open and [lyric.hisHer] tongue being left unoccupied, [lyric.heShe] opens one eye, [lyric.hisHer] pupil dilated before relaxing back into its normal vertical slit. “All gone?” [lyric.heShe] asks with a whisper. You confirm.

[lyric.HeShe] sits up with a sigh and a heft. You both climb to your feet, with you picking up the empty pouch as you rise, and dust yourselves off. “I liked that,” [lyric.heShe] says to you, smiling warmly. [lyric.HisHer] cheeks rise to [lyric.hisHer] eyes.

[pc.isDK|You admit that it was a better time than you were expecting.|You respond that you liked it, too. It was a good bonding experience.]

Lyric doesn’t say or do anything for a moment, preferring to simply… stand and regard you, basking in the moment that you two shared. It was just you feeding [lyric.himHer] money, but it was also more than that.

“Hey, umm,” [lyric.heShe] says, averting [lyric.hisHer] eyes and blushing yellow. [lyric.HeShe] scratches the back of [lyric.hisHer] head, not because it’s itchy, but because [lyric.heShe] needs [lyric.hisHer] hand to do something. “If you ever, like… wanna do that again, but we switch spots… I wouldn’t be opposed.”

You smile, and tease that you doubt the metal of the electrum would agree with you.

“I mean… I could cut up some apples, or something,” [lyric.heShe] offers. “Or we could find some grapes…”

Well, now [lyric.heShe]’s speaking your language. You’ll let [lyric.himHer] know if the opportunity ever comes up.}
From the look on Lyric’s face, there’s going to be an altercation between [lyric.himHer] and Arona. [pc.isDK|Frankly, it ought to make for a good show: [lyric.isTall|Arona would sooner challenge Lyric to a fight than to justify herself for whatever it is Lyric’s mad about|Arona is nearly twice Lyric’s height, and who knows how many times [lyric.hisHer] weight. It’s not going to end well for the kobold. Although, you suppose, you’d better be on-hand just to make sure Arona doesn’t kill [lyric.himHer].|You don’t know what Lyric’s so mad about, but you ought to put a stop to things before it escalates: [lyric.isTall|[lyric.heShe] might be a touch taller[lyric.electrumRange 0 400|, and maybe heavier,] than Arona, but Lyric isn’t a fighter – if [lyric.heShe]’s looking for trouble, Arona’s going to fold [lyric.himHer] in half, and then in half again|Lyric is half Arona’s height, and Arona’s idea of ‘de-escalation’ usually involves her fists, if it doesn’t involve her other body parts].]

[pc.isDK|You let Lyric approach Arona|Before you can try and distract Lyric, [lyric.heShe] approaches Arona], [lyric.isTall|[lyric.hisHer] feet stomping on the ground hard enough that you can feel the vibrations from where you are|lifting [lyric.hisHer] knees and stomping down with every step to try and amp [lyric.himHer]self up, but all it’s really doing is hurting [lyric.hisHer] ankles]. “You!” [lyric.heShe] shouts accusatorily, [lyric.hisHer] finger jutting in Arona’s direction. “Arona!”

[party.som||Arona tilts her head in Lyric’s direction at the sound of her name|[], recognizing the posture in Lyric’s gait, opts to take [comp2.hisHer] leave before things get ugly. Arona tilts her head in Lyric’s direction at the sound of her name], [lyric.isTall|tilting her gaze upward slightly to look into [lyric.hisHer] golden eyes|looking around in confusion for a moment before tilting her head down towards the pint-sized kobold]. “Oh,” she says, [lyric.isTall|lifting her eyebrows as she eyes Lyric. “‘Sup, [|fella|girl]?”|putting her hands on her thighs as she bends at the waist, looking straight down at Lyric. “It’s the team mascot! What’cha need, pint-size?”]
I come too see if we have news for the actual project that be a moment we not see anymore, everyone now something about it?
I took the week of the 16th to the 20th off because I didn't feel well, and I've been struggling with sleep/motivation this past week. I'm hoping to speak with a doctor about it early October.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Lyric with 6,000 words! This is entirely Lyric vs Arona: the beginning, middle, and end of the conversation. Arona is unrepentant about orcish slave trade - should she even apologize for something she didn't personally do?
Arona’s borderline-disinterested expression doesn’t change. The most she does is give Lyric a single raised eyebrow. “You think that just because I’m an orc, that means that I had anything to do with the ones that kidnapped your village?”

Lyric doesn’t answer, and while [lyric.hisHer] back remains straight, [lyric.hisHer] expression falters a bit. “Well–”

“For that matter,” she continues, her eyebrows arching downward, “you think that, just because I’m an orc, I have anything to do with the slave trade at all?” She crosses her arms [lyric.isTall|as she looks up at Lyric|as she bends over to stare down at Lyric] judgmentally. “I never would have thought that a <b>kobold</b>, of all things, would be the one to be racist to orcs to my face. I always thought it was gonna be [party.has Kiyoko|that Kiyoko [arona.isDom|bitch|lady]|one of those uptight kitsune folks].”

As soon as Arona uses that word, Lyric’s posture deflates entirely. [lyric.HeShe] had approached Arona with such [pc.isDK|piss and vinegar|a fire in [lyric.hisHer] belly] that [lyric.heShe] didn’t entertain the idea that Arona not only had nothing to do with it, but didn’t even practice the slave trade like other tribes did.

[pc.isDK|Of course, you know better. You don’t know if Arona had anything to do with Lyric’s community, but you know that her tribe is involved in the slave trade, and she’s just making Lyric take the piss.|But… you’re pretty sure that Arona’s tribe <b>does</b> work in–]

“I-I’m sorry,” Lyric stutters. [lyric.HisHer] shoulders slump and [lyric.isTall|[lyric.heShe] slouches a bit, to bring [lyric.himHer]self to Arona’s eye level|[lyric.hisHer] tail coils defensively around [lyric.hisHer] ankles]. “I didn’t mean to be so–”

“I mean,” Arona shrugs hard enough to make her tits bounce in her bandeau, “I <b>am</b> involved in the slave trade. But it ain’t ‘cause I’m an orc.”

Lyric’s eyes go wide and [lyric.heShe] visibly recoils, as if [lyric.heShe] had just been slapped. Arona scratches at her chin thoughtfully. “Or maybe ‘cause it is?” she muses. “We’re the best in the business at it, and all. I don’t know who else does it like we do.”

“What the… heck!” Lyric yells, lifting both of [lyric.hisHer] palms upward in disbelief. “Arona!”
You stand with Arona next to the heat of your campfire. She stands awkwardly, shuffling from one foot to the other as she tries to diffuse the tension in her body. Not that either of you expected things to get any wilder than some loud words, but even still, Arona, for all her strength and fortitude… it’s easy to make her feel uncomfortable.

Then, suddenly, her posture changes: she spreads her legs, balls her hands into fists, and triumphantly places her fists on her hips. “That went well!” she exclaims.

… About as well as either you or her could have hoped for, you suppose.

“How would you have handled it?” she asks you.

[pc.isDK|Not any differently. Arona is right: slavery is just a part of orc culture and one of their means of surviving in this shitty world. Only the strong survive. A part of you wishes that things aren’t like that, but… it isn’t. And sugarcoating it for anyone, even someone as sensitive to the topic as Lyric, isn’t going to help anything.

“‘Only the strong,’ huh,” Arona hums, rubbing at her chin. “Then… why do you keep the crybaby around[lyric.electrumRange 0 300|? For that fat ass of [lyric.hisHers]]? For someone that hates being a slave, [lyric.heShe] acts like [lyric.heShe]’s barely more than a pet to you.”

Aside from the fact that Lyric provides a number of… ‘personal services’ for you: Lyric survived being captured by slavers, then being forced to swim in the ocean in the dark of night for hours on end, then being outcast to the frozen wastes of the Glacial Rift. Only the strong survive. And for Lyric to have made it this far, [lyric.heShe]’s one of the toughest motherfuckers you know.

Arona’s eyes widen, her hand remaining on her chin. “Is all of that true?”

You don’t think Lyric has it in [lyric.himHer] to tell a lie. At least, not to you.

“Goddamn,” she murmurs, turning her gaze back to Lyric as [lyric.heShe] heads to your tent. “I didn’t know all of that.”
“Just… answer my question,” Lyric pleads. “I’ve been jerked around enough in the last five minutes to last me a lifetime. Please, [], just… tell me what it is you see in her. Is it her dick? Her muscles? Is she somehow just different around you? Does she treat you that way, too, and you’re into that?”

[pc.dcb|“Shut up, Lyric,” you snap.

Unsurprisingly, Lyric’s jaw snaps shut and [lyric.heShe] doesn’t so much as make a whimper. Although, [lyric.hisHer] nostrils flare from a sudden sharp breath.

You tell Lyric that questions like those are loaded and serve no other purpose than to try and drive a wedge between you and Arona, and you refuse to answer them. You don’t need to justify why you keep the company that you do.

Lyric’s upset. That’s plain to see and it’s easy to understand why. But with questions like those, [lyric.heShe]’s lashing out and trying to put you on ‘[lyric.hisHer] side’ over Arona’s. You keep both [lyric.himHer] and Arona around for different reasons.

You tell Lyric to take some deep breaths. In through [lyric.hisHer] nose and out through [lyric.hisHer] mouth. That’ll calm [lyric.himHer] down.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Glad I'm not doing a dark knight playthrough, on my current file, I love both girls, but PC was being a huge dick unnecessarily, like come one, isn't there away to get both girls to reconcile, overall this is some good content, it's just that, dark knight content is not my cup of tea. Even if Arona is not at fault, and maybe lyric might have overreacted, i still would not not want my PC responding insensitively to either of the girl's feelings, but that's just me.
P.S looking forward for more content, it's looking great.