
Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
I also lean pure fem but if Petreon is worth 2 votes I think it's likely for the dickgirl.

I wouldn't call prestrapped feminine characters niche in these games but patrons tend to patronize for less vanilla content. More interested in seeing how it shakes out than the actual content really.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Holy fuck, counting the Patreon votes, the results have pure fem imp winning by a single vote, 138 to 137

I'm... going to sleep on this. Maybe I'll do both. Maybe I won't and save myself the torture. These results are so narrow, I feel like I ought to do something.
I also lean pure fem but if Petreon is worth 2 votes I think it's likely for the dickgirl.

I wouldn't call prestrapped feminine characters niche in these games but patrons tend to patronize for less vanilla content. More interested in seeing how it shakes out than the actual content really.
Dickgirls won the vote by 26 (52) to 21 (42), while, on Twitter, pure fem won 96 to 85.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2022
Will the Imp only dom or can we hope for some scenes as equals or the imp as a sub aswell?


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2020
Then I suppose she's not a hostile encounter? As it seems there won't be "victory" scenes. Will she be a friendly NPC that shows up normally?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
Holy fuck, counting the Patreon votes, the results have pure fem imp winning by a single vote, 138 to 137

I'm... going to sleep on this. Maybe I'll do both. Maybe I won't and save myself the torture. These results are so narrow, I feel like I ought to do something.

Dickgirls won the vote by 26 (52) to 21 (42), while, on Twitter, pure fem won 96 to 85.
That's such a close margin it's genuinely hilarious; I certainly don't envy you right now.

Whatever you pick, its worth remembering that I dont think anyone will mind if you just stick to one or the other for the sake of keeping things simple. You've put so much work into so many massive back-to-back projects that you probably deserve to have something that's light on parsers for once.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
In either CoC2 or Tits I find there's a sorry lack of pure fem dom characters. If its a dom than its more than likely to have a dick and I just loose interest personally.

Obviously, there's a market for the content so I don't want to seem bitter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2021
I voted for pure female. I'm intrigued how a imp, who was a purely male enemy, would translate into a female enemy. Giving them a dick with a feminin body is less intresting, as they wouldn't be that much different from the male ones we know. Just more soft, squishy bits.

I'm hoping she will be a bratty little gremlin. Makes getting dommed adorable, hilarious and hot. Bonus points if your champ is a absolute Behemoth with monumental assets.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Having slept on it... I'm just going to stick with fem imp. This is supposed to be a for-me project and it's not a commission, so I'm not getting paid for it. I don't want more parsers to deal with.
Besides, I've wanted to write pussy worshipping for a while now.
Then I suppose she's not a hostile encounter? As it seems there won't be "victory" scenes. Will she be a friendly NPC that shows up normally?
She's non-hostile, correct. The plan was for her to be an random option that shows up adjacent to the imps in the Frost Hound when you go to bed that shows up more and more frequently the more you choose her.
I'm hoping she will be a bratty little gremlin. Makes getting dommed adorable, hilarious and hot. Bonus points if your champ is a absolute Behemoth with monumental assets.
The plan was for her to speak very little, if ever, and she'd have her body do all the talking. Since she's going to be a consistent encounter (I am very, very bad at random encounters) then she ought to have a name, but I'm not sure how to give it to the PC if she doesn't speak. One idea was having it tattooed to her abdomen so anyone going down on her would have plenty of time to memorize it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
I'm finally ready to reveal one of my two ongoing projects: Ivaze the fem imp! She came second in the passion projects poll, and she was decided to be pure female by a single vote in a second poll later. She is a random encounter that can replace the male imp encounters at Hawkethorne after you clear the Winter City.

Ivaze is pure female; loves sitting on people's faces; and if you let her visit you enough times and you own the Wayfort, you can invite her there so that her appearances are no longer random and you have access to a handful of other scenes.

Ivaze isn't a commission, meaning I need to give her less priority than my commissioned work. Like with Oma, I intend to put in a thousand words here and there whenever I can, and eventually, we'll get to the end.

Public doc:
As always, all updates will be on my Patreon: As of this writing, there is no difference between the public doc and the Patreon doc.
Sometime in the night, you hear the sound of wings beating just outside of your window. You turn over in your bed and look out its glass, expecting to see beautiful harpies looking to pay you a visit – but you see an unfamiliar silhouette perched on your window sill. A shapely feminine figure, as you had expected, but with scaly wings sprouting from her back and a thin, whip-like tail that ends in a spade. Although her body is obscured by the blackness of night, you can make out the hourglass shape of her form… and you can see the yellows of her eyes, glowing iridescently, watching your every movement.

You sit up and throw the covers off yourself as you eye your weapon on the floor. There’s an imp at your window! A girl imp!
Your slavish kisses to her cunt has her sigh with satisfaction, but it’s not enough: she flaps her wings once and places her right foot on your back, just above your shoulders, gently but firmly instructing you to pick up the pace. You do so with aplomb: the moment your tongue snakes out and touches the tasty, swollen folds of her vulva, you can no longer contain yourself, and you drive into her like you were trying to dig a hole through an apple with your tongue.

Every breath you take is full-chested: all the way in and out through your nose, often with a lightheaded sigh on the exhale as her musk sets itself deep into your nose and lungs. Every little bump and contour inside of her tunnel is at once like you getting comfortable in a warm home, and you exploring a hidden nook that you’ve never seen before. Her flavor is familiar, yet exotic, and your senses demand that you taste her more.

She sighs once, too, leaning her head back as her exhale slowly turns into a single, haughty laugh. Her right hand goes up to massage her heavy tit, her index finger twiddling at the black nub of her nipple, while her left remains on her hip, nice and relaxed. This is your room, but she’s acting like she owns it, and you’re paying the fee for sleeping in it with your mouth.
Not tonight,” you say loudly enough that your voice carries through the glass window. You don’t say it with a commanding, definite authority; you say it more like you’re offering to do it some other night, and that you’re just trying to put it off for now.

You roll over and throw the covers of the bed over your body. Just as your eyes shut again, you hear a heavy ‘thud!’ on the room’s window; you bolt upright in surprise, and when you look at the glass, you see Ivaze pressed against it, her boobs squishing up against the pane, her nipples so hard you’d think they might cut right through it. Her face is pressed against it, too, with her tongue – her freakishly-long tongue, at least a foot in length, if not more – wetly wriggling against the glass, leaving streaks of saliva wherever it touches. The glint of her pussy’s juices shines in the moonlight, amplified by the glass.

She’s having a hard time accepting a ‘no,’ but she doesn’t try to bust open the window: she’s just trying to get you to change your mind. You shake your head and lie back down.

After a few seconds, you hear her make a pouty ‘hmph!’ before peeling away from the glass and taking off, leaving you to your rest.
A thought crosses your mind about Ivaze, and how often she shows up, and when’s the next time you’ll meet her, and why she needs to leave before dawn, and where she even goes during the day–

It’s an awful lot of thoughts at once, but, before Ivaze can turn around and flap out of the window as she normally does, you call out to her and ask her to wait. She, to your mild surprise, obliges, but remains still; she doesn’t approach your bed for another round like you half-expected her to do.

Instead, you get out of bed and lean out of the open window, standing next to her. You find road leading north out of Hawkethorne and you put into the horizon, telling Ivaze that there’s a fortress down the road, a short ways past the Old Forest, that belongs to you. If she needs a place to stay during the day, she’s more than welcome to stay there – and you and her can have all the fun you like whenever you’re in the area.

Ivaze stands next to you, squinting out the window in the direction you’re pointing. She looks to you, then smiles; with a flap of her wings, she vaults onto the window sill[pc.heightRange 0 50|, squats down], cups your chin, and leans in to kiss you on the [pc.lips] – and, with your mouth obediently open, her tongue easily slides in, cramming both of your cheeks full of her long, prehensile tongue as it wraps and writhes inside of your jaw, filling every corner and squeezing down on every inch of your own. She ‘mmm’s in delight at the taste of you, and at the older, mostly-dried taste of her pussy still lingering on your tongue and in your cheeks.

After nearly a minute of her tongue slopping and swishing around inside of your mouth, she withdraws it, one inch at a time, and with as much wet slurping as she can.

You’ll take that as a ‘yes.’


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Announcing my second of two projects: Kailani, the vulperine huntress and not!Krystal expy! One of the dream projects I wanted to write for CoC2 was a not!Krystal vulperine woman, and as timing would have it, now's my chance!

This document is for a fox lady named Kailani, meant to be an expy to Krystal from Star Fox. Kailani is a spear-wielding huntress that speaks a unique language and has a clouded past; she's the adoptive mother of her cousin's daughter and has made it her life's mission to discover the truth about her parents and why they've gone missing. Kailani is very fluffy and wears vanishingly little clothing, just like the real Krystal.

Kailani is a commission, and she'll be taking priority between her and Ivaze going forward. I've been looking forward to this one; I hope you enjoy reading her!

Also, she's pure female and although she's an adoptive mother, she's a virgin, for anyone interested in that kind of content.

Public doc:

As usual, all future updates are on my Patreon:
Your boots tromp through the snow, the fluffy powder making a satisfying crunch under your weight with every step. You[party.som|| and []|and your companions] keep your eyes peeled around you for any sudden movements; you’re a foreigner that’s out of [pc.hisHer] element, and you–

Just as you pass underneath the dead tree, you hear the sound of a branch snapping; you see a thin line in the snow suddenly lurch upward; you feel a tight, sharp pain in your right ankle; and out of the corner of your eye, you see the tree above you start to shift, its whole body springing upright. Before you can register what’s happening, you’re knocked onto your side and you’re whipped straight up into the air, flinging upward nearly a dozen feet before swinging around helplessly like a clapper in a bell.

Before your senses can come back to you[party.som|| and [] can come to your aid| and your companions can either help you or ready themselves for an ambush], a nearby mound of snow erupts like something within it had burst. The sound of a warrior yelling a battle cry echoes off the craggy wall behind you, and you happen to catch the glint of a sharpened weapon [dayNight|against the bright snow|in the moon’s light] headed straight for you!
You can hear the sound of her taking a step in the snow, and [] refuses to budge; she’s not going to get near you without first going through [comp1.himHer]. “[pc.dcb|Hold on,” you say to []. “Is she hot?”

A minor pause. “[party.has Agnimita Arona Atugia Brint Quintillus|She’s not bad, yeah.”|I mean… I suppose?”]

“Then it’s okay,” you say. “Let her cut me down.”|Let her do it,” you say, although your voice doesn’t exactly sound as inspiring as you had hoped, given your predicament. “We’re not exactly in the best of positions, here. I don’t want to start a fight.”|No, no,” you insist, wagging your arms and kicking your free leg to try and turn around to see the woman. “She sounds hot. I’m into a hottie that knows her way around a rope! Let her cut me down!”]
“My hunt is ruined,” she confirms bitterly. “My prey is wily and cunning; it will have heard you getting caught in my trap, and it will be some time before it will approach again. It is because of you and your carelessness that my hunt has failed.”

Well, that’s hardly fair: it’s not exactly your fault that she left out a trap and you got caught in it. If she was so determined to capture this thing, she should have stopped you somehow.

“And reveal my position,” she states, her lips curling in frustration at your words. “You understand nothing. I will reset my trap here,</i> taminyk.<i>; it will not be today or tomorrow. Watch your footing the next time you are in the area.”

With that, she finishes rolling the rope around her arm, and she makes her way south, towards the vulperine village you had passed by on the way up the mountain.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2021
B are you going to update your first page with this information on your current and finished projects?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
Announcing my second of two projects: Kailani, the vulperine huntress and not!Krystal expy! One of the dream projects I wanted to write for CoC2 was a not!Krystal vulperine woman, and as timing would have it, now's my chance!

This document is for a fox lady named Kailani, meant to be an expy to Krystal from Star Fox. Kailani is a spear-wielding huntress that speaks a unique language and has a clouded past; she's the adoptive mother of her cousin's daughter and has made it her life's mission to discover the truth about her parents and why they've gone missing. Kailani is very fluffy and wears vanishingly little clothing, just like the real Krystal.

Kailani is a commission, and she'll be taking priority between her and Ivaze going forward. I've been looking forward to this one; I hope you enjoy reading her!

Also, she's pure female and although she's an adoptive mother, she's a virgin, for anyone interested in that kind of content.

Public doc:

As usual, all future updates are on my Patreon:
Excited as I am for basically any new project from you, I do feel obligated to ask: will there be some sort of variation on the intro scene (perhaps based on stats or background) where you set off the trap without actually being snared yourself and having to wait to be cut down? I'm not the sort of person who cares myself, but if the discussions around Leofric are any indication there's clearly a contingent of players who take any NPC getting the upper hand on them very seriously. While I wouldn't blame you for just ignoring them, you can probably head off any complaints ahead of time by maybe having high agility/cunning players just set off the trap and then stand and wait for Kailani to confront them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Excited as I am for basically any new project from you, I do feel obligated to ask: will there be some sort of variation on the intro scene (perhaps based on stats or background) where you set off the trap without actually being snared yourself and having to wait to be cut down? I'm not the sort of person who cares myself, but if the discussions around Leofric are any indication there's clearly a contingent of players who take any NPC getting the upper hand on them very seriously. While I wouldn't blame you for just ignoring them, you can probably head off any complaints ahead of time by maybe having high agility/cunning players just set off the trap and then stand and wait for Kailani to confront them.
I think the Leofric case is a little different as it comes with no warning and then ends up with no pay off, guy comes in knocks you out and then leaves while apparently being the reason the mercs are harassing you in the first place. I doubt the scenario for Kailani would be quite so annoying but yeah having an agility/cunning check would be good just for the sake of making stats matter and interacting with the player more.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Kailani with 2,000 words! This whole update focuses on you just trying to get on the right foot with her; your relationship started kind of poorly, after all. Luckily, she's just as interested in mending bridges as you are.
Is it? Given how she reacted to you and your affiliation with Keros, you’d have thought that she’d want as little to do with you as possible.

“That is why it is good that you had,” she says, relaxing her shoulders. “Many lifetimes ago, it is Keros’ people, the</i> wrick kimna-wuute<i>, that had forced my people off their land and out of their homes. My kind – we vulps – we have every reason to bare hatred toward Keros and his ilk.”

And… it’s <i>good</i> that you’re here, she said?

The huntress takes a deep breath as she looks over the village. You try to follow her eyes, but you don’t know exactly what it is she’s looking at. “We vulps of the mountain are… how you say,</i> komnifrecht<i>. Alone. There is a world that exists beyond our mountain, and beyond the harpies. We cannot live in anger forever. It was not <b>you</b> that did harm to my vulps.”

She sighs, in through her nose and out through her mouth, trying to let go of the tension that’s built up inside of herself. “Keros lives as Sorra lives, and though the</i> wrick kimna-wuute <i>have done wrong to my people, <b>you</b> have not done wrong to them, or to me. My teachings are to fear Keros, but our leaders,” she continues, pointing to a pair of vulperines standing off beside one of the larger tents – both men, one of them large and strong, and the other old, grey, hunched over, but with a countenance that suggested that he was once a strong warrior himself, “they – we have seen the way of the world; we feel the changes that reach even us. Our way of life cannot protect us forever. We cannot remain alone. We must stop being alone.”

Both of her hands reach your shoulders, keeping you square with her. “And so, it is good that you are here, that I may… make right the wrongs I had done to you. I was angry that my hunt had been spoiled and that my trap had been undone. My actions were wrong.”
Once you’re squared with her, she lifts her left hand, palm facing upward, her fingers together – and does nothing. She watches you intently, her deep, piercing-blue eyes watching you for a response that you’re apparently supposed to be giving her.[pc.isBimbo|

Maybe she wants a low-five!

Rearing your right hand up, you slap your hand against hers, giving a jovial ‘hi-YAHH!’ as you do so. It’s a good, solid, flat impact: the sound of your [pc.skinFurScales] evenly impacts her palm, giving off a satisfying ‘crack!’ that reverberates against her tent and out into the village. It’s loud enough that some of the other vulperines turn their heads toward you. But you’re careful not to give her <i>too</i> much torque: low-fives can really hurt, if you swing too hard! Oh, and high-fives, too!

The huntress flinches, her face curling up in pain and surprise as she reels her hand back. She stares at her hand, then at you, looking at you with utter, inconsolable confusion, completely baffled on what you did or why you did it. You, meanwhile, look at her with the biggest, goofiest grin you can, satisfied at such a good low-five – but when you read her face, it suddenly dawns on you that that’s not what she wanted.
“I am asking you for…” She struggles, her words catching in her throat. “I do not know the word in your language. I am asking you for</i> kimlemiem<i>. ‘Peace’ is the best word I can think of. If there is peace between us, you will place your hand in mine. And if there is not, you will not.”

You look in her hand, then up to her eyes, slightly hidden underneath her raised cheeks as she smiles at you earnestly. She’s really trying to mend whatever bridges you burnt when you tripped that wire trap in the mountain. Before you do anything, you ask her what her name is – you can’t rightly ‘make peace’ if you don’t even know her name.

“I am Ibulim Kailani,” she answers, straightening her back and placing her right hand onto her chest, with her fingers pointed up just beneath her chin. A vulperine method of greeting, perhaps.

You respond her your own name, and then you tell Ibulim that–

“I have done you wrong,” she interrupts, bowing her head slightly. The sway of her long, unkempt hair brushes against her fur as it bobs with the motion. “‘Ibulim’ is my family. I am Kailani.”

Well… you tell Kailani that there is peace between you two, and to emphasize that, you place your left hand in hers.

“Your other hand,” she says with a light laugh, which is a little awkward, but you do so: your fingers, and your thumbs, are perfectly aligned with each other. [pc.isBimbo|It feels kinda nice.|Perhaps there’s symbolism there.]

Kailani smiles at you, her grey lips spreading as her cheeks reach her eyes more thoroughly. “You are welcome in the village of the vulps,” she says.
B are you going to update your first page with this information on your current and finished projects?
I suppose I could, I'm pretty bad at keeping that up-to-date.
Excited as I am for basically any new project from you, I do feel obligated to ask: will there be some sort of variation on the intro scene (perhaps based on stats or background) where you set off the trap without actually being snared yourself and having to wait to be cut down? I'm not the sort of person who cares myself, but if the discussions around Leofric are any indication there's clearly a contingent of players who take any NPC getting the upper hand on them very seriously. While I wouldn't blame you for just ignoring them, you can probably head off any complaints ahead of time by maybe having high agility/cunning players just set off the trap and then stand and wait for Kailani to confront them.
Already did! If you pass a Cunning check (75% of cap), then you spot the trap ahead of time and set it off without stepping in it. Narratively, it changes nothing, other than ensuring that the PC isn't made out to be a fool.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Kailani with 4,000 words! This completes her introductions (and repeats); it does her appearance screen, complete with references; and it gets about halfway through the first talking topic.
When you approach, both she and [inaya.introduced|Inaya|the kid] look up toward you. “[]!” she says, waving you over. “</i>Houa! Indula![1]<i> It is good to see you!”

When you approach, Kailani extends her right hand, its palm facing inward. {second time meeting Kailani|You, without thinking, place your hand in hers and give her a firm, strong handshake – and only after you see the look on her confused face do you realize that you’ve made a silly error.

She laughs well-meaningly, and, with a gentle hand, guides yours up her forearm, nearly up to her elbow, and then guides your fingers shut. With her own hand up your own forearm, she does the same. Her grip isn’t especially strong, but it’s not meant to be: the vulperine version of a handshake is just a touch more intimate, it seems.}{third or more times meeting Kailani|Having learned your lesson, you open your hand and reach up her forearm, closer to her elbow, and you give the toned muscle a light squeeze. She reciprocates, her lips thinning into a warm smile, and she ‘mmm’s in contentment at the gesture.}

[1] “Hello! Welcome!”
Still, once she feels the message is received, she pulls away from you and turns back to her kids. “Inaya,” she says, getting the girl’s attention. “</i>Opal imbi ou hierek-briw[1]<i>.”

With a smile on her face, Inaya picks up Opal – but rather than head straight for the village’s bonfire, she approaches you. “It is good to see you, [|papa|mama],” Inaya says, chewing through her words a little sluggishly. Opal, being a baby, says nothing, but when she recognizes you, her hands reach out towards you affectionately.

[pc.isDK|You rest your hand on Inaya’s head, ruffling her fur a bit, before doing the same to Opal and sending them on their way. You’re still not sure how you feel about being a parent to such… emotionally needy kids. Or being a parent at all.|Without skipping a beat, you bend one knee and pull both Inaya and Opal in for a warm hug, and they both reciprocate, with Inaya burying her muzzle into your neck. She squeezes you <i>really</i> tightly, way more than necessary. Not that you mind.]

Inaya and Opal head off towards the village’s bonfire, still within eyesight and earshot of Kailani’s hut. Kailani stands next to you, her arms crossed, and then she leans into you, her head resting against your shoulders as she watches her two daughters run off to play with the other kids of the village.[weightedRand 90 5 5||

Kailani sighs through her nose. “</i>Ui imnu yol,<i>” she whispers, loud enough for you to hear.

[pc.dcb|You don’t respond at all.|You easily find her hand with yours, and your fingers interlock.|You, uh… you need to brush up on your vulperine. ‘Ui imnu yol[2]’ is a good thing, right?

Kailani giggles. “Yes.”]|Kailani sighs through her nose. “I love you,” she whispers, loud enough for you to hear.

[pc.dcb|You don’t respond at all. It doesn’t bother her.|You easily find her hand with yours, and your fingers interlock.|“Thanks,” you say automatically, your mouth moving faster than your brain. “Uh,” you stutter in an attempt to right yourself, “I love you too, that’s what I meant!”

[1] Literally, “Opal take to village-fire.” Translated, “Take Opal to [the] bonfire.”
[2] Literally, “I love you.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Is she a pure female? Loving her so far. Might have to do a Kitsune playthrough again.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Kailani with 4,000 words! This completes her talk topic on being a hunter, and it fully completes two more: one on her family and what's happened to them, and one on her tribal tattoos and their meanings. She's very happy that you take such a keen interest in her culture!
Shifting topics slightly, you ask Kailani how the hunt has been going in general. Not just with whatever prey is in the caves, but the hunt that she does to bring food into the village. You’d have thought that wild game wouldn’t be so easy to find in an area as desolate as this.

“Going far to hunt food is normal,” she notes. “And the hunt is more than big game. Fish is – uh, there is many fish in the lake. Hunting and fishing are the same.”

But then, her expression clouds over as she looks to the door to her hut. Specifically, her eyes draw upward, toward the bow she has on display: it’s old, badly worn, and the string is tattered, looking like it might snap the next time she goes to draw it.

“The hunt is <b>too</b> good,” she notes, her voice wavering with uneasiness. “The world is… not the same.</i> Omlinawo[1]<i>, or, big meat, do not come this way.</i> Ibulimo <i>go to big meat, but… this has not been true any more. They come to us. The world is not the same and it is… um, the elders are…” She gesticulates with her hands some more, her face scrunching up as she stutters through her syllables. “The elders are</i> fwricht[2]<i>. They are not happy.”

You think you can understand what she means by ‘the world is changing.’ Thanks to recent events, the imp and demon populations have been on the rise, which would upset the local animal ecosystems and drive them out of their habitats, forcing them towards people like Kailani and her village.

[1] “Animals,” generally referring to something larger enough to feed a person. A smaller animal, such as a cat, would not qualify.
[2] “Upset.”
“My</i> umwricht<i> was a village hunter. Many village hunters from my</i> umwricht<i> side. Big game; small game; fish. Hunted all meat. Many old leathers in the village are from hunts he made.”

Again, she stares at the spear propped against the stone wall for a long moment. “Once,” she continues, chewing through the word, “he went out to hunt. He did not come home. Hunters went to – heh, to hunt the hunter. Hunt and bring him home.” She smirks wryly at her own joke, but it fades just as quickly as it comes up. “They follow his trail, but it stops.</i> Ib oo nah nim lambruwlechin[1]<i>. They could not find him. He was gone.”

She leans backward, her index finger twirling around a lock of her scraggly hair. She’s not comfortable with sitting still. “My</i> umfracht <i>was not a village hunter. But when my</i> umwricht lambruwlechin<i>, she became a village hunter. She was a mother. The most she had hunted was berries.”

After Kailani’s father disappeared, her mother jumped foot-first into the occupation, despite having no experience?

“She hunted my</i> umwricht<i>. She thought the other hunters could not find him, but she could.” Kailani rubs at the back of her right hand. “My</i> umwricht <i> left on the warm season. She did not last a season longer. One day, she went out to hunt, and she did not come back. Hunters hunted for days for them.”

[1] Literally, “he it was like disappeared.” Translated, “it was like he disappeared.” The suffix “-in” denotes past tense.
“This!” Kailani says, standing straight up and presenting her toned, furry stomach to you, pointing at it with both index fingers. In a different context, the gesture would be very inviting. “This tells of my best hunt to date! A party of hunters tracked a great beast of giant, hairy hide; of great, sharp claws; of</i> wrambol[1]<i> teeth! Big as this hut! A long nose, long as I am tall! The hunt was three suns and two moons. We laid a trap, though the beast broke it! The trap had a trap inside it; that trap did not work! Rage took the beast; it came to us, and the hunters were the hunted!”

Kailani sits back onto her pile of straw and grass, her eyes wide as she recounts the story of the greatest hunt in her life. “There were four</i> ibulim <i>in that hunt, but at that moment, we were five: Sorra was with us. It was with her strength and skill that we had struck the beast down!”

She says there were four hunters (and Sorra), and there are four angular designs on her navel pointed towards the beast. You ask[pc.isDK||, with rapt fascination,] who among them dealt the killing blow.

“We do not know,” she answers, her eyes not losing their breadth. “The beast was</i> grrim-hron[2]<i> from… from, uhh,” she stutters. She pinches her fingers together; brings them to her arm; and pantomimes them opening a hole in her arm. “From</i> thrunao[3]<i>, open-hurts. It could not go on. There was no one strike that ended the hunt.” She smiles again. “So we say that it was Sorra that did it.”

[1] “Gnashing,” or “chewing,” or otherwise movement involving the teeth.
[2] Literally, “down-brought.” Translated, “brought down.”
[3] “Wounds.”
With all that said and done, you have one last question: what is the tattoo made of? Ink would be notoriously difficult to get onto fur, especially fur as thick as hers. And none of it would stay on: it’d either wash off, or her tattooed fur would fall out over time.

“It is rock that has been</i> meulnin[1]<i>,” she answers, pounding her right fist into her left palm and grinding her knuckles into it. “Rock that has been… made to smaller rocks. It is found near water: we go to where the fish are, and under the water is soft rock that can be made to smaller rocks. But the rock is not this color – we add things that are colors that we like to the rock as we make it into smaller rocks to</i> druun<i> it.”

If you’re understanding her right, she’s saying that she takes a ‘soft rock’ – probably clay – and then adds blue things to it to dye it as she crushes it up. Doesn’t that mean she needs to reapply it when it starts to fade?

“Yes,” she nods again. “I draw my</i> omtuo<i> when the moon is bright. I use still water in a pot to see.”

… You lied, you have one more question. Why did she choose blue? Does the color blue have any significance?

“Yes,” she nods, laughing as she does. “I like it!”

[1] “Crushed.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Hi, yes, hello! I have updated Kailani with 18,464 words! I've more than doubled the document with this word dump!

Talk topics; an entire mini-dungeon, front to back; a (unsexy) bad end; and the lead-up to Kailani's first sex scene, all in this update!
“Inaya is not mine,” she repeats, her eyes going to the empty space between you and her in the hut’s common room. “She is the</i> mufralim<i> of my… my…” Her face scrunches as she fails to think of the right word. “She is the </i>mufralim<i> of my </i>mufralim umfracht fria.[1]<i>”

Predictably, you furrow your brow and stare at her, completely lost in whatever it is she’s trying to explain. In an effort to make it clearer, Kailani extends her first. “Me,” she says, shaking her fist at you – then she raises her fist up slightly. “</i>Umfracht,<i>” she continues, then, with her fist still raised in its higher position, she moves it to the left slightly. “</i>Fria umfracht,<i>”, she says, then lowers her fist so that it’s at the same height she started with, but off to the side. “</i>Mufralim fira umfracht<i>,” she continues, then, finally, lowers her fist once more, so that it’s below and off to the left of where she had started from. “Inaya.”


You don’t get it.

Kailani grunts in exasperation, throwing her head back, causing her long, shaggy fur and hair to swing with the sudden jerk. “We will move on,” she says with a throaty grunt.|If you’re following her right, then… you think you’ve picked up that ‘umfracht’ means ‘mother,’ so…

… Going by her demonstration, ‘mufralim umfract fria’ means… cousin? Which is an awful lot of words for ‘cousin,’ but maybe they just don’t have a word for that in the vulperine language.

And she’s saying that Inaya is… the daughter to her cousin? Meaning that Inaya is Kailani’s cousin, once-removed, if you’re right.

In order to really verify that you’re correct, though, you’d have to explain what all of <i>your</i> words mean to Kailani, and you two would be talking in circles for a little while in an effort to understand each other. So… you just tell her that you understand. She smiles, but it’s a ‘you tried your best’ kind of smile; you don’t think she totally believes you.]

[1] None of these words are new, but, literally: “daughter mother sister,” i.e. a female cousin.
At this point, you’re used to a little bit of excitement and higher stakes. You can help Kailani get the closure she’s been after all her life. You’ve forced her to acknowledge your skill as a… well, at the very least, a survivalist. None of the other village hunters are brave enough to go with her, but you’re not a village hunter. It’s up to her if she wants to go.

She stares into your eyes for a moment, trying to see if you’ll crack. You don’t.

“Why?” she suddenly asks, shaking her head in disbelief. Her eyebrows arch upward sympathetically, and the intense, forceful gaze in her eyes softens to something more akin to a plea. “Why do you do this? You are not of the village. We only met not so long ago!”

[pc.isDK|The truth is, she’s hot. You wouldn’t go this far if you didn’t think there wasn’t some action in it for you at the end. And[pc.isVirgin||, given your track record so far,] you’re probably right: Kailani is a single mom that’s adopted her cousin’s daughter. There are definitely some biological alarms going off inside of her right this second. If you did this for her, she’d probably put out on the spot.

But if you told her that, it might put her off. Women tend not to appreciate it when you only do things for them so you can fuck them.

So, you lie: you tell her you’re doing it because, where you come from, helping others is the right thing to do. You may be a</i> taminyk<i>, but everybody hurts the same.
Kailani takes a long, deep sigh through her nose, in and out. Her tail twitches once, unable to have the strength to lift higher than a few inches. "</i>Ui na igue,[1]<i>," she answers, her voice barely above a whisper and lacking any sort of energy. Her hand moves to the back of Inaya's head and holds her close, pressing the pup against the leather of her kilt and holding her there for a moment. "</i>[dayNight|Wremnick ma.[2]|Imor ma ou yoll.[3]] [] win ui nelm wulim.<i>"

You don't speak Kailani's language, but you recognize the tone: she's not in the mood for questions or arguments, and whatever it is she just told Inaya to do, she <i>will</i> do it. Inaya hesitates at first, but then does as Kailani says, pulling away from her before [dayNight|dashing past you and out into the open air of the village|slinking backward and making her way towards her room – but not before stopping at the tanned leather rack and picking up her dyes]. With that, you're left alone with Kailani in her hut.

You stand there awkwardly, fidgeting where you stand. Kailani had just told Inaya to leave, and she's been totally beside herself ever since you two had finished with that thing in the cave. Kailani takes a few steps away from you and, without looking, sets her spear down, the point gently resting against the stone wall, exactly where she normally keeps it. But she doesn't let go: she stands still, holding the spear, letting her thumb brush against the worn-smooth wood of the weapon.

… So… you ask her if you should–

With a sudden burst of speed, Kailani pivots around, her arms wrapping so tightly around you that you'd think she was drowning and she was clinging to you for her life. Her face buries into the crook of your neck, her breath coming out in long, drawn-out shudders. You can feel her whole body shaking from head to toe – her fur is so thick that it obscured it before, except for her hands where it was thinner, but now that she's on you like this, she was probably shivering the entire walk back from the cave.

Kailani sniffles once, her nose blocking up with mucus, and when she exhales, it's with a melancholic sigh, like she's either about to start crying, or she's just finishing. Her hands adjust and readjust on your [pc.upperGarments], trying to find a comfortable spot to grip onto you, but she simply can't find one. Her mouth opens and she chokes out another sob, just a step away from [silly|ugly-crying|breaking down] on you right then and there.

[pc.isDK|This is always the most awkward part about getting with a girl – all the <i>emotions</i> involved. She better be worth all this effort.

[1] Literally, "I am okay."
[2] Literally, "Outside go." Translated, "go outside."
[3] Literally, "Room go to your." Translated, "go to your room."
Once you're in her room, Kailani turns around and shuts the hemp rope curtain behind you to give you both a bit of privacy. She turns to you, smiles sweetly – and then, nervously, she gets onto her bed, facing away from you, on her hands and knees, and hikes her tail up and across her back. It's here that you learn that she doesn't wear underwear.

The suddenness catches you a bit by surprise. The, uh, the vulperines don't exactly have a lot of patience, do they?

Kailani nervously looks over her shoulder, wondering what it is that's taking you so long. "Um," she stutters, her fingers clenching into her bearskin covers with shy apprehension. You swear that the white fur around her cheeks starts turning a bit pink from embarrassment. "What is wrong?"

Uh, nothing! Nothing is <i>wrong</i>, exactly. It's just… you're not very used to your partner being so <i>forward</i> like this. There's usually a bit of foreplay involved, but here she is, not even a kiss on the cheek and she's already <i>presenting</i>.

Her hiked-up tail starts to twitch and stutter its way back down, slowly lowering itself back over her rump. "Is this not how it is done?" she asks you, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

… You ask her if she's ever been with anyone like this before.

"No," she answers simply and quickly. "I told you: I do not have a mate. I, um," she stutters, and her eyes avert as her tail lowers enough to hide her sex behind its bushy fur. "I want it to be you. Is this wrong? Did I do it wrong?"

Ah, that might help. It's not that the vulperines are simply a sexually-impatient people: it's that Kailani is a virgin and she has no idea how to approach sex. She might have been going on instinct: present herself, and then both of your natures will take over.
The big reason for my delays in my updates is that I'm trying a new... technique, I guess, with my writing. I'm getting much more work done per night, but it takes me longer to do, and by the time I'm done, I'm too tired to update. Aside from the ghosting, I think it's working out for me so far: while it takes me longer, I'm not just getting down more words, but I'm also getting other things done. Hopefully I can maintain this momentum.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Kailani with 18,504 words! Two entire sex scenes, with tons of parsers involving whether Kailani is a virgin; a whole lot of aftercare cuddling; and lots of bonding with Inaya, Kailani's adopted daughter! A good way to get with the mom is to get the daughter's approval.
As soon as she feels your fingers at her entrance, she yips, straightens her back, and whips her head over her shoulder. "What is that?!" she asks in surprise. "Is that your</i> higlimo[1]<i>? Why would you touch that with your</i> higlimo<i>?"

You assume 'higlimo' means 'fingers'. And you don't answer her: instead, you rub at her slit a little more, getting your digits good and covered with her juices – and then you bring your hand to your mouth, looking her right in the eye as you lick her taste right off them. You 'mmm' in delight as you suck it and your thumb dry, and you tell her that you did it because it's sexy… and because you like how she tastes. Which is true: you don't exactly need any more 'readying' yourself now that your tongue's tastebuds are coated with the thick flavor of horny vulperine.

If she could blush, her white fur would have been tinged pink, but instead, it just stands on end. And when you move your hand back to her pussy, you find that it's <i>much</i> hotter and wetter than before. She might not know why she liked that, but she did.

[1] "Fingers."
Kailani sighs again as her fingers [pc.sfs|twiddle on your skin|play with your fur|dance across your scales]. "If I had one thing I do not like," she says with a small laugh, "it is that it is that the mating is done."

[pc.isDK|Who said anything about it being over? The sex isn't done until one of you says it's done, and you can go one more time. Can she?

Kailani pauses in her cuddling and light squeezing around your limbs and body; she wasn't quite ready for that sort of question. But, with a laugh that mostly snorts through her nose, she brings her left hand to your chest and flexes each of her clawed fingers, raking them across your [pc.skinFurScales] just deep enough for you to feel the <i>energy</i> in them. "Oh, yes," she responds.

You like a mate that can keep up with you.|Oh, it's not. What you two are doing right now is as important as the actual mating. Cuddling and aftercare are important parts of the intimacy: after all, you two had just shared something important. The sex might be done, but the mating doesn't stop until you two pull away from each other.

Kailani sighs through her nose again as she lowers her head. Her hands affectionately squeeze different parts of you, and the inside of her thighs rub along your abdomen as she gets nice and comfy. "I like the way you think," she whispers.

… That said. You have enough in you for another round, and from the way Kailani is clinging to you and rubbing at you just enough to get you intrigued-but-not-randy, she might be interested in another round, too. All you'd have to do is ask.]
Inaya is easy to spot: she has Kailani's white fur and she's got Kailani's blue markings, although not only are they much simpler in design and not only do they not cover most of her body, but they're also smeared and smudged in places, ruining the thick, solid lines that they probably started with. She and a number of other pups of the village, each of them with different fur colors and intensities and all of them with different tribal markings, kick a a little ball around the bonfire, careful to not let the ball get too close to the blaze.

One of the kids makes a pass towards Inaya, but it goes wide – and it heads straight towards you. It's easy enough to intercept with your foot, and when you do, you get a better look at it: the outside looks to be made of leather, stitched together almost haphazardly with some hemp twine, and from how giving the interior is, it feels like it might be stuffed with fur, or hair, or something among those lines.

Inaya runs toward the ball, but stops when she gets a good look at you. She looks up at you, brave enough that she doesn't turn to run, but too apprehensive to approach or ask for the ball back. You can see in her eyes that she recognizes you: you've been in her house and speaking with her mother lately, but this is the first time you've caught her by herself.[pc.isDK|

You 'tch' to yourself, fighting to keep your lip from curling upward in something akin to disgust. What are you even doing, approaching a child like this? You can barely stand kids. But if it gets you closer to Kailani and her pants, then, well… this isn't the farthest you've gone for some tang, but it's pretty up there.]

You take a step forward to approach Inaya; she takes a step back, but here eyes stay locked to yours. You take that as a signal to stay where you are. Instead, you lower yourself to your knees, bringing yourself[pc.heightRange 0 84|| vaguely] to her height. "[pc.dcb|Hey,|Hi,|Hello!]" you say to her, trying to make yourself more approachable. "My name is []. [pc.dcb|I, uh… I've been talking with your mom.|I've been talking with your mom lately, and I was hoping I could talk to you.|Your mom and I are, like, besties! Or we're close to it. Like, we're super-duper-close to being besties. And I was wondering if you wanted to be besties, too! You can never have too many best friends, am I right?]"

Inaya stares blankly at you. A part of you was hoping that there wouldn't be much of a language barrier, but it looks like Inaya doesn't know the common tongue very well. Hopefully you won't need to have Kailani to translate all that often.
"Mmm," Inaya hums as she gingerly wraps her fingers around your fist. Her hand is a little over half the size of yours. With a gentle pull, she turns the handle with you, and the meat turns with you both. "</i>Gaul!<i>" she says happily, with her bushy tail swishing side to side behind her as she guides your hand. "</i>Gramm gurd ithk ko tra woo[1]<i>–"

You're taken by surprise at how quickly Inaya's opened herself up to you: in two different meetings, she's gone from asking for her mother to chattering excitedly about… well, something about roasting a slab of meat on a spit. Whatever it is she's saying, she's so eager to say it that she's forgotten that you don't understand a word.

It takes her a second to realize it, too. When she looks up at you and sees your surprised-and-confused expression, she stops immediately. Suddenly, the language barrier becomes more apparent than ever between you and her, and you can see the struggle in her eyes as she fights to say something you might understand.

"</i>Gramm<i>," she says, pointing with her free hand at the meat on the spit – and making sure that you keep spinning it, slowly. "</i>Gr-aaaa-mmm<i>!" she says again, louder, slower, her finger thrusting at the chunk as if you'll understand better if she talks like you're hard of hearing.

[1] Literally, "Meat make sure [the] is red all [the]." Translated, "Make sure the meat is red all the-"


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Kailani with 18,000 words! This is an entire goshdarn minigame of Hide And Seek between you, Kailani, and Inaya, as well as other bonding opportunities, including archery and tattoo-drawing. I'm hoping to finish bonding with Inaya on the next update.
You wouldn't mind being 'it' this time. Scouring the village for Inaya and Kailani would be a good way to help familiarize yourself with its layout – although, you establish that they're not allowed to hide in any strangers' huts. The other villagers have gotten used to you being around, but that doesn't mean you should go poking through their homes. They also aren't allowed to leave the village.

"</i>Ig<i> – Okay!" Inaya chirps, her tail wagging quickly enough behind herself to cause her lower half to sway with it.

You turn around, lower your head, and hide your face behind your eyes as you start counting up to twenty. You give them a little bit more time than you normally would; while the village is a fairly large place to pick a hiding spot, it's also open, and choosing a good place to be could be a tough.

When you finish counting and turn around, Inaya and Kailani are nowhere to be seen. Now you just have to find them.

Where could they be…? Maybe you should check–

[=Kailani's Room=][=The Village Fence=][=The Meat Spit=][=Around The Bonfire=][=Behind Kailani's Hut=][=The Tanning Racks=]
// Inaya is randomly placed in either Kailani's Room, Around The Bonfire, or The Tanning Racks; Kailani is randomly placed in either The Village Fence, The Meat Spit, or Behind Kailani's Hut. The player can choose four options. The game ends if they find both Inaya and Kailani, or after they choose four options and haven't found both.
You ask Kailani if it's alright for you and Inaya to join her on a hunting trip, maybe to help bring the kills back or something. Inaya hasn't decided what it is she wants to be when she grows up yet, but surely Kailani would prefer it if she joined her mother in hunting to provide for the village.

Kailani, however, frowns at the suggestion. She places a hand on your shoulder to turn you around so that you're both facing away from Inaya, and once you do, she leans into you and lowers her voice to a whisper. "It is true that I would like Inaya to hunt," she answers, "but she is too young. The, uh… the</i> flaarumliumo[1]<i> of the hunt is no thing for a child. I was… not as young when I made my first kill."

You ask her what her first kill was.

"A pig, tied to a post," she answers. "Born to be food. It was not a clean kill. The sound and the blood were…" She trails off for a moment, her eyes focusing on something in the distance before snapping back to you. "I hope to spare Inaya the… acts that I made.”

[1] "Realities"
On one particular toss, [rand|Inaya throws her spear – and the familiar sound of battered, old, flattened wood cracking against stone midair echoes over the plateau, causing the stone disk to wobble and alter its course as it falls to the ground. Inaya had gotten the strike! After a quick celebratory dance, you both agree that that particular hit was worth a million points, and the game is over.|you throw your spear – and the familiar sound of battered, old, flattened wood cracking against stone midair echoes over the plateau, causing the stone disk to wobble and alter its course as it falls to the ground. You managed to get the strike first! But since neither of you agreed on how many points the red circles were worth beforehand, Inaya insists that it's only worth one, meaning that she probably still won the game between you two.]
When you come out of your hiding spot and make your way to the entrance to Kailani's hut, you see Kailani and Inaya – and Inaya looks flustered and upset, with her fur practically standing on end. She's quite animated, too, unable to sit still, pacing back and forth and making circles around Kailani impatiently. When Kailani spots you, she puts a hand on Inaya to get her attention, and then she points in your direction – and as soon as Inaya spots you, she dashes toward you, wrapping her arms around your legs and clinging onto you tightly.

It was just a game of [rand|Hide And Seek|<i>Ibulimo Aluutro</i>]; you ask Kailani if something had happened while the game was going on.

"No," Kailani answers with a flaccid, borderline-indifferent shrug, like she's had to put up with this kind of attitude for just a little too long. "Inaya… thought you were lost. She could not find you; she thought you were gone."

"</i>Laug<i>!" Inaya pouts, standing between you and Kailani, waving her hands to try and get Kailani to stop. "</i>Amam[1]<i>!"

That's all it is: you played [rand|Hide And Seek|<i>Ibulimo Aluutro</i>] just a little too well, and Inaya thought you had vanished. [pc.isDK|It'd be touching, if you gave a shit about a kid's feelings.|Honestly, the fact that she'd get so riled up about you disappearing is touching. [inaya.kaiIsMom|It goes to show just how much she considers you to be a part of her family, now.|You're just an outsider, a <i>taminyk</i>, but you've had a strong enough impact on her that she got upset over you disappearing for just a little too long.]]

Inaya turns around to face you; her face is scrunched into a tight pout. Now she's upset that Kailani's gone and said something without her permission. "Again," she says, and it's not really a question or a request. "[], you are</i> ibulim<i>."

[1] "Stop"


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Hey B, just a random question I had for you - Are the male Kobolds androgynous/effeminate? We don't have a codex to go by and the undermountain kobolds don't specifically state that but part of me thinks it alludes to it? Also based on the fact that only thing that really changes with Lyric is genitalia when you choose gender, it just makes me think this might be the case. Was just wondering this as I was going through the game again.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
They are... effeminate in the sense that they are not especially masculine. Male Undermountain kobolds have external genitalia; Lyric is a southern jungle kobold and therefore doesn't play by the same rules.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
They are... effeminate in the sense that they are not especially masculine. Male Undermountain kobolds have external genitalia; Lyric is a southern jungle kobold and therefore doesn't play by the same rules.
Thanks for the clarification, it's kind of hard to tell from the descriptions in game. I saw someone place them in the effeminate "twink" category somewhere on here and figured, well to be sure might as well ask the author. Haha


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Kailani with 1,900 words! This finishes the last of the repeatable content with Inaya: a big, village-wide song and dance. There's one more thing to write for Inaya - a very, very small quest - and then her content is done, and I can go back to writing Kailani stuff.
[pc.isDK|You allow her to swing your arm around, but you steadfastly refuse to mimic any of her jovial up-and-down prances as she prances circles around you. Your presence is all that you’re willing to give for this activity; you’re not going to debase yourself by <i>dancing</i>, of all things. You don’t even know <i>how</i> to dance; it’s an absurd, insipid pastime that you never gave a second thought to, and you don’t intend to learn.|Inaya’s movements feel more like an aimless prance than anything learned and practiced, but, that said, she’s going in time with both Kailani’s drumming and her own shaking of her rattler. There’s nothing <b>to</b> practice: what’s important is that you move, and moving in time with the beat and shaking to the rhythm is all part of the activity, even if it’s totally aimless. All you have to do is move like Inaya does, even if she’s just a child. Or <i>especially</i> because she’s a child.]

[pc.isDK|Y|Perhaps y]ou’re a little out of place: you’re an outsider, a <i>taminyk</i> and whatever song Kailani is singing and whatever dance Inaya is trying to get you to do feel like something that’s better reserved for the locals. Someone that could better appreciate the music and the singing. Kailani watches you closely and intently, and, under her gaze, you realize the significance of what it is she and [inaya.kaiIsMom|her daughter|Inaya] are trying to get you to do – if this was something that didn’t involve you, as her mate[inaya.kaiIsMom| and Inaya’s [|father|other mother]], then they wouldn’t have involved you. Your participation is important to them[pc.isDK|.

Ugh, fine, <i>whatever</i>. You awkwardly shift your arms in one direction, then the next, and you twist your hips slightly. There, you’re dancing.
Soon, you’re surrounded by other vulperines of the village, many of them bringing instruments of their own: some of them have more drums; some of them have shakers like Inaya; and some of them bring flutes, or simpler instruments like bells. Many of them don’t bring anything, but they’re quick to pair up and start dancing to the rhythm.

You can tell that none of them have practiced any songs with each other, but music, like dancing, is a language, and one that doesn’t need a lot of practice to speak: as long as they all stay on beat, then any kind of noise they make is just music by a different name. If music was a painted picture, then every sound they make is them adding their own brushstroke to the canvas – the end result might be nonsensical and overly busy in some places, but it’s nonetheless something everyone made together, as a community.

[pc.isDK|And unfortunately for you, you can’t really get away with your toe-tapping and your hip-twisting as excuses to dance|And fortunately for you, your inexperience with dancing is just as inconsequential as whether the music was a practiced routine or not]. Soon, you’re pulled away from Inaya to dance with other vulperines, ranging from old to young, with a myriad of different fur colors, and sometimes you’re even paired with other [||wo]men. [pc.isDK|You could follow their lead and try and mimic their actions as they dance, but that feels somehow <i>worse</i>. God, next time, maybe you should keep your damn mouth shut and just tell Kailani that you want to fuck. She’s usually pretty willing to fuck when you want to.|Generally, you just try to follow the lead of whoever you’re with at the time before they hand you off to someone else, and it’s fascinating how many different styles and energies people display as you move with them. It’s like you’re having whole conversations in the space of a few seconds.]


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Kailani with 3,180 words! Inaya learns just enough of the common language to ask you to go on a very short quest: go back to the cave that you and Kailani had went into, and retrieve something important to the Ibulim family. Quick, easy, and painless.
“Kailani,” she says again, looking at Kailani’s hut, suddenly getting an idea for a new train of thought. And, once more, just as quickly as it came up, she’s frustrated by her inability to articulate where to take it. It’s admirable that she doesn’t immediately default back to the vulperine language, or to try and get an elder to translate for you two: she wants to say this on her own, with the words she knows. “Kailani… is… is…” She tries and struggles some more, her hands going up to her neck as if she was trying to coax the words out on their own. “Naught… same.”

Kailani… isn’t the same? Since you and her went and hunted that weird, hairy beast in the cave?

That <i>is</i> true: shortly after that, you and Kailani [pc.isDK|fucked. You took her virginity and everything. Shit like that’s bound to change a woman.|became mates. That whole saga was a big deal for her for a bunch of reasons.]

“Kailani,” Inaya continues, “is… naught</i> umfracht<i>. But… Kailani… <b>is</b></i> umfracht<i>.”

… Wow. You’ve heard that word enough times now to know that it means ‘mother.’ That’s a big thing for Inaya to say, that Kailani is her mom: you don’t think she’s ever said that to her. Kailani would love to hear her say it, but… you ask Inaya why she’s saying that to you.
Your hands find it before your eyes do: an old, damp piece of wood that’s been rotting for many years in the damp darkness of the cave. The end jutting up into the air is jagged and torn, like it’s been snapped off, and although it’s weathered and mossy, you can feel leather straps encircle the shaft of the wood in some places. It’s tough to see, but you can just barely make out the browns, greens, and yellows of the leather, although in this light, it’s impossible to make out the red highlights that go along with them.

When Kailani saw this, her whole demeanor changed, like a candle blowing out. Her whole motivation to coming into this cave and slaying the monster was gone, and all she wanted was to go home, back to Inaya. After she put Inaya to bed, she hugged you and said something about how the hunt was ‘meant to bring her peace,’ but it couldn’t.

Maybe bringing this back to her is the wrong move. When she saw it, it looked like it might have reopened some old wounds.

But on the other hand, Inaya said to you that Kailani is her <i>umfracht</i>. As far as you know, she hasn’t said that to Kailani. She wanted you to find whatever it was that changed Kailani in this cave and, presumably, bring it back to her. Maybe Inaya has something in mind.

It’s putting an awful lot of trust in a ten-year-old girl’s ability to understand something as serious as grief, but… you’ve seen what Inaya is capable of, and you know how much Kailani loves her. Maybe it’ll mean something more if it comes from Inaya.

You pick the old, rotten stick up and stow it away. Hopefully Inaya knows what she’s going to do with it.