
Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
im really looking forward to BerryQuest i know once its added ill be just mainly making his cock smaller as im not that into hyper once i complete the quest though i think i might try out female berry on my dark knight file

and speaking of female berry what boob size where you thinking?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
and speaking of female berry what boob size where you thinking?
Dunno. How big are Matiha's?

Updated BerryQuest with 2,400 words! This finally wraps up the dungeon layout and makes some minor headway into a planned miniboss. The next update will finally have us meet Matiha herself!
We’ll also need to find a way to ramp up the stone’s intake of mana. The Jotun were impressive mages, and all, but their… penchant for talking in circles and in non-absolutes has left me without many leads and really rather frustrated. I had considered eschewing that line of thinking altogether and instead enchanting hundreds-upon-thousands of stones with Vodo and attaching them all to the leylines, but that would require many years of prep work and, according to my math, it likely won’t be worth the prep work.

Perhaps, when you come home, you can help me work through some of those frustrations. And then you can help me solve the issue.

A third – and outlandish, but potentially doable, according to my calculations – solution would instead be to not move the mana from the Ways Between into Savarra at all, and instead, move Savarra into the Ways Between. It would require a spell of such magnitude as to never have been attempted before in history. We’d need dedicated scholars and magicians, potentially hundreds of them, willing to put in the effort necessary. But think of the benefits: no more need for foci, for stones loaded with mana, for ideas involving ‘leylines’ or portable mana storages. Limitless mana, ready to supply the world for all of eternity, available to anyone and anything that may need it, within the Ways Between. We could make it our new world – a one that we made together.

I’m looking forward to meeting you again and showing you the advancements I’ve made. You’re one of the most gifted magicians I’ve ever known – with your talent and my experience, I’m confident, absolutely confident, that we could solve this problem together. And when we do, think of the future – think of our lives together! We could use the fortress to travel the world, with you and me in its tallest tower, seeing all the sights that Savarra has to offer!

I know it’s been a long time, and we’ve had our misgivings towards each other, but I’ve learned to move past them all for you. And I know it may take some more time for you to come around to feeling the same way towards me. I hope, after all this time, you’ve come to understand that the things I did for you, I did because I wanted us to have the best future together – you and me, as king and queen of the world. There will always be a spot for you in this fortress when you return to me.

The room is a massive dome with smoothened, gold-colored bricks, reaching roughly forty feet high and forty feet across in a semicircle. Sitting in the center of the domed room is a massive statue that makes up the centerpiece of the room: a number of women, and at least two men, of different sizes, shapes, and races, all surround a statue depicting a six-legged dragon. The men and women are all roughly scaled to your average [pc.race], but the dragon by itself is almost large enough to make the room feel claustrophobic.

Among the smaller statues are two depicting lizard people, somewhat reminiscent of the pexighast, each of them bearing similar body shapes, but one is a man and the other is a woman; two lupine women, each of them with incredible musculature, with one set into a pose with her right leg up until her ankle is behind her neck and the other flexing her arms in a typical showman style, but they each have awkward etchings, with the leg-up woman having a gash across her eyes and the strongwoman having them across the backs of her hands; a human woman with flawless skin and an exaggerated hourglass figure; a shorter woman, looking like a cross between a lupine and a leothran, with breasts larger than her hips; a massive, muscular leothran man with sabertooth tusks and hair fashioned into a mohawk; a naga woman with a serpentine upper-body and facial features and a snake-like lower body large enough to coil around the entire base of the massive statue; and, towering over them all but smaller than the dragon, was a wyvern woman with four arms, two legs, and an impressive wingspan.

And they’re all nude. Both of the men, the wyvern woman, the naga, and the massive dragon are all sporting thick erections of varying lengths and girths. The naga even has two.

Set in the base of the exhibit is a plaque, and beneath that, a solid gold coin with a gigantic letter B etched into its face. The plaque reads:

<i>Hello! My name is… well, that doesn’t matter. What matters is my art! It’s thanks to people like you coming to see the hard work I’ve put into these statues that makes it all worth it. Take this coin as my thanks, and I hope you’ll enjoy my next project, whatever that may be!</i>

You pick up the coin and flip it between your fingers, testing its weight as it rolls between them. Wondering if it’s indeed made of gold, you put it between your teeth and bite – and the soft metal yields ever so slightly. Yep: it’s real gold.
As you turn and set the coin into your pack, you see Lyric’s head out of the corner of your eye, poking out through the opening of your pack. [lyric.HisHer] eyes are wider than you’ve ever seen them, and you can feel the swish of [lyric.hisHer] tail moving with enough force to shift the entire pack. [lyric.HisHer] tongue slips out to wetly lick [lyric.hisHer] lips once, twice, a third time.

“Is that gold?” [lyric.heShe] asks.

You answer that you believe it is.

“You gonna eat that?”

You’ll… maybe. You don’t know yet.

Lyric’s nostrils flare at the news that you might not eat it. “‘Kay,” [lyric.heShe] says, but [lyric.heShe] doesn’t go back into the bag – not until you put your hand on [lyric.hisHer] head and push [lyric.himHer] in.}
Standing in the center of the room is a figure – a tall, thick figure wearing a dreary, ashen-grey cloak that hides most of their body except their size. They stand tall, with their back facing you and the hood of the cloak left down off their head. A thick tail sprouts from behind them, curled into a shallow C shape, and at the end of their tail is a lick of flame that burns bright and healthy – but with a grey light, rather than the warm orange of a typical fire.

At first, the person’s silhouette reminds you of Astraea. Could she have somehow made it into the fortress after you?

[pc.isBimbo|You nearly step forward and call out to her, surprised-but-happy that Astraea came into the Ways Between after you did, but you feel Berwyn’s hand roughly backhand your chest to keep you in place.|“Is that…?” you hear Berwyn ask, and you see him take a step forward out of the corner of your eye. You stop him with a quick swing of your hand, blocking his way forward – Astraea said that the ‘air’ of the Ways Between burned her skin and made her weak. She <b>couldn’t</b> have made it this far.]

As soon as [pc.isBimbo|you make|Berwyn makes] a sound, the figure’s head whips toward you, spotting you instantly. It’s definitely a salamander, similar to Astraea, but where Astraea showed signs of recovery, this woman’s color has been entirely drained from her skin, her hair, and her eyes. The webbing that sprouted from Astraea’s eyes are similarly dominant on this woman’s face, but they stretch endlessly across her skin, disappearing into the fabric of her clock. Her eyes stare into you with intensity, drilling into your very soul with their gaze, and yet you don’t exactly feel any emotion, or even conscious intelligence, in her glare.

Wait… didn’t Astraea say she had a partner when she stormed this fortress? One that didn’t make it out when Astraea escaped? Her name was… Elexis, if you remember right.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Updated BerryQuest with 2,400 words! This finally wraps up the dungeon layout and makes some minor headway into a planned miniboss. The next update will finally have us meet Matiha herself!
Exciting! I'm not going to read the text for now so I don't spoil the surprise. I can hardly wait to play your stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated with 2,000 words! This did a little bit of clean up; it wrote the victory scene for if you beat the mini-boss in the dungeon... and it finally brings you face to face with Matiha.

It doesn't get much further, though. Next time!
“Can you feel that?” Berwyn asks you, his voice lowered to a nervous whisper.

You pause and take in what it is he could mean. Aside from the general sense of foreboding that you’re getting from the sight in front of you, you admit that you don’t feel anything out of the ordinary.

Berwyn raises his right arm, eyeing the fur across his skin. The individual hairs stand on end on his arm, waving slightly with each movement he makes. It doesn’t seem like goosebumps making him all poofy like that – it’s more like static electricity in the air. Or… perhaps the air is overly saturated with mana.

“She’s at the top of these stairs,” he says, priming his staff at his side. “We’ve made it to the end.”

He turns to you, looking you in the eye. He’s trying to put on a surely, confident face: his eyes are narrowed on yours, trying to stare daggers into you, but he can’t help his chin from quivering from the nervous anticipation.

“R-ready when you are.”
Sitting in the chair behind the desk is Matiha, her hand hurriedly scribbling something into the parchment before her. Just as the last time you met her, she’s wearing the same black magician’s outfit as she had before: a set of blue robes that cling too-tightly to her curvaceous body, and with an oversized hat to go with it. From her current posture and her face down on her paper, you can’t quite make out the details of her body.

But the thing that commands your attention the most is the stone with the rune painted on it. The last time you had been here, it was little more than a rock with some ink, despite being a powerful focus for Matiha’s magic. Since then, it’s… mutated. Grown and splintered, with pale green lights shining from between the cracks of the stone as it struggles to contain the absurd amount of mana that’s been stored inside of it, bathing the room in an eerie green incandescent glow. The pieces of the stone rattle gently against each other, held in place more by the gravity of the sheer energy it’s struggling to contain than its own structure.

“Ah, Berwyn,” Matiha says smoothly. She doesn’t look up from her writing. Her voice is as regal and seductive as you remember it being. “I almost didn’t hear you come in. You should start wearing sandals or something on those paws of yours.”

Berwyn stands beside you, his staff at the ready – but he doesn’t try to engage. You both know it’d be a losing battle. Astraea and Elexis, two Astrida magehunters, couldn’t beat her, and now one of them is working for her.

“M-Matiha,” he croaks, his voice breaking and coming out as a shrill hiccup.

Suddenly, something comes over Berwyn: it’s as if he realized how he looked and how he sounded, and he didn’t approve of himself at all. He takes a deep breath, in through his nose and out through his mouth, as he rights his posture and realigns his grip on his staff. With a steely, determined gaze, he faces forward, ready to try again.

“Matiha,” he says again, his voice coming out lower, more commanding, more <b>confident.</b> “We’re here to stop you.”
You remember Matiha’s skin being pale, and her hair being brown, reaching down to her shoulders. You remember her eyes being a deep brown, the irises taking up most of the space. You remember her complexion being damn-near perfect, across her face and her exposed thigh.

This ‘new’ Matiha has dark-grey skin, looking similarly to Elexis beside her. Her mage’s outfit hasn’t been updated and her thigh is still exposed to the air. Pulsating veins criss-cross in thick spider webs across her face, her thigh, and, judging by the dull glow beneath her clothing, all throughout her body: the spider webs focus in on her eyes and the direction of the pulses start at her chest and emanate outwards, rolling across her face from the neck up, as if her heart wasn’t pumping blood, but mana.

Her hair is longer, reaching down to her shoulder blades, but the roots have been frosted to the same pale teal as what courses through the veins. And her eyes… have been replaced by something else altogether. Gone are the vibrant-brown irises, replaced with a dark, swirling void of teals and blacks, daring you to stare into them for longer than a second at a time. Bluish tendrils claw their way into her pupils, giving her eyes a shattered look to them, and they seem to ripple with every pulse of the mana as it courses through herself.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated BerryQuest with 2,000 words! In this update, Matiha and Berwyn have a conversation. It doesn't include you.

If you let it keep going without stepping it, it'll eventually lead to an Nice Time for Roo bad end. If you're into that. You'll have three different opportunities to stop it if you aren't.
“I’ve made so much progress since we last spoke, Berwyn. I’ve learned so much. And I’m excited to teach you everything that I know, so that you can share in my success.”

She turns, walking towards the rune stone hovering a few inches off the pedestal. “I’m sure you remember seeing this last time you were here. Although I’m certain it looks a bit different.” She giggles as she turns back towards you and Berwyn. As she gets closer to the stone, the pulsating in her veins gets faster and their colors become deeper and richer – and the tendrils in her eyes start shifting in her irises, causing them to glow faintly. “I’m sorry for keeping this from you, but I needed to make sure I knew what I was doing… and I needed to make sure that you weren’t as crude as your grandfather was.”

Berwyn starts, his grip getting tighter on his staff at the mention of his grandfather. “You knew him?”

“Oh, yes. We were mages from the same university. Fiodoir was a brilliant battlemage, as proficient with a sword as he was with a tome. But I’m sure you’ve heard all the stories by now.”

She turns towards the stone, regarding it with a muted sort of passion – the kind that a lover would give to their partner while they enjoy some comfortable silence together. She even reaches out to stroke its side, her finger lightly grazing the ink on the stone.

“But, and forgive me for saying, your grandfather was also a fool. We had stolen this stone from a Nareva vault many decades ago. Over a century, if my math is right. And he wanted to destroy it.” She takes a deep sigh through her nose before turning to face you two again. “This stone carried over twenty-five-hundred years of ambient mana stored in it. It was essentially a store of near-infinite potential, just waiting to be untapped for anyone smart enough to do it and brave enough to try.” She frowns. “Your grandfather was neither.”
“I know we’ve had our misgivings, Berwyn. Given that your mission statement is to ‘stop me,’ you think what I’m doing is wrong, by siphoning the mana from Savarra and,” she says, gesturing over her shoulder with a flick of her hair, “from our guest. But think about the <b>possibilities</b>. A stone with as much mana as mine could fuel all of Savarra’s mana needs for <b>centuries.</b> And since finding my way into the Ways Between, I’ve learned how to improve the Jotun enchantment and increase its mana intake.”

Her hands travel down his arms, closing around his hands. His grip loosens a bit on his staff until she can worm her fingers into his. “With potential like yours, Berwyn, and with my experience, and with unlimited mana, we could do a lot of good for the world.”

She leans in closer, her face against his once more. “We’d be heroes.”

Her nose presses against his gently, softly brushing against it. “We could be king and queen.”

Her voice drops to a whisper.

“You and me.”

Her lips touch his.

<b>You can still stop this, before it gets out of hand.</b>
When Matiha pulls away, Berwyn leans forward, trying to stay connected with her for some more. “Gods,” she sighs, dragging her right index finger down the side of her face. “You’ve always been attractive, Berwyn, but ever since you’d had this slimmer, more… curvaceous figure….” She hisses through her teeth, biting into her bottom lip. Her hips begin to quiver of their own accord. “I’ve had to fight to keep myself off you. I needed you… ready. I needed your potential to be realized before we could consummate. And once I realized your libido had skyrocketed?”

Her other fingers join in, caressing Berwyn’s cheek as they climb upward until they’re running through his hair, ruffling it at the roots. “I’ve learned a lot since I’ve begun studying the stone in earnest. And it’s given me a multitude of new strengths.” Her hand rounds to the back side of his head, massaging him there. “I’d like to test if my own libido’s been increased to match yours. I could have found out on my own, but….” She smiles sweetly at him. “Where’s the fun in that?”

Rather than go in and give him another kiss, she instead pulls on Berwyn’s head, guiding him to her massive cleavage. She buries his face in the valley between her breasts, sinking him <b>deep</b> into the cut of her robe. And Berwyn makes no effort to resist[pc.isBimbo|; after all, how could he? There’s no way you’d turn down an invitation to motorboat those tits][silly|. You’re beginning to think Berwyn may not be as in-control of the situation as you had initially thought].


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated BerryQuest with 2,100 words! In this update, Berwyn fucks Matiha raw on her desk while you lick at where his dick splits apart her cunt, ending with you sucking his balls while Matiha begs him to knock her up.

If you're into that. You could have stopped it if you aren't.

I should be back on BerryQuest around July 5th!
Berwyn lets go of his staff, the wood clanking against the stony floor, as he brings both of his hands forward to grab at Matiha’s breasts, massaging them around his face. His thumbs find her pointed nipples, poking through the fabric of her robe, and his fingers squeeze and press at her soft flesh, bunching her tits against his cheeks. You hear the sound of him exhaling harshly through his nose, and you occasionally hear the sound of his tongue lapping wetly against her cleavage – but loudest of all is the sound of Matiha’s lustful moans as he goes.

Eventually, he comes up for air, taking a few hurried, deep breaths. The skin of her boobs is wet with his saliva. “Matiha,” he says drolly, his mind lost in his own libido, allowing it to finally catch up with him since before you had started this quest. “I’ve always felt the same about you. You have such an amazing body. I have so many fantasies about you.”

“And I, you,” she confirms. Her right leg comes up and forward, wrapping around Berwyn’s hip and hooking behind his back, keeping him locked against her. Berwyn is forced to take a step back for stability. “We’ll have all the time in the world to play out each and every one of them, Berwyn. In every room of this fortress.” She giggles, then moans, as she directs his head back to her breasts. “You may have… mmnnn… you may have noticed that… there’s quite a lot of rooms to play with….”
After a mindless few moments of Berwyn roughly fucking Matiha into her desk hard enough to make it scrape against the floor, {Berwyn.isDom|he pauses for a moment to look over his shoulder, towards you. “[]!” he barks. “Don’t just play with yourself like a lost idiot. Make yourself useful!”

His tail shifts to the side, giving you a clear look at the union of his cock and Matiha’s sopping wet pussy. The phantom taste of Berwyn’s cock flits across your tongue – Berwyn is in need of his dedicated cocksucker. And if you’re not here to stop Matiha, well… you might as well join in the fun.|Matiha cranes her head to the side, her eyes staring daggers into you. “You!” she shouts, pointing her finger in your direction. “As thanks for bringing my Berwyn back to me, you can lick my cunt while he splits it open!”

Berwyn hesitates for a moment, then, with a grunt of indifference, shifts his tail to the side, giving you a clear look at the union of his cock and Matiha’s sopping wet pussy. It’s a hot sight, you won’t deny that, and you find yourself drawn forward to do as Matiha says. Weren’t you here to stop her from doing something? It seems kind of pointless, now that Berwyn is halfway into her and sawing more and more of his fat, red lupine cock into her. You might as well join in the fun.]

You take a few strides towards them, and once you’re close enough, you fall to your knees and you place your hands on Berwyn’s ass, more to give them something to hang on to while you lean in. Every time Berwyn humps downward, you feel a light, misty splash of Matiha’s pussy juices against your face, and the smell of Berwyn’s pent-up cock rutting Matiha’s horny cunt is overwhelming enough to make you pant. You do as you’re instructed, and you stretch out your [pc.tongue], lathering it against her strained vulva and his hot shaft, tasting them together.

“Oooh,” Matiha coos in between her panting, “you’ve gotten [pc.himHer] so <b>obedient.</b>” You feel her legs flex, and suddenly, her heels are against your back, locking you in place underneath them both. “I wouldn’t have expected anything less from you, Berwyn.”
As their hips get closer and closer together, there’s less and less room for you to work with. Once the bulge of Berwyn’s knot presses down against Matiha’s mons, you change tact yourself, pulling upwards and finding the swell of Berwyn’s nutsack and taking one of his bulging balls into your mouth for you to gently wash and lather. The taste of his hot, unwashed, leathery balls mingle with the aftertaste of Matiha’s stretched pussy and the cascade of Berwyn’s ball-sweat; a single one is large enough to fill your mouth, forcing you to swap between them once you’ve gotten one nice and slick. And you take the time to tongue the crease between them whenever you switch.

“Fuck!” you hear Matiha gasp. Her legs pull in tighter, painfully pressing into your back. From the corner of your eye, you see her body begin to stretch and contort as her pussy is split apart by Berwyn’s massive, bitch-breaking knot{Berwyn.isDom|, and you should know how good it is at breaking bitches}. “Berwyn!” she gasps. “Keep going! Tie me! Knot me to you!”

He grunts through clenched teeth, his thighs hardening up on either side of you as he pushes harder and harder. His thrusting stops altogether, his strength focused on pushing his bulbous knot into Matiha’s tight body – and, after a tense moment, she yields, her cunt splitting wide enough apart that it accepts the thickest part of his knot, and he slips in, locking himself to her.

Berwyn lets out a long, throaty, teeth-clenched grunt, and as soon as he feels every last inch of himself enter Matiha, his balls pull up against himself, clenching against his crotch. You can hear the sound of Matiha’s body stretching as his cumvein pulls her wider and you hear the rush of his jizz flood her womb, stuffing her fuller and fuller with his cum. It just keeps going, far surpassing the average man’s output and firing it all directly into Matiha’s cunt.

“Take it all,” he grunts loudly enough that his voice echoes off the walls.

“I will, I want it!” she replies. “I want your babies, Berwyn. They’ll be so beautiful! So <b>powerful!</b>”


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Ignore Coldmonkey, B. We need more spoiling. So much more.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2020
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I will send this to you if it is of any help to you, you can pick it up or reject it as you like.



Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I will send this to you if it is of any help to you, you can pick it up or reject it as you like
I direct your attention to Savin's post in that topic (made before you posted this) explaining why you just wasted your time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Ey B, I have a question if you don't mind

Is there any chance for a masculinization path for Berwyn? I see you've planned a feminization path, but for those of us who prefer hunky guys, would it be possible to make him big and buff?

Hopefully it won't be too difficult since it should mostly be doable with parser values?

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Is there any chance for a masculinization path for Berwyn? I see you've planned a feminization path, but for those of us who prefer hunky guys, would it be possible to make him big and buff?

There won't be an opportunity to change his stature/tone. His height and his supple softness will stay the same.
I don't intend to change things like his thighs, his butt, his hair, or his arms and legs or whatever. The intent is to try and keep his current design as intact as possible.

But, optionally, you CAN:

Give him boobs. I'm still deciding how big they'll be and if you'll have the option to choose how big they can be (between a selection of options; don't expect a sliding scale)
Shrink his dick. The original plan was to either keep his dick as-is; shrink it to half (so, ten inches); or to remove it entirely and replace it with a vagina. There's been some requests to give him a microdick; I'm personally not sold on the idea but it's still going to be a long while before we get to that point.
Give him a vagina to go with his dick.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
I know it sounds like a simple request but he's already going to have a shitload of variables to him and he's already grossly unattractive towards other writers; giving him one more variable, let alone that changes his entire body type, would be the concrete that broke the camel's back :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I know it sounds like a simple request but he's already going to have a shitload of variables to him and he's already grossly unattractive towards other writers; giving him one more variable, let alone that changes his entire body type, would be the concrete that broke the camel's back :(
Fair enough, that makes sense! Best of luck writing him!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
If you don't mind my asking, what makes Berwyn unattractive to other writers? I get that everyone has their own companions (except Savin who, in his hubris, made three companions like an absolute mad lad), but I'm curious why no one else on the team would like to dog sit Berry.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
Berwyn was originally someone else's and B took up the mantle.
Also the fact that Berwyn is, imho, basically a teenager who's stuck there until he gets back at Matiha and can finally mentally grow up (maybe).
Also, surprisingly not a lot of people I've seen on here want either that kind of attitude or an overly-endowed femboy - but they're fine with Sugo...?
Personally, Berwyn would be fine if he knew what he was gonna do with himself, otherwise he's basically a giant doggy dildo that's ready to go at any time thanks to Matiha.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2020
If you don't mind my asking, what makes Berwyn unattractive to other writers? I get that everyone has their own companions (except Savin who, in his hubris, made three companions like an absolute mad lad), but I'm curious why no one else on the team would like to dog sit Berry.

Berwyn was originally someone else's and B took up the mantle.
Also the fact that Berwyn is, imho, basically a teenager who's stuck there until he gets back at Matiha and can finally mentally grow up (maybe).
Also, surprisingly not a lot of people I've seen on here want either that kind of attitude or an overly-endowed femboy - but they're fine with Sugo...?
Personally, Berwyn would be fine if he knew what he was gonna do with himself, otherwise he's basically a giant doggy dildo that's ready to go at any time thanks to Matiha.

Berwyn originally belonged to a guy named HugsAlright who did a lot of content for TiTS and quit for his mental health. His content scratched an extremely common itch for the community and he was extremely good at what he did, too. This is speculation alone, but I think people not wanting to touch Berwyn as a character has less to do with distaste for the character and more to do with the rather high bar that was left behind by Hugs combined with the fact that there’s a very limited selection of people even allowed to take up such a mantle— Companion creation is limited to veterans of the community who can solidly commit to regularly updating their character’s content through the game’s lifespan (baring unforeseen circumstances such as Hugs’ well-being taking a significant drop). Most of the people that would be allowed to do such a thing already have companions of their own, and most likely are understandably cautious of being held to upholding the standards of another creator’s project on top of their own plus any other content they may be contributing.

That being said, big projects like this just seem to be another Tuesday for B, so I can’t really think of anybody that would’ve been more appropriate for the job. I’m really interested to see how this goes compared to the simpler sub/dom meter that everybody thought Berry was gonna get, and I’d be curious to see how the final product compares to Hug’s original design.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Berwyn originally belonged to a guy named HugsAlright who did a lot of content for TiTS and quit for his mental health. His content scratched an extremely common itch for the community and he was extremely good at what he did, too. This is speculation alone, but I think people not wanting to touch Berwyn as a character has less to do with distaste for the character and more to do with the rather high bar that was left behind by Hugs combined with the fact that there’s a very limited selection of people even allowed to take up such a mantle— Companion creation is limited to veterans of the community who can solidly commit to regularly updating their character’s content through the game’s lifespan (baring unforeseen circumstances such as Hugs’ well-being taking a significant drop). Most of the people that would be allowed to do such a thing already have companions of their own, and most likely are understandably cautious of being held to upholding the standards of another creator’s project on top of their own plus any other content they may be contributing.

That being said, big projects like this just seem to be another Tuesday for B, so I can’t really think of anybody that would’ve been more appropriate for the job. I’m really interested to see how this goes compared to the simpler sub/dom meter that everybody thought Berry was gonna get, and I’d be curious to see how the final product compares to Hug’s original design.

I know about Hugs and the one companion for creators on the dev team rule. It's just the phrasing of Berry being "grossly unattractive" makes me wonder if there's some reason no one else wanted him besides that. Or maybe I'm reading into it too much. Or B is stuffing so many variables into Berwyn that everyone else has been scared off from writing stuff for him for fear of getting carpal tunnel from writing all those variables.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Or B is stuffing so many variables into Berwyn that everyone else has been scared off from writing stuff for him for fear of getting carpal tunnel from writing all those variables.
It's this. This is what I meant when I said Berwyn is unattractive to the other writers. It's maybe one thing to track whether a character has a penis or not; it's another to track if they have a penis; what the length is; if they have boobs; how big they are; is the character a dom or a sub or neutral; what are their pronouns; and whatever else I'm already forgetting


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Sorry I'm a bit late, but, I'm on Agnimitra this week and I've updated her with 3,200 words! This gets through her entire Doggystyle scene and makes a bit of headway into the 69 scene. She likes to wrestle and she likes a bit of manhandling!
The sweat beads off [pc.hasSkin|you and ]Agnimitra, making your grip on her body slick and slippery, and you realize just how hot she is: you were distracted from the sex, but now that you’re good and lodged inside of her, you notice that she’s hot to the touch, and her insides are no different. Every motion that you make against her causing the friction to flare up between you two, and the more her body rocks with your pounding against her ass, the more heat emanates from her plumage and the brighter they get.

But you’re not about to let a little heat get to you, at least not yet: you reach forward with your left hand and you stick your hand right into Agnimitra’s plumage, wrapping your fingers around a fistful of her feathers and giving her a sturdy yank. It’s like sticking your hand into an open, active oven, and every shiver of her feathers makes things just a bit warmer – but you’re tough enough.

“Ah!” she yelps in surprise. Her back arches with the force of your pull, and her {vag|cunt|asshole} clenches down on you as a sudden rush of arousal courses through her. “[], you ballsy bastard! You’re already fucking a phoenix {vag|in her sloppy pussy|in her butt}, and now you’re pulling her hair! I’ve cursed people for a hundred generations for less!”

You don’t stop sawing your cock into her and you don’t let go of her feathers, but you do ask if that’s true.

“Nah, I’m just fucking with you.” She lowers her head, causing you to pull on the feathers in your grip, and she bucks backward for more. “After all, one of us has to! Put your hips into it and fuck me harder, []!”
You tell Agnimitra, in no uncertain terms, that you want to fuck her face while her thighs are wrapped around yours. Given how horny she is, you thought she might appreciate you being a bit more forthright.

“Hah!” she laughs. “I like a [pc.manWoman] that knows what [pc.heShe] wants!” Her left hand comes up to suddenly grip at your chin as her eyes narrow on yours. “As long as we’re being clear with each other, though: I want you to wrestle me to be on top. Give me a thrill before you eat me out, [].”

Thinking quickly, you bring your right hand down on the fat of her thigh, clapping your hand against her ass cheek and feeling it ripple against your grip. She winces, more from the surprise than from the pain; your hand travels further down, along the back side of her thigh, and you lift it up and wrap it around your waist, forcing her to put more weight against you and keeping her balance on her right foot.

Without a moment’s hesitation, you lean in, pressing your [pc.lips] against hers, your tongue surging forward. Agnimitra provides no resistance; you can feel her lips curl upward as she parts them, greeting your tongue into her mouth with her own. She humps her hips against yours, dragging her wet pussy against [pc.hasCock|the turgid girth of your [pc.cock], getting it slick and wet with her own excitement as she does|your own, her pussy’s juices mixing with yours before the brew drips down the inside of both of your thighs]. She moans lightly into your mouth, eager for more; she reaches forward and wraps her arms around your head, keeping you locked against her.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Berwyn originally belonged to a guy named HugsAlright who did a lot of content for TiTS and quit for his mental health.
The Devs just need a chance to step back and recollect themselves I don't know if he quit if it was to much but what I said stands.
The Devs need to be careful and care for themselves and step back to not burn themselves out.

Will Berwyn get a set or two B?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
The Devs just need a chance to step back and recollect themselves I don't know if he quit if it was to much but what I said stands.
The Devs need to be careful and care for themselves and step back to not burn themselves out.
Hugs said he isn't allowed to write for Berry anymore tho is the thing, or at least that is what we heard from him. it's not just "taking a step back", if it is true then he actually can't write for him anymore.
Plus Hugs had a history of ghosting the community iirc, when I was in the Discord the last time I remember him he vanished without a word. Granted, folks are allowed to get out of places for their mental health, but usually they'd at least give something like not being in a good place rn or they rather not be in the community themselves for their health, ala Wsan does something similar and separated from the forums and whatnot but is still technically writing for the game.

We don't know the whole story as the answer is two completely different things (Hugs ghosting and fucking off by himself vs Hugs not being allowed to write for the game because they couldn't deal with his mental health issues, however I'm more inclined to believe the latter as Hugs has been showing recent frustration about being not allowed in having Berry under his wing anymore), but the jist is Berry isn't his anymore and is B's now.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2020
Hugs said he isn't allowed to write for Berry anymore tho is the thing, or at least that is what we heard from him. it's not just "taking a step back", if it is true then he actually can't write for him anymore.
Plus Hugs had a history of ghosting the community iirc, when I was in the Discord the last time I remember him he vanished without a word. Granted, folks are allowed to get out of places for their mental health, but usually they'd at least give something like not being in a good place rn or they rather not be in the community themselves for their health, ala Wsan does something similar and separated from the forums and whatnot but is still technically writing for the game.

We don't know the whole story as the answer is two completely different things (Hugs ghosting and fucking off by himself vs Hugs not being allowed to write for the game because they couldn't deal with his mental health issues), but the jist is Berry isn't his anymore and is B's now.

Woah, what? That’s… new. I never even heard about Hugs’ side. Is he saying he’s been kicked out of the entire operation? Both games?