Noxian Nights (Updated 9/28 - FINAL CONTENT UPDATE)

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You need 75 lust for two of the blowjobs you mentioned, so you're just barely short. Either check for a minor lust decision you might have missed, or wait for the new lust options that will be available in upcoming versions.


Nov 24, 2015
Got it. If you support Kat and get the horse sex scene for Riven you can get her Lust high enough for the blowjob scenes. But if you support Irelia you can't, at least I couldn't find another sex scene to raise my lust in the walktrough.

That being said I want to add that I really love the game. It's a great mixture of classic RPG elements with well drawn/written erotic content. It would be a nice addition if you could repeat already encountered sex scenes, for example the scene with Irelia, or the threesome with her and Dyuu.


Dec 11, 2015
Ok, prison visited (tough not entirely, depending on the Lust score) and camp cleanedd on southest corner of town.

Did anyone find something else ?


Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

The new addition to the game is out for our $15+ backers, so you can expect the public release to be posted here in a little over a week. This version of the game includes a variety of features, including:
- Riven can now work in the bar!
- 3 CGs with many variants.
- New bunny outfit.
- Plot progression and LeBlanc scenes.
- New forest region.
- More quests to boost your affection/lust.

To the people wondering about the Raven game, we posted about it on our blog.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Version 0.6.2 of Noxian Nights is released! This version of the game adds a variety of features, including:
- Riven can now work in the bar!
- 3 CGs with many variants.
- New bunny outfit.
- Plot progression and LeBlanc scenes.
- New forest region.
- More quests to boost your affection/lust.

Download it here

Happy playing! You can expect the next version early next month for our patrons and a bit later for the public.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

The new addition to the game is out for our $15+ backers, so you can expect the public release to be posted here in a little over a week. This version of the game includes a variety of features, including:
 - Conclusion of the castle attack event (return to camp south of town).
 - New monster taming sidequest.
 - Three new scenes with seven variants total.
 - Cum-walking mode can now be triggered upon leaving the shack.
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Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Version 0.7.2 of Noxian Nights is released! This version of the game adds a variety of features, including:
-  Conclusion of the castle attack event (return to camp south of town).
- New monster taming sidequest.
- Three new scenes with seven variants total.
- Cum-walking mode can now be triggered upon leaving the shack.

Download it here

Happy playing! You can expect the next version early next month for our patrons and a bit later for the public.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

The new addition to the game is out for our $15+ backers, so you can expect the public release to be posted here in a little over a week. This version of the game has a large number of new variants, returned scenes, and other scattered features, so we'll list them in a different format than usual:
 - You'll find some new challenge bosses scattered around the areas.
 - The dungeon beneath the well has two Dyuu scenes.
 - There's a new scene in the monster cave after you've finished the others.
 - A new area in the minotaur cave leads to a new quest with many variants.
 - Go back to the prison to start another quest line.
 - Irelia and Katarina each have new scenes to be found in town.
 - The pub quest has a new climactic sequence with a ton of new variants.

On March 17 we'll release the game to the $5 tier, then it will go public on March 20. Expect threads for backer scenes over the coming days!

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Version 0.8.2 of Noxian Nights is released! This version of the game adds a variety of features, including:
- You'll find some new challenge bosses scattered around the areas.
- The dungeon beneath the well has two Dyuu scenes.
- There's a new scene in the monster cave after you've finished the others.
- A new area in the minotaur cave leads to a new quest with many variants.
- Go back to the prison to start another quest line.
- Irelia and Katarina each have new scenes to be found in town.
- The pub quest has a new climactic sequence with a ton of new variants.

Download it here

Happy playing!


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2016
A great update with content that may/may not be precisely what I wanted! Little sad there isn't a repeatable variant of the wolf/minotaur event with Irelia and Katarina since the ghoul's is~

One little thing though that confuses me, the pic for the 8.0 patch, it shows our dear protagonist in a cat outfit with the ghoul... Is that scene not in the game? I like to extract the files so I can see scenes I can't replay and the like, and I can't help but notice that the cat pics are not present? The cat outfit is Katarina only, so Riven can't put it on it would seem.

That aside, love the update, Elemental is stronk.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
been almost a month, gonna be a new update soon? :eek:  i love LoL and riven so im really liking this!

Sierra stated on their blog that this is reaching the finale and it will be a May release for an extended last chapter.

To expand:

The next update will be the final one for Noxian Nights and we want to keep taking things up a level. We'll be wrapping up all the loose ends in the game and bringing things to an exciting conclusion. That's going to include multiple endings, and we hope you'll look forward to them!Irelia, Katarina, and LeBlanc will each have a full ending with Riven that will include custom content, plus we're planning a flexible ending system so that all the other characters can end up just the way you want them. But we're not stopping there, we'll include endings that are bigger and more complex. We'll let you find out most of this for yourself, but we want to tease you on one of our favorites. One of the endings will be a slave trainer, practically a mini-game unto itself! So for those of you who wanted Riven to end up there all along, you'll have a lot of new content to play with.We've completed a large part of the final update's content, but our progress has confirmed what we suspected: this one is going to have too much content to finish in just one month. Rather than awkwardly divide the ending into several different updates with partial content, we'd rather send off Noxian Nights in style with a huge final update.
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Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

The complete version of the game is out for our $15+ backers, so you can expect the public release to be posted here in a little over a week. This version of the game includes a variety of features:
 - Go to the ruins to enter the final dungeon and complete the game!
 - There are two default endings that anyone can choose.
 - There are three unlockable character endings.
- Beating the game will unlock a gallery with all non-ending scenes.
 - Be sure not to miss the new slave trainer bad end! In addition to being a full mini-game, it contains multiple new scenes and a high number of variants.
 - There are three new superbosses lurking for all you overleveled fans to crush.

If the release goes well, on June 11 we'll release the game to the $5 tier, then it will go public on June 14. As another reminder, though this version of the game is complete, next month will be our first bonus/"DLC" update which will add more minotaur side content.

For this update, we tried our best to give satisfying endings for Riven in many different directions, some show friendship, others a new spiritual path and of course the straight sexually ones.

A big part of this update is the ending where you train Riven as a slave. We are still not sure how to center the gameplay and scenes, and we were going back and forth, so we decided to see some feedback before going one way or the other, and the next update we will refine it.


Jan 8, 2016
I haven't played League properly in years but this game, for some reason, is amazing. I love the characterisations, scenarios, and art. 10/10 it's pretty good, looking forward to playing the finished version. Dunno what you're doing next, but I hope it involves Nidalee.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Noxian Nights is complete and freely available at version 1.0.5! This version of the game includes a variety of features:
 - Go to the ruins to enter the final dungeon and complete the game!
 - There are two default endings that anyone can choose.
 - There are three unlockable character endings.
 - Beating the game will unlock a gallery with all non-ending scenes.
 - Be sure not to miss the new slave trainer bad end! In addition to being a full mini-game, it contains multiple new scenes and a high number of variants.
 - There are three new superbosses lurking for all you overleveled fans to crush.
 - The slave trainer is reworked and in its final version, so if you played in previous versions, check it again for new content!

Download it here

Happy playing!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Does this game have an options menu? RPGMaker games usually do, but I can't find it.

(Want to adjust volume, turn on always-run, etc)

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Options like the ones you describe aren't in default RPG Maker, and NN hasn't added the scripts for those. You can control volume via your volume mixer, though.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
Actually they are included in the current MV, just not the older versions...


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Am I supposed to be able to access the new boss in the tunnels, or is that plotgated for later? Some people/guides talk about fighting it now but there's an iron ball in the way.

Edit: OK got that now, needed plot advancement. This must have changed since the people I read.

It took a little while for me to warm up to this game (the start seemed too degradation/humiliation focused to catch my tastes), but I'm really liking it now as Riven has loosened up. Can I just say that it's GREAT to see some beast-y scenes, that's my favourite.

It was pretty difficult finding the third root even with the guide, because the well section it's in had been removed from the main flow and I didn't find it at all until I went googling. I'm stuck on the well tunnels - Dyuu has put a hit out on some tentacles and I've killed two (and all the patrol/random ones), but I can't find any more. There's a wall of tentacles that I can't pass, presumably I need to finish helping Dyuu first but I'm not sure how.
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Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey, sorry I missed your post before now! Still stuck there?

Passing the wall of tentacles will begin the final dungeon, and actually just requires final agreements with LeBlanc. As for the Dyuu quest, it's optional, but have you been through both wells? Anyway, glad you've generally liked the game. ^-^


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
I was referring to the wall in the underwell section (had an item behind it). I never noticed that there were two wells, I came to the conclusion that you got to the two places depending on whether it was night or day :).

(After doing the Dyuu quest it was said that he was settling down and leaving, but he didn't)


May 21, 2016


Is it by any means possible to have the dyuu dlc ending affected by the choice the player makes in the mining shed when dyuu bones leblanc? The tutorial guy with images that has a nonrememberable username said something about that.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The Dyuu ending won't be quite as easy to get as some of the others... and that decision and other things will be relevant to it. ^-^

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

The complete version of the game is out for our $15+ backers, so you can expect the public release to be posted here in a little over a week.

We did a lot of work for it as you will see, it has more than 10 scenes, with the three girls having a close encounter with the minotaur tribe.

This update is another ending addition to the game, so you should look for it around the end battle, the requirements aren't too complicated, but we also want to let you find it for yourselves, because we are evil like that. ^_^ If you struggle too much though, there is a hint in the gallery room.

For the next update, we decided to give Noxian Nights one more month of love and care, and to fulfill the endings some people seem to have wanted very much, so you can look forward to that, but this time it is truly a finale, we just felt like those endings were needed to make the experience full and satisfying for all parties involved, so after some talk we figured one more month is worth it.

On July 25th we'll release the game to the $5 tier, then it will go public on July 29th.


Dec 7, 2015

The complete version of the game is out for our $15+ backers, so you can expect the public release to be posted here in a little over a week.

We did a lot of work for it as you will see, it has more than 10 scenes, with the three girls having a close encounter with the minotaur tribe.

This update is another ending addition to the game, so you should look for it around the end battle, the requirements aren't too complicated, but we also want to let you find it for yourselves, because we are evil like that. ^_^ If you struggle too much though, there is a hint in the gallery room.

For the next update, we decided to give Noxian Nights one more month of love and care, and to fulfill the endings some people seem to have wanted very much, so you can look forward to that, but this time it is truly a finale, we just felt like those endings were needed to make the experience full and satisfying for all parties involved, so after some talk we figured one more month is worth it.

On July 25th we'll release the game to the $5 tier, then it will go public on July 29th.

great I can't wait for it!