Noxian Nights (Updated 9/28 - FINAL CONTENT UPDATE)

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015


Noxian Nights is a porn parody of the popular game LoL, following Riven on her quest to avenge her fallen comrades. As she learns more about the village of Castrum and the mysteries beneath it, she will gather new allies and find new purpose in life. Whether that purpose is revenge, companionship, romance, or uninhibited lust is up to you!

Fetishes: anal, bukkake, buttplug, enslavement, fetish outfits, futa, gangbang, groping, handjob, horses, lapdance, milking, minotaurs, monsters, oral, POV, pregnancy, spanking, squirting, strap-on, tentacles, threesome, titfuck, whipping, wolves, yuri

Game content:
8 - Different endings
51 - CGs
157 - Total variant scenes  
1401 - Total images
Hours of gameplay - 6-10 depending on endings and playstyle

Version 1.2.0+ of the game is complete and has all the bonus content we added due to fan support. This is the final content update for Noxian Nights, though we will continue to provide bugfixes if necessary.

Thank you all for your kind and amazing support through the year of making NN. We started our Patreon on August the 1st one year ago and are happy with the progress we made, both in our collaboration and in gathering so many people who share our passion for lewd content that makes this possible. ^-^

We are happy to leave this game with a big amount of content and move next to our new game Kingdom of Deception which would have everything we saw you liked in NN but with a lot more experience in doing it.

Download from Patreon

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This game is good too. Same good writer+developer as The Last Sovereign, plus art by the talented Nomo. Note that you do not need to know anything about League of Legends to enjoy the game or follow the story, at least so far. I'm proof. (Also, in the last thread there were a lot of comments to the effect of "MOBA lore is dumb anyway and it's all getting changed soon." I wouldn't know personally.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
To me at least (I hadn't played League of Legends: in fact a very vague idea about what it's a), it was pretty easy to follow the story, although I'm sure that I'm losing some references or in-jokes, but that it's why the forums exist, isn't it?

Anyway you could find the blog here.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The new addition to the game is out for our $15+ backers, so you can expect the public release to be posted here next week on Saturday. This version of the game includes a variety of features, including:
 - Five new scenes.
 - All four main characters are revealed.
 - Riven's skills now use a cooldown system.
 - If you want to remove Riven's base image, you can clear the screen via a new item in your inventory.
 - You can check Riven's status (and exact lust) via a new menu option.

Meanwhile, we wanted to bring everyone up to date on some things. Patreon has been slow to process pledges this month, so if your card was charged late, it's possible you didn't get the links. If we see your pledge payment from last month come through, we'll send you the links, but if you got charged and didnt receive them, please send us a message and we'll get things sorted.

On Wednesday we'll release the game to the $5 tier, then it will go public Saturday. Soon our attention will turn to the third section of the game. You can expect some new info and a backer thread over the coming weeks.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Version 0.2.2 of Noxian Nights is released! This version of the game includes a variety of features, including:
 - Five new scenes.
 - All four main characters are revealed.
 - Riven's skills now use a cooldown system.
 - If you want to remove Riven's base image, you can clear the screen via a new item in your inventory.
 - You can check Riven's status (and exact lust) via a new menu option.

Download the game here:
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Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Demo saves won't work, sorry - we redid some stuff behind the scenes and they would be very buggy. All saves should be valid from this point onward, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Question, what effect does the condition have to do with the story?

Also, will Riven's sword get upgraded the further the story progresses?

Found some bugs as well.

When Dyuu is a party member and one saves, Dyuu's avatar doesn't appear on the save file screen.

When the condition is checked, Riven's avatar image reappears on the screen and doesn't go unless using the inventory item again.

Guards are still sleeping in bar even after returning to Castrum at the end of part 2.
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Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Thanks for the reports, though the condition screen returning Riven's image is actually the intended effect. As for your questions:

1) Right now, the effects aren't major, but they'll increase as you continue. As for the connection to the story itself, it's laid out in one of the conversations between Riven and Cnal.

2) No, her sword is a critical bit of lore. You won't upgrade many weapons in this game, mostly enchantments.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The new addition to the game is out for our $15+ backers, so you can expect the public release to be posted here in a little over a week. This version of the game includes a variety of features, including:
- Four new scenes, plus variants.
- New plot areas and more sidequests.
- Riven's base image can now be toggled off and on with the Q key.

This update went out to everyone whose card was charged at the beginning of October. If you pledged after that, but want to receive the early release or one of this month's art packages, you can send us this month's pledge by a different method. If you're interested, send us a message and we'll talk about the details.

On October 13 (Tuesday) we'll release the game to the $5 tier, then it will go public on Friday the 16th. Soon our attention will turn to the fourth section of the game. You can expect some new info and a backer thread over the coming weeks

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Version 0.3.1 of Noxian Nights is released! This version of the game includes a variety of features, including:
- Four new scenes, plus variants.
- New plot areas and more sidequests.
- Riven's base image can now be toggled off and on with the Q key.

Download it here

Happy playing! You can expect the next version early next month for our patreons and a bit later for the public.

NOTE: Some users may experience a bug, but see the Patreon post for a hotfix that will resolve the issue so that all saves can be used for this version.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Love this game. Anyone know what the four new scenes are? I found:

*Riven/Irelia/Dyuu threesome in the cabin in the woods.

*Katarina minotaur gangbang.

*Tentacle wall bad end.


Also, are you SUPPOSED to be able to find mouse hides or eggs to trade to the mintaurs, or is that still yet to be implemented?

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Glad you're enjoying it!

Hint: the scene you're missing involves the time while you're in the mansion.

As for the sidequests: Yes, you can find the eggs. No, you can't find mouse hides until next version.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Glad you're enjoying it!

Hint: the scene you're missing involves the time while you're in the mansion.

As for the sidequests: Yes, you can find the eggs. No, you can't find mouse hides until next version.

So did I just need a high enough lust on Riven for her to take Irelia up on her offer of hot lesbian loving? But I can't raise her lust any higher- even the asshole in the slums won't accept blowjobs any more!

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
That scene has nothing to do with lust. You have to loosen Riven up with something you find in the mansion (after the maid leaves).


New Member
Oct 17, 2015
Maybe I'm a potato, but I think I'm lost, after doing the hotfix to transfer my save I go to the house as prompted, but it tells me the entrance is on the side of the mansion, but no matter how many angles I take at that house I'm clearly not doing something right, care to point me in the right direction :S?

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Go around the right side of the house and press the action key against the wall. You do have to have talked to the butler first.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Go around the right side of the house and press the action key against the wall. You do have to have talked to the butler first.

What butler? The only hint I needed was going to the front door, where Riven says to go around to the right. Didn't have to talk to anyone. This was on a save from just before talking to LeBlanc after escaping the caves.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The intended sequence of events is this:

1) The first time you try the front door, a butler emerges from the side door.

2) You follow him and get more information.

3) Enter via the side door.

Multiple people seem to be skipping #1 and #2, and I'm baffled as to how that's happening.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Multiple people seem to be skipping #1 and #2, and I'm baffled as to how that's happening.

I think it's because for some reason you've got a conditional branch in common event 10 that checks whether switch 102 is off, and flips it on if so. Anyone who's lost to monsters in a way that doesn't require a reload and gotten the monster rape scene would be skipping those parts of the sequence.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Re: Bug - Ah! That switch was used for something completely different in the demo and I forgot to remove it in the main version. That explains it, and it should fix the problem for future versions. Thanks!

Re: Threesome - Talk to the new old woman NPC in the southeast corner of town, go to the cabin, then follow instructions from there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
NN Bug1.png

The PC anc NPC can walk on the wall.

NN Bug2.pngNN Bug3.png

And a question, these two blocks, I have moved the first time I entered the cave, but every time I return to the area, the two stones will reset position? that is a normal thing?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I found something else, just started a new game, I can start the event inside the house next to the store, simply following the normal steps. (I do not know if you did it on purpose)

No problem, it is always a pleasure to help
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Finally got around to playing this part. It was fun. How many parts are left would you say Sierra, and what project would be after this?

Found some bugs or typo's.

When Riven's avatar re-appears on the screen have to press the clear screen item twice to remove it rather than once.

The soldiers in the inn act as though Irelia is still there after being broken out.

Talking to the boy in the mansion can make him freeze up, meaning he doesn't walk around anymore. Can cause a problem if it happened in front of a door.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Graav: No, getting into the mansion early is a bug. I've put out a new version that takes care of it and some miscellaneous problems.

@Number13: Hard to say the exact number, but at least two more plot updates and several with sidequests or lust-related scenes. We haven't chosen our project after this, but it will probably be another short-ish game in a different genre.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
found bug,,, or not,,,

new game > decline blowjob > exit house > Welcome to noxian nights 0.4.x... > Welcome to noxian nights 0.4.x... > Welcome to noxian nights 0.4.x... > repeat...

ah,,, i think it must be my file (0.3.2 RTP) because even when i accept blowjob the bug still come when i exit the house
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New Member
Oct 26, 2015
How can I go to jail when I can not wait for the day or guardian does not want to move ?

I checked all the houses and talked with all the only useful information is Go talk to CnalSave is from version 0.3.1 but i update game to 0.3.2b but nothing has changed 
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