Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Was your intended design for the Shalin Hunter to not being able to be shot down from the trees, Nonesuch?


Aug 27, 2015
Was your intended design for the Shalin Hunter to not being able to be shot down from the trees, Nonesuch?
Could you explain what you mean?


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Sure. The Shalin Hunter encounter does not have the "flying" buff, but is instead always out of reach of melee attacks.

I would like to know if this was your intended design for the encounter, since there is a mention in the combat text that states the hunter moves higher up into the trees to dodge Steele's attacks when they try to melee the guy. The combat description made me think that maybe you didn't consider his movements between the trees so much as traditional flying and therefore that could be the reason why the bird can't be shot down with stuff like the beanbag ammunition from the grenade launcher (has trip chance) and is just always out of reach for melee attacks to reach it because of that.

If I knew what your intention was, I would know if the current mechanics of the encounter are either bugged or just something that I'm not a great fan of because of their placement right after the train dungeon.


Aug 27, 2015
So @Nonesuch if I may ask, is there any update on Hand So or is she super far on the backburner?

No. She's not on the backburner nor will she be. As far as I'm concerned she's in Fen's hands, and it's up to him to do something with her - but I doubt he will. I'm not relitigating it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I'm sad Hand So isn't getting anything because that'd be the perfect thing to tie into Fisianna since she's an software engineer working on AI but I think Fisi content is also dead so that's doubly sad.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I could see Hand So being worked as a crewmember that doesn't take up a crew slot.
Honestly this would be perfect. Or maybe make it so they give small buffs to certain systems or something.

And maybe also have them give some flavor text as we walk around the ship or go into the cockpit or something, or just have them chatting with the crew. We don't need a full Bess/Ben situation.
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Aug 27, 2015
It's been a while so I guess I'll do a bit of an update.

I've got a lot of different TiTS projects on the go - I'd like to say I'm close to completion on one but that'd be a lie. I'm deep into producing the Princess Nastizia loss content (what happens after you lose the contest with Riya, yes, that'll be a fully fleshed out path for all you lovers of being owned by a big brown dickgirl asshole out there), but I know if I released that on its own there'd be a riot, so once I have completed it I'll be moving straight onto the Nasti win content. That'll hopefully go quicker because some of that is written already and more besides is shared content with the loss side.

Recently I got hit by one of those inspirations I simply couldn't let lie and I started work on a new piece, starring a cundarian pirate called Col Caas and his fhan'i accomplice Hazienn. Very broadly, because I don't want to spoil the details too much (if you want to spoil the details for yourself you can always subscribe to my Patreon and check it out there), this'll be a similar kind of deal to Jasvalla - a repeat encounter with an antagonist, but with a very different ending which I think Steele tops in particular will really enjoy. It'll also introduce portal panties and masks, something I've wanted in the game for a while now (and Fen didn't want until the end game, which we are now in).

Active development on TiTS will be drawing to a close at some point, and I should talk realistically about the future. There's still a number of things I want to complete, and I've got my heart set on doing so, so long as I'm able. They are:

  • The aforementioned Nasti and Col/Haz stuff
  • Siobhan quest + recruitment (60% or so done)
  • Jasvalla finishing up xpac
  • Suze story completion + recruitment

There's other things floating around out there, but there's always going to be more things floating around out there and as said, I need to be realistic now the end of this ride is now very much in sight. I don't really know what's going to happen, whether I'll continue working on wherever the Fengames enterprise goes next (if indeed it goes anywhere next) - it's something I'll have to think about hard.

That sounds all a bit of a downer. I should say I've felt reinvigorated lately and the writing side of thing is flowing well, I'm still enjoying doing this stuff after all these years somehow. There's just a lot of it to be done!


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Fuuuck, man.... the light at the end of the tunnel for TiTS is looking more and more like a painted brick wall....

Here's hoping you and the other writers can get what yall want made before we slam into it.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
It's been a while so I guess I'll do a bit of an update.

I've got a lot of different TiTS projects on the go - I'd like to say I'm close to completion on one but that'd be a lie. I'm deep into producing the Princess Nastizia loss content (what happens after you lose the contest with Riya, yes, that'll be a fully fleshed out path for all you lovers of being owned by a big brown dickgirl asshole out there), but I know if I released that on its own there'd be a riot, so once I have completed it I'll be moving straight onto the Nasti win content. That'll hopefully go quicker because some of that is written already and more besides is shared content with the loss side.

Recently I got hit by one of those inspirations I simply couldn't let lie and I started work on a new piece, starring a cundarian pirate called Col Caas and his fhan'i accomplice Hazienn. Very broadly, because I don't want to spoil the details too much (if you want to spoil the details for yourself you can always subscribe to my Patreon and check it out there), this'll be a similar kind of deal to Jasvalla - a repeat encounter with an antagonist, but with a very different ending which I think Steele tops in particular will really enjoy. It'll also introduce portal panties and masks, something I've wanted in the game for a while now (and Fen didn't want until the end game, which we are now in).

Active development on TiTS will be drawing to a close at some point, and I should talk realistically about the future. There's still a number of things I want to complete, and I've got my heart set on doing so, so long as I'm able. They are:

  • The aforementioned Nasti and Col/Haz stuff
  • Siobhan quest + recruitment (60% or so done)
  • Jasvalla finishing up xpac
  • Suze story completion + recruitment

There's other things floating around out there, but there's always going to be more things floating around out there and as said, I need to be realistic now the end of this ride is now very much in sight. I don't really know what's going to happen, whether I'll continue working on wherever the Fengames enterprise goes next (if indeed it goes anywhere next) - it's something I'll have to think about hard.

That sounds all a bit of a downer. I should say I've felt reinvigorated lately and the writing side of thing is flowing well, I'm still enjoying doing this stuff after all these years somehow. There's just a lot of it to be done!
I was wondering a few things, for the win route of nasti expansion, could MC bottom to riya if we wanted theem to, and have it not being as degrading as what was in the nasti loss route, also could it be possible for Jasvalla to have recruitment along with her expansion, after she gets sent to gastigoth to be rehabilitated, just wondering not trying to impose, if you already have a direction set, for how you want these characters and their expansions to go??


Aug 27, 2015
I was wondering a few things, for the win route of nasti expansion, could MC bottom to riya if we wanted theem to, and have it not being as degrading as what was in the nasti loss route
You can do threesomes with Riya that are basically switch format, but otherwise no, being a smack-talking top is kind of her thing.

also could it be possible for Jasvalla to have recruitment along with her expansion, after she gets sent to gastigoth to be rehabilitated,
No, Jasvalla will not be recruitable. Suze is aimed basically at being a recruitable Jas with 80% less crazy.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
I've been avoiding Suze since the whole lying-to-her-in-order-to-get-her-to-sleep-with-me feels very squicky. Which on the other hand is a shame, since I love your writing.

I guess if she ends up recruitable it'll be ok in the end? (Trying to talk myself into doing what feels like a very bad thing.)

I am saddened by the implication that the Breedwell expansion probably won't happen. I guess an oral scene for plant-morphs with Quaelle is also unlikely to get written.
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Aug 27, 2015
Does that mean one on one content with Riya or just third wheeling her and Nasti?
Some rigorous one-on-one sessions with Riya are in the works.