I wrote up a quick Camarilla Office for Uveto Station, if you'd like to include it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gv8tvIElOW4vrGx5Bntf5g00HRnGH3iALK6qpuUcEQc/edit?usp=sharing
Will the Uveto expansion be before or after Myrellion gets finished I know this is an old question but the answer escapes me. Either way, keep up the awesome work folks.!
Either The probe that you get no matter what after defeating Taivra or Shade thinks your cool so heres some cordinates.
Speaking of Myrellion and getting on Uveto, how are we getting the coordinates aside from the subjugation end for Tairva?
You get the coordinates regardless of Myrellion's resolution.
These are not, however, the coordinates for Uveto. Those you get from Shade if you're not a dick to her, or from a TBA short adventure in space.
Wait so its not the next story planet? Its an optional planet?
So for the lurelings am I to understand that the sexy npc is not going to be involved in combat?
Originally, no, though now that dynamic group combat is a thing I might have her be a tease-attacker to the Lureling's brute force.
Ok two things
- Would the lured creature be able to be switched out fairly easily?
- If someone were to write up stuff for a non-persistance generic lured npc (i know it being a male isn't a problem) would you be open to that?
Y'know, a new start on the forum feels like a good a time as any to post some cool stuff. So, for all the writers looking towards the horizon for things to write, allow me to present... Planet 5: Uveto, a semi-core ice world controlled by corporate interests, with a population primarily made up of gene-modded ausar and human religious oddballs.
Final Design Document Here. You should be able to comment on it if you have questions or want to tell everyone about content you're creating.
would i need to start a new game on the new version
when is it comeing out
Just to ask, but should this topic be renamed and moved to the actual TiTS section and not in the Event Submission section, as the planet has been implemented in the game? It would be in the same section as the Myrellion Content Discussion.