New texas Bad


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016

Lerris needs more things in her shop...

If any company would have made a product that speeds up gestation time, it would be TamaniCorp. To bad we cant call it Ovillium, because that was already made by Xenogen, and its advertised by Shelly in Anon's Bar, Otherwise, an updated Ovi-Elixer would be perfect for this kind of thing.

Edit: I original wrote increase gestation time, but that's crazy. Who wants their character to consonantly be pregnant forev- oh. Huh. Guess that's another item to add to the list.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
That said, I don't understand the logic behind that second statement.... like, don't they already? That's Reaha's entire backstory right there.

If the person in question chose to become a happy bimbo, for whatever reason, while being fully aware of the consequences, we have no more reasons to doubt that choice or feel bad about whatever intelligence they lost than about Lerris' choice or her pre-milkslut traits.

Cass is a weird case for that matter, since I can't remember how much of a dumb and uninformed decision her taking Treatment was.

Something probably should also be done about the glaring plothole of some random spess trucker being able to smuggle Treatment off of NT. On the other hand, Treatment Story is said to be a case of unreliable narrator.

On a related note, I'm actually really uncomfortable about how the male zil vaginal loss scene is going to take on a completely different air when he can actually get the PC pregnant. When he's just talking dirty about knocking you up, whatever, but when he's actually going to be able to do it... That doesn't sit well with me. Steele is going to end up being responsible for 2 zil children she didn't plan for and didn't really have any say in the creation of. It's why I've been putting off the male zil pregnancy expansion...

Easy, you just make that scene not work for impregnation, maybe with the possible exception for having the Breeder starter perk. Make Zil babies not getting conceived unless there are positives vibes getting sent to the egg from both parents part of their lore and be done with it.

If grimdark things can use flimsy excuses and space magic to justify their existence, so do nice and cuddly things.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@IVIysteriousPerson Umm well about this preg stuff I said I not meant you or this scene you brought up. So well if you really what continue on that there is other way than posts (plus Savin starting to slowly poking us to not deviate on 'this' type of disscusions).

On the other part of your reply... somehow this coming to my mind.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
But if loss scenes are readily acknowledged as rape, why aren't they written that way? 

Because that's not how Fen and I get our rocks off? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What do you mean? I'm referring specifically to the potentiality of girls having the Treatment forced on them. The Treatment washes away resistance with artificial happiness, and fucks with a person's mind. A Treated person is a different person than their un-Treated self. I consider the original person dead, because the Treatment is irreversible. A woman could be kicking and screaming and crying and begging not to be Treated, then she's injected with it and... I don't know, 

That's what happens on New Texas if you don't take the Treatment voluntarily. We've had this discussion before. Jackboots come and drag you off. 

That is what is going to happen to Reaha, potentially.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
I thought such things were against the law in TiTS.

Are they? Can you point me to where it says that? I ask cause I don't want to suggest writing content that has already been confirmed to be non-existent or illegal.


Aug 27, 2015
Forcing it on anyone for any reason is so far beyond the pale... It's so fucked up that it's hard to describe how fucked up it is. I've literally had real-life nightmares about it. Several, actually.

I don't want to say you're thinking about this too much Misty, but... you're thinking about this way too much. You are never going to convince Fen to make the Treatment voluntary, it's one of those things I know he'll retreat into his shell and avoiding talking about if you pushed him. Given that, do your best to stop obsessing over it, put it in a box and be the happy/NT-avoiding content you want to see.

You won't want to hear this, I prefer NT the way it is. To me, dystopias are much more interesting to explore and use as launching pads for content than MLP-lands. I'd have a problem if it wasn't acknowledged as fucked up, but it is - Reaha depicts it in a completely different light to the tourist brochures. CoC/TiTS is a broad church, and mindbreak/bimbofication is one of the fetishes it supports. I think you have to learn to make your peace with that, as tough as I know that is for you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
To me, dystopias are much more interesting to explore and use as launching pads for content than MLP-lands.

The glaring plotholes all of them tend to have as the direct result of being as - if not more - extreme than utopias don't bother you?

... But you guys get off to like... safety-scissor pseudo-rape that you still understand is rape? >_>

Maybe I just don't get it, I dunno. I'm not trying to give you the third degree, I've just always been kind of bothered by it. More than just "kind of," actually, but those are my personal hangups surrounding non-con more than anything else.

The current treatment of loss scenes also makes it easier for less keen-eyed randos like me to change it into consensual sexy times in our mind and fap in peace.
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Aug 27, 2015
The glaring plotholes all of them tend to have as the direct result of being as - if not more - extreme than utopias don't bother you?

If we accept that premise I imagine you enjoy dystopias more as well, o Holepicker-in-Chief.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I feel a moral obligation to destroy NT. It is a place which makes me feel sick by its mere existence. And putting unique services (gym) there is not making it better.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Lips for nipples, fuckable, like CoC's Scylla. Acquired from Sera's product Clippex. I've currently a quad boobed with 1 lipple each on my PC.

So how does that factor in nipple length?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
So how does that factor in nipple length.

I never know what a product will do, so I asked about his canoneer. It could pump lipples up, possibly revert them, or nothing at all.

I think Couch was wondering what nipple-lengthening TF's do to lipples right now. Do they even do anything?

Clippex does talk about how it still improves nipple size, other then that, nothing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
If we accept that premise I imagine you enjoy dystopias more as well, o Holepicker-in-Chief.

Yeah, but not because they tend to have more interesting/gripping conflicts or anything, since more realistic setting have both 'topias' beat on that front.

I'm just a horrible horrible bastard who can't find the view of characters' happiness satisfying if I don't have the knowledge that they had to claw their way towards it.

On the other hand sympathizing with misery comes a lot more easily to me.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Also we have all of one Cowmazon that you can really interact with AFAIK. Not like the game's overflowing with 'em like normal cows.

If not official then there are a number of them that're unofficially written with amazon flavor. Along with Zephyr there are several at the gym and one in the milk barn at the least. Compared to the number of bimbo-type cows the numbers are probs. about even, honestly. It ended up being a popular fixation.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
... No? I mean, I get that the term "utopia" can be pretty subjective, but still...

If systemically enforced chemical brainwashing is part of your vision of a "utopia," I'd hate to see what you think a dystopia is...

I agree with you on this. Now if it was VOLUNTARY then I could see calling it a utopia. But I think he means in the low rate of crimes and what not. (I mean crimes against the law, not things that should be crimes against humanity.)

I cant remember the name of the planet from Star trek that was the pleasure planet, but NT kinda reminds me of it. ANNNND google for the win, after 2 seconds. RISA. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But if loss scenes are readily acknowledged as rape, why aren't they written that way? That's always really bothered me. To me, the weird "well everyone is still kind of oddly into it" thing we have is more far disturbing than a few thousand words and tears and feeble, desperate resistance. Because the former always feels like it's downplaying what's actually happening, and sort of makes me feel like the author thinks rape victims wind up enjoying it...

I can read a graphic description of a rape. I'm an adult. I'm not going to try and get off to it, but I'm not trying to get off to the current loss scenes either, because (again, to me) they're basically equivalent, except one treats me like I'm stupid and the other gives the situation the horrible gravity it deserves.

Even leaving aside how I am someone who's all for consensual acts and thus isn't really into forced mental/physical changes and rape, I can't be the only one who hates the "lose to get unique and possibly cooler than what you usually get scenes" methods during porn games. But I'm okay with Fengames loss scenes being safety-scissor pseudo-rape that you still understand is rape scenes rather than grimdark, you-are-scarred-for-life-now ones. Not that I'm against it, mind you: one of my earliest approaches to written erotica was a scene from a book my aunt owned about some criminal raping the daughter of the lawyer that indirectly sent him to jail. A scene I read many times, unlike the book itself. Different ways to play fantasies of any kind, I guess. Just like some people go gaga over cervical penetration yet I can't stand it because it would hurt like hell in real life. I could talk about that one time when I was in my Red Army War days and my body had to deal with a clot the size and thickness of my middle finger...

P.S. I'd like to read that story of yours.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
But then the dev team wouldn't get the perverse enjoyment of watching a vocal minority of the playerbase screaming at each other. Same goes for Myrellion. It's how I get my rocks off.

Stop kinkshaming me, bro.

Maybe we should have dedicated threads for gen.disc. about every planet, like we do Myrellion?

ROFLMAO, when at work and you need a damn good laugh.... THIS RIGHT HERE, does it.

@Savin Dude you rock, thanks for that. I am going to be chuckling about that all night, and enjoy the hell out of the fact that NO ONE will know why I'm suddenly in a good mood. (Yes it will terrify them, which makes it even better.)

This makes for some great reading through while on break, with nothing better to do.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Originally I wanted to write a lot of stuff, but after all that reading my possible output accumulated to a mass that I can not organize in a meaningful way and furthermore I decided not to repeat myself.

@Bocoom: Chill out, man. All that hate you are getting is just a mischievous way of saying YOUR IDEA IS BAD and there have been reasons mentioned, mind that. It is really nothing personal, although your avatar pic makes you look like a totalitarian narcissist (that was a joke, just to be clear). I thought about using Self-Destruct after every post I make, it would possibly be better for this forum as a whole.

About the loss-scene rape discussion, yes IVIisty, it is kind of weird. But your proposed alternative (of a more realistic description) would put off a lot of players and I guess most of our beloved writers as well. The way these scenes are written now (in most cases) gives a bit of leeway to the players imagination and that is always a good thing. And hell, this is a game, so you can skip and/or reload. I know you know this and you probably want the general assumptions in loss-scenes altered, but let's be honest, that is not going to happen. I might have completely misread you on this, since I am not as awake as I should or could be (under different circumstances) and if I have, I apologize for wasting everyone's time (again).

I'll stop it now, for the sake of not endangering and alienating myself further. Tata!