Naohr ~ Kinky Fantasy Life Simulation


Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
Not active anymore. For more information, look there :

Meet The Kinky Family is the first chapter of the game taking place in Naohr, a Fantasy world where monsters and humanoids live (sometimes peacefully) with each other.
It will focus on the sex workers and let you be one of them. You will start as a whore, working in a dull brothel and slowly climb the sex ladder, dominating people as a Dominatrix or influencing the mighty as a Courtesan.
Or you might just fall, becoming a complete slut or slave, doing anything to please your masters…
This is your choice.

Basically you slightly customize an avatar before starting a new life in the city of Naohr. You can wander around, work (which will be central), buy stuff, consume some drugs, develop your skills and try to become the best whore in town.

You can play with the mouse and the keyboard (Enter, arrows, tab).

For the next releases, I am focusing on the slave profession, which lets you find yourself a nice master or institution. There will be two paths : depravity (lot of non consent) and servitude. You can expect to do chores and please your masters in very different ways...

Fetishes (which can be enabled/disabled from settings) :
  • Male/male
  • Male/female (new since may 21)
  • Female/female
  • Sub/dom
  • Futanari
  • Abuse
  • Incest
  • Beasts

Finally, I do not own images. Authors are given each time I found them. I hope one day I will be able to pay artists to do the graphical part!

(Original post updated to reflect new game direction)


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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
As a general rule any game that promises that the player can do anything they want tends to make people wary, not excited. All too often ambitious people start out with all these ideas for a free-form world that never pan out because the project quietly dies when its developer gets burned out trying to get their game to work a million different ways. Even from the player's perspective it's better to focus on a few more definitive ideas than a ton of tiny ones - if someone's playing for some minor sidebar sort of idea that never gets much attention they're just going to feel teased and unsatisfied.

Apart from all that a game full of distractions ends up holding interest only for as long as the novelty can maintain itself - from both the player and the developer's perspective.

I'd advise you to hash out a number of big paths that you think you can handle that appeal most to you and then you can make some side content from those that incorporates the little ideas that feel worthwhile rather than pitching it as yet another ~open world experience~.

also you're going to need an editor. I'm guessing English isn't your first language.
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Reactions: Nephilim_Anunnaki


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
I agree with @balitz Method on this.

If you branch out in to many directions the game will go you might get stuck on to much content. Focus on less core elements and work on supplements to enrich the game as you go along. The main aspect of the game should be a strong core that you work the most time on. It should be solid and engaging, everything apart from the core is just a distraction at the beginning. Get the basic system of what you want to achieve right before thinking about additional stuff.

Just an example from the game:
working as a prostitute gave me a whole lot of skill points I could not spend anymore. I had like over a 100+ and did not know what to do with them anymore. So it is my advice to work on the job system with skill/experience gain and talents to choose/acquire from that; built an advancement system on top of that and then, if you add more different jobs, you can use the structure of the first job-system as a template.

since I had a male character working in a brothel it was kind of a downer to have pictures of women appearing when doing a certain service. You may want to either add male variants of said pictures or, for now, disable them for male characters.

The game by itself looks decent enough for an early alpha and can blossom into something fun, enjoyable and playable. There is much work to be done, however.
Such as:
The content filter it rather confusing atm. It does not tell you whether you just enabled or disabled something. A tooltip at that point would help.
Starting stats need to be clearified and maybe even have some to begin with. Starting out with 0 in some attributes was kind of confusing.
Dont use that green-ish colour in the shops that tells what items do, please. Its almost impossible to read.
The job-sheet had (kind of as a nice surprise) male variants of terms in it (like rent-boy etc), but showed female bodys in the spread-sheet. That needs to chance, I think.
Having sex does not appear to have any effect yet on your character like status changes in the overview (anal looseness, for example).


Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
Thank you very much for your feedback!

As a general rule any game that promises that the player can do anything they want tends to make people wary, not excited. All too often ambitious people start out with all these ideas for a free-form world that never pan out because the project quietly dies when its developer gets burned out trying to get their game to work a million different ways. Even from the player's perspective it's better to focus on a few more definitive ideas than a ton of tiny ones - if someone's playing for some minor sidebar sort of idea that never gets much attention they're just going to feel teased and unsatisfied.

Apart from all that a game full of distractions ends up holding interest only for as long as the novelty can maintain itself - from both the player and the developer's perspective.

I'd advise you to hash out a number of big paths that you think you can handle that appeal most to you and then you can make some side content from those that incorporates the little ideas that feel worthwhile rather than pitching it as yet another ~open world experience~.

I agree with @balitz Method on this.

If you branch out in to many directions the game will go you might get stuck on to much content. Focus on less core elements and work on supplements to enrich the game as you go along. The main aspect of the game should be a strong core that you work the most time on. It should be solid and engaging, everything apart from the core is just a distraction at the beginning. Get the basic system of what you want to achieve right before thinking about additional stuff.

Just an example from the game:
working as a prostitute gave me a whole lot of skill points I could not spend anymore. I had like over a 100+ and did not know what to do with them anymore. So it is my advice to work on the job system with skill/experience gain and talents to choose/acquire from that; built an advancement system on top of that and then, if you add more different jobs, you can use the structure of the first job-system as a template.

I am like a little puppy (the cute ones!) , all full of life and eager to play, this piece of advice made me think quite a bit. This is the first time I am trying the creative side and I am lacking direction. Thanks again : )

For a starter I think I will organize the game as chapters, focused on one profession family and change my communication to reflect it. The very long term goal would still be the same (this pseudo open world) and it might or might not be achieved but at least players should get a real understanding on what they will play.

also you're going to need an editor. I'm guessing English isn't your first language.

That's true (Yeay, I have a weak excuse to do mistakes!), I will work on that!

Starting stats need to be clearified and maybe even have some to begin with. Starting out with 0 in some attributes was kind of confusing.

Sorry, occupational hazard. Things love to start at 0 in computer sciences : 0
I will fix the issues you noticed for the next release.


Dec 16, 2016
Hm. I second the confusion behind knowing what is or is it disabled, fetish content wise. Also, it's likely due to it being it's first version ever and whatnot, but I noticed it had a load command-- but I could find no way to save. Bug? Feature?


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
First, I want to encourage you to create your game. It always great to see new projects.

Second, I want to share my notes about the game:
- current UI is confusing in general
- people already mentioned how hard it is to guess which options of fetish filter were disabled or enabled
- tooltip about your current stats appear not at every point of stat bar, but at very specific locations.
- it's hard to tell how to interact with items
- in fullscreen mode UI looks very thin and empty. Maybe it would be better to stick most of UI in one place?


New Member
Mar 6, 2017
Hi! In this site I'm new ! I am going to make this as short and super simple as I can. My name is Banjamin, but friends call me just Ben. If you want, you can call me Ben too, it's easier. I think this site is awesome, interesting and informative, so for this reason I joined in this community! I think the Sims is not the first life simulation game, but certainly the most popular up until today. This game I played when was a child, now this game playing my younger sister. This game caused me a lot of sentiments...But now I'm playing other life simulation games like Spore, etc. Maybe you could recommend something?


Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
Thanks a lot for your feedback!

Hm. I second the confusion behind knowing what is or is it disabled, fetish content wise. Also, it's likely due to it being it's first version ever and whatnot, but I noticed it had a load command-- but I could find no way to save. Bug? Feature?

Duly noted, fetish toggle button fix is on its way : )

Are you referring to the load button of the main screen?

If you want to save you have two ways to do so :
  • Click on the little menu icon at the top left corner of the ui. It is mainly available on the "new turn" screen where you can choose to work, to explore, the inventory or home. Then choose quicksave/save.
  • press shift + escape (sorry about the double key, Java8 has a weird limitation with escape...) . Then choose quicksave/save.

First, I want to encourage you to create your game. It always great to see new projects.

Second, I want to share my notes about the game:
- current UI is confusing in general
- people already mentioned how hard it is to guess which options of fetish filter were disabled or enabled
- tooltip about your current stats appear not at every point of stat bar, but at very specific locations.
- it's hard to tell how to interact with items
- in fullscreen mode UI looks very thin and empty. Maybe it would be better to stick most of UI in one place?

I will add tutorial overlay on the ui to explain everything. I neglected this part for too long :/
Item interaction such as equipping or consuming? Or in the rooms where you can place items then interact with them?
Do you still find the ui too empty if you make it bigger with the options ?
I will fix the other issues you noticed, thanks !


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
The options for fetishes don't really seem to do anything. Moreover, the images displayed don't necessarily have any real relevance to the scene. For example, If I (a dude) give a bj, there's no reason I should see a picture of a chick where I should be.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
The options for fetishes don't really seem to do anything. Moreover, the images displayed don't necessarily have any real relevance to the scene. For example, If I (a dude) give a bj, there's no reason I should see a picture of a chick where I should be.

Yup, it is fixed with the latest release. Images are linked to avatar's gender.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
Are you able to go to the port? The circle to go there is off the map and i can't click on it to go there.


Mar 9, 2016
Oh, neat. Love the concept.

A) I really want a keyboard only input method.

B) I'd really like at least the basic scenes e.g. blowjob to have variation depending on your stats.
This gives in my eyes a real sense of progression and motivates one to replay scenes/grind the stats.


Active Member
Nov 24, 2016
Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I have 2 issues
1) I cant get more than 15 expertise and reputation on working at home (any actions became "You will get less expertise and rep for doing that" and you are not getting anything at all. And alternatives require more expertise to do) Wonder if thats a result of playing as a male character and disabling m/m content because when I tried doing the same with female i could lvl it up with scissor thingy
2) I am not getting any skill points after few levelups at all, like I am reaching level cap
3) My maximum expertise stat is 20 (I can reach only 15/20), still in changelogs you mentioned that you have events which require 30 and 40 expertise
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Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
how do you raise seduction and self respect?

Seduction is the main skill when you are a whore so to raise it you can work in the brothel. It

Oh, neat. Love the concept.

A) I really want a keyboard only input method.

Thanks, that's always nice to hear people appreciate something about the game : )
It was intended to be completely playable with the keyboard but some of the latest features broke it (like the Futanari Palace in the map screen, and the navigation between skills family in the skills screen.)

B) I'd really like at least the basic scenes e.g. blowjob to have variation depending on your stats.
This gives in my eyes a real sense of progression and motivates one to replay scenes/grind the stats.

I also like the idea to have new content unlocked after some grinding. I will add it to my to-do list. Cannot promise to implement it but I will give it a serious thought : )

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I have 2 issues
1) I cant get more than 15 expertise and reputation on working at home (any actions became "You will get less expertise and rep for doing that" and you are not getting anything at all. And alternatives require more expertise to do) Wonder if thats a result of playing as a male character and disabling m/m content because when I tried doing the same with female i could lvl it up with scissor thingy

Thanks for the feedback. This is possible. I tried as much as possible to be able to do the complete prostitute job with only the basic interactions (F/M) but I might have missed something. I will look into it for the next release.

2) I am not getting any skill points after few levelups at all, like I am reaching level cap
3) My maximum expertise stat is 20 (I can reach only 15/20), still in changelogs you mentioned that you have events which require 30 and 40 expertise

Next ranks (20 to 40 and 40 to 60) are available after a very simple quest. It should automatically start when you reach 20 (and 40 for next tier) in both reputation and sexpertise after having slep/rest.
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Apr 17, 2017
I try opening the game, the command prompt opens, but the game does not open whatsoever and i really want to try the game out.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
I try opening the game, the command prompt opens, but the game does not open whatsoever and i really want to try the game out.
Hi, which version did you try? from patreon you can find the 0.3.3 one. It is available to everyone.
If you already use the latest version, could you send me the file called general.log located at the root directory of the game? This file embeds useful information for me to troubleshoot issue with the game : )


Jun 19, 2016
Got stuck at 30 expertise. Tried everything I could think of to convince the sex shop owner to let me into the symposium, didn't work. Still have not found where beauty can be raised, though.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
Got stuck at 30 expertise. Tried everything I could think of to convince the sex shop owner to let me into the symposium, didn't work. Still have not found where beauty can be raised, though.

This encounter is available but you will need to have a slightly higher expertise (35 at least).
Beauty is... well... You cannot raise it for the moment, but it will become in an upcoming version : )

By the way, did you disable any content?
Normally, at this level you should meet Cathy or Prestor (F/M content) at home. There is also Tristan for some gay content.


Jun 19, 2016
Thanks for the reply - so if I turn off M/M then I can't get to 35? Prestor shows up, but maxes out at 30. I'm playing as a female in this run, if that matters.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
As a female it does not matter. There is not yet lesbian encounters.
I guess your girl has a small chest then ? Prestor wants some paizuri but only if you have big enough breasts. I will prepare new events to avoid being stuck that way.
Thanks for the feedback!


Jun 19, 2016
As a female it does not matter. There is not yet lesbian encounters.
I guess your girl has a small chest then ? Prestor wants some paizuri but only if you have big enough breasts. I will prepare new events to avoid being stuck that way.
Thanks for the feedback!

Yep, thanks!


Nov 21, 2015
This is an interesting and fun little game, and I hope to see it continued.

1) As far as I can tell, there is currently no way to see what skill levels you possess. Even just a straight list on another collapsible tab on the inventory screen would be fine.
2) Similarly, there is no way of seeing any currently active effects, temporary or permanent.
3) There is potential for confusion between skills that are leveled by actions and skills as used for picking options from a skill tree, as both are referred to as skills.
4) There is nothing indicating what is used to increase points for picking skills. Is it a certain number of actions? A certain progress of job specialization? Grinding skills up to certain values?
5) Getting locked out of returning to the Prostitute class after having already unlocked it, with no warning that you'd be locked out needs looking at. Once the class is unlocked and the rooms set up in the house, there doesn't seem to be an internally consistent reasoning for being unable to continue accepting visitors.
6) Ethylism is a strange word to use in English. Are you using it to mean Intoxication(as in something that will decay away over time) or Alcoholism(as in developing a dependancy on alcohol) or Ethyl poisoning?

Filters might need clarifying. Eg. Is the m/m filter only supposed to filter male PC/male NPC interactions or should it also filter male NPC/male NPC interactions when the player character is female?

Certain scenes don't seem to be checking for requirements correctly. A few I noticed and recall at the moment include;
The streetwalker cafe oral rape, where the text mentions the rapist ignoring that the player is male, but when playing using a female character. This also had the m/m filter enabled and still played this particular scene while using a female character.
The bedroom/love room masturbation scene that involved using a dildo, without a dildo being owned.
The farm supervisor scene with Anna has a female character releasing their non-existant cock before it changes back to Anna licking pussy.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
This is an interesting and fun little game, and I hope to see it continued.

1) As far as I can tell, there is currently no way to see what skill levels you possess. Even just a straight list on another collapsible tab on the inventory screen would be fine.
2) Similarly, there is no way of seeing any currently active effects, temporary or permanent.
3) There is potential for confusion between skills that are leveled by actions and skills as used for picking options from a skill tree, as both are referred to as skills.
4) There is nothing indicating what is used to increase points for picking skills. Is it a certain number of actions? A certain progress of job specialization? Grinding skills up to certain values?
5) Getting locked out of returning to the Prostitute class after having already unlocked it, with no warning that you'd be locked out needs looking at. Once the class is unlocked and the rooms set up in the house, there doesn't seem to be an internally consistent reasoning for being unable to continue accepting visitors.
6) Ethylism is a strange word to use in English. Are you using it to mean Intoxication(as in something that will decay away over time) or Alcoholism(as in developing a dependancy on alcohol) or Ethyl poisoning?

Filters might need clarifying. Eg. Is the m/m filter only supposed to filter male PC/male NPC interactions or should it also filter male NPC/male NPC interactions when the player character is female?

Certain scenes don't seem to be checking for requirements correctly. A few I noticed and recall at the moment include;
The streetwalker cafe oral rape, where the text mentions the rapist ignoring that the player is male, but when playing using a female character. This also had the m/m filter enabled and still played this particular scene while using a female character.
The bedroom/love room masturbation scene that involved using a dildo, without a dildo being owned.
The farm supervisor scene with Anna has a female character releasing their non-existant cock before it changes back to Anna licking pussy.

Thank you very much for your wonderful feedback : )

1, 2) This is something I planned but dev is not yet started.
3) I agree. I will pick better terms.
4) Skill points are given each 10 levels for the main skill of the profession (so for prostitute : expertise). I will add it to the tutorial and to the text showing up when player actually gets them.
5) That's... true. Initially I was thinking about a permit but I changed my mind about it for an illegal activity. My first thought about working from home was a unique gameplay for the Prostitute class (like for street hooker working in the street or for slave living in the master's house). I will think about it to make something coherent because I like the idea to not be able to do everything every time from the start.
6) That's definitively alcoholism ^^
7) Filters apply to all events. I will clarify it.
8) Damned placeholders, I will fix them.
Apr 17, 2017
Hi, which version did you try? from patreon you can find the 0.3.3 one. It is available to everyone.
If you already use the latest version, could you send me the file called general.log located at the root directory of the game? This file embeds useful information for me to troubleshoot issue with the game : )
Where would that file be?


Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
i am still unable to find it.

Another player had a similar issue. Do you have the latest version of Java ? If it is the case and you still have the issue, you can try starting the game through the Windows command(if you don't know how to do that, just get back to me :) and get the very first error preventing you to have the log file.