Myrellion War

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
While on the other side of the spectrum you have the Golds with their anti-red propaganda, their stupid caste system and deadly gasses, what's their excuse? :shibe:

War. It really is as simple as that. There's a big difference between using deplorable tactics on active soldiers, and using them on civilians and PoW's. Their caste system, they cannot do anything about, to my knowledge. It's just how their biology works. But the Reds don't HAVE to hook their prisoners on venom, they could just choose not to. The Golds can't choose not to become Queens. It's not a bloody ceremony, it's genetics.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
Throwing in my hat on the original topic: I am confused about how much Pro-Gold support is here. The gold Myr are kinds dicks.

The power of boners compels them. Much like it compels the UGC. Alot of the red frustration(Specifically Nezhara's) is due to the fact that the golds have no shame in debasing themselves and whoring themselves out for favors.

Something I think might be interesting is an integration of the orange myr mission into a possible ending also. Like finding someone way to spread it to the populace to make it so theres no more red or gold myr, just orange forcing a sort of peace. Probably crazy. 

Once again: that would accomplish nothing.

I disagree. It would force the myr to take a hard look at themselves. The problem at present is RED vs GOLD. If there are no red or golds there is no RED V GOLD conflict. Would there be another conflict? Probably, but it would NOT be RED's and golds. Their society would be forced to change whether they wanted to or not and in a few generations no one would even remember what it was like to be red or gold.All that propaganda would become meaningless to their youth.  They would be just like other races, with policy issues and regional cultural differences. But there would be no  race war of potential extermination.....Unless they all banded together to wipe out the Nyrea.  I suppose that could happen.   But the reality is even the hardliners fixed in their ways wouldn't be able to get traction on their ideals anymore, how do you prove someone was gold or red? How do you really know who was what? You don't. Old photo ID's would be worthless, genetic id wouldn't even work because you'd have fundamentally changed their genetics. Even if it were possible to determine the myr don't have the tech for that anyway.   The real question is how would the orange transformation affect their general fertility, and what effect it would have on queens queens are dominant in their societies because of their reproductive ability while most myr remain infertile you make most of the myr fertile and suddenly queens don't have the same importance when everyone can go breed their own damn offspring no one needs the breeding whores anymore they're just fun toys. Queens like Irelia would get her dream of being able to do nothing but lay there and get fucked all day every day laying eggs.

The half breeds would suddenly find themselves in a odd position, as they're essentially the original 'orange' myr. Suddenly the outcasts fit right in. How would their laws and society have to change now that everyone had addictive venom and not just reds? Would their normalized physiological differences begin to close cultural gaps? A large part of the their inability to understand one another's culture and attitudes toward sex has to do with red venom. 

Turning their world orange would accomplish nothing? It would change everything.In reality it's a peace treaty solves nothing, they're effectively in a treaty state now, however nothing about the myr or their policies or nature is going to change that way they aren't going to stop viewing those of a different color with inherent suspicion.They aren't going to stop assuming because the golds are gold they're lying harlots with no morals or that the reds are all blood thirsty warmongers. In their current state any peace is going to be temporary because there is too much bias placed specifically on what color you are. Peace is just the pause until the next shots are fired. 

No solution could ever work that doesn't fundamentally change the way the two sides look at one another. Something needs to force them to come together or they WILL destroy one another. A piece of paper(or some digital document) isn't going to do that. In my opinion turning the world orange is arguably the best solution, sure it'll cause a period of upheaval and societal chaos but I think it's a case of things need to get worse before they can get better. The proof is in the fact it took the assurance of mutual annihilation to even get them to pause in their conflict. There is no magic bullet solution to a problem like this, no matter what you do there's going to be a mess along the way of some sort or another. 

It's not like you can lock all their leaders in a room and make them fuck each other till they don't hate each other anymore and even if you could that wouldn't solve the larger problem of years or propaganda and bias coloring perceptions. 


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
About the Orange Myr "solution"..

Putting aside the fact that groups *always* find a reason to fight each other, wouldn't that kinda eliminate the entire Red & Gold Myr culture? I mean, culturel customs are, at least partially, founded on biological (and geographical) neccessaties, so if you you fundamently change their biological natures, it may become impossible to *live* the cultures. Also, I think enforced transformation *much* worse than relocation. This kind of transformation would take away who they *are*.

Huh, now that I think of it, isn't the Orange Myr Solution even worse than what Snuggle does?


Aug 26, 2015
It's also a quick path to nuclear war if both sides take the sudden mass transformation as an attack by the other and don't bother to check before launching their nukes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Given that even radomly self-destruction of Void secret base on planet tilt those myrs in charge of "happy nuke buttons"... well in case those myrs will take sudden transforming everyone into orange as enough reason to smart smashing buttons they have (and it would probably be easily enough for them given lore we got so far set up about Myrellion). And working out way to use turning all into orange as probably way over time that devs can spend to set up all ins and outs for this solution. With so much backlog spending too much time for one of possible soultion for some ingame situation surely will be never viewed favorably by them.

So unless we as community cmae with well thought out way how to make 'orange myr' solution fitting ingame lore and need only little work on devs side to implement all we can do it only keep disscussing about it :/


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
I want to fight the Reds.
Is that not going to be an option? 

Actually, if someone wrote like a training area of Kressia, where you could fight with some soldiers doing training drills or something, that would be neat. Maybe have like a lower ranked officer in charge. Wouldn't need to be too big. just some talk, the fight, after fight sex option or two, and maybe some sex with the officer in charge.

But I think you mean that you want to fight the red Myr as a whole. Might I probe you reasoning why? Or not the reds and the golds?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

You would lose.

I guess we could make it an option that just leads to a bad end, but... nah, probably not worth the time.

Yeah, we still need to remember that Steele is just one person, and despite having Protagonist Powers, they can't fight an entire nation of hardened soldiers by themself.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Huh, now that I think of it, isn't the Orange Myr Solution even worse than what Snuggle does?

Yes. It is. Your point being? xD

Yeah, we still need to remember that Steele is just one person, and despite having Protagonist Powers, they can't fight an entire nation of hardened soldiers by themself.

Well at least we can fuck 'em. Gotta stretch 'em all!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well at least we can fuck 'em. Gotta stretch 'em all!

Indeed. I might not like the venom, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna throw them all under the bus, when most of them are quite nice people. (Anzhela, Lieve (trench wives aside) and Briha)


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Yes. It is. Your point being? xD

Mhm.. I guess that would be a good idea to try, once the faction system is in.

"Hey, CEO of Snuggle! I'm the future CEO of SteeleTech and I would like an alliance between us. My resume is Myrellion!"

But seriously, I actually like Myrellion for the Red/Gold conflict. Why? Because it is actually unsolvable.. Even if Steele *could* defeat a faction on his/her own, it would be pointless, because it doesn't solve anything.The differences between the Golds and the Reds are so deep and fundamentally that the only way to really "solve" it comes down to either mass deportation or destruction of every aspect of their culture...

There is no middle ground between Reds and Golds. Every peace will be vulnerable.

Anyways, I wonder about one thing, why isn't this thread part of the Myrellion discussion post?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think their tlked this to death in that general myrellion disscusion thread.

Anyway with current all build up background of reds vs golds...actualy solution to solve it that can happen let call it 'overnight' with some or without PC influence would be truly anticlimatic and waste all this build up we had in past months (well it was some build up since subject of red vs gold still can cause not so small convo).


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Yeah, we still need to remember that Steele is just one person, and despite having Protagonist Powers, they can't fight an entire nation of hardened soldiers by themself.

Yeah, but this one person has at least the potential to be pretty influential when you consider they may be coming into significant power in the near future. Yes, Steele can't fight them all off by hand, but that doesn't mean they can't manipulate the situation to get what they want. 

For example, they could work on and supply a neutriluzing agent to the red venom and start delivering it covertly to the Gold POW. Suddenly all those "willing" slaves are not so willing anymore and start revolting. Which would be a massive hurt on the reds and significantly weaken them not only because so many of them have trench wives but because they basically said without the trench wife system they couldn't continue the war effort.

That's just a solution I thought up off the top of my head as I wrote this.Given enough time and creative energy it should be more than possible to think up plenty of better options.

The point is, brute force is not the only thing that can win a war. And it has been said the trench wife situation is nessesary for the reds to continue fighting. Attack that weakness and the reds are, at the very least going to have to start pulling back. And again, there are plenty of ways you can attack that weakness besides the one I listed above. Nor is that the only option to potentially cripple the reds. It's a work of fiction. Anything can happen. 

At the very least you should be able to do more for the golds than kick them off their planet, which the only option that fucks them over HARDER is the complete red victory option. In no way is that a pro gold option even slightly. There has to be more than two red victory options and one middle ground option. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes, Steele can't fight them all off by hand, but that doesn't mean they can't manipulate the situation to get what they want. 

That's the whole idea of the outcome, as far as I can tell. Steele using their influence at some kind of peace conference to determine the outcome of the whole arc.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
That's the whole idea of the outcome, as far as I can tell. Steele using their influence at some kind of peace conference to determine the outcome of the whole arc.

Exactly, but that influnce should not be pro red or pro red. There are plenty of ways they should be able to manipulate the situation that helps the golds is my point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Exactly, but that influnce should not be pro red or pro red. There are plenty of ways they should be able to manipulate the situation that helps the golds is my point.

Yeah, it's just that the reds seem to have the upper hand in negotiations. I slightly prefer the golds to the reds, but it seems less and less likely the Golds can get a good deal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Yeah, it's just that the reds seem to have the upper hand in negotiations. I slightly prefer the golds to the reds, but it seems less and less likely the Golds can get a good deal.

Sure if you are talking about sitting down at a negatiation table and looking at what the golds have to offer and convincing the reds to chill out. Thats not what I was talking about. I'm talking about Steele making the war a lot harder for the reds to win and maybe then coming to some kind of negotiation. Maybe this is done through supporting the golds at the table or maybe its done a number of other ways like the example I gave in my post above. Steele can do more than just cast a vote. There are tons of possible ways Steele could influence the situation to support the golds.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Sure if you are talking about sitting down at a negatiation table and looking at what the golds have to offer and convincing the reds to chill out. Thats not what I was talking about. I'm talking about Steele making the war a lot harder for the reds to win and maybe then coming to some kind of negotiation. Maybe this is done through supporting the golds at the table or maybe its done a number of other ways like the example I gave in my post above. Steele can do more than just cast a vote. There are tons of possible ways Steele could influence the situation to support the golds.

...How? A promise of future profit?

Steele is poor and his allies consist of what, half a dozen people?

Steele has no Army, so he has no military weight.

He is not yet the CEO of SteeleTech (or any other MegaCorp) so he lack economic power.

He also has not political power, as far as I know..

How will he do anything important (on a global scale)?

And before you or anyone else mentiones the Nyrea trabe he can command.. The entire Golden alliance (or whatever) could not stop the Federation, what could a single Nyreatribe possible do?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
...How? A promise of future profit?

Steele is poor and his allies consist of what, half a dozen people?

Steele has no Army, so he has no military weight.

He is not yet the CEO of SteeleTech (or any other MegaCorp) so he lack economic power.

He also has not political power, as far as I know..

How will he do anything important (on a global scale)?

And before you or anyone else mentiones the Nyrea trabe he can command.. The entire Golden alliance (or whatever) could not stop the Federation, what could a single Nyreatribe possible do?

I gave an example in my last post. Steele has access to aid outside the planet much more advanced than anything the Myr folks have. Steele may not have the company yet, but some would be willing to help for promise of aid when they get it. Or they can get alliances otherways.

And thats just from a military stance. It's a work of fiction. The posibilities are literally endless. You could convince the UGC to intervene somehow through trickery or for some legit reason. You could do all kinds of things behind the scenes. There are no limits.


Oct 14, 2016
It's too bad that the real leaders of both the golds and the reds aren't able to be rounded up and fucked into submission by Steele... That'd be a fun way to resolve a war.

But honestly, why do we need to resolve it anyhow? If you think about it, yeah, it'd be really cool, but the world doesn't work like that. War isn't typically mitigated by the actions of one person. History has ALWAYS been written by the victors. In situations where a true victory is not established by a dominating conqueror, there is always civil unrest and typically ends with even more atrocities occurring from insurrections that are not able to be put down.

The Red/Gold scenario, as it is, can be played off into a situation much like how North/South Korea is today. Technically still at war but neither side really fucking with the other, at least not blatantly anyhow. So in reality, it makes little sense to just clamor for a resolution when truthfully none can come that would benefit both sides. If you want it to end, it's either destruction, deportation, or stalemate.

I enjoy the animosity between both sides because it makes me appreciate the differences in both groups. Nether side is right, neither is wrong. They're both just stubborn and prideful. Traits that when seen in a group mentality make for a very much unresolvable situation. In the end, even IF you can get the leaders to agree on peace, the people, having lived with that hatred for so long will not stand for it. THAT'S the power of a group mentality. They'd just assume their leaders had lost it and boom... coup d'etat... followed by world war round two. It's happened numerous times in our own history.. Just sayin'.

Realistically, Steele has nothing to do with the war anyhow. The amount of time and resources to do so is astronomical, and don't you have an inheritance to claim? Just do what you can and hope for the best. I venture that Steele won't have anything to do with the war's resolution, if there even will be one, and if there is it's NOT going to be a "let's just live in harmony" thing.

That's just my thoughts on the matter. But, hey, who the hell am I, right? Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, in the end we are all at the mercy of the Devs.. Now, just be good little subs and enjoy what you can get!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
All good points, but this one:

Realistically, Steele has nothing to do with the war anyhow.

Steele actually HAS a reason to be invested in Myrellion.

...and not necessarily because he/she has married/subjugated a nyrea queen.

You see, Myrellion is a very mineral rich world and RhenWorld (a Steele Tech subsidiary) has already moved mining operations to Myrellion. 
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Oct 14, 2016
All good points, but this one:

Steele actually HAS a reason to be invested in Myrellion.

...and not necessarily because he/she has married/subjugated a nyrea queen.

You see, Myrellion is a very mineral rich world and RhenWorld (a Steele Tech subsidiary) has already moved mining operations to Myrellion. 

Damn, I overlooked that fact....Well, like I said, heheh who the hell am I anyways! Thanks for the catch on that though! ;)


Oct 14, 2016
Nah, as I said, You had some pretty good points. Don't sell yourself short.

All in the day's work! Though, I prefer "pitching", if you catch my drift. ;)  

Heheh Thanks for the vote of confidence. Although, I'm almost certain this thread was dead before I got to it heheh. Too bad, I should have posted in the ridiculously long one huh?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Heheh Thanks for the vote of confidence. Although, I'm almost certain this thread was dead before I got to it heheh. Too bad, I should have posted in the ridiculously long one huh?


You sneaky, silver-tongued necromancer!  :colbert:


Oct 15, 2016
Myrellion as a planet is strange for me. I only recently arrived and it's taken my fun sexy space romp to some real and oddly distressing places. The whole planet being on the brink of nuclear war was jarring enough however the real meat of my feelings has to do with the natives themselves. I went in fully expecting to side with the reds simply because they where more naturally proportioned and huge tits bore me, but the whole idea of the trench wife as done by drugging and more or less raping golds just gives my every interaction with them a queasy unease. I didn't expect to feel bad- slavery as an idea I could get behind but this, and forgive the tumblr-speak- inability to consent rubs me up all the wrong ways. Aggravated a little by the fact that I don't seem able to call reds out on it.

All in all a fun planet, I met my first bad end here and a few actively difficult fights and more difficult questions then mass effect gave (protect the life-ruining spore or let the reds do their thing) but knowing that most of the golds outside their area are drugged up junkies unable to make a rational decision just makes a whole lot of it uncomfortable


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Myrellion as a planet is strange for me. I only recently arrived and it's taken my fun sexy space romp to some real and oddly distressing places. The whole planet being on the brink of nuclear war was jarring enough however the real meat of my feelings has to do with the natives themselves. I went in fully expecting to side with the reds simply because they where more naturally proportioned and huge tits bore me, but the whole idea of the trench wife as done by drugging and more or less raping golds just gives my every interaction with them a queasy unease. I didn't expect to feel bad- slavery as an idea I could get behind but this, and forgive the tumblr-speak- inability to consent rubs me up all the wrong ways. Aggravated a little by the fact that I don't seem able to call reds out on it.

All in all a fun planet, I met my first bad end here and a few actively difficult fights and more difficult questions then mass effect gave (protect the life-ruining spore or let the reds do their thing) but knowing that most of the golds outside their area are drugged up junkies unable to make a rational decision just makes a whole lot of it uncomfortable

Didn't you read the last few posts on this thread?

Let this thread die and rest in peace! No more necromancy! For fuck sake!

Not to mention that Myrelion has it's own dedicated and ongoing thread here:


Active Member
Jun 12, 2016
I have a simple way of insuring peace.

You have an option of shooting at the leaders of the Gold or Red Myr. Congratulations, you may now get shot at the rest of their armies until someone figures-out that they might as well join you.

Well. That or you are dead. Essentially it would involve a rather large war. And yes, before anyone states anything, this is a partial joke.

The option would still be fun, though.

EDIT: Sorry, did not see the Necromany. Sorry!!!
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