Myrellion War

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Aug 26, 2015
It's more "pro" than the other options, which given the absolutely untenable situation the Golds are now in, is more than they could otherwise hope for.

Still hardly satisfying if you're pro-gold, or just particularly red-hating like I am.

But it's Myrellion, so being unsatisfying's the name of the game.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well AFTER all choices will be finaly ingame (late 2017 right?) I will decide which one I like. For now as much both sides got something I not fond of so maybe solve of the war by them will convince me to them been lesser evil.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Still hardly satisfying if you're pro-gold, or just particularly red-hating like I am.

But it's Myrellion, so being unsatisfying's the name of the game.

The thing is that the Golds lost. The tension between those two races is so high, that I'm not sure that a cold war would work (there are no proxy wars possible, which could also be a problem). No treaty in the world would be uphold unless by the threat of total annihilation - putting cold space between those two groups is most probably the only way to create peace here - and as far as I can tell, the Golds have less land and less (free) people left, so it is easier to evacuate them.

Of course the best outcome would be to hand Gildenmere over to the Reds, so that they can uplift the Golds and then have them (the Reds) join the UGC. u_u


Aug 26, 2015
I don't actually want the reds to join the UGC with their venom intact, is the thing.  They repeatedly demonstrate in-game that regardless of how strict about it they allegedly were before, they have become irresponsible with its use even when off-worlders are involved.  Neutering their venom before they can leave the planet would be the only way I'd be willing to allow them out into the rest of the galaxy.  I don't honestly give that much of a shit about the golds, aside from thinking genocide is bad on principle, but I cannot accept an outcome that lets the reds leave Myrellion as they are.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't actually want the reds to join the UGC with their venom intact, is the thing.  They repeatedly demonstrate in-game that regardless of how strict about it they allegedly were before, they have become irresponsible with its use even when off-worlders are involved.  Neutering their venom before they can leave the planet would be the only way I'd be willing to allow them out into the rest of the galaxy.  I don't honestly give that much of a shit about the golds, aside from thinking genocide is bad on principle, but I cannot accept an outcome that lets the reds leave Myrellion as they are.

So what's your opinion on Kaska and the Dzaan...?


Aug 26, 2015
As Misty said:

I think that says more about the UGC than the Red Myr, though.

I think the dzaan being out and about in the UGC as they are is a bad thing.  That doesn't mean that since one bad thing is already in place I'm suddenly cool with more bad things happening.  Quite the opposite, in fact.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
If you were a dom with magical hypnosis powers and your sub asked you to hypnotize her, would you?


Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I'm sorry, what'd I do?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Throwing in my hat on the original topic: I am confused about how much Pro-Gold support is here. The gold Myr are kinds dicks.

Sure, they lost, and we can feel bad for them. Sure, their society has giant titted queens that are perfect for a sex game. And sure, they generally have a nicer disposition towards offworlders.

But they are also incredibly, horribly WRONG. Incestuous breeding pools, hive schools teaching everyone that the red Myr are evil and gold Myr are good, and a caste system that, in all honesty, is kinda feudalistic. I mean, conscripting civilians as opposed to the red Myr actually training people so that they might survive combat. Hell, most of the Gold Myr that you can interact with that aren't inside the last gold city are either deserters, horribly scarred, or trench wives. And if they are trench wives, the red Myr have laws in place to ensure they are taken care of, since they are status symbols/trophies, and therefore they try to not kill the gold Myr they fight. Better than goddamn mustard gassing their enemies. Did we forget that the gold Myr developed the equivalent of mustard gas? You know, one of the worst, most horrible ways to kill someone.

Also, they have a gang rape scene in the barracks. The red Myr have a relaxing spa.

I'm not saying the red Myr are perfect. Hell, the fact that their cultural revolves around taking prisoners and militarizing their youth is worrying. But they're much more open to reform than the gold Myr are. Remember the protests in the gold city square? And how theirs a whole movement in the gold city about peace? Well, bet is sure didn't help that the gold Myr spread propaganda about the red Myr and had the public rat on any red in the city.

The gold Myr are only eager for peace because, like I said earlier, they lost. Otherwise, they would probably still be operating as if they were under the red scare (pun intended).

(I understand that the two races are supposed to be parallels of the world wars. But since we made both sides equally fuckable, why are we deciding that gold is good and red is bad?)

As for @Couch's comment about the red Myr venom, I agree. Horribly addictive substances should be controlled, and the red Myr naturally producing it is dangerous. But the orange hybrid does as well. The best inroads the player character can make (at this time) towards helping to reconcile the two different factions is to make a TF that gives the exact same venom the red Myr have. Best we can hope for is the UGC imposes some stricter regulations on it in the peace treaty update. Whenever that is.


Aug 26, 2015
Both sides are either extremely dark shades of gray or full-on black, which is why I feel little love for the golds either.  Abandoning their homeworld and becoming the personal cocksleeves of the kui-tan is still a nasty fate to have as their best end.  Genocide and forced relocation are bad on principle, even regarding the myr.

But the orange hybrid [has venom] as well.

The orange hybrid is a dead end solution, as has been repeatedly stated both in and out of the game.  It's there to enjoy for its own cosmetic value, it will not be of help in producing any sort of useful resolution to the conflict.

Wait, aren't dzaan spacers on mandatory suppressants for their addictive cum?

They should be, but instead it's voluntary.  According to the codex, allegedly most dzaan who want to have sex with non-dzaan take it.  Allegedly.  I would think that a galactic government whose two dominant species do not have addictive bodily fluids would have fairly strict laws in place about them, but apparently not.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Both sides are either extremely dark shades of gray or full-on black, which is why I feel little love for the golds either.  Abandoning their homeworld and becoming the personal cocksleeves of the kui-tan is still a nasty fate to have as their best end.  Genocide and forced relocation are bad on principle, even regarding the myr.

While this may be a unpopular opinion, but I am forced to disagree here..

While Genocide is undeniably bad, relocation is not, unless you relocate them to some sort of hell of course.

If you have two groups of people that completely hate each other, a hate that they ingrained in their culture, than the only chance for peace is relocation.

While it will be bad for the relocated people in the short term, it will be better for all involved in the long term. The problem is, that relocation are nearly *always* forced, since both groups think they are in the right and thus the others should just shut up and accept their superiority and they should not be forced to settle somewhere else because of real-life demons..

I think the best out-come (ignoring my slight pro-red bias ^^) for *both* sides would be slightly uplifting the Red Myr, better medicine and bureaucracy, to stabilise the federation and prevent it from fractioning (and thus possibly creating civil wars). On the other hand the Gold should be evacuated, those who live under the Reds should be allowed to choose after being freed from the addiction if possible,  Then the UGC should uplift them too and send some pioneers or so to aid them in colonizing there new world (and keeping the Kui-tan away..). Another important step would be a realistic chance to join the UGC (and get benefits) if they are no danger to other UGC worlds.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And if they are trench wives, the red Myr have laws in place to ensure they are taken care of, since they are status symbols/trophies, and therefore they try to not kill the gold Myr they fight. Better than goddamn mustard gassing their enemies. Did we forget that the gold Myr developed the equivalent of mustard gas? You know, one of the worst, most horrible ways to kill someone.

Anzhela would like a word with you about venom overdoses and sexual slavery.

Remember the protests in the gold city square? And how theirs a whole movement in the gold city about peace?

You know, that protest that's a cover for a terrorist attack? You know a bomb goes off if you don't call it in, right?

The gold Myr are only eager for peace because, like I said earlier, they lost.

Meanwhile, the reds are waiting to sweep over the last remains of their carcass for a full annexation. Not that the golds wouldn't do the same thing in that position

All in all, I'd slightly prefer the golds joining the galactic community, simply as they don't produce natural aphrodisiacs and overall seem more pleasant to deal with. Though I wouldn't mind some genetic engineering to remove the Queens as a concept. Fuck it, let's just let both of them kill each other off, and let the Nyrea reign over Myrellion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well Reds got their venom than more than few of us not like just in general due t it addictive properties. Then Golds got their Queens that are sometimes more like Tyrants even more due to that without them golds can go extinct so truly none of sides is more or less evil.

We just have situation set up by Devs that Reds are in dominant position with Golds been pushed back to I think very last stand of their. Whole discussion would be different if setup will be with Gold occupying Reds and wanting to finaly kill them.

Thus yeah killing all reds/golds may work as long after them will take all those teritories orange myrs. And this soultion for sure would take more than time PC would reach endgame and ultimately win whole game whatever this winning will mean.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Anzhela would like a word with you about venom overdoses and sexual slavery.

Myrellion's a big place, and I'm afraid I have to say I haven't seen any of the good doctor's content. Though, no doubt being able to make an addictive drug at will and get people hooked on it can lead to some really dark places.

You know, that protest that's a cover for a terrorist attack? You know a bomb goes off if you don't call it in, right?

Yes, if the player doesn't stop it. That doesn't mean that the protest is not real. Besides, I was mainly highlighting the fact that the golds have protestors, advocating equality. That's probably a point in their favor, all things considered.

Meanwhile, the reds are waiting to sweep over the last remains of their carcass for a full annexation. Not that the golds wouldn't do the same thing in that position

Yep. Both sides are total dicks. I was just saying that a lot of the other posters were saying the gold's were the 'good' side and the reds were the 'bad' side. Couch makes a great point: the whole thing is a cluster fuck of grey and black.

All in all, I'd slightly prefer the golds joining the galactic community, simply as they don't produce natural aphrodisiacs and overall seem more pleasant to deal with. Though I wouldn't mind some genetic engineering to remove the Queens as a concept. Fuck it, let's just let both of them kill each other off, and let the Nyrea reign over Myrellion.

I agree. Nyrea master race for life.

For real, all three races have their ups and downs. Actually, the introduction of the Nyrea into the populace of the other two races (seeing as how they can interbreed with them) might be the solution to solving the sterility and inbreeding problem both races face. They'd just have to not be colossal, racist pricks and help uplift the Nyrea.

FenCo, Uplift route when?

...*gut-wrenching, side splitting laughter*


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yep. Both sides are total dicks. I was just saying that a lot of the other posters were saying the gold's were the 'good' side and the reds were the 'bad' side. Couch makes a great point: the whole thing is a cluster fuck of grey and black.

Due to writers having different opinions on the conflict, there's a bit of mixed messages :p  
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
They should be, but instead it's voluntary.  According to the codex, allegedly most dzaan who want to have sex with non-dzaan take it.  Allegedly.  I would think that a galactic government whose two dominant species do not have addictive bodily fluids would have fairly strict laws in place about them, but apparently not.

UGC allows a business of thinly veiled, and sometimes legalized slavery to thrive in their core worlds; it allows the NT government to forcibly alter the minds of its citizens making roughly 9/10 of its population into some kind of easily controllable drones, either oriented towards manual labour and sex, or just sex.

Introducing strict laws and regulations aimed towards protecting the freedoms and the general well-being of an average citizen is clearly not something their Parlament is geared towards or particularly good at.

At this point, I'm starting to wonder if their officials will actually react in any way,other than a non-committal shrug and a 'should have been more carefulc speech to someone reporting a crime that involved their free will being violated, if the perpetrator isn't on the most wanted list.

Also, they have a gang rape scene in the barracks. The red Myr have a relaxing spa.

Red myr had a government sanctioned program of stealing gold males by having their agents them into venom addicts (as described by Dally). You can also notice a complete lack of any males being mentioned even in the background of Kressia. Take a guess where they got sent to after being rounded up and what they were subjected to there.

Both Myr races are incredibly sexist and rape-y towards myr males.

And the bath house you are talking about is staffed mostly by golds that try to stay on the good side of the army that had occupied their hometown.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Red myr had a government sanctioned program of stealing gold males by having their agents them into venom addicts (as described by Dally). You can also notice a complete lack of any males being mentioned even in the background of Kressia. Take a guess where they got sent to after being rounded up and what they were subjected to there.

Both Myr races are incredibly sexist and rape-y towards myr males.

And the bath house you are talking about is staffed mostly by golds that try to stay on the good side of the army that had occupied their hometown.

Yep. And the kidnapping itself feeds into having all golds be under orders to report any red Myr inside of Gildenmere. Ergo, my Red Scare pun. On top of that, I am aware that the kidnapping is STILL being perpetrated, what with Fazian's side-quest. Renvra even mentions that the reason she keeps the fact that her cum can impregnate people a secret is because she doesn't want to be sent to a breeding camp. She even explains that they're well taken care of and cared for, but its basically sexual slavery. I'm under no delusions that the red Myr are good, but that doesn't make them bad.

I agree. Both races are incredibly rapey towards anyone with a dick. Just in different ways: bloating their numbers via constant fucking of their leaders, the only one's that get pregnant because of stupid evolutionary caste system for the Golds, and breeding camps to keep numbers up due to infertility and males being born less and less for the Reds. Lovely situation on both sides.

As for the bath house, I know that its staffed by gold Myr. The point I was trying to make is that the Gildenmere event directly effects the player, which sometimes is the only thing that motivates some people. "Hey, that ant person got dragged off by the military to be fucked over and over against their will" "Meh. Doesn't effect me" vs "Hey, you just got grabbed by the military to be fucked over and over against your will." "Fucking why is the run option based on reflexes!" (That last part is a joke. I know there's an option to go willingly. Its the mentality of the player that I'm talking about here.) Compare that to "Here are some other gold ant people, not military, who are living in an occupied city and doing their jobs running a spa. Their motif is that everyone is the same if they cant see the color of your chitin. There is options for consensual sexy times inside."

All in all, both sides are dicks by writer intent, I await the glorious revolution of the Nyrean underground.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
Something I think might be interesting is an integration of the orange myr mission into a possible ending also. Like finding someone way to spread it to the populace to make it so theres no more red or gold myr, just orange forcing a sort of peace. Probably crazy. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Something I think might be interesting is an integration of the orange myr mission into a possible ending also. Like finding someone way to spread it to the populace to make it so theres no more red or gold myr, just orange forcing a sort of peace. Probably crazy. 

Once again: that would accomplish nothing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
There isn't anything I could add here that hasn't already been said by someone else, except maybe one thing.

Most of the animosity against the reds seem to stem from their venom, which really only is in there because TiT's is ultimately a Xenosexual sci-fi smut-blob, and addictive alien fluids is one of the many fetishes that come with that, and the trench-wives. While on the other side of the spectrum you have the Golds with their anti-red propaganda, their stupid caste system and deadly gasses, what's their excuse? :shibe:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Starstruck LoL you forgot to meantion that technicaly all who say Red is Myr master race tickles Saving ego while all fans of Golds tickle Fenoxo ego ;)
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