MMW - My Monster World (Last updated: 26/07/2016)


Active Member
Apr 28, 2016
Since there's a lot of stuff about the battle system in there, I was wondering, will there by any sex during fights or will it be specifically reserved for winning/losing?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@BlueBurn I do have plans for sex during fights a la Monster Girl Quest, but that will be implemented in fights outside the city. So it will be a little while longer before that happens.

After the next patch I want to expand everything that's already there, before I continue. Make sure I'm happy with everything we already have.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
So, is this an MMO where we interact with other players? I ask because as far as I can tell it is an online only single player game.

Every game I have seen on these forums which went this path ended up disappearing forever when the site eventually went down. (hosting problem, just didn't want to or able to keep paying to renew the site hosting, etc).

If you prefer to code in html, then you could still create an offline game. Several games I have seen were a zip file containing an html game in them, just open in your favorite browser.

Of course it could be that there is some sort of MMO element that I am missing here?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@mrttao  In reality, the game is just as offline as any of those games where you download the html file. Anyone can download the game from their cache if they'd really want to.

I hadn't thought about it, but if the game gets large enough I'll probably release a downloadable/standalone client for people to download. The reason I haven't is, contrary to many games that release a html or swf file, I'm using a selfmade engine. Other engines often pack everything inside one HTML file making it easy to deploy. If we get to this stage, I'll probably make a packer so I can just press a button after every update to release a new standalone package.

Mind you, it's not much work for me to allow people to download the game as is. It's just not something I'd want to do after every small or big update. And in it's current state, I don't think there's much to be gained from downloading the game and then manually opening it.

On the MMO element, I want to experiment with some things. I don't want to say too much, because I'm not sure if it's going to work and it's not going to be implemented for a long time.


New Member
May 23, 2016
While I have not had the chance to explore every option with the new content, I did go through the.....slimy solution. It was interesting to get to see what the antagonist(?) was like and while there is probably more to him than just the surface interaction through one piece of the story, I feel like he's on the road to being a very interesting character if he sticks around.

I liked the presentation of the puzzle, it fit the theme of a rather grandeur building that is also used for technological advances. The puzzle was simple yet still took a bit of thought to figure out the use for each clue. Surprisingly, I solved the second part in only two tries, go figure.

Also slimes. Cause, y'know, can't go wrong with them...sometimes.

----(Spoilers Inc.)----

Now, since this patch has already been out for a little while I don't know what has been cleaned up and what hasn't in terms of spelling/grammar/etc. 

*When inquiring about the engineer's building to Bart, a space is missing "of[]course the money was good too!"

*When discussing the engineer's original plan to clear out the water, after the player selects the option to ask about what will happen to those working there: "You let him know that it sounds like he's no[t] telling you everything."

*During slime time, in paragraph three, third to last sentence - I'm assuming "trust" is meant to be "thrust"

There were a few other things I noticed while going through this. After the slime diplomacy and asking what Bart thought should be done about all the water, I decided to buy a potion only to notice him bring up that he didn't forget my discount, of which I never asked him for one. I chose the higher relationship and charm result back at the start. I created a new run just to quickly test this again and noticed it didn't reoccur when buying a potion immediately after finishing his request. I'm not sure if it involves being farther in the story for this to occur. (Not sure if the discount is even in the game yet, so i'll just quickly mention that the price was still 4 gold, even when he brought it up.)

Back to the start of the game again. When returning to Bart after his request, if the player ends the conversation before mentioning the wooden pots in his old store, they lose the potential to ask him about it entirely in future conversations. They will forever be left wondering who made such wondrous wooden pots.


I'm very curious as to what this next companion will be and if it involves the oh so mysterious locked Living Room. Keep up the good work.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@Vylir I originally planned on releasing a second patch with bug and spelling fixes, but I've been a little busy and just too tired to release the patch without worrying about missing something. I literally hotfixed a ton of mistakes and a bug 1 minute ago, so hopefully it's a little better now. I'll do the rest tomorrow morning and do another full check!

I definitely have plans for the engineer depending on the option you choose right now, so I'm glad you like him! I'm secretly hoping someone can guess his name, haha.

The puzzle was presented to some friends before, and I found out I made the mistake of using a number in the puzzle that also happened to be the answer. Because of this I had to change the puzzle entirely, since they just saw a number and figured it was the answer...

I'll definitely check out the rest of your post tomorrow morning and get right down to fixing it, but right now my eyes are burning out of their sockets. Thank you very much for the feedback and taking the time to comment!


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Its... kind of embarrassing to be lost this early in the game... but that's where I stand right now. 
I started a new game, visited the stores, went down the sewers, explored the southern district, read the books in the library, gave Bart his missing stuff and now... I don't know what else to do. I can't enter the one of the southern buildings in the flooded district and everything else seems to be the same. I also can't check my mailbox a second time because it freezes the game, forcing me to re-load to a previous save. Any hints would be appreciated!

EDIT: Nevermind! I was able to figure things out and even managed to clear the flood off the southern district! Though one thing I noticed is that the further ahead we move in the story, the buggier it gets... its mostly just "freezing" (unable to move or interact with anything, despite mad clicking). I guess that's alpha for you... :p . Not sure how much has been done but I guess now is the time to sit back and wait for more content!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@IvoryOwl Don't worry about it! It would help immensely if you could tell me why exactly you had trouble figuring out what you had to do next. I'll also check out the mailbox issue.

Just wondering, when does it freeze for you? I'm currently not away of any issues like that. What browser are you using?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
@IvoryOwl Don't worry about it! It would help immensely if you could tell me why exactly you had trouble figuring out what you had to do next. I'll also check out the mailbox issue.

Just wondering, when does it freeze for you? I'm currently not away of any issues like that. What browser are you using?

I honestly don't know what was causing the freezing because it was just happening at random. Reloading seemed to fix most of it but there were a few occasions it was so bad not even the "Load" button worked... so I had to refresh the page. If I had to guess then maybe moving around the map too fast seems to bug something? When I got lost the first time and didn't know what to do, I was moving back and forth between the districts a lot, literally just clicking the directions as fast as I could (I even used the WASD keys a few times too). I also started running away from the slimes after the first level up because they seemed to provide no experience at all (and I didn't felt like grinding in case it was simply low XP). Checking the mailbox for the second time was the only certain "freezing" I know of.

As for what was confusing in figuring out what to do next... in retrospective I think it was just me being dumb. I had seen every location in both districts and had interacted with all that was possible... the only thing missing was actually talking to the NPCs to see if they had any hints for me on what to do next... and that was it. In my mind I didn't connect the dots that, Bart, having lived in the southern district, MAYBE knew something about the engineer's building and how to get in. Maybe a little hint in his old shop would make things a little easier for newcomers and helplessly lost people like me? xP

Chrome is my main browser.

PS: Oh and would it possible, in future patches, have some way to see how much XP we need to level up and how much we get from fights? Or at least when it becomes relevant? No point in having one if we're only going to level up once in the game's current stage I guess. (Unless that's in the game too and I just missed it... >.>; )
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Could you explain what you mean about dominance and submission? Are you saying it's better for the player to be totally in control of the monster and by default you two function as equals? Hopefully choices that raise these values are listed. Maybe we can avoid repeats of the....warehouse incident.

Which admittedly has another solution. I'd have used the slime girl to cannibalize all of the slimes we came across, then had her absorb those guards too.

Those slimes in the sewer had it coming when they attacked me, and those guards saw my face. These sacrifices are for the greater good.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I reckon that'd be a beast to code. I don't know a lot about coding, myself, but even I can see how much work that'd probably be...

...Though I do agree that it would be nice to see that in the game...

There are enough trainer type games out there to prove that its perfectly possible though. I believe the closest example of a trainer that has actual rpg elements in it would be slave trainer. But most trainer games just stick to the trainer gameplay. They definitely don't try to incorporate a classic rpg into the mix because it is a ton of work to get that all going under the same hood. It would certainly be easier with a team of programmers rather than a single programmer because each team member could work on sections of the game code and creation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@IvoryOwl I'll release a patch in an hour or two, hopefully that fixes all your problems! I also made it more clear that Bart holds the key to progression and I have some UI changes planned for the future.

@MMMm I'll probably regret it if I go into detail right now because I haven't thought it out yet, but the way you start out with your companion is different for each one. Slime is kind of equal, but a succubus starts out dominant, etc. Choices that affect your relationship will always give you a notification. To be completely honest, that last part cracked me up. I'm not against that sort of options, but right now I think that would be a little too much. Hopefully you will settle for killing the engineer for now.

@lightningshifter Maybe something for the future! Right now I'm trying my best to give the player meaningful choices without making so many branches that I can't keep track of it anymore. I'd like to go back and expand existing content in the future, or allow other people to write different paths if anyone is interested.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
I'm fine with what happened to the engineer. It's great that you can use this tragedy to rise to power. See, you kill the engineer and then use his plan to save the city. Then you stage the scene of his death with the same stuff you used to summon your slime, and pin the rap of being a monster worshiper on the dead guy. The evidence for this, is of course the overflowing gang of slime girls in the sewers. And slimes are made of water.

So you tell everyone it was the engineer who flooded the city and he was going to use his army of slimes (who can freely move in a flooded city) to take over everything, but you stopped his selfish plan. You're instantly a hero and Laine invites you to her home where she drops her short and comfy and easy to wear shorts for you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
I'm fine with what happened to the engineer. It's great that you can use this tragedy to rise to power. See, you kill the engineer and then use his plan to save the city. Then you stage the scene of his death with the same stuff you used to summon your slime, and pin the rap of being a monster worshiper on the dead guy. The evidence for this, is of course the overflowing gang of slime girls in the sewers. And slimes are made of water.

So you tell everyone it was the engineer who flooded the city and he was going to use his army of slimes (who can freely move in a flooded city) to take over everything, but you stopped his selfish plan. You're instantly a hero and Laine invites you to her home where she drops her short and comfy and easy to wear shorts for you.

A deceptive plot worthy of Game of Thrones, Cersei approves!



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@MMMm Not a bad idea, haha. At the very least I should hold a poll to find out if people want to romance NPCs.

I added status bars (Health, Stamina and Experience) and a mini-map to the game. Still working on the next content update. I'll release smaller patches than the previous one, so expect something soon!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Well of course people want to romance NPCs. What else do they exist for?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@MMMm Right now, most characters are just there for plot. I'll stick to monsters for now, but we'll see later on in the game.

@Ormael Let's hope so!

@DaviceMathews I am definitely planning on doing that. Right now I want to add more content, and expand current elements. After that I have plans for more characters; Characters in this context being NPCs, not encounterable monsters.

Thank you for the support everyone!


Oct 16, 2015
Found a slight game breaking bug - if you happen to click on inventory when talking to the guards in the royal garden (with your companion) you can't do anything else :/  

Thought you should know! 


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@Simari Oh, my apologies! I'll take a look at it as soon as possible. I think this was caused by a different bug I fixed in the guard dialog, whoops.

I'll release another update tonight, mostly changes to the new map to make it more useful!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Hey everyone, I added a survey to the main post. There's a few things I'd love to know your opinion on! Thank you in advance if you choose to help out.

Link: Click me!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Would be there any summary or smth later on what was decided by majority on those questions?


Jul 10, 2016
Just played through what you have and took the survey. I gotta say I'm really excited for this, especially after reading where you're thinking of taking it. I really hope this game is successful and doesn't die like many projects have. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@Ormael The results of the poll will have an immediate (albeit, small) effect on the upcoming patch. I will also publish the results of the poll in a few days!

@Bluish Thank you very much! Glad to hear you're excited for the future of the project. To be honest I don't know what the future has in store for us, but I will certainly try my best. As long as there's people interested / involved in the project I don't think it will die anytime soon, if ever.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well I'm glad that they will got this effect on...en lol already next patch. xD

I thought it would bel like...I take this for future so at least few patcha way till choices coem in action. Dayum you pretty fast to pull this stuff already in next patch. Seeing you meantion few days looks like we still got few days when you would be pretting up new patch ^^