MMW - My Monster World (Last updated: 26/07/2016)


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Terribly sorry for making it seem like the project was dead or something. As @levant pointed out, check out my blog for the latest updates!

I usually check this topic, but wednesday was probably the last day I checked. After that I got a bit caught up in programming, Overwatch and mother's day preparations.

I'll answer your questions and talk a bit more about the future of the project (in detail) once I get home, which will be later tonight.

Thanks for checking out the project everyone, múch appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I always keep eye on this project when I check this subforum (well this and Nightgames vanilla/mod threads ^^). But now I also follow ya on blog to see if something new didn't pop up there that wasn't meantioned here.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@TheKaiseriswiser All monster girls will be added, but I don't know in what order. I'd imagine Dragon Girls are high tier, maybe end-game, companions.

Gentle Femdom is a large part of the game, as it's usually the "neutral" form of a sex scene with your companion. If you are more submissive or dominant, this is no longer (or less so) the case. Short answer; It's up the the player.

@ThatOneJester The following website created a randomizer for this game. You could check it out if you want:

Now a few more general notes; I'd like to start off by thanking you all for showing an interest in the project.

Combat is a very broad subject, there are a lot of variables to consider. Some companions fight with you, some of them fight for you and in some cases you have to fight for them. If you aren't fighting, your class doesn't really matter much, except for maybe some support skills. There's 3 classes planned currently that give you skills during and outside of combat.

I want to stray from the archetypes in all games quite a bit, so I don't like talking about generic things such as tanks. For example if you are a time mage you get skills during combat to buff/debuff, outside of combat you can rewind and forward time to progress in quests or move through the game faster. You can increase experience gain, aging, see the effect of dialog options before you make a choice, etc.

I have explained the fencer stance systems, but not in detail. As we have talked about tanks before, I want to explain how the fencer "replaces" a generic tank system. A speedy/offensive stance increases your damage but sacrifices defence, it also gives you a higher chance to hit a vital spot (critical hit) and dodge attacks. A defensive stance will allow you to select the kind of attack you are going to anticipate. If your speed is higher than the enemy speed, you can see what kind of attack they are most likely going to use. If it's lower, you have to guess. Anticipating the right attack will lower damage by 80-100% depending on your defence stat, anticipating the wrong attack will lower damage by a lower percentage. Simply guarding against a strong attack isn't always enough, mastering the defensive stance system as fencer will enable you to conquer otherwise impossible obstacles.

The alchemist class ranges from simply getting more herbs/potions to using potions in combat to poison an enemy or buff yourself. Handling poison is dangerous ofcourse, so using the wrong potions can actually buff the enemy or poison yourself. You get the picture. Maybe read a book about your enemy in the library before fighting them.

Dealer class is mostly for social interaction. Discounts, earn affection more easily, bribe people, secret intel, etc.

About the way I'm adding monster girls to the game in the future. Monster girls are added in updates in the form of themed fields. The next field after you leave the city is a grass plain, ending in a forest. Here you're more likely to come across monster girls that are likely to live there.

There's also multiple cities, but the one you are living in is one of the biggest. The southern district is a bit bigger than I've made it seem. The other cities are more like small settlements.


The story  is not 100% fleshed out, but it comes down to this. Every city has a problem; A stigma, corruption, dictatorship, slavery, etc. You may have already noticed that the engineers in the first city were mentioned briefly. I'm elaborating on this soon, but it comes down to the fact that their experiments are dangerous to the people living in the city. One of them flooded the southern district and cost quite a few of them their homes. Their next experiment is one of larger scale. You can either decide to stop them and take the city, stop them and put someone else in charge, not stop them and deal with the consequences, help them, or just ignore them completely and leave the city. The game is called My Monster World, because I want the player to be able to make it his/hers.


The possibilities and my ideas for this project are endless, but hopefully I've given you a better view on where the game is heading.

Aaaand for some reason like half the post got deleted, nice. I'll add some more information tomorrow...
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Thank you for the link.

I found it very interesting, and might be able to use it in some way.

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
From what's been said I don't think I'd be a big fan of the fencer, as realistic as relying on speed and dodging in combat is I generally don't like speedy characters. Dealer seems real cool though, likely the character I'd be choosing.

I like that you're doin' somethin' different though, without folks going against the grain every now and then, things get homogeneous and boring. I simply personally have an aversion to such characters, I'm sure others will love it. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Quite big plans for how classes/monster girls would work. As I see at least it's that it could make some combinations not so optimal to enjoy playing (but which in real life will be totlay natural). I mean if PC will have class that isn't good in combat and his moster girl won't be combat oriented will be in worst situation when it come to fight than PC with class that is good in combat and companion is also the one that will be really useful there too. But game still in progress so I think you will later look over if some combinations of class+companion type won't make people fighitng ingame much harder than others. Unless you will add some kind of system to allow avoid some fight so it won't be a s painful.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Thank you for the feedback! Honestly classes are so far away, maybe I shouldn't be talking about them yet. Balancing will always be an issue, I'll have to deal with that once we're there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I merely pointed out weak point you could take into consideration already at planning phase. It's always better make something better beofre it's fully finished ;)

Yeah all that stuff about classes and companions is kinda far away future seeing how we got one class and one companion accesable atm. But if I see something else I could call feedback will report it asap.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
As is my want, I tend to be either a Thief or a Summoner of some kind when I play RPG's.

If it comes right down to it though, I choose anything with a dagger or bow. <3


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@Ormael Much appreciated!

@ThatOneJester There will be a wide variety of weaponry, including traps (avoid, set up or encounter certain battles).

@BlueBurn 101% certain. Probably in a later state of the game, though!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
@Ormael Much appreciated!

@ThatOneJester There will be a wide variety of weaponry, including traps (avoid, set up or encounter certain battles).

@BlueBurn 101% certain. Probably in a later state of the game, though!

Now I have to say that any game that involves using traps, is taking a new approach compared to most other games.

Keep up the good work.

We salute you!!! :p


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
I fleshed out the story, setting and motivation for the next part of the story. It's now being turned into actual content. I expect it to be a week before it's ready for testing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
Btw, quick suggestion if it has not been suggested already; add a clock/timer to let us know what time it is in the game, please.
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Sep 16, 2015
I really don't want to say too much, given the game seems to be in its early stages still for me to properly judge anything. But just from the little I've played through, I get good vibes; it could potentially be one of, if not my favorite vibe. Really eager to see where this is gonna go. The library was a really good way to give some exposition. Really looking to discovering more about the world.

As for a question, you've presented us with information on the fact the PC will get a chance to choose how they deal with the issues of each individual city. Will the next available city be aware of the PCs actions in some way, or make mention?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I suppsoe I found some oddity or maybe bug. When I checked mirror and set my PC appearance first time then I for fun once more looked in the mirror again forced me to create apperance. Well that quite suprising as after first time it not remeber and allow me for at least one time redoing my apperance. SO be it intended or not funcion its' slight unexpected.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@Warmongering Emissary Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, really made my day! The next available city will most probably be aware of the PCs actions. I don't have any concrete examples currently, because there's quite a bit of content in between the current city and the next settlement (docks, plains, forest).

@Ormael I left that on for debugging purposes, since I don't mind giving player the option to re-do their character creation. I will probably turn it off in the future, but I'm not sure yet. Thank you for letting me know though!


Active Member
Apr 28, 2016
From what I've played so far I think this game would currently benefit the most from having a basic sex system implemented with monster girls the PC has, as well as a method of capturing wild monster girls. It would at least add some replay value moving forward that would increase with each monster girl you add.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well it can be later moved to be accesable when using debug mode. Some of games I xseen have it like FoE when it can be turn on or off.
 Good to know it wasn't bug just debug tool that soon should be unavialble in normal game mode ^^


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@BlueBurn Replayability is currently not a factor, because the current content is still part of the prologue. You are right though, and this is something I will be putting time into as soon as the player gets the option to leave the first city.

Also, to put it bluntly, it's not a "go around and fuck everything you see" -kind of game. I'm not sure if anyone agrees with this, but I think sex with monster girls on a loss speaks for itself. However, sex on victory requires a certain moral conviction that the player doesn't start out with.

Capturing can be either mutual or forced; Some monster girls actually like being forced due to their submissive nature, but this would also mean you establish the kind of relationship you will have with that companion. I'll leave it at that, I don't have the specifics worked out yet.

There's a difference between regular encounters such as the ones in the sewers, and encounters with monster girls that can be unlocked. The difference will be quite noticeable after the next patch.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2016
@BlueBurn Replayability is currently not a factor, because the current content is still part of the prologue. You are right though, and this is something I will be putting time into as soon as the player gets the option to leave the first city.

Also, to put it bluntly, it's not a "go around and fuck everything you see" -kind of game. I'm not sure if anyone agrees with this, but I think sex with monster girls on a loss speaks for itself. However, sex on victory requires a certain moral conviction that the player doesn't start out with.

Capturing can be either mutual or forced; Some monster girls actually like being forced due to their submissive nature, but this would also mean you establish the kind of relationship you will have with that companion. I'll leave it at that, I don't have the specifics worked out yet.

There's a difference between regular encounters such as the ones in the sewers, and encounters with monster girls that can be unlocked. The difference will be quite noticeable after the next patch.

Personally I think games like this, because to me it comes off as a freeform sort of game where you can pick which quests to do, etc... should allow for the "go around fucking everything you see" playstyle. I think allowing for that option makes the player feel like they have more agency rather than being railroaded along a story. But of course, if the story content is good I think most people would feel inclined to play through it.

I guess it makes sense to require some kind of moral corruption or perversion of the PC to be in-character willing/capable of rampant sex/rape. That can make it all the better when you do unlock it, so that sounds fine imo.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is either the player should have the freedom to choose from actions he/she could see themselves doing in the game's setting or have the ability to unlock those actions via progression of the player character if you want to really push the roleplaying aspects. I just hate those games where you just CAN'T ever do certain things that you want to do because reasons.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@BlueBurn I completely understand. I do want to give the player complete freedom, but also with a non-blocking sense of realism. I'll work on finding a good balance between the two.

I posted a small progress update on the blog.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2016
@BlueBurn I completely understand. I do want to give the player complete freedom, but also with a non-blocking sense of realism. I'll work on finding a good balance between the two.

I posted a small progress update on the blog.

Well, I want to point out a perspective on this.

To me it's realistic to allow complete freedom because as a player I like to insert myself into the role of the protagonist, since I see erotic games as a way to fulfill a fantasy. So why is the game dictating what my morals are? To me it's realistic to submit to a sexy monster girl because that's what I'd do. It's also realistic for me to force myself on a monstergirl I've captured because I'd also do that if she didn't resist too much.

Ok that gives me an idea. There could be a system for how resistant the captured girls are based on stats like how loyal they are, how much they like you, how promiscuous they are, how broken they are, etc... So a girl who's extremely resistant would keep fighting back, crying, making it difficult for your character, to the point of ruining the fantasy for somebody like me who doesn't actually enjoy hard rape. For some people (sadists) it would be a turn on and they'd go through all the tedious gameplay, while reveling in content that others would be deterred by, to subdue her and have their way with her. For others they'd be like "damn, this is too much. I'm going to tame her a bit first." and others might be like "damn... this is fucked up. I'm not going to rape in this game at all." I guess what I'm saying is, you can drive the player to make realistic decisions by making the situations realistic. Similarly, you could make it a real possibility to be captured indefinitely by certain monstergirls and really make it scary for some players. Of course, others might seek that out.

I dunno, I kinda got off on a tangent there but I think that could be worth exploring if it's not too much work to code.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, I want to point out a perspective on this.

To me it's realistic to allow complete freedom because as a player I like to insert myself into the role of the protagonist, since I see erotic games as a way to fulfill a fantasy. So why is the game dictating what my morals are? To me it's realistic to submit to a sexy monster girl because that's what I'd do. It's also realistic for me to force myself on a monstergirl I've captured because I'd also do that if she didn't resist too much.

Ok that gives me an idea. There could be a system for how resistant the captured girls are based on stats like how loyal they are, how much they like you, how promiscuous they are, how broken they are, etc... So a girl who's extremely resistant would keep fighting back, crying, making it difficult for your character, to the point of ruining the fantasy for somebody like me who doesn't actually enjoy hard rape. For some people (sadists) it would be a turn on and they'd go through all the tedious gameplay, while reveling in content that others would be deterred by, to subdue her and have their way with her. For others they'd be like "damn, this is too much. I'm going to tame her a bit first." and others might be like "damn... this is fucked up. I'm not going to rape in this game at all." I guess what I'm saying is, you can drive the player to make realistic decisions by making the situations realistic. Similarly, you could make it a real possibility to be captured indefinitely by certain monstergirls and really make it scary for some players. Of course, others might seek that out.

I dunno, I kinda got off on a tangent there but I think that could be worth exploring if it's not too much work to code.

I reckon that'd be a beast to code. I don't know a lot about coding, myself, but even I can see how much work that'd probably be...

...Though I do agree that it would be nice to see that in the game...


Active Member
Apr 28, 2016
I reckon that'd be a beast to code. I don't know a lot about coding, myself, but even I can see how much work that'd probably be...

...Though I do agree that it would be nice to see that in the game...

It depends on how detailed you want to make it.


New Member
May 23, 2016
MMW seems like it has a lot of potential, I'm looking forward to future content.

A couple small things *Potential spoilers I guess?*, I noticed a small spelling error in the "History of Alchemy" Chapter 3. The second to last line has "strength" as "strenght". Also, though this could just be a matter of having not been finished yet, Bart's painting is not removed from the player's inventory upon completion of his request. I suppose I could creepily put it in my home if he really wants me to keep it.

Good luck on your work.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@BlueBurn Very insightful response; It has given me some things to think about and some ideas that I'll implement in the next patch. I'll make sure to address the situation as soon as I have to/can implement it. I'd like to finish the basics of the game first. It wouldn't be much work to code, but the writing would be. Not that this is an issue, but something to consider.

@Vylir Thank you for the kind words, glad you're looking forward to it! Strength is something I keep mistyping, woops. Thanks for pointing it out! About the painting, I'm sure Bart would want you to have it. But seriously, I will fix that.

Feedback has been pretty positive lately, compared to the start. Huge motivation boost, thanks everyone! I am currently working on finishing the main parts of the next content patch, which would put me at about 80%.
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