Meeting Mommy Dearest?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Unfortunately I'd forget in December, but you can have it now.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my daughter gave to me

12 half-puppies

11 kaithrit mewling

10 fluffy chicks

9 annoying imps

8 little bastards

7  cute ants

6 royal babies


4 deep girls

3 boring humans

2 tenta-monsters



Gonna keep this safe until December.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'm sorry, senpai, but even for you I can't start calling something without a proper abdomen or antennae 'bugsomething'.

I wasn't aware of any bug relation myself. O-o Gonna have to read up on them.

Unfortunately I'd forget in December, but you can have it now.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my daughter gave to me

12 half-puppies

11 kaithrit mewling

10 fluffy chicks

9 annoying imps

8 little bastards

7  cute ants

6 royal babies


4 deep girls

3 boring humans

2 tenta-monsters


Bye the jarllee Christmas album now for the low price of 20 credits



Jun 5, 2016
Not sure but if the mother were tied to a planet which has yet to be introduced, then well it could be possible. Different race, different planet or origin story or saving the mother from her own bad end while a slave working under Beth Carver... (the dragon age feel behind that name...) still, just random ideas after reading most of the comments above. You could even make a stem off the Laquine race that way too as well as open up a new planet. Then again, I should drink coffee before I type.


Feb 28, 2016
Mind if I take a crack at this problem?

Subject: Hey [son/daughter]!
'Hello dear,
I'm sorry I've been so out of touch lately.  Your father, Victor, was just so focused on making sure you went to great boarding schools and apprenticeship programs that we never had much time to spend together in the last decade or so.  How's it going?

Oh, and I'm not sure I mentioned, but your old mom had a bit of work done.  I decided that, since your father took very good care of me financially, I was kinda tired of being a full [initial player species] and turned myself human [or whatever other species the author feels like writing].  I'm sure you understand, what with you being a hip space-traveller, that sometimes a woman wants to change things up.

I just moved into an apartment on [whever it ends up being] Station.  Why don't you come by sometime?  We can talk, have dinner, catch up.  Oh, it would be so much fun!  Also, I'm so bad with technology, I think my computer system might have gotten one of those new hypno-viruses.  If you're not too busy, could you check it out?  You wouldn't want to let that mean ol' computer turn your sweet mom into some kind of hussy, would you?

Love, Mom'

Your responses:
1) Oh wow, I haven't talked to my mom in forever!  I ought to see her one of these days.

2) Hypno-virus, huh?  I wonder...

3) What?  That's not my mom's email address at all!  Probably some scammer.  BLOCKED!"

There.  Problem solved via the magic of writing!  Whatever species your mother was, she's used in-universe technology to turn herself human (or whatever the author wants her species to be.  Personally, I like humans.  I'm also assuming that hypno computer viruses can be a thing).  If you want to just hang out and have family time, come by and (if you like) fix her computer.  If you want more than that, 'fix' her computer.  If you don't like the totally optional side story you can basically just ignore it and decide that that mom isn't canon for you.  And instead of the author having to deal with six different species (or however many others might get added), you deal with one.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
Mind if I take a crack at this problem?

Subject: Hey [son/daughter]!
'Hello dear,
I'm sorry I've been so out of touch lately.  Your father, Victor, was just so focused on making sure you went to great boarding schools and apprenticeship programs that we never had much time to spend together in the last decade or so.  How's it going?

Oh, and I'm not sure I mentioned, but your old mom had a bit of work done.  I decided that, since your father took very good care of me financially, I was kinda tired of being a full [initial player species] and turned myself human [or whatever other species the author feels like writing].  I'm sure you understand, what with you being a hip space-traveller, that sometimes a woman wants to change things up.

I just moved into an apartment on [whever it ends up being] Station.  Why don't you come by sometime?  We can talk, have dinner, catch up.  Oh, it would be so much fun!  Also, I'm so bad with technology, I think my computer system might have gotten one of those new hypno-viruses.  If you're not too busy, could you check it out?  You wouldn't want to let that mean ol' computer turn your sweet mom into some kind of hussy, would you?

Love, Mom'

Your responses:
1) Oh wow, I haven't talked to my mom in forever!  I ought to see her one of these days.

2) Hypno-virus, huh?  I wonder...

3) What?  That's not my mom's email address at all!  Probably some scammer.  BLOCKED!"

There.  Problem solved via the magic of writing!  Whatever species your mother was, she's used in-universe technology to turn herself human (or whatever the author wants her species to be.  Personally, I like humans.  I'm also assuming that hypno computer viruses can be a thing).  If you want to just hang out and have family time, come by and (if you like) fix her computer.  If you want more than that, 'fix' her computer.  If you don't like the totally optional side story you can basically just ignore it and decide that that mom isn't canon for you.  And instead of the author having to deal with six different species (or however many others might get added), you deal with one.

I find it interesting. and it makes sense that your mom would explore with mods (since everyone seems too) my only issue is that she seems pretty non-chalant about missing your childhood (course she might just be a bitch).

Also... not to knock it if others like it but I'm not all that into fucking the hole I came from.


Feb 28, 2016
I find it interesting. and it makes sense that your mom would explore with mods (since everyone seems too) my only issue is that she seems pretty non-chalant about missing your childhood (course she might just be a bitch).

Also... not to knock it if others like it but I'm not all that into fucking the hole I came from.

I very much doubt that incest is the only thing in this game that a potential player might have an issue with.  Need I remind people that this is fiction?

You're definitely on point that the mother seems kinda 'meh' about missing you growing up, but I imagine her deal with Victor was a bit more 'businesslike' than the tradition nuclear family 2.4 children sort of deal.

Also note that this is more a thought experiment that I threw together quickly rather than an idea pitch, in terms of writing quality.  My point was to demonstrate that there were simpler plausible ways to put the character's mother in the game than to make her be any of six different species with attendant scenes tailored to each one, the latter of which does indeed sound like a Sisyphean nightmare.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
Is it weird I was always under the impression you didn't have a biological mom? I guess to me the intro makes it sound like you are a lab grown baby or something. I guess it was always that line "Is this the race victor chooses".

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I kind of just ignored her in the same way the tutorial only gave her like a sentence. I mean, not even Jim of all people gave her more than that in his revision.

With that said while I'd love to see interactions and possible incest, I'm much more interested in robo nanny, and possible incest.

Speaking of the i-word, I really need to just forget about TiTS for a year and come back when all of Savin and Misty's stuff has been completed.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
PC mother got truly miniature role in whole game. If not that actualy PC picked race IS coincidentaly somehow half-breed version of PC mother race (aside human race choice since then PC is fullblooded human like her...or well Victor who is supposely human...I think he count as human, right?) it could be totaly cut out her role in whole game ^^


Nov 28, 2015
Along with 10 venus pitchers

5 neyreans

3 myr

A horrible tentacle monster

A variety of eggs

Some half-cow babies

8 Raskevel...

I don't know if my Steele is just very potent but that nyrea count seems a little low. My Steele had 17 once. In a burst of 10 and then 7. I count it as 17 because both dialogues came up consecutively without the ability to move.

My Steele is going to have a busy nursery---


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh isn't better excuse to fuck then that this is porn game not some casual rpg? :p

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
lmao noobie... you sound like a Japanese gov't official telling people to fuck like rabbits in order to keep the population and work force up xD



New Member
Dec 24, 2017
Is it bad that I always headcanon that Mrs. Dorna was your mom if you chose to be half auser.


Actually I'm completely fine with that decision
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
The necromancy is glorious with this one...


Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Well I don't know if this would work I'm not a coder, but could it be possible to have the game read your starting race and generate your mom based on that? That does sound like a lot of work but the game does remember the race you started. You could have a race description made for her and implement that into the scene when talking to her. Just a starting [description] then talk, "hey how are you doing?" Then work off of that. If that were possible then hell I wouldn't mind making out some character appearances and then a intro hello scene, after that add more if people are into it. But let me know if this sounds like a fuck awful idea or it would be okay if I dished out my own things to make it easy with out wasting any of the devs time on it them selves.
It's possible and wouldn't be difficult to code, writing it so that she could be any race (even ones that you can't pick currently) would be the hard part.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Probably the easiest way to have Mom!Steele show up in the game is simply through a letter.

"Hi Sweetheart
I hope you're all right, especially with Victor's passing. I was heartbroken to hear of his passing, and I can only imagine how you are feeling. I've been meaning to come out to see you, but work has been such a challenge, or maybe I'm afraid I might break down at seeing you. I'd say I hope you're keeping safe and well, but even here on Earth, we've heard about a young <gender> stopping pirates from blowing up planet....Please don't do any more stunts like that, I'd like my hair to go grey naturally and not from fear...

Take care of yourself, dear. And write to me soon. And be sure to make some friends out there. And I've sent you some socks and some cookies. And I love you.
Love, Mom."


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
Since we've already gotten incest out of the way with the cousin thing I don't really see a problem with taking that next step and having Steele mingle with his mother. Besides Mrs. Raesner already kind of delves into that fetish, even if with a more mild undertone, just acting motherly.
Dec 24, 2017
I was always under the impression that the PC was essentially an Artificial human/halfhuman, basically a perfected superhuman clone of victor, hence the general (constant) references to being like your Father (atleast for males, never ran a female) when talking with his associates. But quite partial to the idea of a puppy-steele being half sibling to Syri and Anno (wouldn't put it past the lore of Victor to leave that a possibility), even if was only half hinted (Say find records later of Victor helping with/being fond of a unspoken third child of the Ausar couple, or possibly helping them deal with a unheard of "miscarriage"), but that's just my kink to it all.
Dec 24, 2017
Unless you choose a specific special name, Steele isn't an artifictal human/human-xeno-hybrid or a clone of Victor Steele. Read the intro again.
Been awhile since I've read into the intro. Bit more than I remember, but then again Fen was still working on CoC last time I read it. All the better to simply add a quick extra topic to a few select women (or Steele funded birth records mentioning them for those not readily confrontable). Doesn't have to be to indepth right away, just a mention for the lore.


Dec 31, 2017
I can only see this spiraling into a rabbit hole of fetishes. Like people are going to look at genericmom's email and demand incest scenes and ways to coax genericmom into becoming your crew/toy. While there's nothing wrong with liking incest in itself, to even go there would mean that you'd forcing EVERY player's mom of being a closet son/daughter-fucker waiting to happen. As long as such a hint of interaction does not exist, the amount of such requests will not explode.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
I can only see this spiraling into a rabbit hole of fetishes. Like people are going to look at genericmom's email and demand incest scenes and ways to coax genericmom into becoming your crew/toy. While there's nothing wrong with liking incest in itself, to even go there would mean that you'd forcing EVERY player's mom of being a closet son/daughter-fucker waiting to happen. As long as such a hint of interaction does not exist, the amount of such requests will not explode.

You could always make it so that she's not up to it inherently, but if you do choose to go down the kinky path then she would be reluctant at first, however gradually grow fond of it. That way you can separate the two.


Dec 31, 2017
You could always make it so that she's not up to it inherently, but if you do choose to go down the kinky path then she would be reluctant at first, however gradually grow fond of it. That way you can separate the two.
But to get to that, someone would then have to write a way for her to interact with the player. But the main point of what I was trying to say was that the requests on what she could be like, how she'd service the player, and the process of 'coaxing' her itself would be endless. The amount of writing itself would also be no small task, even for the minimum amount of content. What's more is that there's going to be a lot of voices and opinions about how she should act and what you should be able to do with her that wouldn't be seen in other characters, specifically because they're well defined characters. It would be easier to please more people by simply making another character and give them motherly attributes, like Beatrice and Shade.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
But to get to that, someone would then have to write a way for her to interact with the player. But the main point of what I was trying to say was that the requests on what she could be like, how she'd service the player, and the process of 'coaxing' her itself would be endless. The amount of writing itself would also be no small task, even for the minimum amount of content. What's more is that there's going to be a lot of voices and opinions about how she should act and what you should be able to do with her that wouldn't be seen in other characters, specifically because they're well defined characters. It would be easier to please more people by simply making another character and give them motherly attributes, like Beatrice and Shade.

You can say that about anything really - that somebody would have to write it. Obviously, if you were to introduce her as a persistent character, she would need to be extensively fleshed out like any other. But it would be worth it, she would add a lot to the game in terms of depth that most characters won't just because she is the MC's mother. That being said, I'm alright if nobody does it, but I would also be excited if somebody were to. And if they did I would prefer if they had an independent vision, left to their own devices creatively. That way the character would feel more organic and not just an assortment of the many wishes of the public of what we think she should be like. Besides the obvious, should she have the option of sex scenes or not, because this is a porn game after all.