Meeting Mommy Dearest?


Dec 31, 2017
You can say that about anything really - that somebody would have to write it. Obviously, if you were to introduce her as a persistent character, she would need to be extensively fleshed out like any other. But it would be worth it, she would add a lot to the game in terms of depth that most characters won't just because she is the MC's mother. That being said, I'm alright if nobody does it, but I would also be excited if somebody were to. And if they did I would prefer if they had an independent vision, left to their own devices creatively. That way the character would feel more organic and not just an assortment of the many wishes of the public of what we think she should be like. Besides the obvious, should she have the option of sex scenes or not, because this is a porn game after all.
Again, the problem isn't whether or not somebody will write it. The problem lies in the fact that she can only be written once. Unlike the other characters, the PC's mom isn't something optional. You can't go around the universe collecting more "moms" or throw her into Tarkus' desert and forget about her because she's not your cup of tea. You'd be forced to accept whatever history is written about the PC and their mom. It removes from the player's experience, since you don't get a say in this. For example, wouldn't you be annoyed if they said that the PC has a pet cat, but they're not allowed to get another pet or remove the cat?

edit: a pet cat on your ship, I mean


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
Again, the problem isn't whether or not somebody will write it. The problem lies in the fact that she can only be written once. Unlike the other characters, the PC's mom isn't something optional. You can't go around the universe collecting more "moms" or throw her into Tarkus' desert and forget about her because she's not your cup of tea. You'd be forced to accept whatever history is written about the PC and their mom. It removes from the player's experience, since you don't get a say in this. For example, wouldn't you be annoyed if they said that the PC has a pet cat, but they're not allowed to get another pet or remove the cat?

edit: a pet cat on your ship, I mean

It is true that some people might dislike what she's like, but that's really the risk you take when you write anything story-driven, especially when you tackle core characters. But you can't afford to compromise and stagnate just because you're scared it won't appeal to the masses. This has a lot of potential, and I think it should be explored. And I'm sure nobody is going to force anybody or anything to be in the ship or otherwise excessively appear without player input, there is no precedent for that. +I imagine she would just be available on some planet and would always stay there for you to come back to if you wish or not if you don't.


Dec 31, 2017
It is true that some people might dislike what she's like, but that's really the risk you take when you write anything story-driven, especially when you tackle core characters. But you can't afford to compromise and stagnate just because you're scared it won't appeal to the masses. This has a lot of potential, and I think it should be explored. And I'm sure nobody is going to force anybody or anything to be in the ship or otherwise excessively appear without player input, there is no precedent for that. +I imagine she would just be available on some planet and would always stay there for you to come back to if you wish or not if you don't.
While there may be potential for her, she's nonessential to the story and there isn't much incentive to actually write her into the story. I was trying to convey the idea of imposing an unnecessary and unavoidable existence close to the player character using the cat example. It seems like not everyone wants the mom to pop up and there's probably going to be a lot of conflict between those who do. I don't see why there HAS to be a PC's mom. If people want sex scenes with motherly figures, then they could simply write up another NPC.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
While there may be potential for her, she's nonessential to the story and there isn't much incentive to actually write her into the story. I was trying to convey the idea of imposing an unnecessary and unavoidable existence close to the player character using the cat example. It seems like not everyone wants the mom to pop up and there's probably going to be a lot of conflict between those who do. I don't see why there HAS to be a PC's mom. If people want sex scenes with motherly figures, then they could simply write up another NPC.

We keep hearing about our father and how he was like back in his day. Which is understandable since he was a big shot, but we don't get to interact with him since he's dead. The mother, we don't know anything about and as things have been written it's absolutely not a necessity to the story for her to be there, but it would expand it considerably if we were to go down that route. Family drama is always a great premise. We already have conflict with the cousin and that's arguably some of the most engaging stuff in the game. So why wouldn't content with the mother be just as captivating. Really I don't see many ways this can go wrong in the big picture.


Dec 31, 2017
We keep hearing about our father and how he was like back in his day. Which is understandable since he was a big shot, but we don't get to interact with him since he's dead. The mother, we don't know anything about and as things have been written it's absolutely not a necessity to the story for her to be there, but it would expand it considerably if we were to go down that route. Family drama is always a great premise. We already have conflict with the cousin and that's arguably some of the most engaging stuff in the game. So why wouldn't content with the mother be just as captivating. Really I don't see many ways this can go wrong in the big picture.
We already have family drama. Shade's you half-sister, whom you may or may not have had a toss in the hay. Even she doesn't have as much as a presence as the rival/cousin, however. Jack/Jill pops up maybe once a planet in the game. They're "engaging" because they specifically pop up at the game's checkpoints - the probes. They're the main antagonist of core story, the only person that's actively trying to steal your rightful inheritance and causes you trouble across multiple worlds. Your interactions with them, however, are limited so far. I'm not sure what you mean by "just as captivating." At this point, I'd argue that Doctor Badger is of greater importance to the lore than the rival. The thing with the rival is that they've been around since the beginning of the game. Their appeal is that they're hate-able and you can get them back for their misdeeds. I don't see the appeal of having a mom suddenly pop up.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
We already have family drama. Shade's you half-sister, whom you may or may not have had a toss in the hay. Even she doesn't have as much as a presence as the rival/cousin, however. Jack/Jill pops up maybe once a planet in the game. They're "engaging" because they specifically pop up at the game's checkpoints - the probes. They're the main antagonist of core story, the only person that's actively trying to steal your rightful inheritance and causes you trouble across multiple worlds. Your interactions with them, however, are limited so far. I'm not sure what you mean by "just as captivating." At this point, I'd argue that Doctor Badger is of greater importance to the lore than the rival. The thing with the rival is that they've been around since the beginning of the game. Their appeal is that they're hate-able and you can get them back for their misdeeds. I don't see the appeal of having a mom suddenly pop up.

It is subjective what you find engaging I guess, but it's not a matter of if we have this thing then we don't have another. It's perfectly fine to have the Doctor Badger stuff as well as the cousin thing and the Shade stuff AND the mother stuff. It's all a part of the ever-expanding game and the subplots within it, it's all different in its own way. Whether another thing is more important than the other is ultimately irrelevant. It's just about having many forks in the road, that's the appeal of this game, to me anyway - the variety is it's main strength.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I think the major problem is someone would have to effectively write several characters for one.

Its not a case of <insert Generic Mom here> but rather Steele's Mother being such a blank canvas it would be difficult to effectively incorporate her into the story.

Consider this, is she Human? Ausar? Kaithrit? Kui-Tan? Leithan? Does she have any mods? Is she open to mods? What's her relationship with her child? How does she react to variable X,Y,Z?

You're asking someone to take on a character that is as mutable as Captain Steele and effectively writing up several characters that discards 80% of them for one specific route. And then someone has to code it. That level of variability is right up there with Embry and Bess/Ben for the amount of possibilities and from what I understand no one is willing to make themselves insane to do that. Again.

The best option will likely be have Steele's mom appear off-screen, so to speak, be it through a letter or a message.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
Yeah I realize it is an unlikely undertaking. But I can see it being done in small increments. At first it could just be that her appearance description would be short but concise based on what race you chose. Later on you could delve deeper, but as long as the outline is there it should come along nicely. Still, it would take somebody very dedicated. But that's only a symptom of this characters potential, there is so much that can be done with it even beyond the expected, once established it'll always be there from then on to be added on to.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
It's been long established by the dev-o-rinos that the juice isn't worth the squeeze.

...but let's have a looksee at this document.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Personally, if it had to be done I'd make Steele mom a set appearance and hand wave it by saying she customized herself to her ideal form which would be determined by the content writer. I mean, she has to do something with those Steele bux right?

Incest optional.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Okey I finished my docs so comment and tell me what you think, I'm still iffy at parser calls which isn't good because that's very important. If something doesn't look right just say so. The devs wanted to avoid this for complexity and useless fluff because TITS is a sex game so this was made with potential expansion in mind like the prison breeding but with actual professionals and not chained people.

Also one more thing, Your Mama's so hairy the only language she speaks is woki. Grrrrrrr Grrrrrrr (insert your mama jokes here.)
I dunno. This honestly feels pretty... forced.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I did originally have an incest option but I took it out because I wanted to know if people like the concept. Some are saying that it is forced which I don't disagree. Perhaps some adjustments or maybe a re-write, Hhmmm what to do from this?
Honestly, i dont think its worth it. Given the plot of TiTS, there really is no way of doing this without making it seem forced. Though if you do go through with it, then yes, incest is a must-have:p.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Oh, idea! Maybe you could also write a little scene where you show SteeleMom the picture Victor sent you at the start of the game! Just a suggestion, but I think it would be an awesome touch.