Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
So then they went into the building and found lots of galora students moving from place to place. Many of them looked to Mika and Sala with happily surprised grins as they passed, seems they had brighten up there day! again Penny's little bit of goo got more gush to feed on as Mika wetted up nicely as people looked at her. Sala was in trying to hid behind Jezzy, with made Jezzy blush as she felt the stiff peen poking her butt. "Its fine the people here like it..." she said softly as she patted the shy herms shoulder. Jasmine asked a few galora to point her in the right direction and they pointed her over to a tall purple galora who was wearing a sort of white lab coat, and nothing else, and it was open so his gooey junk swang free. "those students told me her was one of the people there at the ruins 20 years ago!" Jasmine said an excited smile on her face. Maxter also had a happy look on his face, but he was looking at Jasmine. he had the sort of grin people had when the were smitten by some one but they never new how to tell them... Penny would probably take note of that for later.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny scratches her chin and nodded at Maxter before moving over to the purple professor. Rather than use common, she burble and glurbled at him, speaking in the old galora language. "Hi there! My name is Penny! The four lovely ladies there are my pod mates Mika, Sala, Emily and Jezzy. How are  you?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
This got the purple mans attention. He looked at her with smile and glurbled out, "Ah the old speak eh? Well I'm fine thanks for asking, the names Nile, Bill Nile." he shook Pennys hand. "I can tell just buy the look in your eyes that you are hankering to ask me something. but before you do that... that squiliden girl.... is she an exhibitionist?" he asked after a quick glance at Mika.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"She is, but she is still coming to terms with it. It is like a long term project for me. This is the best she has done yet! When I first met her, just having no pants was enough to make her squeal and hide!" She chuckles and shakes her head. "We do have many questions. Though it is only fair to use common now." She coughs and resumes in common "We are looking for answers about the ruins 20 years ago. We have been told you were there?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
A dark shadow seemed to pass over bills face for the briefest of moments as she asked about the ruins. "yes! please tell us about it! I'm Jasmine investigative reporter. I'm trying to piece together what happened care for an in interview?" Jasmine said, not picking up on Bills fleeting expression. Mika did pick up on the small shift but she let Penny do the talking, they others looked on expectantly. Bill suddenly leaned in quickly to Penny's ear and said quietly, "...I can tell you about it but... not here... not were so many people can here me.... come into my classroom and i can tell you then.", he said as he motioned them to follow.


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Oct 1, 2015
Penny certainly caught on to the shift of emotion and nodded her head. "Come along girls... we are going to have a private conversation with the professor." She follows after him.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
they all follow him into his class room were he closes the door behind them after making sure no one had followed them. "....So you really want to know what happened back there all those years ago... listen, i can tell you what happened back there at... that place... but you cant tell anyone what im about to say. others have come before you asking the same question but i give them more or less the same story that the government had given everyone.... but you and your pod... i get a felling you could set things right... but you have to promise me you you wont tell anyone it was me who told you about it.... if they find out i blabbed who knows what they'll do to me..." He stares at Jasmine. "you got that to miss?" Jasmine wiped more sweat of her forehead and nodded. "Dont worry! i never betray those who wish to be anonymous!".


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looks at Jasmine. "I think that means no recording and no camera as well Jasmine... Nothing said here will ever leave this room, right everyone?" She look around the room for a moment then looks back to the professor "Alright, go ahead." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika and of all the girls nodded in understanding. Jasmine grumbled but pushed down Maxter's camera all the same. "Fine...", she said with shrug. Then after he took one last look around the room he began. "OK.... so the story that it just collapsed from age was all wrong. it was a deliberate collapse! the government blew it up to cover a up what they considered dangerous secrets..." he said, his face looking very grim. "I was there... there when it went down.... me and a few of my colleagues were some of the first sent there when it was first discovered and dung out of the soft earth. Back then, the college wasn't built yet, be me and some other like minded galora formed a league of sorts for galora with a thirst for knowledge. We were making it our mission to advance the galora race in anyway we could... we wanted our people to be held in high regards like the La'cotum, Squiliden, Allosians, and Humans. We wanted to be a race that people looked up to!" Then he looked kind of sad. "Me and my partner Van were scouting out the ruins since its discovery and the government even funded or expeditions. we had been do so for a few months, but we just couldn't find away deeper inside... and that's saying something if even a galora cant get inside. But, one day Van decided to go in on his to look for a way while me and the maybe... 6 others?... were asleep. And somehow he found a way!", now he looked deadly serious. "...What I'm about to tell you is dangerous.... are you sure you want to hear this?", he asked. Mika was a little scared by this... was this the kind of info that got people killed?!.... no... she had to know the truth! she had to stop Vanie... "T-T-Tell us..." Mika said nervously, but with a determined look on her face. Bill nodded. "Inside we found some of the most advanced tech i had ever see in my life! and there were archives full of data on all of the works stored within... it was a gold mine of lost tech... all left to us, the galora people! according to what Van found.. it was like an inheritance to us... from these ancient unknown people! He said that according to what he read in the archives, these people saw potential in us as great protectors to the galaxy and left their relics behind so we could take up that mantle of responsibility! if we let those finding lose on the planet i would have started a tech revolution the likes of with the galaxy have ever seen! We would have gone from being a race that was considered some what tribal, to one of the most advanced peoples on the entire galactic stage!", the look his face made a fearful turn. "But... there were those of them in our fledgling government who feared the consequences of giving such tech to a race that may not be ready for such a large responsibility... they ordered us to stay quiet about it, lest things might get out of control. I could see what they were trying to do... they may have had the right idea then... after all we were still very new galactic stage then and we still are. who knows what could have happened if it had gotten in the wrong hands... but Van.... he didn't see it that way..... he wanted to usher in the new dawn of the galora people, as he put it. But I told him it was too dangerous! What if we weren't ready for this? we should wait! But he just wouldn't listen! he tried to leak the tech to the public and then the government..... they ended him... and the ruins forever..... all in that blast.....", he said solemnly.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looked to her gauntlets that hung from her duster, the golden rings around the wrists feeling rather heavy all of a sudden. "Tell me professor... this Van... was he solid black in color? Speaks with a bit of a human german accent?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Bill looked confused and amazed. "What?! why... yes.... but.... how did you know?!", he said as he looked to Penny, his face showing sighs of panic.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Van now calls himself Vaine and has attempted to kill me and my pod mates several times over. There is a very good chance he is on this planet, following us around. These ruins you speak of, we have been to several of them." She holds up her gauntlets "These golden rings come from one of them, a gift to a protector." She nods at Mika "She is the inheritor... she has access to all of these ruins." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"you mean to tell me... he lives?!" Bill said his gooey face looking like it was about to melt, or like he had seen a ghost.... "good god.... and you say hes tried to... kill people?! But.. van would never..... he was a man of knowledge and wisdom.... he was all about helping the people...he-", Jezzy cut him off with, "Maybe the old van did die and that blast... and he then became Vaine.... who knows...". "I-I cant believe it..." he said with his head hung low.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well you have to... because Jezzy here has no memories because of him. Bill... he has committed several acts that we promised the galatic federation we would never do. Parasites and consumption are on that list... you know what that means, if you see him... you have to call the government and warm them of a terrorist. There is no saving him... all that awaits is the death penalty now."   


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"My god... van... what happened to you... why?!", Bill said looking like he might cry. "you were like bother to me...  i wish it was me in that blast... not him....", he said with his hands on his face. the girls could help but feel sorry for the sad purple goo as he sat down his hands in his face. Mika, Emily, Sala, Jezzy, Jasmine and Maxter all exchanged glances as they wondered what to do from here.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny steps up and rests a hand on his shoulder "I know this isn't easy. You thought he was dead and suddenly learn that he is alive and attacking people. But you have to remain strong Bill, for now he seeks to use this ancient tech to rule over the galaxy, not protect it! he has slandered the name of galora again and again! We have to stop him!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Bill looked up at penny and snuffled a few purple gooey tears ran down his face. "Your right the old van would have wanted me to stay strong.... he would have asked to be put out of his misery.... I'm guessing you want to check out the site of the blast... I'll give you the location." he took out a terminal our of his goo and typed something and sent it to Mika's terminal with swipe. Mika looked at Bill with a sad look on her face as well. "Um... thank you. listen... don't b-blame yourself for this, I'm sure the old Van wouldn't want that either..."


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Oct 1, 2015
"Whatever happened Bill... we will make things right. I promise you that!" She hugs the sad professor and steps back. "Thank you for your help, it will see us further along on our quest for answers!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Right... y-your right....", Bill said while looking down. "Be careful.... you have to worry about more then just him if you start looking into this.... now i think... i need to be alone now...." he said as he turned away. "U-Um... ok."  Mike said and she motioned them to get out of the room to leave Bill with his thoughts. once they were out side jasmine looked to Maxter. "Holy hell Max! this is one hell of a scoop. we gotta find away to get some of this story public with out giving away Bill. I'd say the people have right to know." She said again wiping more sweat off of her forehead, "i dont know if... know about that.... but i guess we'll cross that bringe when we get to it yeah?" Jezzy said to the other girls.

Just then an orange girl galora walked over to Penny. "Heya! couldn't help but notice you lovely pod there! you mind if i ask ta about the cute little squiliden of yours?"


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Oct 1, 2015
Penny stopped and smiled at the orange girl, thankful for a distraction from the somber tone. "Oh? My little Mika? Sure! what did you want to know?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika blushed and looked away as eyes were on her sexily adorned body again. "Well... I'm the med school professor and we're going to have a class on squiliden anatomy and our female model got sick and couldn't come. Do you think she could stand in for her?", she asked hopefully. "Well i... um.... don't know...." Mika said sheepishly.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mika would love to! She loves learning and helping people learn!" She takes Mika's hand as she volunteers her for this. "It would be our pleasure to show off Squiliden anatomy to your ENTIRE CLASS. The more students the better!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Wait but I-" Mika stuttered "We can come in too right?" Emily said with a smile. "this will make me so nostalgic! it'll be like med school" Emily said having some found memories. "Sure! I'm sure she feel better with you girls sitting in the calss as well... maybe even learn a thing or too about your lovely little pod mate here.~", the professor said. "by the way the names Dr.Rein. if you'll just follow me." she said as she lead them down the hall. (Jasmine and Maxter were fallowing too) Dr.Rein was a thin but still shapely galora with small B-cup breasts and a heart shaped hand full of ass. She wore nothing except a pair of fancy looking classes with golden chain. "My class is right through this door miss Mika. If your gold pod mate would be so kind as to remove those rather ravishing accessories your wearing we can head inside. we need you completely nude for this... that means the glasses too." Dr.Rein said with a wink.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well, you heard her Mika!" Without waiting for a response she starts stripping Mika of her lewd accessories. The rings, the scarf, her glasses... it all comes off and goes into her pockets, leaving Mika completely bare. "Lets go!" She pushes the door open and walks inside with Mika. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasped as she was striped absolutely bare by Penny, feeling all the rings pulled off of her nipples, labia, and clit. when penny pulled of her glasses she felt even more naked! she was then pushed through the door before she could voice her dismay. And then there she stood naked as the day she was born... in front of class of around twenty galora and humans with varying levels of nudity. All of them looked right at her naked body witch made her tremble and and shake. The students were quite pleased to see someone as beautiful as Mika be their model and her meekness made her all the more endearing to them. Dr.Rein walked in and brought penny with her to stand next to Mika. "Well class our first model got sick and couldn't make it but i have a replacement! Say hi to Mika! lets give her round of appluse for being brave enough to come and show us the wonders of the squiliden body!" Dr.Rein said as she clapped for Mika. then the class joined in with there claps and Penny could hear Emily go "woo!" in the background. "well my lovely gold assistant would you mind removing your goo from her vagina and then telling us a little about miss Mika before we start, she seems a little too nervous to talk right now."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course! Now pay attention class. Mika here is a really juicy girl. When her arousal peaks up she drips all over the place. As her pod mate and lover, I like to stuff a little bit of myself in her to catch these tasty morsels!" She casually pushes two fingers into Mika's pussy and takes the goo out. With a happy smile she reabsorbs it into her body. "Tasty! Now then, Mika is a sweet, loving, loyal and genuinely caring girl. However, she is shy and humble to a fault. I mean look at her!" She cups Mika's breasts and holds them up for the class to see slightly better "She has this amazing body, but tries to hide it! I know all the galora here are crying internally at such a shame. Thankfully, she is prone to losing her clothes on a normal basis... and there is a no clothes rule on my ship."

She lets the laughter die down before continuing. "Now then, Mika is also a very smart girl! She is the brains behind our group. We would be completely lost without her! Now I think that covers enough about her personally, you all came here to learn anatomy right?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika blushes very hard as Penny explains allot more then Mika would care to tell! as she removed the goo from her pussy a stray drip falls form her folds and she gasped and her hands went over her pussy, then she lited up her beast so the class could get a better look. witch they did and enjoyed. At the laughter Mika wanted to bury her head in Penny's bust to hide but she stayed still, frozen from running by her goody two shoes attitude. She had been promised to help teach people about her people and that was something she did genuinely enjoy... but this was on a whole new level. Her hands were on the sides of her face as Mika's face burned with embarrassment and maybe just a bit arousal.... (ok maybe allot). "Alrighty then." Dr.Rein then took out a little baton so she could point at things. "So miss Mika would you stand nice and straight for me?", Mika complied and stood straight with her hands to the side, though she did so shakily. Dr.Rein then pointed to Mika's head. "Ok so the first thing you'll notice about squiliden is that they are very much like you humans in the classroom. By some fluke of evolution the cute little squids they evolved from became these lovely people like miss Mika." she points to her tentacle hair. "As you can see, squiliden have these neat little tentacles on their heads! would you demonstrate miss Mika?" "O-O-OK..." Mika then squirmed her tentacles a little to show there prehensile nature. "good... now as you can see Mika here is good example of a squiliden female, she has nice big breasts" She pokes her boobs with her baton making her gasp a little, but she tries to stand still. "and nice wide hips with a vagina." She pokes her hips and then pokes her pussy lips, earning another gasp. "most females of this race are considered quite well endowed and Mika here looks rather exceptional in that department. On average most squiliden are never smaller then the bigger end if b-cup, and their hips are always nice and wide," Mika shook just a little as she stood there being looked over so thoroughly. "Then next thing we should talk about is her skeleton. squiliden have very flexible skeletons made of a cartilage like substance, allowing them to twist and turn in all kinds of ways with no discomfort. would you mind showing us how flexible miss Mika is?" Dr.Rein asked Penny.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Indeed I would!" She slowly got Mika to lay down on her back. Once there, she grabs her ankles and pushes them up and up until her feet on on either side of her head... and her pussy and ass are on full display to the classroom. "In addition to being my favorite sex position, Mika can achieve this pose with no strain on her body! With a bit more effort..." She takes her ankles and pulls again so Mika's own pussy is right in front of her face "She could easily eat herself out! Tasks like these would greatly strain the human body unless practiced constantly... while Mika here can do it all on her own without practice!" She slowly lays Mika back out and stands up her. She then grabs on leg and lifts it up and up whiling being a support so Mika doesn't fall over. Now she has one foot to the ceiling, again showing off her sweet pussy. "See? Just look at this! One leg straight up to the sky and she doesn't even flinch! Their flexibility is truly something to behold!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Once Dr.Rein mentioned flexibility Mika just knew it was going to get embarrassing..... she was son laying on her back. Then, Penny pushed her ankles all the way to either side of her head, really showing her ass and pussy to the class. "oh penny.... there all l-looking.. right there!" she though as her pussy was in clear view. She could almost feel the gazes glued to her push ass and wet pussy. Then it got even crazier soon she was looking down at her pussy and she gasped. She didn't know she could do that! she knew she was flexible but this was new territory even for her. She could smell her own arousal with her pussy right near her face. She looked away unable to cope with this. Thankfully, Penny had her standing up again... but her relief was sort lived as Penny had shoved one of her legs straight up in the air! This gave everyone another good look at her pussy.... again... all this whole time Penny has been injecting more lewd comments making it even worse, making another dirp of gush fall from her folds.

"Ah simply wonderful isn't it? Truly unique among the solid bodied races.", Dr.Rein said as she put Mika's leg back down. "Right! so next up we need to talk about is the most amazing thing about squiliden is there ability to change color! You see inside the squilidens skin they have what you humans called chromatophores. these are cell with in the skin that are filled with a certain pigment and can expand to make that color show. Miss Mika would you demonstrate?" Dr.Rein asked. "Um... ok..." Mika said softly. This was an easy task for Mika and it was something far less embarrassing. (thought she is still stark naked in front of people here). Mika then shifted through several different colors and patterns, her lovely luscious body taking all kinds of tones and hues, Thought the whole time streaks of purple snaked around her features. "Wonderful, simply beautiful! that function was evolved to hide form predators and sneak up and prey, or even attract a mate!" Dr.Rein said with a wink. "Lets see..." she said as she looked over Mika's nude form until she stopped at her blush butt. She poked it with her baton and Mika jumped a little. "would you mind turning around miss Mika?" Dr.Rein asked, always polite. Mika did what was asked a bit shakily though. Now everyone would be staring at her nice ass. "There is another unique trait of the squiliden, their ink! they have an ink sack located right inside there anus! Would my lovely gold assistant like to demonstrate and simulate the ink sack?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course!" She reaches around and spreads Mika's plush ass cheeks apart to reveal her anus to the class. "Now then, the ink sack is right where the prostate would be for a male, so reaching it is rather easy." A golden tentacle slides out and gently pushes into her ass, poking and prodding at the ink sack while thrusting in and out "Remember, it responds to two things. Fear and pleasure. When distressed and scared a squiliden can fire ink out of their behind to blind chasers. At the same time, heavy amounts of pleasure will also force out a jet or two of ink. All galora here should note that, at least Mika's, tastes bitter at first but sweetens up after a few seconds!"