Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy perked up. "Hmm? nonsense like... its sounds fishy?", she asked as then took another pizza bagel. "Like its a cover story..." Emily said with her hand under her chin. "Hmm.. that is strange... i-it does sound like something we should investigate.... is there a university around here? they might know a little about it." Mika said as she pondered.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Indeed there is. Gesteva University. It is west of the city from here. Please keep in mind that it is still a new building so... it won't be as grand as anything you might have been to before." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh thats fine.. we just need info and I'm sure that they must know something.", Mika said. "Oh hey can we use your house as a home base of sorts?" she asked. "It would be handy to have place to stay besides the ship."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Heather: "Of course you can! Just like I told Penny, you will always have a home here. It also helps that I am looking forward to another round with miss talented tongue there." She winks at Emily. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily blows a kiss to Heather with a wink of her own. Sala was chowing down on her bagels and generally getting her face dirty. "Ok.... when should we leave Mika?" Jezzy asked. "well soon I guess... its still nice and bright out. maybe after were done." she said. mika then reailed she have to walk around naked at the unvervity and she gulped. Sala raised her hand. "are we taxing there too?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny: "That is up to you girls. We can walk there and see the city first or we can just taxi and get there within a few minutes. All up to you, I don't mind either way." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"...As much as mika and Sala might not like it... I say we walk... why? just in case you know who  is watching us somehow. if we walk it will be much harder to track us....", Jezzy said with a serious look on her face. the others exchanged glances. Mika sighed. "she has a point..." she said with a nervous look. Sala made a scruned face but did say anything. "Fine by me that means we get to show off more yeah?", Emily said.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny: "Yea, that does make a lot of sense. If any of you see a store you want to check out, just go ahead and point it out, we can step in and have a look see!"

Heaher: "Well, I hope you all have a lovely time!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Soon they all ate their fill and went on their way giving heather several see you laters as they left penny childhood home. Then the five naked ladies were soon out in the humid air heading for the University. the two shyer girls kept close to Penny nervous to be out and about naked. Emily walked with her head up high showing off her body was fun especially if everyone was naked too!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Their walk soon lead them into down town Gesteva! A massive sprawling city of human and tribal architecture! the streets are crowded with a mixture of naked and clothed people with the majority being naked due to Galora culture. The streets were lined with shops while low level hover cars moved through the streets. 

"Here we are girls! Anything and everything can be found here! Enjoy to your hearts content!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala was of course nervous having barely any public nudity time under her belt. Mika was a little red in the face but the fact that there was more naked people around put her mind at ease a little guessing that she wouldn't stand out much... hopefully... Jezzy meanwhile was being ever watchful making sure they weren't being tracked not too bothered by her nudity, after all just most people were nude around her. Emily just stretched again and taking in all the naked people around her with her eyes. "Just don't think about it... if you think about it too much you'll ...drip...", Mika thought as she tried to pay more attention to the shops then the many naked people moving around "hey that store looks cool!", Emily said as she pointed to a store that sold mostly hats. She pointed to one in the window. "Look at that cute straw hat! wouldn't it look adorable on Sala?" The hat in question looked like what many would call a "sun hat".


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh! It would look really cute on her! That is what we call a sun hat... it keeps the sun off of you for for the most part! Want to go check it out?" As they stand there talking a green galora guy walks up to Jezzy "Excuse me ma'am... but are you a shrax?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"wah? A cute hat? C'mon.. I'm not child!" Sala said with blush on her checks and a pout on her lips, and her hands on her long flaccid peen. when the green galora guy moved wlaked up to jezzy she watched him carefully at first making sure he wasn't going to pull anything, but she relaxed when he asked her if she was shrax. "...yeah.. i am..." Jezzy said while eyeing the green goo.
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Oct 1, 2015
He was an average Galora, standing at about 6 feet, make of dark green goo and appearing as a naked human man. "Forgive me if this is too forward... but i heard your race can lactate at will. Is that true?"

Penny laughs and pats Sala's head "We know you aren't...but you are just so fun to play with! Come on! Let us dress you up for a bit! Pleeeeeeeeeease!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy raised one eyebrow. "....yes that's true...(I think)", she said wondering where this was going, Mika took a look over to Jezzy and saw the green galora and figured she'd be ok. Emily looked over to mika and said, "Oh hey we could find something cute for Mika as well! even when nude one can always accessorize!" Emily said with a flourish. Sala looked at Penny and Emily and sighed, "fiiiiine...."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yay! Mika is already fine with the idea! I know that much!" She grabs Mika and Sala by the hand before walking over to the store with Emily as well. 

"Oh excellent! Now forgive me again but... could I suckle from your breasts? i hear the taste is very unique and varied!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"huh wa?!" Mika said as she was pulled into the store along with Sala who reluctantly let herself be brought inside. inside they found all manner of hats and few other accessories. like cute ribbons, bracelets, scarfs, and even some grater bands for the legs, but no actual clothes, almost as if the store was made for putting accessories on a nude body to enhance the look. "ho boy we hit the jack pot here!" Emily said with a smile. Mika and sala were nervous as always, Sala more so, do to her extra equipment being out in the open.

Jezzy had both of her eyebrows raised now. "oh.... well....", she thought for moment. he looked harmless enough and she thought it might be interesting. "Well ok... but I'm guessing we're not going to do that right in the middle of the sidewalk... yeah?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny squealed as they entered teh shop and ran over, picked up a dark green scarf and came back to Mika where she wrapped it around her neck loosely. "Oh! you look so cute in a scarf! How about some legs bands to go with it? No wait!" She runs off again and comes back with a black ribbon with white frill on the edges. She kneels down in front of Sala and ties off a little bow around the base of her cock "It's perfect!" 

"Oh... umm, actually I was going to do just that. But I can see why such an event would maybe require a bit more class. There is a small motel just around the corner, would that work?" 
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked down at the scarf still with abit of blush but, the scarf was nice looking but she wants a fan of dark green. "...w-well it is comfy... but I don't think dark green is my color.." Mika said as she shifted nervously. Sala eyed Penny questioningly as she brought over the black ribbon. She wondered what it would look like in her hair but once Penny knelt down she knew she was up to something... but soon, she had a cute black ribbon wrapped embarrassingly around the base of her shaft! "what the hell?!" she said with deep dark blue blush. her peen grew slightly ridged at the feeling of the bow on her sensitive area. "What? its adorable! Dont you think so Mika?" Emily said as she turned to Mika. She being who she was, blushed more at the sight and looked away. "G-Girls... don't you think that maybe goes s-somewhere else?"

Jezzy looked at him and shrugged. "yeah ok... that works... lead the way..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny shook her head as she took the scarf back. "Nope, I think it goes right there! If not dark green, what color would you like? Maybe a blue of some sort? pink?" She moves back over to the clothes and starts browsing again, grabbing the sun hat and tossing it to Emily "Here you go! The item that brought us in here!"

The green man smiled and lead her around the corner to "Jelly Lodgings" and into the lobby. He talks with the cyan galora behind the counter and soon they are in a small room "There, I trust this is suffucient?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"O-Oh well... I do like blue.... but I think purple might work for me.", Mika thought at she looked around the strange "clothing store". She was glad that she did have anything to lewdly to a ribbon around.... Sala wanted to take the embarrassing ribbon off, but she also didn't want to stimulate her peen more and have it go full mast on her, leaving her in quite the conundrum. Emily snatched the hat out of they air with her robo arm with smile on her face. "Alright lets see how cute this looks". She then put the hat on Sala quickly and looked her over appreciatively. "Yes, this does help the cute factor I knew it! you just look so precious!" Emily said as she pinched the tsunderbugs cheek. Sala gave her an uncertain look. "This hat? I donno...maybe... but that ribbon, come on, really!" Sala said annoyed but also quite embarrassed. "if i walk around with... that... around it, people will think I'm weird!"

Jezzy looked around the room and found it sufficient indeed. "Yes this will do just fine..." Jezzy said as she sit her lovely toned naked butt down. She patted her lap and said, "Well cowboy... come and get some..." she said while holding a tit in her hand.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny quickly finds a purple scarf and tosses it over to Mika where it lands on her head. "There you go! How about some leg bindings? I think those would look good on you. I wonder if they have... hmmm." She wanders deeper into the store on a hunt for something before gasping and moving over to a display case. She shares a few words with the yellow galora girl who runs the place before coming over to Mika with a small gold ring, far too small to fit on her finger. "How about this?"

The green man smiled and got into her lap before quickly wrapping her lips around Jezzy's nipple. The moment he got some milk a shudder went down his spine and he started to suck harder, draining the milk as fast as he could, gulping it down in large globs.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
it landed on Mika with a "fowmp" and she had to readjust her glasses. Her tentacle hair grabbed it and then wrapped it around her neck. Though she was naked she had to admit... this scarf was nice... she was no fashionista, but she figured it might looked good with some of her outfits... the ones she had a hard time wearing these days what with the nudity rule on the ship. At the same time, Emily found that the hat had little holes in the top, just for antennas to stick out comfortably. she pushed Sala's antennae thought and she gasped, they were sensitive and when Emily touched them it made Sala's peen shoot up showing off the ribbon delightfully. "Ack!", Sala squeaded and she grabbed her peen with her hands with huge blush ion her face, "D-Dont touch those there sensitive!", she said irritably. then they both looked over to Mika and saw the purple scarf. Emily nodded in approval while Sala just looked to the side in shrugged, being a grumpy pants. Then Penny came over with the real small ring. Mika looked at it and tilted her head. "Huh? Oh, that looks p-pretty. But, isn't it too small?" she asked.

Jezzy gave a happy sigh as the green guy immediately set about drinking her milk at nice fast pace. She shuddered as well, as her chest tingled in a lovely way. "oooh~.... someone was thirsty...", Jezzy said as she stroked the back of his neck and back. "don't for get the other one..."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny suddenly reaches her hand down and rubs at Mika's slit and clit rather rapdily. Once Mika's clitty pops out of it's hood, she brings the ring down and pushes it on. It fits perfectly around her clit! "It is a clit ring! I always notice when your clitty pops out and this will add some extra flare to it!" She giggles. "I wonder if they have some stuff for your breasts."

The green man just keeps on drinking and Jezzy can see her milk pooling up in his belly. With a wet pop he pulls off her breasts and dives down onto the other one, sucking the nipple into his mouth and draining her milk once more with a happy moan. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gave a surprised gasp as Penny reached down and played her pussy so quickly. "eeek!" her pussy opened quickly at that kind of rubbing, and her clitty was soon out to say hello again. before Mika could ask just what she was doing she slipped the ring right around her button! This earned Penny a cute squeak as Mika's legs buckled a little at the feeling of something fitting snugly around her clit. "W-What?! but- I- um- but t-t-that's so lewd!", Mika stammered. Seeing this put Sala at her full ten inches, again showing off the ribbon nicely. "mhmhmhmhm~ oh my this is nice~" Emily said with a winning grin. "i think i might have to get me one of those~, on the other hand Mika wears it much better then i could." Emily said as she looked over little ring appreciatively.

Jezzy in turn gave moan of her own, finding the green guys enthusiastic suckling feeling great. "ooooh~... shit." jezzy said as she arched her back a bit. the pleasure from all of this was making her making her a little bold so the green guy soon found jezzy scaly but smooth hand moving to his green gooey cock. She then began to stroke it slowly. "Only fair right?", she said as another moan escaped her.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I know! But it looks really good on you! you wear gold very well my dear." She winks at Mika "Hey... have you considered getting your nipples pierced Mika? That would be soooo hot! What do you think Emily? Some nice gold hoops hanging form these tits?" She gives Mika's breasts a few tender squeezes while looking around the shop for more stuff.

The green goo moans more as his cock comes out to a full 10 inches long 2 inches thick. his tongue darts out and starts lapping at her nipple while he keeps on sucking, eager for more of her milk.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"P-P-Pierced?! N-No!", Mika said her hands on her nipples (witch were standing at attention now). Mika and Sala were both looking rather cute and embarrassed now with blushes on there faces and their endowments all erect. Emily pointed to a pair of gold hoops on one of the racks. "Hey, check this out." She then picked them up and inspected them. "it say's here that these are special, they can attach anywhere on the body without the need for piercing. They can attach to nipples with special coating that allow then to hang just like they were pierced there without the pain or hassle." She grins at Penny.

Jezzy made an "Mmmm~" as her milk began to flow even faster. with the gooey ministrations on her nipples sending her high into her lusty heights. she spend up the stroking on the guys cock to make sure he was getting enough in return for his "service".
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny returned that smile and took the two hoops. She casually brushed Mika's hands away and attached them to her nipples "Oh! That looks so good! A great find Emily!" She moves over and starts looking at the leg wear. "Hmm fish nets? thigh high socks? Oooh, even some latex leg bindings, very nice selection over here. What do you think Emily? All of these will certianly draw more attention to her luscious parts!" 

The green goon man was really sucking away now, pulling large gulps of milk before switching to the other nipple and doing the same. His cock was throbbing in her hand, eager for release as he indulged in her milky breasts. One hand slides down to her crotch and gently plays with her clit and slit. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika made another cute little embarrassed noise as the rings were placed on her nipples drawing even more attention to her. Mika's eyes were off to the side now as she made an uncomfortable face. Sala had at this point turned around not wanting to be turned on by Mika's lewd rings. "You guys... Mika and i don't want this much attention draw to our... stuff! Right Mika?", Sala said looking at her from the side, holing her peen gingerly in her hands. "Oh you two worry too much! no ones gonna think less of you. once they see all of that neat stuff they'll say: "oh wow! look at those cute, classy girls, they sure look good!", Emily said, nodding at them trying to sell them on the idea. Emily looked at the selection herself putting her robo hand under her chin as she bent down (on purpose to show her ass to penny just cuz she could). "Oh lets see some white lacy thigh highs might look good on Sala, while I'm guessing that... maybe... hmmm... some purple fishnet for Mika.. what do you think of that?" Emily asked looking over her shoulder at Penny.

Jezzy would reach her orgasm soon what with the green guy going for her pussy like that while drinking with gusto. So to be fair, Jezzy reached down to his ass and quickly slipped a finger in there and wriggled it around gently. She was making all manner of moans and sexy noises even an occasional "sexy hiss", she tended to make. her hands stroked his green cock even faster making sure that when she came he would too.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiled and gave Emily's ass and good groping before she grabbed the fish nets "I think you are right! purple on her light pink skin looks lovely!" Before she moves she also gets a purple garter and moves over to Mika, She kneels down and slips the garter around her thigh before stepping her into the fish nets one after the next. "Oh geeze Mika, I could bend you over right now if it wouldn't make a scene! Oh, have about some labia rings for a bit more flash?"

The green goo was thrusting into her hand, his own orgasm coming up fast as he gulped down her milk. his tongue was swirling and lashing her nipples, obviously trying to push her over the edge first while his fingers slipped into her cunt.