Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika sighed in relief when she got her clothes back, glad to get her womanhood out of the arousing open air. Emily looked at Penny with her eyes squinted and her head tilted to the side as if to say: Wait, you can DO that?

Now that they were out of danger penny could finally take a good look at Emily, She was fair skined human from the breasts down being only a few inches taller then Mika. while she certainly wasn't as curvy as Mika she still was a rather thin but shapely girl with firm butt and cute c-cup breasts. She looked like she was wearing a close fitting silvery helmet that covered where her nose and mouth should be. two glowing blue eyes looked back at people through a V-shaped visor port on the "helmet". And do to her helmet actually being part of her face (at this point) left her eyes the only way to express how she felt. her left arm was robotic as well but seemed to be a much more advanced piece of hardware compared to her face.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nods happily at her. "Yes I can do that. Just ask Mika here. She loooooooves it when I am her clothes!" She walks up behind Mika and wraps her arms around her stomach and pulling her in a bit. "She loves to feel my warm, moist good all over her, to be completely covered in me. Don't you love?" She teases while planting light kisses on her cheek.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika blushed heavily at this and looked away. "I-um-well............i-it c-comes in h-handy......", she said stammering. Penny could feel that Mika was still rather warm for all the "excitement". Emily make a string of quick little sounds that sounded vaguely like a giggle as Penny teased her favorite little squiliden. she then pointed to herself and motioned for penny to come over. apparently she wanted to try it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny clapped her hands and ditched her clothes once again on the couch. "Just hold stil and let me work my magic!" She walks over to Emily and wraps her in a hug, her body slowly fading into its primal shape and sliding over Emily. She decides to go for the body suit as it is both practical and sexy but she also can't help her naughty side from making changes. Instead of boots, gray heels form on her feet, a tight gold body suit that hugs every curve of her body quickly forms over everything but her mechanical arm, Gray stylish lines appear over the gold to give it a very modern look and it finishes off by forming a collar around her neck. Penny pulls tight at the crotch and lifts her chest ever so slightly. It's more like she is in a transparent zip suit than a body suit as Mika can still see her naked form through it.

"I can still talk like this too! I can be more or less transparent at will as well, one of Mika's favorite features." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily seemed to enjoy looking so sexy so she got up and strutted around a bit in a sexy catwalk with her hands on her hips, Then, seeing that she could still see her naked body through penny's goo suit, she turned around and shook her goo covered booty at Mika with a mischievous wink over her shoulder while making another almost-giggle. Mika turned a little purple at this, and her eyes looked about nervously trying not to focus on the sexy little show.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hey! Emily knows how it's done! Lets go even sexier!" Penny begins to change. The lbody suit changes to what looks like a very tight one piece swim suit with a very low V cut in the front. while from the heels comes a fish net style covering for her legs. "How about this one Emily? Show it off girl!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily taps her chin for a second thinking of more sexy poses to do. She then got to her knees and leaned back a bit to jut out her c-cups they thanks to penny looked a little bigger thanks to her support. She shakes her chest from side to side letting her modest rack jiggled around a bit. Then she turns around again and lays on her stomach and spreads her legs open for Mika's viewing pleasure. Again she "giggles", looks like she having fun messing with Mika.
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Oct 1, 2015
She laughs as Mika gets even more blush. For her final act she shrinks even more, leaving emily wearing only a slinky bikini and heels. "You know what Mika loves more than anything though? When I push inside her while she wears me as clothes. It drives her crazy with lust, knowing she is getting pegged by me in the middle of a public area! She always cums such delicious cum when I do that."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was turning completely red at this point with bits of purple here and there. She couldn't look away because to how turned on she already was, mostly because of the earlier rather lewd, but brilliant plan. Emily continues to tease her with a focused assault of sexy poses from swinging her hips sensually to bouncing up in down to make her endowments jiggle. She then in a final act of teasing walked right up to Mika, turned around once more, bent over and spread her pussy right in front of her face. Mika got a good long look at her insides with only a thin strip of penny in the way. Mika just about fell over with how turned in she had gotten, but emily quickly reached out and grabbed her hand to make sure she didn't fall. she looked to Mika and bowed her head hoping she didn't over simulate the poor girl.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny slowly gets off of Emily and moves behind Mika, picking her up and setting her on her lap as she sits on the couch. "Oh dear, it seems we may have over did it there Emily. I hope you don't mind, but I have to tend to my pod mate before she faints with lust." She spreads Mika's legs wide and lifts her up under her knees. With careful hands she pushes Mika's top up and pulls her pants down to reveal her lovely genitals. Two large horse cocks grow from Penny's crotch and with slow motions she lowers Mika down onto them, one in her ass and the other in her pussy. Once Mika is in her lap again, she starts grinding her hips up into her while her hands grope at Mika's lovely D cup breasts. She rests her chin on Mika's shoulder. "I'm sorry love, just having a bit of fun with you...relax and let me ease that urge inside you."
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
" W-Wait.....P-Penny......E-Emily is still in the......... r-r-room!", she yelped as she was slowly double penetrated, her face turning a deep purple. her lust was burning rather brightly as Penny started grinding her aching insides. Emily looked around with her hand behind her head unsure of what to do....She patted her chest and pointed away as if to ask: should I leave you two alone.....?  Being a doctor she could tell right away Mika had a habit of ignoring her bodies sexual needs.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny is affectionately rubbing the side of her head against Mika's, simply enoying the deep connection to her lover once again. "No need to fact, pull of a chair and watch, masturbate too if you like. Mika might protest, but she cums the hardest when people are watching her...isn't that right love? You like people watching your pussy get pumped?" Her voice is both teasing but full of love as she starts moving Mika up and down on her dual cocks, both of which throb in delight as they fuck these familiar holes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily looked around again and then back to the sexy scene in front of her a little unsure, but she too then felt the pull of her arousal. She gulped and sat down in one of penny's comfy arm chairs. Mika's hair tentacles reached out and began to play with Penny's goo hair involuntarily as penny picked up the pace. Mika and Emily shakily locked eyes both of them seeming to feed eachothers arousal. Mika was more or less putty in Penny's hands as she was moved up and down on the gooey horse shafts. Her pussy began to clamp down on penny's shaft harder as Emily looked on. Emily just had to touch her self at that point, rubbing her pussy with her human hand while her robot arm started playing with her breasts. though she was a doctor and she had seen just about every lewd body part there is, she couldn't help but be turned on by the busty duo.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny uses her goo hair to play around with Mika's tentacle hair, keeping it busy. She pulls Mika's legs up to her chest and moves her up and down faster, making her breasts bounce with every motion. Seeing Emily playing with herself made her feel a tad selfish so she reaches out with her gooey foot and pushes it against Emily's pussy, grinding it against her lips and teasing the entrance with her toes. She smiles at her before clamping her hands down on Mika's breasts and lightly pinching and twisting her nipples. "More than enough to go around."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As penny started pistoning her faster Mika began to make cute little "ahs!" with every pump of her hips. Her pussy began to ooze lewdly once again, dripping all over Penny's lap and making her insides very slippery. Emily jumped slightly at the touch of Penny's foot, she wasn't expecting to become part of the show! She looked down to her own moistening pussy, then back up to Penny wondering just how far this was going to go. Mika cried out a little when Penny pinched and twisted her sensitive nubs, this made Emily's pulse quicken. if she still had a normal face it would be flushed with arousal at this point. so she got up from her chair to sit next to penny in the coach hoping that she could help...after all she was partially response able for mika's current state. She looked to penny expectantly, wounding where they could go from here.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks at Emily then back at Mika and a light goes off in her head. She puts Mika down in her lap and grabs Emily around the shoulder, pulling her into her gooey body. It is then that she notices Penny's form was melting away and absorbing both of them! In seconds both Mika and Emily are up to their necks in Penny's golden body. With a devious grin she starts thrusting into Mika again at an all new pace as it is much easier in this form. To Mika's surprise, a third gooey horse dick appears and gently pushes into her mouth. With Mika lost in pleasure town she turns and faces Emily. With that smile still on her face Emily can feel a gooey horse cock pushing into both her ass and pussy at the same time, sliding in the entire eight inches. The rest of their bodies are constantly rubbed, squeezed, teased and groped like a perverted full body massage. "Like I said girls, more than enough to go around!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's heavy lidded eye snapped back wide open at the appearance of the third cock in her mouth. She had never done oral before so she looked around nervously unsure about this new development. But she was soon assaulted by Pennys renewed thrusting and perverted massaging with threw her right back on the one way buss to pleasure town. Emily would have squealed in surprise as she was absorbed into Penny's body if she could but all she did was make a strange quick moan like sound. She gasped as both of her holes were so quickly filled. she tensed up all of these unique feeling catching her off guard, she soon relaxed thought as Penny's moved all over her body. un knowingly she tried to move in on penny and kiss her but, not having a mouth, she was only able nuzzle into her face.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny happily nuzzles her back, happy to have a second person submerged in her body. She turns back to Mika and leans down besides her. "I thought you would like something new. time to learn some oral my love. Use your lips not your teeth, light flicks on the tip and longs drags on the shaft. Everyone appreciates god tongue work." she kisses Mika on the cheek and forehead. "You know...orgal is very common in public places. you can do with your clothes on and drink away the evidence." She leaves mika with that teasing whisper and looks back to Emily. "I hope you are enjoying my body, cause I sure am enjoying yours dear Emily. What would help you along? Bigger dicks? more breast attention?" She releases Emily's arms so she can show her what she wants.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looks back at penny though heavy eyelids as she gave her some oral tips. She figured she might as well try...after all the dick is already there. She licks around experimentally trying to get a fell for this new act, of course she can only put so much attention to it while she is being hammered in both holes. Emily thinks for a second not quite sure what could enhance the situation. She points to her breasts, then points to where her mouth would be. she then reaches up and hits a button somewhere behind her head. and the part of her "helmet" that was covering were her mouth would be opened up! Penny could see that there was a round hole there with her tongue laying inside. It seems like that this is where she can sill intake food and the like but, lacking a lower jaw is unable to chew. looking at the false mouth it becomes apparent that it was made for one sole purpose, to perform oral.........but it looked like Emily wanted to tonuge kiss with penny.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Some more boob action and tongue play? I can do that for you!" The goo pulls her arms back inside and she can feel stronge motions toward her breasts, tweaking and lightly pulling her nipples while the rest of her breasts are constantly massaged. Leaning in she pushes up against her and slides her tongue into the hole where it quickly begins playing with her tongue, swirling around it and pushing against it. Eventually she pushes more tongue in and wraps her tongue around Emily's to lightly tug at it. The cock in Mika's mouth starts thrusting in and out slowly, the better her tongue work, the faster it goes. Gooey pre cum leaks into Mika's mouth, being mostly flavorless and rather pleasant on her throat. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Penny's cock is of coarse quite soft and squishy giving her no discomfort as she slowly sucked on the gold shaft. she tried giving penny longer licks across the base of her third penis hoping that she was giving penny something. Her mind was absolutely alight with sensation because of how much was being done to her at once. " .....much......." she thought her mind awash with an abundance of pleasure. at this point this is just about the most "fucked" she had ever been.

Emily was loving Penny's ministrations and it showed. her glowing eyes closed as she just wanted to sit there and just feel all of Penny's sexy loveing touches. her tongue played along with pennys snaking its way around her as sensually as possible. this really seemed to turn her on as she began to leak from her pussy and into Penny's body.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny was in absolute bliss, she was just good at hiding it. Between both their leaking pussies and the amount of sensative dicks she had inside them, it took all her mental fortitude and physical resistance to not blow her load right there! A truly devilish idea popped into her mind and she continued to make out with Emily and soon Mika could feel another dick at both her pussy and ass, teasing at her body to see how much more her flexible body could take. Soon enough she pulled away from the kiss and pushes her gray teat into the round hole that housed Emily's tongue. At the same time she also started teasing Emily's pussy and ass with an extra dick, testing the waters for her limits as well.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was only barely holding on at this point her mind just about going blank. when penny tried sticking even more pricks into her found just about no resistance as both of her holes took them in. all Mika could do is moan onto pennys cock as she was absolutely stuffed. thankfully for both of them mikas boneless body could handle it as well as the fact that penny's cock were made out of goo. these two factors together made it possible for such a feat to happen. With this much going into her she wouldn't last to much longer.......

Emily ravaged penny's nipple as it came into her false mouth licking at it with gusto, enjoying penny's flavor. Penny found that Emily's holes were allot harder to get into, but she did manage to slip one of the extra cocks into her ass! She cried out in pleasure as her ass was put to its limit. her pussy water quite a bit at this. it looked like she might only be able to last a little longer too.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh gods! You girls are driving me crazy!" All of her cocks picked up the pace, slamming into their respective holes as hard as they could. Hot gooey pre cum leaks freely inside of them and Penny quickly pulls her tit out only to quickly replace it with her other one. All at once each cock slammed in to the hillt as Penny cried out and began flooding mouths, ass and pussies with such copious amounts of cum it was like a broken faucet! For nearly two minutes straight she fountained into her girls, loving every second of it. Much to Emily's surprise, thin goo milk leaked into her mouth, warm and sweet, as Penny shuddered in the strongest orgasm of her life!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily and mika had taken all that penny had to give and answered back with their own orgasms. shooting all the cum (and ink) into Pennys gooey body that they fesibily could. Mika shuddered weekly as penny pumped loads of goo cum into her body, while Emily moaned into Penny's breasts as she drank her sweat milk. eventually both of them fell silent, utterly exhausted.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Exhausted and blissed out, Penny manages to slide over to the bedroom and gently set the two of them down on it before snapping back to her usual body shop and flopping between them. In the center of Penny's body is a large and very visible mix of girl cum and ink, while gold goo cum slowly leaks from Mika and Emily's holes. Penny reaches out grabs both of them again, pulling them up against her warm gooey body. She gently presses her lips to Mika's for a few second before turning and pushing her tongue against Emily's. With a happy sigh she holds them close. "You two were amazing...I think we all earned a nap after that."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
And there they slept for awhile in Penny's blissful embrace. the next morning (relatively speaking since they are in space) they awoke feeling very relaxed, despite all that had happened to them. Mika had lent Emily some of her clothing to which she was very grateful for. as she got dressed her self Emily walked up to her and with her terminal in her hand with a message that read "umm... I'm kinda hungry guys, but well..... I cant chew my own guys have any non-solid foods?", she also showed it to penny hoping she had something.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Uhh, none on hand but...I have fruit and a blender!" She happily skips out of the bedroom and into the lounge where she gets to work. "Orange, apple...oh strawberries and a banana!. That sound good? I can throw it in a blender for you...or just chew it up and mouth feed it to you." She gives her a playful wink.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily looks to Mika with her eyebrows raised as if to say: is she like this all the time? Mika had a pretty good idea of what Emily was thinking and simply shrugged at her. Emily then looked back to Penny and waved her hands back and forth in a gesture kind of like saying oh no blending is fine. she then sat down on the couch as she waited. there were some many things she wanted to say and express but she just....couldn't...she remembered the old saying you don't know what you have until its gone. "truer words had never been said before", she thought as she gave a small sigh. seeing Emily's somewhat sad expression Mika decided that this would be a great opportunity to ask Penny something that she wondered about. "Hey penny?.....What its like......Splitting yourself in two, like what you did in the arena?" she asked with genuine interest.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny takes her finger off the blender button and pours out the fruity contents into a cup. She hands it to Emily and focuses on Mika. "It is...really hard to explain. umm, simply making clones is easy...but theya re mindless, just following orders ya know? What I did before is much harder. I made a second me and had to share everything I know and love with it. That way the new me is on the same board. I can still feel and see everything the second me is experiencing but at the same time it isn't actually me doing those things."

She scratches the back of her head. "I'm sorry, that doesn't make much sense, but that is as close as I can get to explaining the sensation. There are some galora that can split even more than that! four, even six! I can only manage one other me and so far it has been enough to bail me out of bad spots. This time though, it was really easy to split. you want to know why?" 

She pulls Mika into her arms again, holding her close. "Because both of me wanted nothing more than to keep you safe and happy. So cooperating was easy as breathing."