Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
     It was another hot dry day on the planet Ma-Joon. The air was thick with all manner of dust and sand as the mid day sun beat down over a small space port. Most people had gone inside at this point to escape the unpleasantness outside. but one girl remained, at a distance she would look very human but upon closer inspection her red tentacle hair would certainly tell you otherwise. The moist skin of her arms and legs glistened in the bright sunlight as the lone squiliden girl unloaded some rather heavy looking boxes off of a hover bike."Ugh, I'm not cut out for this kind of work but I need the money.", she said as she wiped her forehead. "It'll all be worth it once I can unlock those ruins", she thought as she unloaded more of the heavy cargo. "U-uh, anyone here? I've got that shipment of ore samples you wanted!", she said aloud nervously, hoping she didn't come to the wrong address. just then a large figure appeared from one of the many small houses that dotted the town. "Ah thanks toots", a voice said from behind her. she turned around with a start almost dropping a box. When the squiliden girl turned around she saw the source of the voice, a large blue skinned alien with two long arms, a long snout, and two big red round eyes stood before her. "you must be Miss Mika Maxwell right? yeah those are for me. didn't think they send a looker like you to boot though", the alien said with a hearty laugh. Mika looked away shyly in response saying, "I-I uh well thank you?". she always knew the Ma-Jeem (the native people of Ma-Joon) were kind of a pain to work with. They always had a habit of pointing out her looks. no doubt this one would rather give her something other them money. However, this one was in a hurry so thankfully she was spared anymore teasing giving her the credits she was owed. she was soon getting ready to leave when an old junker of a passenger ship appeared on the horizon. "A passenger ship? Who would come to this fringe world, well besides me anyway....", she said as she looked on with curiosity.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The old junker floats over to an open landing spot at the space port with all the grace of floundering fish. Amazingly enough it makes it to the spot without hitting anything but lands with a nasty crunch as the landing legs groan under the weight. The large back door slowly lowers down to the floor before gravity and weight seem to overpower the hydraulics which send it crashing down with a loud bang. "Yea! I made it! Ma-Joon here I come!" comes an excited cry from inside as a large figure steps out. With an obviously feminine figure that must stand at least seven feet tall, the new comer looks around excitedly before her eyes fall upon Mika and she comes striding over. If the slimey skin didn't give it away, the chromatic colors and nearly impossible hip ration did, she is a Galora; One of the slime people that are fairly common to see about the galaxy.

She approaches Mika quickly, stopping arms length away with a large friendly smile on her face. "Hey there! My name is Penelope, but you can just call me Penny! Do you live here? I figured this place would bee too dry for a Squiliden!" She holds her hand out for a hand shake. 
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was taken aback by the Penelope's forwardness, so she struggled for a response, "Oh, w-well I uh," she stuttered, as tried to find the right words. She always had problems when talking to new people, her social awkwardness would constantly get in the way. "Come on Mika, pull yourself together and say hello!" she thought annoyed with herself. "Oh uh..... hey their Penny", she said as she got off of the hover bike. she quickly gave her trademark short bow in greetings, but then she noticed she was holding out her hand. noticing her mistake she quickly reached out and awkwardly shook Pennys hand. "oh uh! I don't live here I'm just trying to study the ruins found on this planet." she said nervously, as she adjusted her thick rimmed glasses. "yeah is pretty dry but i can handle it." she said with a nod.
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Oct 1, 2015
She shakes Mika's hand vigorously. "Ruins you say? Boy that sure does sound interesting! Are they dangerous ones? Like those movies where ancient ruins are full of booby traps and other such perils?! I wold love to take part in something like that!" Her energy seems to have no bounds as he asks rapid fire questions like an excited child. "I came here looking for adventure and it seems like adventure has found me! Oh yes, I can tell that you and mere were destined to adventure together!" She stops as something finally clicks in her head. "Who are you?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was almost worried her arm might fall off with how hard penny was shaking it. Mika wasn't sure what to say as she was bombarded by so many questions. her face scrunched in a small fit of social anxiety. she had seen many galora in her travels but rarely interacted with them, she wondered if they were all this hyper. when the question of who she was came up she was able to pull herself together. "oh uh, m-me? I'm Mika, Mika Maxwell. I'm a-an archeologist", she said meekly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"A pleasure to meet you Mika! I don't suppose you know of any places of interest around here? A bar maybe? I can just sleep on my ship but it is way more fun to drink in social places! " While she talks she looks around the space port, trying to find anything interesting to pry about. "Where are these ruins of yours? Those sound interesting too!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As penny looked around there was a small building to her right that was both an hotel and a bar, a large sign on top read Dusty's in neon blue colors. "uh yeah theres a place right over there she said as she motioned towards the building. "I uh haven't really been in there though..." she said as she tried to maintain eye contact. she always had trouble looking people in the eyes when she talked. When penny asked about the ruins however Mika's face relaxed a bit. "Oh well, there far out to the north of here i have a camp set up really is a fascinating place ", she said finally relaxing a little. Talking about her work always was easier for her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
" Never been in there huh? Let's go in together!" She grabs Mika's hand and starts heading for Dusty's. "Bars are a great place to meet people, get some food and generally have a good time! I will treat you to a drink! After that you can show me your ruins camp! Oh this is going to be so much fun, trust me Mika!" Despite her energy and whimsical attitude, she does radiate confidence, like she could handle any problem thrown at her one way or another. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika could do little to resist the large slime girl as she pulled her along. "wah! But-but I..." was all she could manage as she was tugged along towards the bar. she never was much one for drinking but she didn't want to be rude either so she sucked it up for now. As they entered the bar a human man behind the counter called out to them in a southern accent, "welcome to Dusty's folks, whaddya havin'?". The barkeep was white with blonde hair and brown eyes. He appeared to be somewhere in his late 40s or so with a athletic build. There were a few people of various races hanging around the bar. Most of them paying them no mind. A few of the males around the bar looked them over grins on there faces, no doubt appreciating their womanly features. there were a couple stools open at the counter
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penelope all but drags Mika over to the bar and takes one of the open stools, patting the one next to her for Mika to sit in. "Give me the best tasting drink you got! Also, whatever my friend here wants." *She spits around on the stool a few times before examining the other patrons. "Anything of note around here bar keep? Or is it just heat everywhere you go? Not trying to be rude or anything, just curious! I'm a traveler ya see, got wander lust burning bright and a craving for adventure!"
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika hopped up on the stool next to Penelope. "Gosh this girl sure is energetic...", she thought as she watched her spin around the stool. "Well now, aint you just full of pep", the bar keep said as gave penny a grin. "As for anything interesting..." he said as he scratched his chin. "Well there's those miners just west of here that setup just a weak ago. the just showed up one day and started tearing up the mountain side didn't tell anyone here what it was they were diggin' for just told everyone to "stay away for their own good". He said started poring a glass of something for penny. "then there's them wired ruins to the north that just got discovered. No one's been able to scope it out fully yet. that area has some rather extreme weather at times.", He explained as he slid a full mug of some kind of beer over to penny. "That's my own recipe right there, I call it the Dusty's special. Oh and I'm dusty by the way".

Mika listened intently as the bar keep told them about the ruins, knowing that she may very well have been the first one to get into the first chamber. she then remembered the about her drink. "Oh, uh....maybe an energy drink for me....", she said as she twiddled her thumbs nervously, not exactly comfortable around so many people at once. "Commin' right up", Dusty said. He quickly slid a glass of green liquid her way and she took it taking a testing sip. It was rather strong and she winced a bit, but she knew it would get her the energy she would need.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Dusty special huh? i like it already!" *She raises the mug up and takes a long pull before pulling it away with a satisfied gasp. "Not bad! Certainly lives up to the name of 'special'! So, we got weird ruins to the north and suspicious miners to the west that haven't said anything about their work. Something tells me those miners wouldn't take kindly to us poking around their dig out of the blue. Then again, if they are up to no good, we can't just leave them alone! To the north is the ruins, Mika here already has a lead on that so...I will go there next!" *She turns to Mika and gives her a warm hearted smile. "Looks like I will be in your care for a while! Please take care of me!" She winks and hits her drink again.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"well good luck to ya, that place can get mighty treacherous if a sand storm hits. Come on back if you're in the neighborhood ya hear.", Dusty said with a smirk. He then left the two of them to handle some of his other patrons. Mika just wasn't sure how to take all of this, she wanted to go with her? Should she let her come with her? She seemed nice however and maybe there wasn't any harm in showing her. She wasn't sure what she meant by taking care of her so she simply pushed it out of her mind for now. "Oh w-well I.....I mean if you really want to I could take you....", she said as she looked off to the side. "My bike is out there so we could ride it to my camp site.....I mean if you really think its that interesting....", she said shyly.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course it sounds interesting! Ancient ruins of a time long forgotten to the average every day person! Who knows what could be in there?! A crypt? Treasure? Some sort of ancient power source that could revolutionize the world as we know it?! Well probably not that last one, but the idea is certainly entertaining!" She finishes her drink and puts the empty mug on the counter. "If anything, hover bikes are lots of fun and it has been far too long since I last went on a ride!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika downed her drink quickly, as she got up from her stool. "Well, ok just follow me", she said as she lead her outside. Her bike was black in color and rather small, but it looked just big enough to fit two people if one of them held onto the other. She got on the bike and looked back to Penny after she put on a helmet. "Well um I guess we can get going....".


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Woo hoo!" She cheered before happily approaching the bike and swinging her leg over it. She slides up behind Mika and wraps her arms around her belly, holding on tight. With a small laugh she rests her chin on Mika's shoulder as her gooey body sinks slightly onto her. "Ready when you are! Show me how fast this bike can go!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gulped as she felt the pressure of Penny's gooey tits squish against her. she had never thought of it before but she really was a looker. and now she was pressed up against her. this caused Mika to blush slightly (though for a squiliden their whole face will turn sightly red) and her hair tentacles to twitch slightly. Using two of her tentacles she fastened her helmet and then started the engine. The bike then began to hover in the air, kicking up all manner of dust. Mika looked to Penny and said, "Well uh, here we go...". She then hit the gas and sped off through the town heading for the dessert beyond. She wasn't going at full speed however for she had always been afraid of going that fast. she none the less did maintain a speedy pace as she headed into the desert.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
An evil idea enters the Slime girls head as they speed along. Taking advantage of the situation, she slides her hands up before firmly grasping them over Mika's breasts. "Geeze, we are going pretty fast, I gotta hold on tight!" So she does just that, squeezing Mika's tits with varying amounts of pressure as they speed through the desert on her hover bike. After a while she gets a little more forward and pushes her entire body up against the poor squiliden, causing her to sink partially into the goo girl.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's eyes widened as she felt penny's gooey hands grab her rather enticing D-cups. "H-Hey those are my..... ", she said in surprise. Her colors flashed from red to yellow as if it accentuate her distress. she didn't dare take her eyes away from the front however as she didn't want to crash into any boulders or sand dunes, she wondered if penny was doing it on purpose or if her kind didn't have the same socail rules when it came to touching. As common as Pennys race was she never really had the chance to study their culture, in the university much of the information about the Galora was very basic at best, so she didn't know what was tabuu for them. "U-um, penny....c-could you move your hands a bit if thats ok?", she asked nervously. Though they were both clothed she could feel Penny's gelatinous body squish itself around her ever so slightly. it felt surprisingly comfortable, even if it did weird her out slightly.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"What? It is hard to hear you over the wind blowing! Move my hands you said? Sure thing!" She moves her hands...without letting go, effectively kneading and groping Mika's tits even more than before. She moves the up and down, sometimes together sometimes one at a time, but she does keep her word and move her hands about. "Like that? I am moving them but I don't know which way you prefer! Hope this is working out for you!" A big goofy grin is splattered across her face as she knows full well what Mika meant, but this is far more fun!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasped as her breasts were toyed with by penny. her face and tentacles turning a purplish color. Penny could feel Mika's nipples harden through her tank top. She stuttered trying to find the right words as she felt both embarrassed and slightly turned on by Penny's ministrations. "Ah, uuh, W-wait s-sorry.... ! wasn't clear!" she said in dismay. "Oh, could move your hands down a bit.", she said shakily. Her camp site was only a few minutes away but it felt allot longer with penny doing what she was doing.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Move them down? What could you mean by that? Oh wait! I understand, sorry about that! What was I thinking?" She slides her hands down from Mika's chest...and under her shit before sliding them right back up. With a skilled flick of her hands she undoes Mika's bra before wrapping her hands over her boobs once again. She resumes her groping, squeezing and fondling but also adds in the occasional nipple pinch and very light twist as she continues her sexual attack on the poor squiliden. "This is much better! Sorry about before, so clumsy of me!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Penny's "attacks" had begun to take its toll on Mika. she was very vulnerable to this sort of assault do to years of sexual suppression. A wet spot formed on her shorts crotch as her entire body shifted to a deep purple color. "Ah! Penny! I-I-I..........", she wanted to tell her to stop but the words got caught in her throat as the pleasure she was feeling had begun to take hold of her. "Gah! why dose this feel so...good?", she thought, her expression half in confusion and half arousal. They were almost there now and somehow Mika was able to keep her eyes ahead of her the entire time. Mika could feel the touch of Penny's squishy hands on the skin of her breasts, making her nipples rock hard. She then for the first time, pushed the hover bike to its top speed wanting to get there asap. She had no idea how to deal with theses kinds of situations so she hoped she could just get to her camp fast. in the distance a large mountain range could be seen and at its base a small forest. they could see a small dome shaped building with what looked like a fire pit that had been used very recently. "oh! there its is!", Mika said in relief. she then sped over to her camp and stopped in front of her little dome. "Penny uh, you can get off of me now....", she said in a small voice.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She casually removes her hands from under Mika's shirt and hops off the bike like nothing odd happened. "That was pretty fun! Thanks for the ride!" She turns around and starts inspecting Mika's camp, pouring over the details and looking for things of note. "Sorry if I held on too tight, I just didn't want to fall off. I mean, it wouldn't have hurt, but pulling myself together after going splat takes a while and isn't exactly how I like to spend my time ya know?" She turns her back to Mika so she could smile to herself. 'She has some good tits on her...wouldn't mind getting a better view of those next time. But did she really not get what I was doing? How innocent can someone get? This just got so much more interesting!' Penny thought to herself as she walked around.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika slowly got off of her bike after penny, taking note of what she said. "oh uh, I......see......", she said in response. she quiclky trunned away her self as she redid her bra. "I really need a bigger bike...." she thought, her nipples still hard form the "fun".

    As Penny looked around she could get a better look at Mika's quaint little camp. there was the small dome no doubt for for her to sleep in, a fire pit for cooking food and keeping warm on the planets cold nights, and two chairs and a table with an attached umbrella. further ahead a strange blue colored forest stretched around the base of the mountain, the trees looking more like giant blue ferns with a palm tree like base. "W-well here we are...", Mika said shyly, as her skin slowly shifted back to its normal pink color. "The ruins are hidden in the forest at the base of the mountain.....we would have to walk there, that forest is too dense for the bike."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Nice place you have here, has a very comfy feel to it. you even have a spare chair already...were you planning on bringing back company from the start? You sly girl you!" She walks around the camp, checking out the strange blue colored trees. "You know, I shouldn't be surprised...but these blue trees are a strange sight. I am so used to green leaves and shrubs...but here we are, blue vegetation all around us! This is EXACTLY why I started adventuring! I want to see all the strange things around!" She takes out her holo note book and starts writing in it, obviously recording that this planet has blue plants. 

"So, how far in are the ruins? What do you know of that already? Any dangers I should be note of?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika stuttered again when Penny implied that she was planning on bringing company, but she let penny finish before saying anything. "Um, yeah these plant's biology is pretty interesting, the ancient Ma-jeem viewed them as sacred gifts from the god of water as they gather water from far below the surface. They can be used almost like a natural well of sorts.". Her face visibly brightened at a chance to share her knowledge. "The ruins aren't too far if you know where to look. um...would you wanna see them now?", she asked as she looked to the azure forest.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea! Lets get going! No offence, but camp sites are for eating, resting and sleeping. As there is no need for any of those things, it is best to not linger" She starts moving forward before turning around with a goofy smile on her face. "Uhh, I guess you should lead, since I have no idea where I am going. Sorry about that, force of habit is to just stride on forward!" She laughs lightly and waits for Mika to take the lead. "After you!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"S-sure, ok...", she said as she began to walk ahead. "Oh and uh, you don't have to worry about any dangerous animals...they only come out at night. But uh, be careful of any flowers around here, their pollen can do weird thing to you....", she said as they entered the forest. It certainly was cooler in the forest because of the trees shade, but it almost seemed like the trees themselves were cooling the air through some other means as well making it rather pleasant. all around them small strange animals darted back and forth at there approach many of them looking like something in between a rat and a lizard. "i'll only take a few minutes to get there, I'll show you my finding when we get there.", she said her voice taking an almost energetic tone. It seems like she really dose enjoy talking about her work. As they walked Penny also got a great view of Mika's nice round curvy butt, bouncing ever so slightly as she walked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As they walk she looks around for any of those strange flowers. "What kind of weird things do you mean? how much could a flower do?" She keeps following Mika before getting an evil plan while starring at her enticing ass. She slowly pulls a small blob of slime from her body, no bigger than a small grape and tries to drop it into her pants without her noticing.