Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy smiled, it was cute how she cared for Mika. Not wanting to hurt her in anyway ever. Then suddenly an Idea hit Jezzy! Mika was nervous and Penny was worried this wouldn't work but she just thought of something that might! "Hey Penny.... I just got an ever better Idea. What if.... you goo'd up all over Mika as a suit and then you guided her through the motions. She'd be able to get a feel for the movements with you keeping her feeling nice and safe. What do you think?", she said turning Penny around to look at her expression. Mika tilted her head considering the idea, "Uh, gosh.... that does sound better....", she said softly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ooooh! That sounds way better! Now i dont have to worry about hurting her! You ate so smart Jezzy!" She kisses Jezzy smack on the lips before hugging Mika and slowly turning into a goo suit!
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Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy licked her lips after a yummy kiss like that.... she shook her head time to focus. Mika meanwhile now felt nice and cozy in Penny's goo. She had since then gotten quite used to Penny on her. Sure it was a little arousing, it always was, but it no longer made her feel nervous, only calm. She looked down feeling covered and toched the goo.

"Ok Penny get Mika into a ready stance! we'll do so drills now.", Jezzy said smiling as she squared up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Alright! Now the Key to a good stance is being able to move at the drop of a hat. Legs bent, arms raised to defend yourself. Above all else, defend your head! One bad hit there and you are done!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"She's right even a squishy girl like you at least has a hard skull. The only hard part of your body right?", Jezzy said, fists raised. "Uh, um... right.", Mika said as she meekly got into position. She was still a little nervous, even with Penny wrapped around her. "Ok Penny here I come, show Mika a good deflect.", Jezzy said as she bawled her scaly fists. Then she made a straight punch at Mika's face, confident that Penny would move her into a proper counter or block.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"She is using her right hand, so you need to go to her left." She mumbles while tilting Mika in that direction. "Your arms are already ready, grab her wrist with your off hand, her elbow with your main." She says while doing just that. "Then use her own momentum against her with your body as the strut." She plants Mika's shoulder into Jezzy's chest and casually flips her up and over Mika's shoulder, flopping her onto the ground face up, her arm stuck in Mika's grasp!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika squeaked as she found herself doing motions that she'd never dream of doing. The motion was nice and fluid, Jezzy......hadn't expected that. She hit the floor with an "Oof!" as she found herself looking up at Mika. "Ow..... yeah.... that's a good one.... right there..... but maybe not let a girl hit the floor like that? I think we need a mat...", Jezzy said a little pained. In truth she wasn't really damaged, she was covered in tough scales but it still did hurt....

"O-Oh gosh Jezzy! A-Are you ok?!', Mika said her voice still squeaky and worried. "Yeah, i think so... good move though... keep that one in mind, it's just the kind of move that you use when No mean no situations arise.", Jezzy said as Mika quickly helped her up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Sorry Jezzy! I got too into it!" She slips off of Mika and zooms out of the room... only to come back with the mattress from her bed! "Here, we can use this, I have no mats."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"That works.", Jezzy said nodding. "I wasn't too hurt, scales help you know. Anyway you wanna show her how to deal with a low kick?", she asked. Mika then slipped Penny back on in the meantime.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Sure! So a very common move is to aim for an opponents legs to try and trip them up and gain an advantage that way. In my case, I just let them try and grab their legs with my goo but that won't work for you. Instead, the best you can do is jump back to avoid it or jump over it completely. You are pretty spry Mika so you can do either I bet!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"I-If you say so....", Mika said shakily. She tried to focus on what Jezzy was doing. As they stood apart it was silent for a momnet before Jezzy took a swift kick towards Mika's legs. Mika gapsed and took a jump back making it miss! but.... she fudged trhe landing and began to stumble backwards. "Wooo wooooha waaah!", Mika shouted and she almost fell over.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny helps balance her out, using her own power to properly place Mika's legs. "Ok... you had the motions right but you flubbed the landing." She waits till Mika is steady once again. "Next time, land with one foot back and the other forward, so you don't topple over again."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"O-Ok.....", Mika said feeling kind of dumb. "Yeah good reaction time. just gotta stick the landing.", Jezzy agreed.

After that Mika drilled dodging kicks a few more times. She seemed to be getting better little by little, she was by nature a fast learner.

"Nice Mika your getting the hang of dodging, but then again I figured you'd be good at evasion.", Jezzy said as teased Mika's butt through Penny's goo, grabbing it with little squeeze. Mika of course blushed a little. "Now let's see we got pucnhing and kicking covered in a basic sense... only thing now is grabs, eh Penny?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I think so! Grabbing is a bit of a risky move and you certainly can't grab everyone." She moves Mika over to Jezzy. "See, Jezzy is roughly the same size as you, so grabbing is ok. Also keep in mind that fighting dirty is totally ok... cause they most likely will do that same! So should you fight a female shrax, aim for the tits!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"A-Aim for the what?!", Mika said rather squeakily. "You aim for the breasts Mika. What? you've touched them before. their sensitive so it's a rather effective move...", Jezzy said like it wasn't a big deal. "Ok I'm go for you Mika, you have to either avoid the grab or escape it.", she saidas she got into a wide stance wtb her arms ready. Then in the next moment she lunged at Mika!

Mika squeaked and tried to step back but Jezzy was to fast and she snached Mika up! "Gotcha!", Jezzy said grinning. she was feeling a little frisky and her nipples were hard pressed against Penny's goo. "Oh no looks like I got you Mika.... whatever are you going to do to get out?", Jezzy said rather more playfully then normal. Mika looked down at her breasts and then biting her lip she quickly slipped her hands to Jezzy's teats and gave them a hard squeeze!

Jezzy gasped as milk leaked out and she felt the rough squeeze. it made her let go put her hands on her nipples as she stumbled. "Whew.... yep that would do it...", Jezzy said grinning back at Mika. Meanwhile Mika was flushed, she wasn't sure she would really want to start roughly grabbing peoples..... stuff.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Good job Mika! That is exactly what you do to a Shrax! Now if you were a GAlora, taht would be both a pin and a meal!" She says happily. "Though if anyone tried to grab a galora then I think they wanted to loose... either way, good work!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Now lets try from behind. Getting grabbed like that can very bad as you can't really move. But there are some things you can do: Namely, if they're a guy you just kick them right in the nuts.", Jezzy said evenly. Mika was reminded of the time she had done just that, when those criminal nudists tried to capture her..... not something she wanted to think about again. "Secondly you could take hook their legs with yours trip them making them fall back and let go. And well if they don't will a few good elbows to the chest work, right Penny?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mmm. For someone like Mika... probably not. No offense love but you kind of lack the pow that Jezzy and I do. Here, it would be best if I was the grabber." She slips off Mika and takes her usual shape. "See, if they are going for a grab they want to pin your arms, like this." She grabs Mika from behind, pinning her arms to her sides. "Which removes the elbow option. However... if you flick your head back now... you will likely break their nose!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika feels Penny's breasts pressed against her back and quickly tried not to think about that. With her arms pinned she found herself very unable to move in Pennys strong grip. Hearing Penny's suggestion she has to think about it.... She was squishy in most of her body and her only solid bone was her skull. There was precedence for this in squilliden history. She remembered reading some old battle texts that read something along those same lines. She didn't like trying to hurt Penny but well... she really couldn't anyway. Also she didn't want to let her down.... So she jerked her head back and smacked into the goo of Penny's face! it made a wet slapping sound.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"See! A perfect hit on my nose!" She says in a muffled voice as her face is currently stuck on Mika's head. With a tug her face peels off in a comical fashion. "If I was solid that would have really hurt! Or if you can't move your neck you could always go for the eyes using your tentacle hair. Basically, if they have you in a hold, use any trick you can to try and get free."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh..... y-yeah i never thought of that...", Mika said considering her hair tentacles. Mika was beginning to blush more still in Penny's grip, she bit her lip. "So main takeaway here is to fight as dirty as possible. Now I know you won't like that but its the truth.", Jezzy said sagely. "Any weakness you find you exploit in a fight. honor is all well and good when you alive but it won't do you any good if you're dead or worse a captured sex slave.", she said hands on her hips again.

After that Mika was shown a few more moves. All of them were quick easy and were the cheapest of cheap shots; groin hits, eye pokes etc. Meanwhile had determined look on her face she wanted to stop being a liability in a fight. Sure, she could come up with some rather good plans, but all she could do really well in combat was hide.

Soon the training was done and Mika looked tired, she could sweat but it was hard to tell since she was always so moist. "I think you gave it your best Mika. Anything you wanna do....?", Jezzy said noticing Mika's slight arousal during the training. So much close contact had caused her nipples to pop up and her pussy to open slightly. "Well uh- I'm uh.... not sure....", she said as she put her glasses back on, having taken them off during the training.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"And just as a closing note... Weapons are not part of one party or another. If someone has a stun baton and you can grab the handle and take it... then do so. It will stun them just as much as it will stun you!" she says with a sage nod. "Now then, I can both see and smell your arousal right now Mika, so I think after a long hard training session, sexy times are due!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
It was like clockwork, her blush coming right on schedule. However, it was growing fainter and fainter each time. The change was only barely visible, as her blushing was always so red but it there. She was subley growing more and more comfortable with her sexuality. Penny could see all her work to try and undo the shy bundle of nervous nerves that was Mika paying off everyday. It no doubt filled her heart with ever more care for her.

"Yeah, I'd say so....", Jezzy said her voice still so level. "That being said, we said we'd let you pick afterwards, if you looked like you did a good enough job. You don't have the instincts of a fighter but I see you making the effort. And in the end that's what matters.....", she then sunatered up to Mika with a slight grin. She then gently pushed her breasts into Mika's, there nipples rubbing slightly, making Mika squeak. "You're in charge here... what do you wanna do?", she said with sensual hiss. Mika had the feeling she might want to take off her glasses again... and did so, her cute blushing face unobstructed. "W-Well I... I'm afraid I.... don't have the faintest I-Idea what to uh-", she began but Jezzy cut in. "I really..... got wound up looking at you move that body of yours in training.... I'd be lying if i said i didn't really want you right now....", her nipples going harder to accentuate her point. Mika gulped she couldn't say no to that...

"W-Well uh... Penny could you.... Maybe um...", she began to mumble. "I don't know... be a suit on me again? to start with?", she asked eyes downcast.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Aye aye ma'am! One goo suit coming up!" She jumps at Mika, loosing her form and quickly sliding around her body, forming her usual goo armor but this time she makes herself a bit tighter, really showing off Mika's hips, thigh, breasts and the curve of her pussy. "Alright, in place... what now love?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika shivered slightly as she was covered in Penny warm gooey embrace, It only turned her on more. She idly ran her hands across her body lost in sensation for a moment, but then snaps out of it. "Ok...... N-Now could you please um... make a uh.... uh...", she mumbled as she rubbed her goo covered thighs together. "A.... uh.... coc-... peni-.... a.... you know.... a male set.... out of goo, r-right here.", she said as she pointed at her own crotch.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oooh! Mika is getting really kinky! Sure thing!" She quickly makes an average sized penis and balls right over Mika's crotch in a human fashion. "Want a different look or size dear? I can do pretty much anything!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika blushed even harder when she saw cock form on the goo. She gently grabbed it and stroked it a little, knowing that Penny would feel it. It was strange it was on her but it wasn't her's it was interesting to think about. She bit her lip as she thought about what shape and size she wanted. Do you think you can m-make it like uh.... oh gosh... this is making me feel weird saying this....", she said turning her head away but still stroking the peen. "But um, c-can you make it bumpy like shrax and uh.... long l-like uh... I don't know.... 10 inches?", she said the last bits almost a whisper.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Easy!" She cheers happily, making the cock exactly ten inches long and modeling it after the many shrax cocks she has seen on the holonet over the years. "How is that? Should be accurate enough!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika again began to idly stroke it as she bit her lip. Under the goo Penny could feel Mika's pussy flexing open and trying to coax a gooey cock or tentacle inside. Meanwhile Jezzy looked on with a smirk, "Oh, I think I know what you're getting at here Mika.". She then laid back on the conveniently placed mattress and spread her legs, then she spread her pussy open with her fingers while her the "Come here" look while licking her lips. "Oh MIka~. You're getting creative now....", she cooed.

Mika pulled herself together and made her way over to Jezzy, she got down on her knees and angled the gooey cock at Jezzy's waiting cunt. She couldn't believe this was her idea. It was so unlike her to take charge... but they asked her to and... the idea just sort of came to her. She looked back at Jezzy to make sure she was ok with this. The busty Sharx winked at her and nodded. Then in the next moment she pushed Penny's cock into Jezzy gently to the hilt, with Jezzy making a soft pleasureful hiss.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Sensing Mika's need she quickly slides a second gooey shrax cock into Mika's eager and waiting pussy. Knowing she was a stretchy girl she keeps increasing its size to properly pleasure her. At the same time she lets out a moan of her own as she is pushed into Jezzy's waiting puss.
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