Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jaza is howling in pleasure as she comes over and over holding Penny tightly as she arches her back. She cums more seed then one would think possible from the size of her orbs. down below there is a dribble of gush as her girly parts leak down Penny's arm. While the face Penny was making was quite lewd as well, her face lax and moaning, her tongue sticking out. finally she runs dry of sweet cum and gush and she pops out of Penny's mouth an collapses on top of her, panting. "Oh.... Holy..... hell.... that was..... so hot...."


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Oct 1, 2015
"Mmmm! Glad you liked it cutie!" She grabs her in a hug and stands back up, holding her squished between her breasts. "Hope that was payment enough!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
She nuzzles into her new and best fuck buddy recovering still and wrapping her arms around her. "I.... yes that was the best i've ever had.....", she said with a blissful smile, even as she was muffled by her heft chest.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Good! I like to set the standards for future love making... though you might be addicted to goo girls now!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh dear.... looks like i need to go out and make some new friends....", she said huffily.

"U-Uh... Penny are you done b-back there?", came Mika's cute little voice as she saw her hand wave around the corner of the ship. She didn't want to interrupt but she still wanted her attention.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Oh! yea we are done Mika." She carries Jaza back around the corner with her. "Whats up?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jaza blushed ever so slightly as a lewd drip of cum fell from her now stated swinging cock. she hadn't gotten to redress yet but unlike most the other girls she was much more comfortable with her nudity.

Mika's blush lasted fir a moment but she recovered very quickly. "Uh well, I uh, decoded some of the file Watcher gave me... you know knowledge of old languages and all that.... but I've hit a proverbial brick wall. That is to say: there are some things in there i just can make heads or tails of...", she said looking a bit defeated. "But I know who can...... My mom...."


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Oct 1, 2015
Pennies eyes widened and a massive grin spreads across her face! "Woohoo! Lets go meet your momma face to face!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked conflicted about this... her mom had a habit of being a bit embarrassing.... but at the same time she did miss her mom sometimes, and it was about time she met Penny.

"She'll b-be.... very happy to meet you in person.", she said still blushing slightly. "So u-um, thank you much for fixing Penny's... I mean... Our ship Jaza.", Mika said with a short bow. Jaza found herself blushing but smiling back at her just the same. "Oh gosh, It's my pleasure you Penny and the rest are my friends forever now! I'll be sure to write to from.... wherever the heck Yuna will settle down from.". She then gave them both a naked hug, making Mika flush purple for a second and then squeeze Penny and nuzzle her. She then pulled her jumpsuit back on and was ready too see them off.

"H-Hey are you done doing... whatever it was you were doing back there?! We got places to be!", Sala knowing exactly what they had been doing back there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well, seems the rest of my pod is getting right grumpy... so it is time for us to be off. Take care of yourselves now, and no more violent crusades against people ok!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Yuna smiles while still hugging the watcher and Jaza at her side. They looked like they'd miss her, Mika, and the pod.... Yuna laughed heartily and said, "Hahaha yes I'll do my best." Watcher then spoke up, "Uh, just so you know: I think my makers would have been proud of what your people became. you're their children you know!". Jaza said, while waving, "Come visit! I want ti show the stuff I make now that I'm a real good guy now!" It was a heartfelt goodbye if there was one, Yet another set of friends out there in the universe....

Going back inside, She'd find the now gooey Emily leaning against Sala on the couch while her favorite buggy was writing a letter on her own mini terminal. Jezzy was with Lover on Penny's comfy chair. The busty android sitting on her Jezzy's scaly lap. Mika was in the cockpit setting the coordinates for her own home station. She'd hear a bit of what they were saying. "Yes I think so since she has the soft and felxible skeleton crapples and throws might work well for her.", Lover said nodding at Jezzy. "That's true you can't really lock or break a squilliden easily if at all, that means if she got a hold on someone they couldn't counter her very easyily. Not nly that but she does keep in very good shape..... I'd be willing to bet she actually has a very tight grip.", Jezzy said as she looked back towards the cockpit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ah, but a grapple puts her at significant risk." Penny butts in while walking up to them. "A very basic count is just to slam them against the wall.. heck even the floor. And while she likely has a tight grip I doubt she has the power to choke someone out till they pass out. I was thinking something more focused on dodging and tiring out her opponent."
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy looks to Penny while tapping her chin in thought. "You have a good point there..... but, we were a bit worried that she might have problems actually hitting people, so we figured that maybe throws and grapples would work better for her....", she said while idly playing with one of Lovers breasts. She of course didn't mind and it made her snuggle into her more. "If I may.... Our Mika isn't the strongest girl in the world but she is very fit... despite what her jiggly endowments would suggest. Perhaps giving her teaching her to counter throw and parry would be for the best... on top of her learning to dodge.", Lover suggested. "Ya'know that all sounds good. but how should we teach her? I mean getting hit doesn't really matter for you Penny....", Jezzy said thinking aloud.

"Well I think i know the right weapon for her. a nice stun baton would work she wouldn't even hit some one very hard for it to work.", Emily said from across the room she had been listening the whole time.


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Oct 1, 2015
"My style of fighting, if you are kind enough to call it that, just wont work for anyone other than galora. I could teach her some basics of brawling but Jezxy has to teach her dodge timing."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"I can do that.... its the hitting people part I think she might have trouble with. But, I'm sure shell come around.", Jezzy said as she pondered her possible lessons.
At the same time, the ship began to rise again leaving Ga'neesha behind and setting up toi head further into the system. The destination Mika's home space station known as Wave Rider station or just Wave station for those who live there. It would take some time to get there so Jezzy got up with Lover and stretched her big breasts swaying delightfully. "Penny Maybe we could start a little right away? Get Mika, would you? we'll get her going in the cargo room.", she said hand coming to rest on Penny's butt giving a small squeeze.

Mika was in the cockpit she was so familiar with the ship she knew how to get it going all on her own. She was contemplating calling her mom, unsure of what to say.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sneaks up behind Mika and suddenly wraps her arms around her hips, lifting her off the floor! "Oooga booga booga!" She cries, hugging her tightly!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika squeaks as her glasses nearly fall of and she nearly drops her mini terminal. Her breasts jiggle around while her color shifts to yellow and blue. "Eek! P-Penny?!", she squeaked looking back over her shoulder. "Wha-What is it...?", she said as she slowly calmed down.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Time for combat training!" She cheers happily, carrying her towards the cargo bay. "The others are waiting for us already."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Wha-What!? C-Combat training but-but...", she squeaked meekly as she struggled briefly. She then remembered that she had promised to try and learn how to fight..... It made her glup and her colors shift uncertainly.

Walking inside carrying her cute squishy cargo Penny found Lover and Jezzy there still naked as always, but Jezzy had made a point to wrap her hands in bandages perhaps to look the part of a fighting instructor or something. "Ah there you are Mika, whelp it time to learn how to defend yourself.", she sad hands on her bare hips. After Mika was set down she would fidget and flush from yellow to blue on her body as her hair tentacles would squirm. Lover would then take her glasses away swiftly and as always that made her feel more naked, she was getting used to it but it still made her blush.

"Alright Penny square up Mika we're gonna start easy here.", Jezzy said as she took Mika into an open spot facing Penny. "Ok Penny now i want you to take a swing at my head so i can show her a quick and easy move.", Jezzy said pointing at side of her face. She would then get into a ready stance.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well... ok then." Penny puts her duster and gauntlets off to the side and gets in front of Jezzy. "I really am going to try and hit you ok? If we pull punches this isn't going to work very well." She makes a fist and throws a punch at Jezzy's face!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
A straight punch, she knew instinctively have to deal with that. Jezzy would intercept her right at the wrist with her own, defecting it to the side. At the same time she would step into penny and give her a hard shove with a shoulder, hard enough to make her jiggle and perhaps stumble back. it was all one fluid movement and it seemed designed to gave her space, witch made sense for a sniper. "You see how I didn't meet her force head on? you gotta catch it early and defect. A straight block would have hurt. You following all this Mika?", she said looking back.

When Penny swung MIka would cover her mouth, she didn't want Penny to really hit her! But she reacted quickly and pushed Penny away..... wait what? Jezzy was fast! "Uh, um y-yeah I think so..... that does make sense.....", she said fidgeting with her fingers.


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Oct 1, 2015
"It is all about gadging your enemy. If they are like me and much stronger than you... Trying to full block is just a nad idea. So jezzy used my own power agai at me, making my punch miss and throwing me off.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Yes, very well put Penny.", Jezzy said, hands on her hips. "The other thing to note is that this same technique can work even if they punch low. You intercpt, then shove! not so hard right? Most people don't count on you getting up in their space right after an attack, so nine times out of ten they don't see that coming.", she instructed. "Ok Penny got a knew request for you.", Jezzy said as she leaned in. "Now we'll run Mika through a few variations so here'd what i want you to do: Put a bit of goo in her pussy. When she does something right make her feel a little good.... you know, stroke her in there a little. But if she messes up have it spank her butt or something, not too hard or anything..... So what do you think good idea?", Jezzy whispered.


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Oct 1, 2015
"We can try... might bea bit too distracting. Normally I am game for these antics but combat is no joke..." She says in an uncharacteristic display of maturity.
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Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy was quite surprised to hear this, it gave her puase for just a moment. "Hmmm I guess you're right.... she does get turned on rather quickly and maybe that wouldn't help. I was just hopping there'd be some kind of positive feed back we could use with her....", Jezzy thought for a second looking back at their cute little fidgeting squilliden. "Hmm i don't suppose promising her a big wet kiss is out of the question? that is if she can buckle down and get a move right?", she wispered to Penny with the barest of grins. ( a rare sight to be sure.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea, we can do something like that. But for the actual training we should keep it as straight forward as we can." She says with a nod. "Hey Mika! If you do really well, I will do one thing of your choice! No complaints no matter what you pick!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika blinked at her. "A-Anything I want? Oh..... I... couldn't say what that would be....", she said trailing off. "Its fine you can work out the details afterwards.", Jezzy said nodding. "Ok Penny, Square up with Mika and get ready.", she said as she pulled the the nervous girl forward. "Ok Penny I want you take practice swing at Mika, and Mika You have to defect."

Mika would look at Penny with nervous eyes her hands raised meekly and her eyebrows creased in worry.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Sure I can do that!" She says with a smile. "Don't worry Mika, I won't actually hurt you." She waits for Mika to get ready before raising her fist and... hesitating. Her arm shakes a little and she looks over at Jezzy with a nervous frown. "I... uh... I am not actually sure I can do this."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Sure you can Penny. you don't have to swing hard, just fast enough to test Mika's reaction. And Mika don't worry you couldn't hurt Penny even if you tried ok? All your doing is the blocking part ok?", Jezzy said after giving their butts a reassuring pat.


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Oct 1, 2015
"I know but... it's Mika, I know she can't fight... it feels like bullying now. With you it was different, I know you can hold your own... what if I mess up and hurt her?"