"yeah, your right... just thought I'd point that out.", Lover said turning back to Emily. She put her arm on Emily's shoulder she flinched at first then her regular hand moved up to touch Lover trying to feel who was in front of her. "Emily? Emily. Listen to me dear, This is going to hurt... maybe a lot but i will get your cybernetics working again ok?", she said nice and clearly for her. Emily stopped for a second then move blank face up and down as a yes. "Alright hold on dear...", she said as she put a hand on her face and another on her arm. "3...2...1", she said and then archs of electricity snaked into her and she shook and jittered as she cried out in pain. then in the next moment her eyes got their color back and her arm flailed about. "AAaaaaack! Oh Dear god that hurts!", Emily cried as all the cyber nerves woke back up at once bombarding her brain. She settled down after a few seconds and looked around breathing heavily. "What in the actual fuck.....", Emily said running out of breath. Jezzy was awoken by all of this and sat up abruptly.