Lover the hit the button and the cargo door opened with a hiss and Bubbly was treated to a view of her new home. Full of grass and weird trees and big flying bugs buzzing around. seeing people going all over from one building to another and working everywhere. Bubbly seemed mesmerized. Emily then gave her a bit of a push to get her outside. She had a huge smile on her face and she looked lost in sensation. "wowie..... this place is pretty.....", she said somewhat dreamily. Then she saw all the La'cutom. "Oh wow! Hiya buggy people!", She waves at them. A lot of them stop what they're doing and looked at her with wide eyes. then they waved very slightly with many of them blushing and smiling slightly, needless to say bubbly just brightened up their day. "Wow Sala your people are so nice!", Bubbly said. "Um.... uh yeah sure.", Sala said. "lets just go....", "R-Right.... I remember the way...", Mika said and then she guided them through the settlement with Bubbly walking behind. Many people would stop to look at her and she would just wave at them as she walked her bio-android body out for all to see.
Eventually they found their way to the place Mika was not very comfortable with remembering..... Club loku. Penny must have been hit with nostalgia to see that neon sign again with the La'cutom girl exposing her tits. Sala looked away. "Of coruse she'd want to meet us here... the friggin' prev.....", Sala said looking flustered. "I heard that!", came the voice of none other then Nala who dove at her sister to garb here and hug her tightly. "oooh mmmm! I missed you so much!", Se said as she squeezed Sala and spun her around. "Gaaaah! N-Nala! Hey!"