Lust Doll (Completed Game!)


Mar 12, 2016
I finally found a fix for the game crashing on startup. While i assume it has something to do with the fullscreen++ addon for rpgmaker, the fix had afaik nothing to with that.

I had to open regedit, and delete all keys from rpgmaker 3.

(follow for a better guide)

Hopefully the game gets updated again so i can finally enjoy all new content :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
I finally found a fix for the game crashing on startup. While i assume it has something to do with the fullscreen++ addon for rpgmaker, the fix had afaik nothing to with that.

I had to open regedit, and delete all keys from rpgmaker 3.

(follow for a better guide)

Hopefully the game gets updated again so i can finally enjoy all new content :D

The author is, for the time being, taking a break from this game to work on another project. He may or may not come back to it eventually so any questions regarding technical help (or even offering solutions) will unfortunately fall on deaf hears. Its good that your particular problem has been solved but considering the game is not going anywhere for the time being... we better just let this thread fall into obscurity. This is more an heads-up for newcomers.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
His tumblr has been quiet for a while now. Wonder how close Fake Happy End is to being done.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hey, I'm still here, was trying to avoid posting until I started working on lust doll again, but eh.

wartooth, really glad to hear you found out what the problem is, and thanks a lot for sharing the solution. I certainly had no clue. I'll let others know about it, when I get back to this.

With the new game, I've just finished up to the final boss, so I guess that puts me around 85% complete? Left to do is final boss, endings, secret areas, and balancing, and that should probably be it. Sorry, know I'm not saying much. Just how I do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
So what's all in the game so far? I've been putting it off till more Male on Male content is in, but seeing as how it's almost complete...


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
So what's all in the game so far? I've been putting it off till more Male on Male content is in, but seeing as how it's almost complete...

Indivi talking about FHE (Fake Happy end) Another game Indivi has been working on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Indivi talking about FHE (Fake Happy end) Another game Indivi has been working on.

Oh. Alright then. Forget I asked that then. ^^; Though I haven't heard of FHE till now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Yeah, I've been really quiet about it. Might not interest you if you're into m/m, since it's more of a waifu game hahaha

"NNEHHHH FIRE EMBLEM!!!"  *FE Elitist is shot*

Im sorry those guys like to get out to often.

Mistress Candy Cane

New Member
Sep 20, 2016
Ello Indivi, I have been following up on your game Lust Doll off screen for a while, I have great time playing it as well. I do like the art style of the game & its game-play as well, also I loves how you done the role play text/sexting as well.

Any kind of progress that you are making at the moment with this game or how long till the next update?

Anyways, please keeps up with the good & great work you are doing with the game! ^_^ ♥


Active Member
Feb 11, 2016
Ello Indivi, I have been following up on your game Lust Doll off screen for a while, I have great time playing it as well. I do like the art style of the game & its game-play as well, also I loves how you done the role play text/sexting as well.

Any kind of progress that you are making at the moment with this game or how long till the next update?

Anyways, please keeps up with the good & great work you are doing with the game! ^_^ ♥

You can find updates on his tumblr,

Mistress Candy Cane

New Member
Sep 20, 2016
You can find updates on his tumblr,

okies gonna try to be nice here okies...

First of all I didn't asked you.

Second, I don't do Tumbler at all or hardly, even though for a very pacific things.

Third, its been what? over a month from his reply in August of the 24th, now it's like what? 3rd of October? from this reply to you.

Fourth, if he said he loves this game of his, since it's his first, then he shouldn't went onto making another game & putting time & energy into it at all & taking what? a few to sevral months break from this one, witch if he didn't though that is, he'll had this game either fully completed or very very close to it as well.

Fifth, this game to me feels like its dead, do to the amount of the, no, the sheer lack of activity of keeping it updated on a frequent basis, to keeps people interested into & not having them to wait as well.

Sixth, I only supports people if they show actual progress of the history of their games they make, if they don't, then i don't supports them at all, meaning, they don't gets my hard earned money at all & they loses that privilege from me.

Seventh, I see a great potential of this game, but also I see that's being wasted on another game as well because of it.

Eight, I rather see someone picks up this game & gives it the right & proper, care & attention that it ritefully deserves, to keeps the fans of this game happy & satisfied.

Ninth, having a maker of a game going silent & not keeping us posted on a weekly bassis, to me sounds like, he doesn't takes on full responsibilities of his actions, even from his iinactions as well, makes me feels there's something wrong odd & off here, when he should have, to let us know what's going on with him & with this game as well.

Tenth, if I don't hears from himself directly before this month of October is over, or the first full week November, I'll considered this game dead & will pay no attention to it as well, I'll even advice others that might be reading this reply to you, to do the same.

Eventh, I can't stand people that doesn't takes full responsibilities at all on any of their stuff, no matter what they are, from something small, to something big as well.

I'll keeps in cheek of this place at least once or twice a week, till the beginning of November of the first week, to see if there's any actual progress being made to the game & see if the maker of the game actually cares about his game & his fans & supporters to the game as well, that's all I have really to say, take care, good look, have fun & be safe!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey jackass, maybe you should run your posts through spell check before posting. You should probably also double check your grammar.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2016
okies gonna try to be nice here okies...

First of all I didn't asked you.

And i was just being nice and giving you the link to his blog so that you could read why he wasn't updating lust doll and that his other game was done and he just needs to make a trailer for it.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
If you, oh lord and savior Mistress Candy Cane, don't pay attention to the game after does it mean you won't continue posting like utter garbage because damn.  :captainpop:


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Hey jackass, maybe you should run your posts through spell check before posting. You should probably also double check your grammar.

After a loaded post like that you're concerned about their grammar? Does spell check correct rotten attitudes too?  xD  


And i was just being nice and giving you the link to his blog so that you could read why he wasn't updating lust doll and that his other game was done and he just needs to make a trailer for it.

Its ok buddy, the rest of us appreciate your efforts and helpful attitude.
When all else fails... try one of these.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Will ya all chill out. Good ol Inny just finished FHE. It might be a bit before we see an update for LD, but its on its way.

Mistress Candy Cane

New Member
Sep 20, 2016
Welp... This looks very promising... Wish he just stick to a single game, till it's fully finished, it's been over a half of a year or more, since there was an update to the game Lust Doll... I see where this is going at/to...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Welp... This looks very promising... Wish he just stick to a single game, till it's fully finished, it's been over a half of a year or more, since there was an update to the game Lust Doll... I see where this is going at/to...

... Oy, this is a game provided for FREE. You're not entitled to constant updates. You could have followed his blog to see what he was doing. He had another project to work on. This one is more a pet project, since the aforementioned cost of FREE. Stop complaining.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hey guys, I might be alive...

Just released r6.0 on patreon!

I’ll say more once it’s time for the public release (a week from now), but in the meantime here is the change log!

Change log:
-Added some NPC’s hinting at places you can go
-Fixed bug where police officer won’t talk to you under certain conditions
-New clothes: Bangles, Layered Dress, Spaghetti Straps Top, Mushroom Set
-Fixed accessing scenes involving balls when not having them
-Implemented more efficient methods of handling choice modifiers and conditional checks
-Added a storage in the apartment for clothes and items
-Fixed bug where leaving options can remove full-screen settings
-Revised introductory spiel at start of a new game
-Added a few guest foot fetish/spanking scenes with the bandit girl by Gwynnevere
-Added special properties to held items.
-Opened Body Workshop in Succubus Tower with a public humilation/use scene
-Replaced Records function. Added shrine option to main menu and removed shrine bell item and shrine grove at beginning.
-Fixed priority bug for gloves under breasts
-Added some new bangs
-Added npc: massage parlor girl with a feather tease/tickle scene
-Added monster: Pitcher Plant in Forest Cave with feet tickle and itching/spanking/anal scene
-Added item: Battery bought in slums black market
-Added rare wilderness encounter and reduced how much energy it consumes to explore
-Finished Science Lab Tower
-Added player revenge scenes on a certain antagonist: tickling, spanking, and orgasm denial.
-Can visit Fawn again now after certain events

Welp... This looks very promising... Wish he just stick to a single game, till it's fully finished, it's been over a half of a year or more, since there was an update to the game Lust Doll... I see where this is going at/to...

Shhh. No pessimism allowed here. Only biting cynicism.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Hype train for the new update!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Disclaimer: This game contains sexually-explicit scenes and is for adults only. This is a fictional work. All characters are over 18 years of age and any resemblances to people living, or otherwise is purely coincidental. Neither the developer, the game's contents, nor anyone involved in the game's production condone sexual crimes of any form or nature. Such issues in real life are very serious and should not be treated lightly. Please enjoy this game only for what it is; a fantasy, and a product purely of the imagination. Thanks for your understanding!

Release 6.1d:!GcUyXIQK!xvvbB3iHkQ_Heg-4H6Ni7-NyyfETd6Tarc9FHwRBJK0

To transfer your save file, copy any file with a name like "Save01.rvdata2" over to the updated game folder.

I’m running a patreon, if you would like to support me in building this project!:


Change log:
-Fixed crash when wearing Strap Top
-Fixed crash from conditionals in Body Workshop
-Fixed crash from conditionals when lactating
-Fixed virginity loss not being recorded anymore
-Fixed buying Bangles in jewelry shop
-Rinny doesn't stick around now for Body Workshop operations
-Fixed crash from trying to buy non-existant sleeves in underground mall
-Changed beginning to automatically visit shrines area for choosing kinks.
-Fixed to prevent trapping yourself in sanctum by selecting it twice in main menu.
-Removed being able to turn off female partners (no point in making it an option anymore, when most of the game is likely going to be female partners.)

-Added some NPC's hinting at places you can go
-Fixed bug where police officer won't talk to you under certain conditions
-New clothes: Bangles, Layered Dress, Spaghetti Straps Top, Mushroom Set
-Fixed accessing scenes involving balls when not having them
-Implemented more efficient methods of handling choice modifiers and conditional checks
-Added a storage in the apartment for clothes and items
-Fixed bug where leaving options can remove full-screen settings
-Revised introductory spiel at start of a new game
-Added a few guest foot fetish/spanking scenes with the bandit girl by Gwynnevere
-Added special properties to held items.
-Opened Body Workshop in Succubus Tower with a public humilation/use scene
-Replaced Records function. Added shrine option to main menu and removed shrine bell item and shrine grove at beginning.
-Fixed priority bug for gloves under breasts
-Added some new bangs
-Added npc: massage parlor girl with a feather tease/tickle scene
-Added monster: Pitcher Plant in Forest Cave with feet tickle and itching/spanking/anal scene
-Added item: Battery bought in slums black market
-Added rare wilderness encounter and reduced how much energy it consumes to explore
-Finished Science Lab Tower
-Added player revenge scenes on a certain antagonist: tickling, spanking, and orgasm denial.
-Can visit Fawn again now after certain events


HUGE apologies and thanks to Gwynnevere, who put together a number of spanking/foot worship scenes for the bandit girl a while back, that didn't get in until now. Note that to access them, you have to be female (sorry male/gender-neutral peeps.) She does writing requests, so check out her tumblr here!

Something I'll highlight: you can now visit the body workshop in Succubus Tower, and change your genitalia configuration (grow/remove stuff, change sizes.) Still saving really big breasts transformation for something special though (see below!)

I also decided to remove gaining records. It was a huge pain in the ass to account for, and didn't really affect much, so out it goes. I've replaced its slot in the main menu with a shortcut to the kinks shrine, and removed the Shrine Bell item and the grove where you get it. Make sure not to save there before transferring save files!

You can also store unneeded clothing and items in the apartment now. Should clear up some of the clutter.

As well, I think I've got an idea for how to handle voting on kinks. What I'll do is, every time I do stuff specific to a kink, I'll take out points from them based on what's done (so one scene would be worth one point, more involved stuff would be worth more.) Let's try that for now, and see how it holds up.

On that note, I also revised the kinks poll options. Here's where it stands now, after accounting for scenes in this update.

Futanari npc (1)
Exhibitionism/Public humiliation/use (2)
Breast milking and nipple play (7)
Tickle torture/feet tickling (6)
Hypnotism/Mind control (0)
Orgasm denial (3)
Anal/spanking/Butt stuff (0)
BDSM/pain play (0)
psychotic yandere NPC (1)
NPC corruption (prudish to sex-crazed) (8)
Footjobs/foot worship (0)

The following options were removed (that had votes on them):
-M to F transformation
(This is actually getting bumped over to milestone goals. See below!)

-Double penetration/Double-vaginal/spit-roasting
(Stuff like this will probably happen naturally. No need to specifically vote for it.)

-Large insertions/fisting
-Severe domination/f*cked mercilessly
(I might do one or two scenes down the line, but I can't see myself writing more than that.)

Also, the current storyline poll:

Slavers: slavery and slave owning (0) *Being worked on next!
Meat Parasites: parasite infection, alien monsters (3) *Concludes current arc!
Transylvania: undead/ghosts/curses, haunted (5)
Torture Rack/Fawn: bdsm relationship (6)

Next in line to be worked on is the slavery route, wherein we finally get to do something about a poor cat girl that's been sitting there neglected for a while now. Since October's already halfway over, I doubt I'll have time to get enough done for another release by the first week of November. So the next one will most likely be in December.


So basically, I have a number of in-depth mini games/alternate universe stories I'd like to drop into Lust Doll. Figured a decent method for that would be with milestone goals.

Here's how it works: I've set up a number of milestones on my patreon. Upon reaching each milestone, I'll open up a vote to bring in one of the below options (open to ALL pledgers.) Top choice will be implemented and removed from the list, with non-winning votes carried over to the next milestone (basically the same as how the non-kink polls work.)

Here are the current options (more to be added in the future:)

1. Run your own milk/'cattle' farm
Inherit a farm to raise livestock (cowgirls and similar), sell their byproducts (milk, cum, etc.), make your livestock more productive through various methods (keeping them content, working them like slaves, etc.), earn automated income based on your farm's productivity.

Main kinks: lactation, breasts milking, cock milking, breast expansion (most likely place for the player to gain extra large boobs!), playing with animal girls

2. M to F transformation alternate universe story
The main character steps into a portal, and into the body of a young male university student, who ends up getting turned into a girl, and has to learn to accept it. Which might be a little difficult when his-turned-her friends and enemies find out and start messing with her and her new girl body!

Main kinks: humiliation, bimbofication/becoming sex crazed, dominant females, BDSM/being a subbie

3. F to futanari transformation alternate universe story
Basically the same as 2, except with a girl becoming a futanari.

Main kinks: futanari, see kinks in 2.

4. Battle sex island
The main character ends up on an island, which happens to be host to a sex battle competition. Enter into special arenas with binding traps and hazards, and duke it out with three other girls to come out on top! Players can gain points by either forcing a girl to orgasm, or making them admit defeat. Whoever has the most points at the end of the round wins and moves up in the rankings. If you've ever played Night Games by Silver Bard, it'll be largely similar to that.

Main kinks: Battle sex, clothing strip, getting ganged up on by 2-3 girls, bondage traps, tickle torture, futanari
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
HUZAH! UPDATE! *Downloads and disappears into a void.*

*Pops outta void* Finished the Sci Lab tower. I was hoping losing to the boss there would turn you into the same as mysteria but ah well, Found a robot. Is that not done yet? I did the first battery and now just nothing else happens. Still poking around the new stuff. Haven't found any Pitchers yet in the cave. Heck cant even run into worms anymore, did you mess with encounter chances at all?

And I gotta find Linda. I take it that's not ready yet.

Gotta say Im super excited for the next update major update when ya get slavery in.

Also left a yes on Green light.
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New Member
May 28, 2016
can't start the new version -> when I start it: "RGSS3 Player has stopped working" (old version was working fine)

restarting, compatibility mode and admin execution didn't help
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
HUZAH! UPDATE! *Downloads and disappears into a void.*

*Pops outta void* Finished the Sci Lab tower. I was hoping losing to the boss there would turn you into the same as mysteria but ah well, Found a robot. Is that not done yet? I did the first battery and now just nothing else happens. Still poking around the new stuff. Haven't found any Pitchers yet in the cave. Heck cant even run into worms anymore, did you mess with encounter chances at all?

And I gotta find Linda. I take it that's not ready yet.

Gotta say Im super excited for the next update major update when ya get slavery in.

Also left a yes on Green light.

Haha, well there may or may not still be a chance of that happening in the final part of that particular arc.

There's a way past that robot, but it's not with the batteries. Worms should still be in there. Didn't change anything, I assure you.

Rescuing Linda is indeed part of the conclusion to the parasite route. Can't do that just yet.

Yeah, slavery route will be interesting. I have over a month to build it, so should be able to get a lot of work in on it.

Much appreciated, thank you!

can't start the new version -> when I start it: "RGSS3 Player has stopped working" (old version was working fine)

restarting, compatibility mode and admin execution didn't help

Can you see if this method fixes it for you?

- Close game
- Open "Run"
- Type "regedit"
- In the menu bar at the top, go to "Edit" and then "Find"
- Type "Enterbrain" and press OK
- Wait for search result to populate
- Right-click on "Enterbrain" folder and delete