I had thought the minotaur king had a scene were you put your dick inside his urethra and you end up getting tied to his dick, forced to cum in to each other's dicks and get addicted to him.
Is the option to side with Letice only in the mod or is corruption not high enough?
Need high Corruption.
But in terms of CoC 2 would consorting with her be an actual ending or is it just a really fancy bad end?
If it gives you the option to export your save, it's an ending CoC2 accepts.
how is CoC2 going to handle followers/lovers/slaves? Do you keep them regardless of which ending?
I can guess that CoC2 will be set a century after the events of original CoC.
Yeah, I think you need a knot to get this bad end, otherwise it's fine.
If I was rolling over SavIP wholesale, you might even be right!
So what exactly are you exporting to CoC2? Like none of the characters save maybe Vapula/Ceraph would still be around.
So what exactly are you exporting to CoC2? Like none of the characters save maybe Vapula/Ceraph would still be around.
So what exactly are you exporting to CoC2?
Wait is CoC2 an actual thing or is this just what would happen if it came to fruition?
Please standby for future project announcements, etc.
Not asking for any details or anything, but COC2 is really a thing?![]()
Not asking for any details or anything, but COC2 is really a thing?![]()
Just indulge yourself in the TiTS Universe for a while,,, maybe when TiTS Universe is complete you will see the continuation of COC Universe,,,
It is confirmed as planned, but without any dates. I'd personally say: don't expect anything within at least 4 years. TiTS is barely halfway done, and two projects at once would be not the best idea.
Not asking for any details or anything, but COC2 is really a thing?![]()
I was really hoping to drop some deets on it in the late April-May area, buuuuut between Geddy being super busy with IRL Gamedev shit and me being hospitalized now, I'd expect to see some solid details sometime this summer?
Ohh so we would probably know about at least some concepts to be in CoC 2 even beofre this year end?
I had thought the minotaur king had a scene were you put your dick inside his urethra and you end up getting tied to his dick, forced to cum in to each other's dicks and get addicted to him.
Is the option to side with Letice only in the mod or is corruption not high enough?