Least Favourite TiTS Character.


Aug 26, 2015
Wait. Gigantic ball-sacks that swell to the point of being used as lounge-chairs or a treatment that turns people into hyper gendered bimbo sex cows isn't absurd or contrived for player enjoyment, but a species that is naturally resistant to drugs is?

See the previous answers to this: There should be any number of physical surgeries to help with this kind of predicament at this time, considering the ugc en mass is accepting of it, and financial aid for those who cant afford it.


Mar 29, 2016
I don't know what it is but while I'm not a huge fan of Penny, Kiro is one of my favorites with some of my favorite scenes. 

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Only ones I can think of is Lane (seriously the sex scene is severely lacking and there's only one of them no variety what so ever.) Doc Badger, no thanks both parts to her are just NOPE.jpg for me. Probably a few others but I haven't thought of them yet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Kinda surprised that the Rival hasn't gotten much of a mention here. They are fairly bland and absent of interactions despite being pretty entrenched within the main plot of the story.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I think it's because everyone is holding out hope for the potential of actual Rival content. I mean, it's incest, but I wouldn't be surprised if you ended being able to do something to him/her.

If that comes out and rubs people the wrong way I can guarantee the Rival will be vilified beyond belief.

Given that we can fuck our half-sister, I doubt cousinfucking will garner much attention. Also I'm pretty sure more people will be more pissed at the writers for not letting us redeem our cousin than at the cousin for whatever evil shit they pull.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Least favorite character is easily Holiday, ever tried backing out of her shop without buying anything? She'll force you into a costume that'll permanently make you look like her so she can get offworld while you run for your life, not cool girl. >:L

I guess I'm kinda in disagreement with the general consensus in that I actually like Lane and Doc Badger, but that's probably my hypnosis/brainwashing fetish speaking. (The fact that I can blackmail Lane for a daily credit deposit does help too.)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Oh right, Shade. I totally forgot. Yeah then I'd say redemption and maybe even buddy'ing up (that's still weird for me tho, having a cousin-with-benefits) would be nice to have, but if we don't get it it makes the Rival character a lot less interesting and... kind of just annoying.

Yeah, just them being vague rival that is just kinda a cunt right now is a bit boring and makes any end for the cousin that is just them getting some sort of comeuppance without an option for forgiveness or reconciliation an even worse ending for the character. I would also like it if we get some scenes that reference the times during our childhood that we shared with said cousin, based off one's choices during character creation. The activity being remembered being based on what way you decided to have your PC raised as and maybe some race-based light bullying/teasing. Tails would be tugged way too hard, maybe the taur based birthrace(s) would get roped into playing horsie or regular ass human bullying if you're not a halfbreed.

Also if I'm reading the doc for the Uveto right, we're also going to get an opportunity to fuck our niece. So I guess the incest train is just going to keep on chugging in the game.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Least favorite character is easily Holiday,

Oh man, forgot about Holiday - fucking hate her.

In general, I dislike characters where you're forced/tricked into having sex with a character you may not be interested in. Like Holiday in the femTaur scene.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Since I for the most part can flow with the majority of fetishes in the game, I don't really have much dislike for charachters, even the evil ones. But I will say I do have a least favorite, in the form of the Merchant Queen you can find in Kressia, she just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. Might have to do with how gloaty she is and in your face about how she's a "power player" in the city, an odd feeling similar to Kelt in a way is what I get. I mean at least with Marshal Sellera (who is a near genocidal maniac in some of her talks) and Mirian Bragga (The worst Pirate Lord we've sortof met so far) I can accept them since they're sort of set up as villainous characters we fight. But the Merchant Queen is just some ass with no way to knock her down a peg (yet) and not really a villain.

Aside from her I don't really hate any character, though depending on how the rival develops she might be on the list. Thankfully since you can pretty much ignore most characters I don't really care much about how many of them are. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, I'm late for the party, but i have to say....

adding to the deluge of hate...Doctor Badger. Reflects all the negative sides of the furry community, in a much worse way that Kiro or Emmy could do.

Celise and Flahne...I can't think of goo without thinking on "The Blob" and acidic death. I wipe out as much grey goos as I can on Anno quest.

Bess/Ben and Gianna. I prefer to having intercourses with an organic being, thank you.

Anything treated.

I have a strong dislike for anything above C cups and/or with a dick too big for its body, so Penny, stop at 6 in. It's kind of sad that Kelly hasn't a scene for fucking the plyer ass, because dickgirls/herms penetrating males are my favorite thing, only below the extremely sparse male/male content, and it makes me like a herm/dickgirl NPC despite being...oversized.

and in a single word, Ausar, I don't know why, but something on them, ehh,ticks me off, with the exception of Emmy.

Unlike most, I like Embry, and Cameron is my fav male character until now, Gene was a bit of dissappointment cof cof...2 humanoid 4 me.. cof cof., specially his dialogues, but any potential m/m content is well receives.

So that were more or less, my dislikes and hates over the NPC's.
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Active Member
Mar 23, 2016
I have to say I can't really hate any of the characters. Perhaps because I tend to gloss over most of their text unless it's an archetype I'm interested in (taurs for my cow-girl Clare, or anthros for Aserae). From the beginning I knew Doc Badger was a throwaway side character really meant for eye candy-text candy for those into that. I can easily pick up when a character is written this way since it doesn't take much to unlock their sex scenes.

I thought I would hate Embry the first time I played through. I didn't know you could get her to keep her penis. Second play through I more or less cheated with the wiki and definitely enjoyed her a lot more. However, I can see why people dislike her and I chalk it up to how in your face the writer is about her transitioning in a world where that would be a non-issue. In fact you can even pick up how the writer had to artificially create conflict in order to make her feasible. It just doesn't make sense.. hell 80% of the people she waits on probably go through the transition she's going through on a daily basis. Still though, she's one of my favorites.

Emmy bugs me for a few reasons. Her costs are way too high for very little. Embry's scene payout is significantly better than what you get with Emmy at a fraction of the cost. After unlocking all her scenes I've had better with random encounters than with Emmy.

But if I had to hate any character it would have to be Sera. In fact in every game I play now I pretty much avoid interacting with her all together (minus the Seandra related quest). Something about her being standoff-ish that bugs me. As much money as I give her for body mods and for Seandra's stuff and she still treats me like shit.

Like others mentioned, I'm just not a fan of the over exaggerated anatomical features unless it seems warranted to me. For example, I now avoid Kiro's sex scenes (aside from helping her release) because the whole massive horse penis on a tuki bug me. I'd trade her and Zephyr's penis any day since to me it seems a bit more appropriate.

The great thing about Bess (the sexbot) is that she seems to recognize most fetishes/anatomies. Unfortunately it's all killed when the writer keeps reminding you she's a silver robot. Sucks that the writer won't be returning to work on them.


Mar 28, 2016
I hate characters who just expect you to be submissive and treat you like some living fucktoy, or just don't really show Steele respect.

  • Zephyr - I fucking hate and avoid her so much, I only remembered her after people mentioned New Texas. Surprised no one else mentioned her.
  • Sera - I'd avoid her if she didn't sell most of the TFs I like using. Glad that we can take revenge in an upcoming x-pack (rather sad that my Steele can't remove her dick though, but that's fine).
  • Doctor Badger - Everyone else already talked about this.
  • Merchant Queen - I just don't like arrogant "royalties". That one queen who sassed you when you first approach Irellia bothers me too.
  • Nyrean Princess - Same as above. Arrogant/spoiled little princess shit.

Also dislike Una and Xanthe, but only a little bit. I find Una's anger fetish entertaining and I'm just bitter that I can't fuck Xanthe and not submit to her (and the things she say to you when you do submit just creep me out). I'll stop here, I have more but this list already has lots of people in it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Been a long time since I checked Sera's sub xpack,  but I'm pretty sure you can remove her dick if you so choose. Turn her pink, too, IIRC.


Aug 26, 2015
Emmy bugs me for a few reasons. Her costs are way too high for very little. Embry's scene payout is significantly better than what you get with Emmy at a fraction of the cost. After unlocking all her scenes I've had better with random encounters than with Emmy.

I think that's the big thing about Emmy: she makes you do much more work to get at her content than just about anyone else.  Some of it is weird and overly complex dialog where you have to avoid talking to her in certain ways with no clear signs of what you're doing wrong, some of it is things like the gem hunt that's just maddening if you don't already have a gem.  The weapon reward is instantly obsolete to Khan's Arc Caster if you get a gun, which doesn't help.  Then you have to dump a fuckton of credits on her, but not enough credits to buy out her contract even though you're practically paying that much already.  The end reward for all that is a few scenes that are okay.  They're Fen quality, which is good quality, but...look, if I want sex with a hyper-dicked furry, you already gave me two characters who are exactly that and can't wait to get in my pants.  I didn't need a third one who plays hard to get.

Also, "I agreed to make myself perpetually horny forever because I really wanted a sweet gun this month instead of next month".  There are several characters whose problems stem partly or wholly from their own bad judgment, but Emmy is on a whole different level.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
I hate characters who just expect you to be submissive and treat you like some living fucktoy, or just don't really show Steele respect.

  • Zephyr - I fucking hate and avoid her so much, I only remembered her after people mentioned New Texas. Surprised no one else mentioned her.
  • Sera - I'd avoid her if she didn't sell most of the TFs I like using. Glad that we can take revenge in an upcoming x-pack (rather sad that my Steele can't remove her dick though, but that's fine).

Nobody mentions these two because there's nothing particularly offensive about them, they pander to a different crowd other than standard vanilla sex. They really aren't worth mentioning and easily avoided if one doesn't like their fetish and their backstories aren't offensively awful. You, quite, simply, don't like the type of characters they're supposed to be.

And removing parts of their anatomy because you don't like them seems like an overreaction :/

And revenges? Neither characters tricked you into anything and told you straight up what was going to happen.
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Blackened Angel

Active Member
Mar 25, 2016
(Oh boy, this thread. Obligatory reminder to keep critique to the characters and avoid attacking the author him-or-herself.)

EDIT: Doctor Badger, by such a huge margin that I'd convinced myself she didn't exist until reminded later in the thread.

Embry, for sure. She's probably really cute, but I hate hate hate how she was written entirely to have her transition story be her big central arc when that should be a complete non-issue for a coreward race in the TiTSverse.

Man, am I so glad they added the option to report Badger's stupid ass to the U.G.C.

The only thing I hated about Embry was the whole "I'm trans! Look how trans I am!". After it happened, I renamed her and erased her previous whinny self from my memory banks.

  • Sera - I'd avoid her if she didn't sell most of the TFs I like using. Glad that we can take revenge in an upcoming x-pack (rather sad that my Steele can't remove her dick though, but that's fine).
  • Nyrean Princess - Same as above. Arrogant/spoiled little princess shit.

My problem with Sera is that she's essentially Ceraph BUT IN SPAAAAAAAAACE. And the latter has her own backlog of bad moments that seeing a character so similar to her in TiTS makes some of that... I wouldn't say prejudice, but some of my Ceraph-hate creeps into having a bad image of Sera in TiTS.

Nyrean Princess I enjoyed kicking the living crap out of over and over before I shotgun-married her mom(with my Steele holding said proverbial and very literal shotgun).

Here's my cup of salt: Fucking Gold Myr. Especially the fucking Queens:

"We're just gonna pretend that the war isn't gonna affect us and live in a happy bubble of sex and honey while the workers get drafted and killed and then we're going to act like we're actually sad about it despite knowing that with the stupid amount of eggs we lay each day, losing a platoon isn't really gonna change anything, la la la la la."

I can count the number of golds I wouldn't go 40k on with one hand, and two of them are in Kressia already. Also, I really dislike Juro for being a fucking tool. Really wish you could call him and Lyralla out on their closet shenanigans or expose them.

I don't think the Scarlet Federation are better or anything, but I can't say that there are any reds that make me wanna punch them in the face.
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Aug 27, 2015
Been a long time since I checked Sera's sub xpack,  but I'm pretty sure you can remove her dick if you so choose. Turn her pink, too, IIRC.

You can. Not my design decision I should add; the original commissioner requested it.

Nobody mentions these two because there's nothing particularly offensive about them, they pander to a different crowd other than standard vanilla sex. They really aren't worth mentioning and easily avoided if one doesn't like their fetish and their backstories aren't offensively awful. You, quite, simply, don't like the type of characters they're supposed to be.

And removing parts of their anatomy because you don't like them seems like an overreaction :/

+1. I've no idea what you'd want to "take revenge" on Sera for if her content wasn't for you. Because she throws something at you the first time?

Characters who don't immediately agree to fuck are difficult to get right. On the one hand they can make a refreshing change from most NPCs pulling down their pants the moment you enter their sight range, on the other... well, you've listed the problems with Emmy, including one I didn't think of when I said "she's a Fen-written bolshy hyper dicked furry futa and there's already two of those". It's a bit gamey and puts me in mind of those pathetic flash games where you have to monotonously raise the affection level of a girl so that she will eventually reward you with no-holds-barred shagging.


Aug 26, 2015
There are people who genuinely think the Tower of the Phoenix was a good dungeon...

He's referring to having to grind Plains encounters to find Helia many times in a row in order to progress her content.  Roulette wheel exploration makes this an overly grindy prospect.


Aug 27, 2015
That's slightly different though, given Helia *also* did the "drop pants the moment PC appears" thing. Helia had issues but the grind was more a fault of the overall game than hers.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
He's referring to having to grind Plains encounters to find Helia many times in a row in order to progress her content.  Roulette wheel exploration makes this an overly grindy prospect.

Still better than grinding for Kiha, fuck. But yeah, lesson learned for next combat-waifu.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'm just bitter that I can't fuck Xanthe and not submit to her (and the things she say to you when you do submit just creep me out.

Can you please clarify why, out of all the characters with dom-content, Xanthe was the one that creeped you out? IMO, her content is the most refined/proper/kind and the least rude option out of all of possible dommes.

The only thing I hated about Embry was the whole "I'm trans! Look how trans I am!". After it happened, I renamed her and erased her previous whinny self from my memory banks.

Go home, friend, you're drunk.

Seriously though, I'm not sure what exactly gave you such an impression.

Also, "I agreed to make myself perpetually horny forever because I really wanted a sweet gun this month instead of next month".  There are several characters whose problems stem partly or wholly from their own bad judgment, but Emmy is on a whole different level.

That's the reason, huh? I've yet to explore the latest bits of Emmy's content, but I was under the impression that her libido (and possibly her hyper-attributes) was a side-effect of whatever mods she had used to become a full-on furry. Could have been a more elegant solution, but what do I know.


Aug 26, 2015
That's the reason, huh? I've yet to explore the latest bits of Emmy's content, but I was under the impression that her libido (and possibly her hyper-attributes) was a side-effect of whatever mods she had used to become a full-on furry. Could have been a more elegant solution, but what do I know.

No, she's a participant in a medical experiment where they stuck an implant in her brain that makes her constantly horny.  She did this so she could spend the money on buying a gun.  Which you would think would be much harder to aim while constantly horny.  Maybe there's a reason the doctor at the beginning says to buff your intelligence.

I'd almost think it was a dig at Reaha, Saendra, and Kara, all of whom are only in their respective messes because of their own incompetence, fiscal or otherwise.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2015
Some people are going to disagree with me on this one, but...

Least Favorite: Kui-Tan. All of them. I can handle the races of the universe being a lot more furry than alien-ey, but I can't handle Kui-Tan levels of furry. I just ignore Kiro, and if I could, I would tell Juro he's a dumbass.

Also Celise, absolutely no character whatsoever for being a crew member. Generally don't even take her aboard.

Most Favorite: The Myr in general. Both red and gold, although I lean more towards red. I think Myrellion and the Myr is story-wise the most interesting thing in both CoC and TiTS combined. I love their society and politics and how it all fits so well with being ants and just everything.

On that note, I have no idea why so many people want to just move on from Myrellion. I love the Myr storyline and I can't wait to choose between Red and Gold.
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Blackened Angel

Active Member
Mar 25, 2016
Go home, friend, you're drunk.

Seriously though, I'm not sure what exactly gave you such an impression.

Her entire backstory is her saying "I feel I was born in the wrong body and want to be a girl but my race JUST HAPPENS to be resistant to mods".

In an universe where you can go from human male to female pandaren in 24 hours, this is jarring.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Her entire backstory is her saying "I feel I was born in the wrong body and want to be a girl but my race JUST HAPPENS to be resistant to mods".

In an universe where you can go from human male to female pandaren in 24 hours, this is jarring.

It's also sub,amatuer, writer, rock collector, and country girl looking to be swept off her feet and explore the wide open galaxy who may also be dealing with the side effects of her mods but who's paying attention.


Aug 26, 2015
On that note, I have no idea why so many people want to just move on from Myrellion. I love the Myr storyline and I can't wait to choose between Red and Gold.

I really do loathe the red myr as a species.  Part of this is from personal history that makes me have a harsh aversion to drug content, part of it's just not liking the culture.  Siding with the gold myr, of course, means siding with Xenogen, which I also don't want to do.  The nyrea and fungus things are weird, and there's no NPCs on the planet who I really like.  The whole atmosphere of the planet is very bleak and non-adventurous, not helped by so much of its map and content focused on the groups of talking heads.  I'd rather just leave the place in limbo and go do anything else.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Her entire backstory is her saying "I feel I was born in the wrong body and want to be a girl but my race JUST HAPPENS to be resistant to mods".

In an universe where you can go from human male to female pandaren in 24 hours, this is jarring.

I got more of a 'extremely naive, sheltered and susceptible young girl who ran away from traditional backwater place' vibe from Embry. She doesn't bring her need for physical transformation too much in her dialogue, and the whole situation could have easily been engineered using a different plot device, as was mentioned above.

Glad that at the very list her post-transformation stuff was to your liking.

I'd almost think it was a dig at Reaha, Saendra, and Kara, all of whom are only in their respective messes because of their own incompetence, fiscal or otherwise.

It's closer to Sera's situation IMO, since in both of those cases it seems that character's want had been the only motivation behind their dumb decisions. Reaha had serious self-image problems and lack of proper education/parenting; Saendra and Kara had been put in a tight spot and only then proceeded to choose dumb ways to deal with their respective situations.


Aug 26, 2015
It's closer to Sera's situation IMO, since in both of those cases it seems that character's want had been the only motivation behind their dumb decisions. Reaha had serious self-image problems and lack of proper education/parenting; Saendra and Kara had been put in a tight spot and only then proceeded to choose dumb ways to deal with their respective situations.

True.  I also don't really judge Reaha for it except as part of the broader note about Savin's characters having this sort of arc due to the above reasons.  I do kind of judge Saendra and Kara for it, though, as they have much more power to not make bad decisions and keep doing it anyway.  I want to like Kara more than Shade, she's just not willing to meet me halfway by not sucking, even (especially, in fact) when she's the PC.
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