Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Gasp, the whole tribe?" Elmyra tattoos where rapidly switching from deep blue to pink. the idea of beign the fuck toy of the whole tribe was scary, but the massive cock in front of her was very arousing.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta's tail continues to grind away, until finally, her walls crack and her orgasm comes crashing through her. She lets out a pained, animalistic groan as a jet of girl-cum sprays from her pussy onto the floor behind her, filling the cave with her scent.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hyonju smiles and nods his head happily "Yes, eventually you will be open for the entire tribe to find relief on while also giving milk! You will fuck, suck and lick at the drop of a hat. For now though, just me, since we need the changes to take place before letting the more... endowed... members have a go with you." He thrust gently, poking her lips with the flared head of his cock. 

The smell of Unta's pussy drives Binx mad with desire and she is soon thrusting into Greta fast enough to make her hips blur in the movement! In just a minute she stops at the hilt and wails in bliss, her massive load pumping into Greta, stuffing her womb to pregnant sizes before over flowing onto the floor.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta watches as her friends finish, before walking over and laying down beside them. Scooping them into the crook of her legs she does her best to give them something soft to lay on before they go to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra knew resistance would be useless. she accepted the massive horse cock in her mouth. One of hand started to caress the member while her other was teasing is balls. "I hope he is quick" she said inher head.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Both Greta and Binx push up against's Unta's soft body and soon doze off in her embrace. The hours go by and soon Unta awakens to the sensation of something cool, soft and wet being rubbed over her body in a rhythmic fashion.

Hyonju moans lightly and takes a few steps forward, sinking four inches into her mouth "Mmm, that is a good start. Really use your tongue and keep on rolling my balls, I really like that motion. Don't forget to try and go deeper. The sooner you can fuck with your throat the better." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Looking down reveals Binx sliding a wet cloth up and down Unta's body, washing her clean of sweat, grime and dried on cum. "Good morning Unta! I must say that you make an excellent bed! Figured I would get you cleaned up before you woke up but... well I guess that woke you up." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra did what he asked and played with is balls. Inch by inch the massive cock was going in her mouth, until it could only go in her throat. She decided to try to push it deeper. It was not the first time she tried this, each time it ended quickly as her gag reflex was too hard to control. This time no reflex came, the mysterious potion had made her lose her gag reflex.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hyonju smirked at her surprised face "Oh yes, did you think it was just external changes? No no, from the inside out, your body is changing so you can serve. In fact..." He suddenly grabs her head and sinks the rest of his cock into her throat, making it bulge out slightly due to his sheer size. "your mouth and throat is nothing more than a another hole to fuck now!" He laughs and holds her head in place as she thrusts at a slow but steady pace, pre cum slathering her throat while the plant in her ass wiggles about once more.

Greta is in the pool of water, cleaning off her body and drinking at the same time. "Good morning Unta! This pool is so amazing! It pours in from the ceiling and drains out of the bottom. If I had to guess, it gets boiled under ground so it is clean once again before pouring back out and cooling off!" 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He looks down at her and grins "What? You want it faster? Such a slutty cow... very well then!" His grip tightens and he suddenly starts pounding into her mouth and throat, sliding is cock down and up in the tight wet passage, soft moans coming from his mouth as he uses her face like a toy. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, as long as we've got some time to kill, I've been meaning to ask you about this biomancy of yours, Greta."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Sadly for Elmyra... it was not over quickly. Hyonju spends the next 20 minutes buried to the hilt in her throat, fucking her face like he would a pussy. It isn't until her jaw is feeling saw that he finally grunts and sprays a half gallon of thick zebra cum down her throat, quickly pulling out so the last squirts get onto her tongue and face "Ha... that was exactly what I needed. Thank you cow slut." He wipes his cock off on her breasts.

Greta bawks and gets out of the water, shaking off before approaching her. "Yes, what would you like to know?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, I know you can grow and shrink stuff, and make it more sensitive, but can you do anything else with it? Can you make people grow new parts, or do they have to have them already?" Unta asked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ah, no. Basically, with enough skill in Biomancy, you have mastery over organic matter... so all things living. It basically means that my body, your body, any body, is clay for me to shape. I can add parts, remove parts, change parts, make things sensitive or numb, and of course, make them bigger or smaller. I don't mean to brag... but I was the leading expert in biomancy back home."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta shook her head "No, just like any other magic, it can be forced on the target. But remember, I have to physically touch them to make major changes. Simple things like a wave of lust or a spike of pain, I can do from a distance, but remodeling the body requires direct contact."
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
The taste of the cum in her mouth felt good, but she didn't show a sign of it.  she just cleaned what was on her breast. and walked in a corner of the hut in shame.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hyonju shrugs and leaves the hut, locking the gate behind him and leaving Elmyra alone once more. Several hours go by and she feels the ominous heat building in her body once again. Her body thickens again until she could be called curvy. Her hips push out and her ass gets a bit bigger again. Her lips plump up until one could call them plush. Then her ears start to heat up and stretch out, a thin layer of fur covering them as they grow out into long cow ears covered in white fur with black spots. Her breasts grow once more, reaching a heavy E cup! The urge to stretch builds up and doing so actually makes her a bit taller, putting her at 6 feet flat. Finally is a heat in her legs and before her eyes, thin strands of fur begin to grow out rapidly, soon covering her legs from thigh to ankle in thin soft black spotted white cow fur.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
The lust fumes were really getting to Melanie now. Not that they hadn't before, but eating Umi out had been her number one priority during moments prior, and now that it had been accomplished, she needed something more. The slick warmth from grinding against her partner's slit was wonderful, but even still, she was trying to hold herself back. She positioned her hefty 14 inch cock against the girl's hot cunt, pressing forwards just enough to create pressure, but not to penetrate her. With her eyes glazed over as they were, and the fumes running her mind, she had to fight the urge to buck her hips and bury herself to the hilt. Suddenly tentative, she asked Umi carefully. "S-Should we try it?" Either way, there was no doubt that it'd be a tight fit.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was very much in a haze herself, her hips bucking against the candy cane shaft, really trying to rub her cilt. However Melaine's voice brought her back from the lusty abyss in her mind. "Huh? Wha?" she said weakly. then she looked down to see and feel the long striped cock pushing against her puffy black slit. Umi could still feel lust burning in her loins, she she twitched a little her and there. "O-Oh.... oh geez...", Umi said as she noticed how long her shaft was and she gulped. she wasnt entirly sure she could take such a big thing inside... but her pussy burned with need.... With her face going absolutely dark in blush she said, "I-I-I... I guess we could try... I-I need to c-cum so bad now.... please go slow..."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Made cautious by the hesitance in Umi's voice, Melanie did indeed go slow. After slicking up the tip above and beyond what she would've normally deemed necessary, she re-positioned herself at Umi's entrance, pressing harder, until the tapered tip of her cock spread her wide. Taking a moment to grind upwards and to the sides, stretching her out so that she could take it, before resuming her sluggish pace as she moved deeper inside. She set her hands at Umi's thighs, squeezing her to restrain herself, before bucking her hips to build a slow rhythm.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Thankfully Umi had quite a bit of give in her insides making it so she didn't really feel any pain from the insertion. But the stretch was quite pleasureful and Melanie could feel Umi's walls squeeze tightly around her long member, making it rub delightfully inside her. a slow moan rolled out of Umi's mouth as she was filled more then she ever had been before. every thrust rubbed spots further inside then she even though was possible. She cried out as the pleasure she felt from Melanie's cock began to fill her mind. Umi grabbed onto one of the pairs of Melanie's hands gently seeking reassurance.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"When will this stop! I cannot endure this anymore...Somebody help me" Elmyra then fell asleep, her mood and all the change in her body was taking its toll on her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Elmyra slept through the rest of the day, awakening to the morning sun once again. As her eyes opened, she beheld even more changes to her body. Thankfully, her form was no thicker, but her breasts were now a mighty F cup and milk was dripping from her stuff breasts. She could feel that her body had deepened inside and the idea of taking bigger insertions was not as scary any more. Her pussy was constantly wet and with arousal came the ability to drip constantly with lubrication. Her hips have pushed out just a bit more, while her ass is now big enough to jiggle about with each step. Finally is her lips, which are now on the thick side and look perfect for sucking cock.

Hyonju comes into the room with three full plates of fruit which he puts in front of her with a smile "Eat up! Your service begins soon!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"According to the witch doctor, your transformations should be mostly complete. A bit wetter, a bit hornier and of course more milk production, but the big physical changes should be finished... and I must say you look amazing. Now eat, eat! The shaman want's you out in the village center for your first milking!"