Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mmm! so hot! Just a bit more... I'm gonna cum soon! Come on sweetie, cum for me you beautiful bee!" She moves her hips faster and pushes harder against Umi, eager to push her buggy lover over the edge first. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi needed release now, this was evident in her expression. Her eyes were slightly rolled up, and her tube-like Zil tongue was hanging out of her mouth. A lusty string of, "Oh~ Oh~ Oh~ Oh~!", rang out from the lust filled bee as she was pushed further and further towards her orgasm. With Wendy rubbing her pussy so lustyily Umi could take no more. the next time there clits flicked together she cried out and sweet zil gush squirted out and splattered on Wendy's waist and pussy as Umi shook in orgasm.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh yes!" Wendy cried as she too hit orgasm. Her honey covered toes curl in bliss as she squirts her girl cum over Umi, their juices mixing to make a salty sweet mixture between their mashed cunts. Panting and staisfied, she lets go of Umi and turns around so they are face to face where she pushes itno another kiss, softly licking at her tube tongue.  


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi hugs onto Wendy gently as they kiss. though her arms are covered in clinith, her hug was very tender and soft. Umi then pulled Wendy down with her so they were laying down with Wendy on top of her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mmm, I should really look into getting a dick somehow... I want to fuck you properly... that grinding is nice now but I see it getting old soon." She squeezes Umi happily, her soft fur warming them both now. "Say... where is Luna? She has been gone for a while now." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gave Wendy a slightly worried expression after she got out of her lusty haze. A tiny flash of panic ran through Umi's face. "Oh, w-we should check on her... where did she go?". She quickly got back up with Wendy then said, "Wendy! witch way did she go?".


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy held her hands up in mock defense. "Take it easy! She said she was going to visit the friend she made in the badger village just around the bend there. She is probably just caught up in chatting. Not every day you find someone hiding as a savage right?" She gets up to her feet and brushes the sand off her body. "Come on, lets go get her before the sun goes down. Probably riding her dick or something." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi takes a deep breath to calm herself. "right.. right.... you're probably right. lets go see how she's doing...", Umi said trying to get a handle on her nerves. she then followed Wendy to where Luna was supposedly going to be.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy walks along with her, holding her hand as they move down the beach. Eventually they see the stick in the distance... but no one around. Concern boiling up inside of them, the two hurry forward and find a message written in the sand.

"Dear otter woman. You are probably wondering where the girl once known as Luna went. Well, she is gone now. I don't mean physically, but mentally there is no more Luna. you see, from the moment I fed her those badger fruits and saw how she changed... I knew I wanted her... but she swayed me with her mission to return home. I was content with our one off, but then she called me back and all but threw herself at me... or specifically my cock. With my passions renewed, I wasn't going to let her leave again. Her mind is broken and she wants nothing more than to serve me until the end of her days. If it is any consolation... I will take good care of my new pet. If you really must try, then come to the savage village... you will not be spared either."

Wendy just stares at the note, eyes wide and mouth agape.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
The smartass ant reminded Melanie of herself, and she didn't like that. Making a show of looking him up and down, she crossed her upper two arms, and set the other two on her hips. After scrutinizing him thoroughly, Melanie held her mere a little tighter and nudged Walsh behind his back where he had his mace. Though the sex break was nice, it still hadn't fully taken the edge off of the day, and she was already feeling just a tad irritable before the ant's worthless answer. "Hey bud, let's say that hypothetically, purely hypothetically, a couple of wayward travelers weren't big fans of your tone of voice. Now again, this is purely hypothetical, but I'm of the impression that a humble gatherer, such as yourself, might not exactly be missed all that much by their chief if they were to go missing." She exaggerated a pair of air quotes as she waved her mere out in front of her, faking a cough into one of her elbows. "Missing, cough cough." With the threat made, she held her hands behind her back, smiling pleasantly as her narrowed eyes opened up again non-menacingly. "Sorry, where did you say that door was?"

[CHA 8+6=14]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The golden ant looked at her, then at the others, then back to her. With a heavy sigh he shakes his head. "Every where I go is people strong arming me into this shit. At least I have a bloody plan this time." He puts two fingers into his mouth and lets out a high pitched whistle that bounces off the cave walls. In seconds they hear heavy foot steps and larger ants come running over with staves and clubs. The golden soldiers block off access to the worker ant who casually goes back to picking berries while the soldiers face Melanie and company. Walsh draws his mace while Korlish readies and arrow.

One of the soldiers speaks up first. "Who are you to threaten the gold tribe?!" there are six soldiers total. 
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi stared on in disbelief, a stab of emotion hit her right in the chest. "No.... why would she do this.... why would she throw her life away....." Umi said her voice shaking with many different emotions. she had only been with Luna a short time but they had been through allot together.... "Why..... why did this have to happen!", Umi cried as she fell to her hands and knees, tears flowing from her face. "THIS FUCKING PLACE!", Umi cried in sadness and anger as she pounded her fists into the sand. She desperately wanted to get her friend back but she read it herself.... she was gone..... Umi shook as both a seething rage, and overflowing sadness raked through her body. She stood up slowly with tears flowing down her face but an expression of pure rage and hate on her features. "YOU THINK ITS OK TO JUST RUIN PEOPLES LIVES HUH?! HUH?!", she cried every word burning with hate. "I HOPE ALL OF YOU BADGER BASTARDS END UP SUCKING COCKS IN HELL!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy read the note several times more before using her foot to smuge it away, the words only bringing more hurt right now. She stands a small distance away from Umi with a concerned look on her face. "Umi... please... that isn't helping. Please... just come here." She holds her arms out and open for Umi to embrace her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie tried to hold her stance with the non-threatening eyes and pleasant smile as all the ants came marching up. Her face was more than a bit strained with surprise and dread, and her hands felt uncomfortably twitchy, but she'd still try to hold out. "Woah now, I don't think there were any real threats made here. These two fellas behind me? They're good, nicest guys you could ever meet." She stood on her toes and squished Korlish's face from the sides. "See? Does he look like someone who could hurt a fly if he tried? Nah, there was a bit of a misunderstanding is all. I'm the one being pissy, but hey, we've all got those days, right? Bet it'd make for a real great and tasteful story for your pals back home. We're just a couple of travelers looking for our friends, and the door out of here while we're at it. Don't suppose you'd lower those weapons, buddy guy?"

[CHA 8+2=10]
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the worker chimes in, much to her dismay "Right... no threats made huh? What was all the business about no one caring if I were to "disappear" while out on the job and how I was just another worker on the line or something like that?" 

The soldiers look at the worker then back at Melanie before pointing their weapons at the group. "We are going to need you to drop your weapons and come along peacefully. Failure to comply will result in the use of non lethal force." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie sighed, setting the mere carefully on the ground. "Yeah, that went about as expected. Can I at least ask what you plan on doing with us? Fair-minded fellas such as yourselves are too sophisticated for sex slaves, right?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The guards look at each other, then back at her. "you and your companions don't look lust addled. so you will not be sex slaves.... though your fates will be decided by the chief." The guards take their weapons and nudge them forward, down the tunnel and past the worker who smirks at Melanie as she is escorted away. Eventually they come out to a village that looks exactly like the copper  village though there is no sense of free life here... more like martial order. They are taken to the center of town where a large pit has been dug out... stained with blood. The largest ant Melanie has ever seen sits on a throne near by. He regards them with a level gaze and the soldiers line them up in front of him while the soldier whispers his report.

"So... threatened my worker with death or kidnap eh? You must work for my hippy brother in the copper village huh?" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie didn't really like the look of that pit, nor did she the chief. She didn't want to put them into a rougher patch than they were already in, so she went out on a limb to assess that he was too down to earth to watch them outright grovel. "We don't, no. The loyalties of my team are to each other, and we were hoping to leave as soon as we find our two lost members. The weapon that they lent me really does just show their charity, but no, we don't work for them. Also, if it helps, which it probably doesn't, I wouldn't have ever laid a finger on your worker. We're all a little bit on-edge you have to understand, and it was me who did the threatening, not these two behind me." She gestured to Walsh and Korlish.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He waves his hand dismissively. "If you are a group the offence is on all of you, not just one. I care not for how on edge you are... the problem is you postured at my people and I can't let such an insult go by without punishment." a grin crosses his face "I know of your lost friends... I have both of them here. The pig is most enjoyable when he fights in the pit. The bitch is enjoyable in an entirely different way." He chuckles and adjusts a bit. "Everyone has a place here. Order, discipline and leadership are what hold us together. Now I have you three throwing a wrench into out way of life... what should I do with you?" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Beads of sweat dampened Melanie's forehead as he spoke, but she held her composure best she could. The more the ant spoke, the better a feel she got for what he was about. Evidently, it wasn't good. She swallowed hard to stave off any shakiness in her voice, and in an attempt to appeal to his nature, she tried to challenge him without actually challenging him. "What? You're talking about the bitch as if she's any good. Do yourself a favor and drop her off outside. I could handle twice as much as she could if it should please you, and I think you'd find it to be most efficient if I took her place." Melanie had gotten Korlish and Walsh into the situation, and if she could make an attempt to repent for it and break Samara out in the process, she'd do so in a heartbeat.

[CHA 8+6=14]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Walsh and Korlish look at her as if she had gone mad. Their faces just scream "THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" but they remain silent all the same.

Gold Chief leans forward and considers her offer, his eyes taking in her form. "... are you so certain? She can't take my entire length and I admit that it is rather irritating to have some of it left out." he leans back again "Strip then... show me what I am working with." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Anger wormed through Umi body as sadness filled her mind. Never in her life had Umi felt such hate and anger, it caused her body to shudder. It was right then and there that the Umi's hate for the labyrinth or who ever controlled it was cemented in her mind. it had taken someone from her she swore that she wouldn't let this happen again! "If your watching me right now whoever you are.... I won't let take anyone else from me.", Umi  thought  as she ran to Wendy. She ran into her arms and wrapped her own around her tightly. she weeped openly, mourning the lost of her first friend in this accursed place.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy wrapped her arms around Umi tightly, her hands patting her back and trying to comfort her distraught friend as she whispers kind words. "Ssshhhh, It's going to be ok... I know this is bad... but things will work out some how... That's it dear, just let it all out now, I am here for you."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie did as she was commanded. If there was a will there was a way, or so she had often believed. Though the team had been docile and non-accusatory about it, she felt as if threatening the gold ant was the last straw. In one way or another, she had to make it up to them, and if there was a sliver of a chance he'd truly release Samara, she'd have to do it no matter the punishment. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chief gold watched her strip and barked at her to strike all kinds of poses. "Hmm, you do seem more accommodating than the wolf bitch. Very well... bring her out!" One of the guards heads into the large house behind them and comes out a minute later with a naked Samara. She is wearing a skimpy bra that only covers her areola and a skimpy bikini bottom that doesn't cover much of anything. Both items are made from gold chitin. The guard pulls the items off of her and promptly pushes her over Walsh and Korlish which she quickly moves to them and into their arms.

Before anyone can do anything, the gaurd grabs Melanie and drags her over to the chieftains side. "The trade is complete... you for your friend. I hope you don't disappoint me." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh Wendy! This place.... Its horrible!", Umi said as she cried into her. she cried for a good while, being unable to move from that spot for some time. She had no idea such rage and hate was possible from a quite person like herself. she was afraid of what this place was doing to her... now more them ever she missed home. "Please... Wendy... You have to promise me you wont leave me.... I don't think I could go on all alone!", Umi said as she held her even tighter.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy gave her another firm squeze. "I... I promise. When the time comes, I will step through that door with you." She lifts Umi's head so they are face to face "But you have to promise... not to let this rage and anger twist you into someone you are not. I know it hurts... I know it isn't fair that someone else had decided her fate for her.... but you have to move forward. Ok?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi held Wendy in her black watery eyes. "I,,, I... I... ok.. I wont turn into a monster... I wont let this place have that satisfaction! this place wont beat us! I-I'll keeping going and live... for Luna's sake...", Umi said shakily but, with an underlying determination that gave Wendy a sense that, Umi was going to try and keep going.... no matter what happened to her and no matter who, or what stood in her way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie's internal smile shined through the dread for just a moment, before branching off into a true smile as tears threatened to form in her eyes. Quickly, she neutralized her expression and sucked the emotions back up, turning to face the chief and service him just as the deal decided.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The chief stood up and tossed off his pants, revealing a huge 18 inch long 4 inch thick cock. It looked mostly human except for the thick rings every 3 inches or so that look like they will give his partners great pleasure... if they survive the size. "She could only take a foot before capping out, leaving 6 inches exposed. From your description... you can take all of it right? Let''s show your friends when your new life will be like... lets start simple though... use your mouth."

Wendy smiled and hugged her tightly one more time before getting up. "Come on... we still have some day time to work with... let's get back to swimming practice!"