Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"You may just have to wait till tomorrow like the others. I don't think I can handle another orgasm," replied Unta.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy licked her lips with a smile "Oh, well don't mind if i sample your wears." She suddenly leans in and wraps her lips around umi's left breast, suckling and licking away at the nipple while her right hand moves up to gropes and squeeze at her right breast, trying to get the milk flow going.

Binx: She looks dissapointed but nods her head all the same. "Yea, I can understand that. You have been very busy today." she looks up and sees they are rapidly running out of day time. "Hmm, we should probably find a place to stay for the night."

Greta: "I will go ask the matron, back in just a few minutes." She walks to the matrons house on the other side of the market and shares some quick words with the giant woman. She returns shortly with a smile on her face "There is an empty house just down the road here... if you can get up Unta."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the home is very basic. Just a single large room with a bed off to the side and plenty of space to stretch out and relax.

Binx: "Huh... not really much of a house is it? More like a room or maybe even a cell. Where did they even get that bed?"

Greta: "Are you really surprised over a bed when you have seen what the labyrinth can do?

Binx: Fair enough... though I guess we have to dog pile on Unta cause she will take up the entire thing.... no complaints really." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gave another gasp of pleasure as Wendy dove for her breast and began suckling on her lovely back nipple. "ooh?! W-Wendy?!" she cried as super sweet honey began to flow into Wendy's mouth. while Umi's other breast leaked the honey down her boob and onto her corset like clinith on her tummy. Umi had never had anyone suckle on her before, so she was hit with a brand new feeling wave of pleasure as her honey was drank for the first time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta was surprised, to say the least. Beds for leithans generally consisted of a bunch of cushions s and pillows arranged on the floor. To find an actual bed big enough for her to climb into was a rare thing indeed. Groggily, she walked over and collapsed on her side into the soft mattress.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy moaned happily as she got a good taste of Umi's super sweet honey. Her mouth sucked harder, eager for more of such tasty treat as she pulled herself closer to umi. Her other hand let go of her breasts and slid down to her crotch where she started teasing her slit once again.

Binx and Greta crawled on top of Unta and snuggled onto her large body. Binx slid up and planted a kiss on her cheek before laying down. "Good night Unta! Good night Greta!" The chicken woman just mumbles her response and is soon sleeping soundly on the big leithan girl.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The more Wendy sucked the more that she got, Umi's nice big bust held plenty for her. Soon the honey was flowing faster into her mouth making her have to drink quickly. Umi then wrapped her arms around Wendy as she began to play at her puffy pussy. "Oh shit!" she cried as she felt all kinds of interesting feeling flowing into her body. Umi couldn't help herself and one of her hands soon found its way into Wendy's pussy as she stuck two fingers in.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy's tight pussy clamped down on her fingers and she started gulping down honey much faster. She suddenly breaks off and grabs the other nipple in her mouth to try and spread the love. In return she slides two fingers into Umi and grinds them about.

The next morning came quickly and Unta found herself lacking in the friend department. Both binx and Greta were gone with no note to really explain why. Outside she could hear people moving about and going about their business for the day. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Stepping outside she saw the dragon village in full swing with many of the villagers waving at her with friendly smiles after last nights public usage. Off to the right, in front of the Matrons house, she can see her friends along with large bags full of supplies. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx: "Oh! there you are Unta! Check out all this stuff they are giving us! I guess the towns folks really appreciated your business last night and chipped in some extra food! We have melons, dried meat, leather slabs for crafting, sewing kit and water skins!"

Greta: Yea... the only issue is, it is all rather heavy. So we were waiting for you to show up. Think we can rests these on your lower body like saddle bags?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yes, we can do that," agreed Unta. "Say, did any of the townsfolk seem offput to you? I know a number of them walked away last night when they realized that they couldn't use my ass. I was thinking of taking another day in the town square so that they could get their turns in, now that Greta made these modifications to my anus, I'd hate to just leave them all blue-balled."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx: "Now that you mention it... some of them seemed a bit less enthusiastic than others. I guess those would have been the ass hunters who were sent home without a fuck."

Greta: "Can you really take another day of serving the entire village Unta? You only got around eight hours of sleep. Can your body take it? I imagine EVERYONE will show up this time... that is almost sixty dragons or so." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gave a moan of pure lust as her other tit was given some yummy loving. Honey flowed easily as plentifully for her other beast since it was already warmed up.  Wendy could feel Umi's clit poking her hand as she fingered her insides. In response Umi pushed her fingers in and out of Wendy faster and sometimes pinched her clit. then Wendy felt something poking at her side... it was Umi's stinger! but it didn't puncture her due to the cap Umi kept on it. She didn't stop her fingering but said, "oh god..... thank god for ..ah!.. my cap... things would have gotten out of hand it that got into you....."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Er, no, I was just planning to offer a go to the ones who were turned away last night. And, I was thinking about being a little more inconspicuous this time. Like, maybe have them form a line outside that house we were given use of," Unta thought out loud. "How would you wo feel about passing the word around town again?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy pulls off the yummy honey tit and looks at the stinger. "Hmm, I am curious... what would happne if you gave me a poke with that hmm?" She keeps moving her fingers while her other hand moves to pinch her clit. 

Greta: she nods at Unta. "Yea, we could do that, spread the word that anal only dragons can get their turn after last night!"

Binx: "Sure thing Unta! Just head back to the house, we will spread the word again!" She happily heads off to pass the word around. 
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta headed back to the house, carrying the supplies. Wiggling her ass a bit as she walked, to test it out, she found that Greta hadn't taken the enhancements off from last night. Seeing as she was going to be servicing a good ten people with it, this promised to be the perfect breaking in party for her new posterior.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Unta doesn't have to wait long before a dragon man steps into the house and smiles at her. "Hi there... umm, a bunny girl said you were offering anal for everyone who couldn't get it last night? Is that true?" Already his huge member is spilling out of his genital slit at the idea. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Sure is, hun, and guess what, you get the first rut," she replied, turning her backside to him and lifting her tail. "Come and get it."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He smiles and quickly storkes himself to his full 2 feet long 5 inches thick "Yes! First in line!" He climbs up to her back and rubs her anus with a finger "Self lubricating? Oh... this is going to be the best!" He lines up his tip and slowly sinks his cock into the hilt which is sped up by her sucking ass. He suddenly hilts inside and moans. "Holy crap! I can feel you sucking me in! It feels a million times better than a pussy!" He grabs the base of her tail and starts pounding into her ass, his cock already throbbing. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gave "eek!", as her clit was pinched by Wendy's nice smooth webbed fingers. Umi keeps up her fingering, she didn't want to be rude. "What?...Ah!... No, No! you don't want that! .,,Ah!.. I-If i stung'd get super lusty and you would leak like crazy!", she said trying to warn her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh my, that actually sounds like fun.... but maybe for another time. you are making sucha  cute face right now. I wish I had a cock so I could plug you right. I guess these hands of mine will just have to do." She slips a third finger inside and gives her clit a light tug.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie was pinned against the writhing mass that was Ravindra, and she could only sit still and take it as Korlish and Walsh pumped her full of their spunk. With a final sharp moan, voice breaking in her sensitive orgasmic state, her release finally petered off, and she relished in the afterglow as their leaking warmth spilled into her from behind. Her ass was still high held, caught on their dicks, while her tender cock grew flaccid inside of Ravindra's wet warmth.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a collection of sighs Walsh and Korlish pull out of Melanie's holes and flop onto the floor on either side of Ravindra.

walsh: "So... amazing. Could fuck you... all day... if my legs would work."

Korlish: He laughs and pats him on the head. "i think this guy is getting hooked to your body Melanie. Better watch out."

Ravindra: "Is this... what you get normally Melanie? Just wild orgies at the drop of a hat? I like the sound of that." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Keep pulling performances like that, and I don't think I'd mind so much," Melanie stated matter-of-factly, "and I dunno Ravindra, why not join our team and find out for yourself?" she snickered, feeling giddy after the great round. Her legs were already sore with all of the walking, but the positioning had made her knees feel stiff. Wriggling so that she was somewhat free of the sandwich, she pulled herself out of the ant girl's slippery cunt and rolled her joints, popping them one after the other, and limbering up as she prepared to stand.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hmm, I am not sure about joining your team... You have done me a great favor... but an entire village of ants sounds like more my speed. More of a home body you understand?"

Korlish and Walsh slowly gets up to their feet and dust themselves off. 

Korlish: "that is a fair point... Traveling is dangerous and can have any number of affects.'

Walsh: "Yea... but it isn't like the ants have much else to do once you sit down and really think about it.... maybe that is why they are always moveing?" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie was quick to correct herself of any unintended coercing. "And that's perfectly fine as well. The labyrinth is a rough place. Don't take this the wrong way, I'll miss you and all, but I'm honestly glad to see you stay with the ants. You'll find all the company you could ever want there, and I'll rest a little bit easier knowing that you're safe kicking it with the copper village." Melanie suddenly smacked her own forehead. "Oh gosh, Samara and Busco are still out there."