Knights of Virgia (For Coltshan)


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2019
Felini holds you, trying to comfort you as you slowly recover from the ordeal. The priestess meanwhile slowly works her way to her knees, holding herself up off the ground with what little strength she can muster. Her body shifts and a large bulge forms from her belly, in a matter of moments her belly grows to a size that seems like she's carrying twins. The binding markings across her skin fade and the corruption's effects seem to slowly fade as well. Her form becoming more feminine, as she was before the process. Minutes pass, and the priestess is finally able to stand with her own strength. Her hands settle upon her swollen belly, a smile of satisfaction growing across her face. "I have done all that my mistress will able me. I have taken your darkness and your chains, and reforged their magical potential into something good."

Felini can't seem to take her eyes off the priestess' swollen belly. " did you do that?"

The snake woman smiles "I have done much in the service of Lustelle, the easiest way to explain would be to say she owed me one." She slowly waddles her way over to where you both rest, slowly kneeling down next to you, two hands resting on your chest as the others continues to rub her stomach. "The final request...reformation." This time her magic seems fare less intrusive, her hands seem to bring an odd warmth to your skin that fills your chest, giving you strength. "This is the same magic I used on your orc to grant her gifts. Allow your mind to wander, and choose what you desire."


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
"I don't understand, how to desire. I just wanted to feel, to choose, I don't have a overall change save being able to love and feel."