Hey! As someone who plays every fantasy RPG as a wizard and has finished Mass Effect with pure biotic Shep, I am delighted to see this archetype here as well. It even motivated my lazy ass to make the effort and take a peek at the source code, as there's little to no information on Wiki yet (maybe I'll fix that). Btw it's real pain in the butt to read compressed javascript code with inconsistent one-letter variables and two-letter functions you have to guess the meaning of each time while having no easy way to search for in a huge script file, do you guys have public github or something maybe? The only one I've managed to find myself is outdated. Anyway, to the feedback. First, some (supposedly) buggy stuff
1. High level abilities (seemingly from level 9 and above) don't proc Psytuned Vitality. They simply miss the appropriate line in their implementation. As the description mentions no such thing, i'm assuming someone simply forgot

2. Entropy Waves, Debris Field, Concussive Augmentation and Telekinetic Warrior scale off willpower instead of psiWillpower. With Telekinetic Warrior it's sorta tricky. Its damage is implemented twice - once in RangedAttack() (or MeleeAttack()) where the formula is wrong, and once in damage(), where the formula is correct, but by the time this function is called the weapon is already replaced and its className is "PlaceholderRanged", not "Rock". As a result this clause can only be reached if you're disarmed, which means the only place where it works as intended is New Texas... which is exactly where I was testing it at first

Almost overlooked this one. Maybe I overlooked some other ability as well, but not likely.
3. Steel Will simply adds 5 to willpowerRaw upon acquisition. As a result, you can't reach 65 through level-ups alone and have to train or wear something with resolve. Is this intended? Shouldn't it work the same way as Iron Will, as the name suggests?
4. From psiAttack():
Which means that for kineticist abilities, "Calm Aim" doesn't work as its description suggests, and works exactly as "Rage Aim" does instead. The way it's written leaves me with impression that it is intentional that these two work identically. And I can't imagine why is that.
5. Third Eye Aim doesn't work in ship battles. Sad. It probably should. By the way, this repetition of stat substitution logic everywhere they're used is messy and bug-prone. Wouldn't it be worth it to have something like this?
Among other things, it would make adding new stat substitutions for basic attacks in the future much easier.
Now for the balance. I would like to see some love for sustained options so that they aren't this inferior to those giving you immediate effect. Namely, i'm talking about Psionic Shielding and Vitality Siphon. The latter is in particularly sorry state as far as energy restoration goes. +15 net energy (+22.5 with Psi Noise Generator) over 4 turns is beyond pathetic, you get more just from spamming Entropic Leech. In theory it can give you more energy than Psychogenic Vim, but for that the battle needs to last for 40 fkin turns (34 with Psi Noise Generator), which is absolutely unreasonable as there are no fights that last that long. Not to mention that a quarter of these turns must be spent using this ability. It badly needs some kind of buff. Options that come to mind include:
1. Making it not waste a turn
2. Making energy restoration part of the perk passive
2a. Making the perk give passive buff to Entropic Leech (a favorite of mine, they are even thematically related)
2b (UPD). Restoring some energy whenever you shatter Deep Freeze.
3. Extending duration
4. Making energy restoration scale off int/will/max energy/damage dealt/whatever
5. Some combination of these
As for Psionic Shielding, I propose that instead of just giving plain shield regen, it should have more global effect, completely rerouting all kineticist abilities affecting HP to affect shields instead. Specifically, if Psionic Shielding is taken
1. Psychic Armor gives shieldDefense instead of defense
2. Unnatural Reserves restores shields
3. As for Psychogenic Vim/Vitality Siphon, i believe they better be split 50/50, as having no HP sustain at all kinda sucks. Or maybe not. Or maybe it SHOULD suck to take HP damage if you're focused on shields. Im unsure here.
4. Telekinetic Warrior creates its own shield if none is equipped. What kind of psychic you are if you need shield generator other than your own mind? It doesn't have to be as strong as Urbolg's, but it should regenerate much faster than regular shields (or get bonus to shield restoration from all kineticist perks) because it's perfectly attuned to you. Max shield bonuses from armor and stuff are half as effective on it for the same reason.
5. Third Eye Aim gives some int-scaling resistance bonuses to any shield equipped, as your precognition allows you to know in advance what will hit you and how and counter it.
6. Maybe further reduce max HP by 20-30% should all the stuff above prove to be too strong
I can even do the coding if you explain to me in which form i need to submit it.
Also, i think Telekinetic Warrior's int-scaling attack bonus should be replaced with crit bonus instead for better synergy with Deep Impact.