JimThermic's Project List

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I honestly just appreciate that Embry is getting so much love to warrant fanart from all these different artists, especially if they know what this ball of Cotton Candy and innocence is apart of.....

A game where you suck, fuck and fight (mostly the first two) your way to fame and fortune. God bless TiTs.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I honestly just appreciate that Embry is getting so much love to warrant fanart from all these different artists, especially if they know what this ball of Cotton Candy and innocence is apart of.....

A game where you suck, fuck and fight (mostly the first two) your way to fame and fortune. God bless TiTs.

The game or the body part?? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Does she charge much for drawning bust Jim?

Ohh other side note: did she drawn yet "base" form of Bess/Ben?

Cheshire doesn't do busts for TiTs anymore, Shou does. 

There's no plans AFAIK for Bess/Ben busts. Really, I sort of hope none ever gets done. I think it'd really kill the whole 'make my waifu/husbando' if you've got a static bust in one corner that contradicts what you've made, showing a masculine Ben when you've actually made a green haired femme trap or something, or vice-versa. The only way I think it'd be migitated is if you had a 'deactivate bust' for her somewhere, and that'd be a bit weird in and of itself. So yeah. I really hope Shou or another artist never does a static Bess/Ben bust*. :/  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Would be neat to at least see some fanart of Bess/Ben then.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Cheshire's Costs

Cheshire doesn't do busts for TiTs anymore, Shou does. Unless someone commissions her to, of course.

There's no plans AFAIK for Bess/Ben busts. Really, I sort of hope none ever gets done. I think it'd really kill the whole 'make my waifu/husbando' if you've got a static bust in one corner that contradicts what you've made, showing a masculine Ben when you've actually made a green haired femme trap or something, or vice-versa. The only way I think it'd be migitated is if you had a 'deactivate bust' for her somewhere, and that'd be a bit weird in and of itself. So yeah. I really hope Shou or another artist never does a static Bess/Ben bust*. :/  

I was just about to say that the whole "make her look how you like." negates a bust period. and about Cheshire not doing anymore busts, awww, sorry to hear that. Still, Shou does good work too and glad to see those will still be incoming. 

I'm looking forward to Briha and the doc myself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There's no plans AFAIK for Bess/Ben busts. Really, I sort of hope none ever gets done. I think it'd really kill the whole 'make my waifu/husbando' if you've got a static bust in one corner that contradicts what you've made, showing a masculine Ben when you've actually made a green haired femme trap or something, or vice-versa. The only way I think it'd be migitated is if you had a 'deactivate bust' for her somewhere, and that'd be a bit weird in and of itself. So yeah. I really hope Shou or another artist never does a static Bess/Ben bust*. :/  

I not been thinking about dynamic Bess/Ben bust since due to they nature it could be need like dozens of pics to cover all possible configurations and only one similarity would be having silver skin with glowing lines and all other body features would be totaly fluid depending on setup. That why I just said "base" so well it will just note if we had at the begining a default female/male version - this two would be esy to drawn since they are their default forms that later PC can customize. But well yes trying make bust for this one npc if some want be it as close to truth as possible is impossible...without making game file needlesly large (I bet now it would be like doubling game file now).

Heh that kinda suprising Chess as examples for few of possible versions of pics using her tits-related works. And well that a quite wide choice of how detailed and etc. pic could be.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Basically we can have Bess/Ben busts when we have a character viewer, and no sooner.

Edit: Apparently I should've clarified for the overly hopeful that I'm not aware of any sign a character viewer/renderer is actually going to happen, other than the long-ago Offbeatr promises.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Basically we can have Bess/Ben busts when we have a character viewer, and no sooner.

There is going to be a character viewer? Like the one in CoC? That would be nice


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Hate the un-eraseable quote boxes.... infact this post here is dedicated to that.... (cause now there are 3. And apparently i was gonna quote someone a few days ago...)

The quote box is gone now... this post is pointless...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hate the un-eraseable quote boxes.... infact this post here is dedicated to that.... (cause now there are 3. And apparently i was gonna quote someone a few days ago...)

 If you make an empty space above it (VIA the orange button in the top right corner when you hover over the quote box) then go down and back space under the quote box (VIA the orange button in the lower right corner) It should go away


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
But also theres the problem that with coc i thought that the character viewer was largely incomplete wasn't it? Personally id just rather commission an artist to do a portrait of my favorite Captain Steele. Lol 

 If you make an empty space above it (VIA the orange button in the top right corner when you hover over the quote box) then go down and back space under the quote box (VIA the orange button in the lower right corner) It should go away

I love you.... o_O been suffering through those for weeks.... *goes through old posts spreading the good word of Fisto* lol
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Coding is the easy part. Getting someone to draw thousands of assets is harder. And even then your character would always be naked in the viewer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Coding is the easy part. Getting someone to draw thousands of assets is harder. And even then your character would always be naked in the viewer.

Thousands? Seems bit hyperbolic. Also, in this situation base parts would be easier to work with. Example, base digitigrade leg then overlay skin type, toes, etc. Even if "thousands" is correct, most would be relatively small and easy to work with if using a snap feature and respective scaling.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I feel that in this case one's imagination does a character more justice than commissioned artwork. Like Jim said, it takes away from the variety that is Bess/Ben when all you see is a static bust even though you've given him/her this specific look with all the neat little accessories and characteristics that your PC likes.


Aug 27, 2015
Character viewer is a total hiding to nothing. It's difficult from a coding perspective and deeply tedious from an art one. The results, if they emerge, are inescapably mediocre. But the real problem, and this is what sunk CoC's version, is that it needs to be updated constantly, as new TFs are thrown in. Shou can barely keep up with the influx of NPCs, never mind attempting anything else.

If you really want a nice picture of your PC, do as others have done and have suggested and commission some artwork. Spread some money to the starving creative smut community.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Speaking of which, i think imma need two. One for my faveorite female and one for my (probably only) male character. Love playing females for reasons.


Oct 7, 2015
The fact that you used Z-tons Fistfiesta in the Aina doc made me smile, that is a cover I haven't seen in a while, almost the origin of my love for monstergirls.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Another New Texan Grav-cuff scene, this time with cowgirls. Link Here.

By the way, what exactly are the requirements for the first one? I've tryed to get it a few times and only got regular public masturbation scenes. I know its a certain amount of libido, exabitionism, and the grav cuffs but im having issues... -.-
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Not to mention, that there's much to be said to no bust and using the text to form your own mental image. 


Oct 27, 2015
I looked at the tattoo shop doc and wouldn't it be better to do style / location instead of specific things like skulls or flowers? Skull / arm reads like it's literally just a single skull, whereas doing something like American Traditional / arm lets people give their character any tattoo they can imagine. I guess the ambiguity could be a pain in the ass to write around when scenes need to reference it or if a character viewer ever gets done (and I hope it won't, it'll take metric fucktonnes of work and your character still won't ever look the way you want). In other news, reading the whole thing made me feel like an asshole for caring so much about a porn game because the fact that it's all gene mods without a needle in sight bugs me. I need to rethink my life, or something.

Prison poke & sticks done with a broken pen and homemade "ink" when?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I looked at the tattoo shop doc and wouldn't it be better to do style / location instead of specific things like skulls or flowers? Skull / arm reads like it's literally just a single skull, whereas doing something like American Traditional / arm lets people give their character any tattoo they can imagine. I guess the ambiguity could be a pain in the ass to write around when scenes need to reference it or if a character viewer ever gets done (and I hope it won't, it'll take metric fucktonnes of work and your character still won't ever look the way you want). In other news, reading the whole thing made me feel like an asshole for caring so much about a porn game because the fact that it's all gene mods without a needle in sight bugs me. I need to rethink my life, or something.

Wouldn't work.

1. The Appearance screen is where tattoos and piercings get to shine. If you can't describe them as any more than 'It's American Traditional', it's going to look really lame.

2. The more ambiguous the description, the more repetitive it looks when you do it on multiple body parts. Just doing skulls and dragons differently for like, eight body parts nearly killed me.

3. American traditional doesn't even really make sense in a space setting. I mean, what is it? Deep south confederate flags? Native American? Cowboy? I got no fucking clue.

4. The parser calls need something a bit more comprehensive to pump out when you reference them. E.g. 'Skull-marked hand, Dragon-patterned breasts, tattooed belly, inked back etc. 'American traditional breasts' not only sounds weird, it also doesn't leave room for a ton of alternate adjectives.

5. The idea of people stabbing you with needles for hours on end is so mind-blowingly primitive that a society with gene-modding tech would have done away with it ages ago. I mean, come on. There's likely purists who like to do it the old fashioned way, but you'd have to be pretty hardcore about it to sit for an hour with sterilized equipment just to get a bleeding tattoo that will eventually fade, as opposed to a quick poke with a gene-mod that gives you a scented, unfading, painless, permanent tattoo that can optionally glow. Maybe folks like the space Yakuza still do things with ink and bamboo stick poking, but mainstream folks wouldn't.

6. There's nothing saying people can't submit tattoo designs later on to get what they want. That's what the template is for, after all.


Oct 27, 2015
Wouldn't work.

1. The Appearance screen is where tattoos and piercings get to shine. If you can't describe them as any more than 'It's American Traditional', it's going to look really lame.

2. The more ambiguous the description, the more repetitive it looks when you do it on multiple body parts. Just doing skulls and dragons differently for like, eight body parts nearly killed me.

3. American traditional doesn't even really make sense in a space setting. I mean, what is it? Deep south confederate flags? Native American? Cowboy? I got no fucking clue.

4. The parser calls need something a bit more comprehensive to pump out when you reference them. E.g. 'Skull-marked hand, Dragon-patterned breasts, tattooed belly, inked back etc. 'American traditional breasts' not only sounds weird, it also doesn't leave room for a ton of alternate adjectives.

5. The idea of people stabbing you with needles for hours on end is so mind-blowingly primitive that a society with gene-modding tech would have done away with it ages ago. I mean, come on. There's likely purists who like to do it the old fashioned way, but you'd have to be pretty hardcore about it to sit for an hour with sterilized equipment just to get a bleeding tattoo that will eventually fade, as opposed to a quick poke with a gene-mod that gives you a scented, unfading, painless, permanent tattoo that can optionally glow. Maybe folks like the space Yakuza still do things with ink and bamboo stick poking, but mainstream folks wouldn't.

6. There's nothing saying people can't submit tattoo designs later on to get what they want. That's what the template is for, after all.

It's just the way things are drawn, not what you actually get tattooed. It really kicked off during WWII, Sailor Jerry (yeah, the rum guy) is credited with pretty much creating it. Yeah, I know it makes less than zero sense for you to fly to a space station in your intergalactic vessel and run into a shop where the artist uses a machine which literally relies on a rubber band to work. I was just trying to make a funny about how I seem to be getting old, grumpy, and "back in my day.." when I'm not even in my thirties. "A tattoo shop without a single needle? Well, that's just plain wrong, I tell you h'wut." Pretty soon I'm gonna be yelling at kids about how the internet ruined tattooing.

Who knows, I've always liked writing, maybe I'll blow out your corneas by forcing you to read my talentless hack stylings. We both know I won't write anything but it's fun to pretend.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Well...Jim 1st brought us a Dom Captapillar chick, now he brings a Sub Butterfly? Whats next Jim? A beetle chick of some kind?
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