Is the Goo Body Armor finished?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
What it should do is reduce Nova's stats if you add special abilities, since of course she can't devote as much mass to providing protection when you're also having her do other things, with the option to have her stop doing the ability to get the stat points back.  Airtight ought to require a lot of concentration and penalize her stats significantly while it's up, for instance.

Yes! This. Very much this!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
Yes! This. Very much this!
What it should do is reduce Nova's stats if you add special abilities, since of course she can't devote as much mass to providing protection when you're also having her do other things, with the option to have her stop doing the ability to get the stat points back.  Airtight ought to require a lot of concentration and penalize her stats significantly while it's up, for instance.

This seems like a good compromise, while buffing everything else just seems like a temporary solution though I think it's even a stretch to call it that much.

Perhaps she needs maintenance as well like if you don't feed her she's as good as wearing absolutely nothing.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
What it should do is reduce Nova's stats if you add special abilities, since of course she can't devote as much mass to providing protection when you're also having her do other things, with the option to have her stop doing the ability to get the stat points back.  Airtight ought to require a lot of concentration and penalize her stats significantly while it's up, for instance.

This seems a very nice and balanced solution to me. To debuff her basic abilities even if you are never going to use options like airtight is a net loss from the status quo and what I'm opposed to.


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
That's a fine idea, though I think I'm going to put my foot down on the healing thing. Being one of the best armors in the game AND getting a special heal is nuts.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
That's a fine idea, though I think I'm going to put my foot down on the healing thing. Being one of the best armors in the game AND getting a special heal is nuts.

Fine with me. I wasn't that eager to have the heal option anyway. If anything, I'm much more interested in having its exposure options unlocked ASAP.
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Aug 26, 2015
That's a fine idea, though I think I'm going to put my foot down on the healing thing. Being one of the best armors in the game AND getting a special heal is nuts.

I went through and applied PC level limitations for her upgrades:

  • Level 3: Shape Morphing - vanity changes
  • Level 4: Swimsuit - Change outfit to swimwear; for convenience, really
  • Level 5: Helmet (must learn morphing first) - For airtight ability in combat
  • Level 7: Healing - For healing (+25 HP) outside of combat, 3-hour cooldown per use (variable multiplier for upgrades later, if applicable)
  • Level 9: Exposure (must learn helmet ability first) - Trade 2 defense for 1 sexiness for each exposed area.
  • Passive consequences:

    If the goo armor's defense is at 1 or less, she will be too afraid to use her Goo Clone ability in combat.
  • Swimsuit style and any exposure configurations will make the airtight property useless (and any helmets become purely vanity)

Will this be a better for balance? The button tooltips also provide clues on whether or not the character is leveled enough or in the right situation to earn the upgrade.
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Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
It already has a base 5 sexiness. I guess I could nerf it down to 1 or 2 sexiness so that the exposure ability works fine.

Airtight should definitely cost a couple points of defense as well. 
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Aug 26, 2015
It already has a base 5 sexiness. I guess I could nerf it down to 1 or 2 sexiness so that the exposure ability works fine.

Airtight should definitely cost a couple points of defense as well. 

Okay, I'm editing some of the limitations now. I don't want to mess with the armor's sexiness since that is a save-file thing with the item, but I'll tweak the airtight bits to toggle defense points.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
It already has a base 5 sexiness. I guess I could nerf it down to 1 or 2 sexiness so that the exposure ability works fine.

Airtight should definitely cost a couple points of defense as well. 

Such a skintight, sleek armor should have a base 2 sexiness at the very least, balance or no balance.

Besides, if you are lowering base sexiness that much, then exposure should be accessible in the game now, so at most it should come with a level 8 prerequisite.

I went through and applied PC level limitations for her upgrades:

  • Level 3: Shape Morphing - vanity changes
  • Level 4: Swimsuit - Change outfit to swimwear; for convenience, really
  • Level 5: Helmet (must learn morphing first) - For airtight ability in combat
  • Level 7: Healing - For healing (+25 HP) outside of combat, 3-hour cooldown per use (variable multiplier for upgrades later, if applicable)
  • Level 9: Exposure (must learn helmet ability first) - Trade 2 defense for 1 sexiness for each exposed area.
  • Passive consequences:

    If the goo armor's defense is at 1 or less, she will be too afraid to use her Goo Clone ability in combat.
  • Swimsuit style and any exposure configurations will make the airtight property useless (and any helmets become purely vanity)

Will this be a better for balance? The button tooltips also provide clues on whether or not the character is leveled enough or in the right situation to earn the upgrade.

In order to avoid rebalancing of base sexiness from turning into too much of a net nerfing of the item, I strongly suggest to swap healing and exposure in your list. I.e. Exposure unlocks at level 7, and Healing at (future) level 9.
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Aug 26, 2015
Okay, the armor has been re-balanced to where the swimsuit and helmet will remove 2 defense points if being used. And the healing has been reverted back to +50 HP and 1-hour cooldown between heals, but has an additional debuff where it will temporarily weaken the goo armor 2 defense points per use, with the effect lasting for 24 hours until she full recovers from it. There are a bunch of defense checks, so if her defense reaches below 2 or more, she will be unable to do certain things.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Hmm, what exact changes and tweaks were done to the Goo Armor with the 0.6.56 version ? The stats seem the same, and so do the cosmetic customization of nova-as-armor and nova-as-follower and the helmet option that were already unlockable with the 0.6.55 version. I've experimented at level 8 with talking with Nova wearing clothes with the swimsuit and fully exposed tags and nothing happened. The other options (swimsuit, healing, and exposure IIUC) are hinted as being locked till an higher (and yet unattainable) level.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
It was re-optimized for balance and the swimsuit and heal options should be unlockable. Details here:

I see. I had previously failed to unlock the swimsuit option b/c I was not in a pool and Steele had pasties worn but had not removed stockings. Then I suppose those three options that are still locked because of insufficient level concern the various variants of the exposure option. The more talk I read of Nova, the more adorable she feels.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Datamining Nova's new functionality as we speak, and i just have to get this off my chest

Nova's bromance with the Bimbo pc is nothing short of beautiful. 

Kudos to whoever wrote those scenes!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Savin of Fen most probably wrote that bromance...also I not sure but doesn't sometimes scenes got author tag hidden in code too?


Aug 26, 2015
Ah, aside from the sex scenes and gaining the armor (all written by Savin), I wrote the gray goo customization add-ons--I just never credited myself, because it is a mystery...


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
@Fenoxo I personally wouldn't mind if we had the option to make her a follower on the ship when she's not being worn.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
This reminds me:

txt += "Sensing your approach, [] quickly morphs into a shapeless blob and scoots a couple steps away from you. She suddenly reforms with her back turned to you, appearing in a slightly different guise than her normal self. Her hair is not in the loose, wavy fashion it normally is, but instead, it is tied in a low ponytail. The silvery companion doesn’t turn around, so you can’t tell if something is wrong.";

txt += "\n\nAfter a brief moment, you call to her. <i>“" + (pc.isBimbo() ? "Umm... []?" : "Is something wrong, []?") + "”</i> She doesn’t respond, but only wriggles a little... and you ears maybe catch a slight giggle? In any case, it seems like she wants you to approach her instead... So you do.";

txt += "You inch towards her little by little and place your hand on her shoulder. She quickly turns around to face you.";

txt += "\n\n<i>“Oh, hello. Nice to see you... [pc.fullName]?”</i> [] looks at you but with a different yet familiar face. She has adopted the appearance of Victoria Morrow";

if(flags["GRAYGOO_SPESS_SKYPE"] != undefined) txt += ", just like the night you witnessed her chatting with the Captain herself";

txt += "... Her speech inflections seem much more reserved and less bubbly than usual. <i>“Are you looking for someone?”</i>";

txt += "\n\n<i>“U" + (pc.isBimbo() ? "mmmmmmmmm" : "h") + "... you?”</i> you respond.";

txt += "\n\nLooking at your reaction, [] suppresses a soft giggle with one hand to maintain her modesty. <i>“I’m sorry, I’m afraid you are mistaken. Who is this ‘[]’? A stowaway, perhaps?”</i> Her eyes scan yours. <i>“I can try helping you look for her--we take lost persons cases quite seriously on the </i>NOVA<i>.”</i>";

txt += "\n\n<i>“" + (pc.isAss() ? "Listen, I don’t ha--" : "Hm, are y--") + "...”</i> You reconsider your answer. Clearly she is role playing with you, so you might as well play along...";

if(pc.isBimbo()) txt += " <i>“Oh yaaah, that’s right. My B.F.F. has, like, totally disappeared on me. We were supposed to go get ice cream, catch a movie, and have the bestest girls’-night-out ever... But I can’t find her anywhere! I was going to surprise her with something super-duper sexy afterwards, but I guess I gotta, like, hold off on it and stuff...”</i>";

else if(pc.isAss() || pc.isMischievous()) txt += " <i>“You’re damn right, woman--There’s a stowaway on board and we need to kick her out before she starts a mutiny up in here. Perhaps you’ve seen her. She has a big perky face, huuuge tits - as big as her head! - and a butt that won’t stop jiggling. Oh, and she’s some kind of meta-morphing, shape-shifting mutant, so she could be anyone... I bet she could even control minds!”</i>";

else txt += " <i>“Captain Morrow, thank goodness I found you! My... my friend, she’s gone missing and I don’t know where to find her!”</i> You wipe the imaginary sweat from your forehead. <i>“One moment, she was with me; the next moment, gone. I think the snatchers might have gotten to her. I mean, I know it’s probably just an urban legend, but I’m worried. What if... what if snatchers are real? I need to find her before it’s too late!”</i>";

txt += "\n\n<i>“Oh my...”</i> ‘Captain Morrow’ gasps, her eyes wide and brows tilted in deep concern. <i>“We must find her quick!”</i>";

txt += "\n\nThe two of you spend a small moment opening compartments, looking under shelves, and flipping through security cam channels but can’t ‘find’ signs of [] anywhere.";

txt += "\n\nAfter exhausting all methods of search, Morrow drops to her knees.";

if(pc.isBimbo()) txt += "\n\n<i>“Oh no... She’s totally going to miss out.”</i> You scrunch your face and pout your lips, acting as if you are about to cry.";

else if(pc.isAss() || pc.isMischievous()) txt += "\n\n<i>“She’s probably got to them. All of them. This ship’s been compromised!”</i> Your face turns into an angry scowl of defeat, exaggerated to make sure she can read it.";

else txt += "\n\n<i>“She’s... she’s gone.”</i> You cover your face with your hands, preparing to go into full sobbing mode with an imaginary waterfall of tears.";

txt += "\n\nMorrow’s silvery face begins to break character and she is convinced so much by you that she really believes what you’re saying. Suddenly, she springs onto you with a gooey hug, practically squeezing the life out of you, her legs melting and pooling around your body to add to the embrace.";

txt += "\n\n<i>“Here I am! Look! See?”</i> Easing her glomp attack, she lifts her head and looks honestly into your eyes. Her face quickly contorts and smoothly shifts back to her []-face. <i>“It’s me!”</i>";

This scene is a bit odd because there is no way right now to approach Nova like she's any other crew member standing around on your ship. Either she's in your storage and can't be interacted with, or she's in your inventory or equipped. Therefore the thing that happens immediately before this scene is that she climbs out of your inventory and is standing right next to you. To then go into a game where she pretends to be someone else (and where she 'senses your approach'), after she just got done climbing out of your inventory... it doesn't really work. It needs some tweaks so that it makes more sense, like being able to trigger the scene while she's in storage and/or having a different version of the scene that plays when you talk to her from your inventory.

Also found a typo in her customization

txt += "\n\n[] looks back and reaponds, <i>“Looking for a change?”</i>";

And another when asking her to make herself look like Cpt. Morrow

txt += "er body seems to have formed an kind of tight spacer uniform
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This reminds me:

This scene is a bit odd because there is no way right now to approach Nova like she's any other crew member standing around on your ship. Either she's in your storage and can't be interacted with, or she's in your inventory or equipped. Therefore the thing that happens immediately before this scene is that she climbs out of your inventory and is standing right next to you. To then go into a game where she pretends to be someone else (and where she 'senses your approach'), after she just got done climbing out of your inventory... it doesn't really work. It needs some tweaks so that it makes more sense, like being able to trigger the scene while she's in storage and/or having a different version of the scene that plays when you talk to her from your inventory.

Also found a typo in her customization

And another when asking her to make herself look like Cpt. Morrow

WHY?! Did you not think this would look monstrous just straight copy pasting?!


Aug 26, 2015
Fixed the typos in the pull request (#801), and added a small blurb noting her wandering around if she is on the ship and in the inventory.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2015
In CoC when you unequipped Valeria she became an actual follower instead of an item.  Will that ever be possible for Goo Armor?


Aug 26, 2015
In CoC when you unequipped Valeria she became an actual follower instead of an item.  Will that ever be possible for Goo Armor?

That is possible if I can get it to work, but she will remain stationary on the ship like all the other crew members instead of actually being a "follower" (like she is in the inventory or when worn).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That is possible if I can get it to work, but she will remain stationary on the ship like all the other crew members instead of actually being a "follower" (like she is in the inventory or when worn).

But followers in tits case crew members are stuck always on our ship anyway so it wouldn't be nothing bad with goo armor been staying there as 'normal' crew member. If PC want be able to put her on at any moemnt should never leave her in ship but keep in inventory, right?
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May 29, 2016
Not sure if this is the right place to be posting this, but will Nova be getting any additional scenes?  One example I had bouncing around my head being once Nova is able to both morph a helmet and reveal body parts, there could be a submissive scene where Nova imitates the "wild" Gray Goo and takes over Steele's body.  She would leave only Steele's mouth/boobs/ass/crotch exposed and then walk the PC around pretending to be a lost sex android.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
Not sure if this is the right place to be posting this, but will Nova be getting any additional scenes?  One example I had bouncing around my head being once Nova is able to both morph a helmet and reveal body parts, there could be a submissive scene where Nova imitates the "wild" Gray Goo and takes over Steele's body.  She would leave only Steele's mouth/boobs/ass/crotch exposed and then walk the PC around pretending to be a lost sex android.

Anything is possible, if you have a scene idea write it out yourself and post it on the ideas forum and maybe the devs will put it in the game. 
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Not sure if this is the right place to be posting this, but will Nova be getting any additional scenes?  One example I had bouncing around my head being once Nova is able to both morph a helmet and reveal body parts, there could be a submissive scene where Nova imitates the "wild" Gray Goo and takes over Steele's body.  She would leave only Steele's mouth/boobs/ass/crotch exposed and then walk the PC around pretending to be a lost sex android.

I'm not sure that's within the bounds of Nova's personality. Nova is mischevious and playful, but unlike her wild cousins, she is not rapey and accepts that no means no. It would need to be something Steele asked for.
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