I myself draw the line at fem pronouns because as weird as it may be for ya to believe, I, personally, don't like fem-identifying traps at all, kinda coincides with my already huge dislike for girl dick, it's just really not what I'm looking for when I look for the fetish (Plus to add I already am rather ticked at porn and most people lumping what seems to be trans in with traps, so it just feels really weird and.. kinda disrespecting imo to call them that), I don't care for them at all and I much rather avoid them.. Nothing personal to those in rl. I as a lady just rather prefer my femboys to identify as boys in my trap porn.
If you're allowed to not want to fuck traps if they identify as boys, then I and others should be allowed to not want to fuck them if they identify as girls. :/
If that's gay then that's even better because I love gay M/M shit anyways, and besides we need more of that in TiTS as well. lol
Plus it's different from the quote unquote standard 'trap' this game and it's characters go with as Liamme actually IS a boy that wants to be pretty, and actually suits the 'trap' title better than the others in my opinion as the thing is he doesn't actually want to BE a girl anytime soon and won't be, both in gender and/or appearance like adding boobs, just is girly enough to be mistaken as one; a.k.a, a real actual trap. Let us rare few enjoy our first male-identifying girlyboi. *Rreeeeee's*