Dividing the larger scope of it into separate projects and rearranging what I had really pushed things forward.
(yeah, it might just be their tech being arrogant, but an 80+% intelligence tech specialist could at least react insulted (at least politely insulted if they're nice) over being called "a noobie").
Also, Anno is the only one reacting to borders, when Azra is a hulking giant wearing armor as casual outfit, Paige is an ex-pirate that likes to spar with you (if only close combat), and I'm pretty sure Reaha mentioned that she's ex-military. And going by the tutorial, Celise can tank a ton of physical damage.
And I think the surprise trap is going to be even more problematic when you can get different customizable ships that might be moving fortresses.
I mean, sure, this is apparently supposed to show how awesome these guys are,
The problem I have with that is that I ended up with the impression "Look, your ship was disabled and you were overwhelmed by a bunch of clowns who get distracted in a combat situation - and you still can't do shit against them", which... Well, it just rubs me the wrong way.Your second impression is more of what I was going for. The initial thing with them disabling the ship is just supposed to show you that they have a lot of good hardware, and know how to use it. But I intentionally defused and deescalated the situation quickly in order to get a lighter tone for the rest of the scene. The idea here is more to show off each character and how they bounce off of each other than it is to show off them being "badass".
Eh, simplest solution would be to only have her react if she's allowed to talk - or even only if her addiction is cured.Celise can take a lot, but she's not really a fighter, neither is Reaha, at least with all the moo mods. I was thinking of doing Reaha, but then I realized I'd have to account for if the PC told her not to talk and basically treated her like shit, and I'm just gonna say it, I have zero interest in that part of her content.
I know, the pecking order part is mostly tongue in cheek. (I didn't even list the dirt and the worms inside the dirt.)They didn't really get lucky.
Just have her write her response on a datapad, or whatever. Loophole. Plus, that's totally something she would do.Reaha, but then I realized I'd have to account for if the PC told her not to talk
... and didn't have the gear (again, most likely no military stuff until late game, and this is supposed to trigger after the Steller Tether)
If you're referring to Dr. Lash, he's living in the trash because he's an ecoterrorist who is hunted by the UGC after he sterilized the entire sentient population of a planet. He and Badger aren't random nobodies, they are mad scientists no one wants to work with because they are to crazy and dangerous.And I still call bullshit on Amara being beatable, or honestly even fightable, this early in the game. A creepy neuter living in the trash is significantly stronger than one of the most feared criminals out there.
nice art are thinking of doing a art of a Gryvain that is on your vote?
New I love your concepts, really aligns with a lot of my own tastes. Can't wait for Shizuya to be in the game!!!