[Implemented] Pet-Play Bets With Syri


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
There's probably (definitely) not gonna be a public use scene, but there will be and option to parade her around Esbeth or just take her straight back to your ship, I've decided.

Or should the "straight back" option not include stripping her and collaring her at the bar?
Thanks, Hugs. Hope we aren't messing too much with your writer's boner and the flow of your creative juices.

Ideally, there would be three options: fully private pet-play, pet getting collared at the bar with quick walkies and pet getting paraded through the city. Though if I were to choose which to cut to prevent content bloat, I'd say cut the middle ground and leave the extremes. Or you can make PC's win use two extremes and Syri's include some or a lot of walkies.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'd say that the bet inherently requires stripping down and being collared at the bar, but what happens afterwards is up to the "owner". Initiating public use, regardless of who is the owner, should be something that is opted in.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
After the glorious Urta petplay scenes, I was disappointed at how little Kuro got.

With Anno being the only other one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Eventualy we get more petting.

Anno is just a begining....muahahaha


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
You miss that stupid "BA-DOING" scaring you half to death while you're doing something in another window
People probably miss the times where not everyone was ninjas :p
The @thing has worked for me too. At least when people has used it on me.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Savin: Okay, so I @'d you before and you said it didn't give you any notifications. On the same day someone else @'d me and I got a notification, so I figured Geddy just disabled it for all staff members. In either case there weren't any browser or audio alerts.


Jul 11, 2016
Got a pupdate today:

Did the opening "victory scene" along with the middle-ground "strip her down at the bar then take her home quick" scene, in order to gauge the tones of the other options a bit.

But what most of you are probably looking for is sex scenes, so there's the pitch-anal victory scene for you. At the moment it's pretty subject to change; might re-write it so that you keep her gag in, but I like puppy-slut blowjobs to do that right now, and maybe a variant for hard PCs where you make Syri lick up her own cum from your sheets, but that sounds a little too mean to me.

I'm probably going to keep the "aftermath" scene the same for all three sex scenes in order to cut down on damage to my sanity.

I also got some good Ideas from Savin as to loss scene variants for Ausar/Half-Ausar PCs, that should be fun.

Anyways, here's the doc: Pet-Play Bets With Syri

Hope you guys enjoy, and if you don't, tell me what's wrong.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
a pupdate today
Get out.

Maybe a variant for hard PCs where you make Syri lick up her own cum from your sheets, but that sounds a little too mean to me.
Nonsense, she likes it. But the thought of licking fabric gives me that weird uncomfortable shiver/chill down my spine, so I humbly request something without fabric licking.
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I can't imagine wanting to lick fabric, getting all that fluff on your tongue. Bleh


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
Nonsense, she likes it. But the thought of licking fabric gives me that weird uncomfortable shiver/chill down my spine, so I humbly request something without fabric licking.
I can't imagine wanting to lick fabric, getting all that fluff on your tongue. Bleh
Silk sheets or some future fabric that doesn't leave fluff balls in your mouth?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Plus given the sort of person Tricky Vic is and would assume your character would end up being, as well as the space future setting, the sheets are probably lickable without getting a mouthful of fuzz.


Ahhh I didn't get the context of what everyone was talking about when I wrote that. Licking the aftermath from sheets.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'm glad my thread could be a vehicle for your confusion.
Not sure if mad, or genuinely amused. The profile pic doesn't really help either...
JK :p
Hug's cool dude.

Now onto what I was really gonna say.
I've read a bit of the new scenes while simultaneously leveling up my hide boner in public skills. Soon I 'll learn a new ability or evolve or something like that.
You're getting really good at these knotting scenes man. Great job :D
I was initially a bit surprised as to what a sore loser Syri is, not that I'm any better tbh..., but then I remembered that she actually just hate being treated like the puppyslut she really is XD

I think someone has already mentioned making variants for Steele's exhibitionism levels. That would be pretty cool. Wouldn't even need to be big ones, just a short blurb here and there.
But it seems like the scenes works out pretty good regardless of whether Steele's an exhibitionist or not. So I'm not really all that sure about this suggestion.

Also an idea: Seeing Syri coming to enjoy it a bit more after repeatedly doing it.
Of course Savin would have to give the OK for this, and I highly doubt that you'd be up for making this right now. But just a suggestion. For a possible expansion or something.
Still a good read regardless. It actually is quite entertaining to watch Syri like this.

Either way I love the scenes so far. So you shouldn't really feel any need to change them.