Fuck them all into submission!![]()
Except the theme here is all of them fucking you into submission
Fuck them all into submission!![]()
Any chances of an amazon gang bang scene at some point?
Before I begin I would like to say that the charm of this game lies in the roundedness of its characters, so I don't mind whose arc we follow, but I have gathered my thoughts in the hope they maybe of some use.
I consider the relationship with Despoina is central, thus I would suggest a few more after diner chats would help. I believe her trusting you with her library is key, what do you do with the knowledge?
The possibility of forming a "spear" version of the "Fair Intellectuals Club" maybe interesting, should Despoina find out she would be on the horns of a dilemma. Do what is expected: inform the authorities letting the player face the kind hands of Amagissian justice, as she is mocked for failing to keep her kitisand in line. Or reject the beliefs of her people for empiric observation of intellectual ability and be moved to work towards reasonable, incremental improvements in rights of self-determination; A kitisand may never wield arcane power or fight, they may hold their own opinion which they may discreetly express in private.
A situation for Despoina see you in a different light, show her you can be calm and resourceful in a pinch. Nothing daring-do of course as that would be unbecoming
I am probably a bit biased I have a strange fondness for her, I suspect it is the hint of loneliness. Such traits always make a character more human.
As for other characters: Adoni is fun but I don't see how you are ever going to be more than a stress relief toy; Reis [and the boys] have potential but other than the suggestion above I have nothing concrete; lastly.....
I would expect you to receive pressure to forge a head with the mind control character [meet her in the laundry], as this is the likeliest route back to being you. But what if you weren't the first to have the idea, a rival who does not like you cutting in on his ticket out of here?
I remember liking the concept behind this one - the lore is cool and so is the scenario - but there were a couple of execution things that stood out to me. Most people will just want new content. I'm sure. Still, it might be worth going back over some of these:
A number of the sex scenes you're offered only make sense from a meta perspective (i.e. while someone playing the game might want to see it the character established in the intro probably wouldn't). Particularly the first one with your new captor - would waking up suddenly transformed with little idea of what happened really put the character in the mood? - and the one with the futa character. Being asked to blow somebody in front of an audience feels like something that the character would need to work up to.
To me the potential of your idea is in the conflict between the magic trying to shape them into someone's perfect toy and the character's own will to resist that fate, so I'd like to see the existing content build itself up a little more/justify the sex scenes more logically (answer us why this character would initially want to indulge someone he'd naturally mistrust/feel embittered toward if he's being given a choice in the matter), starting off small and then ramping up as the PC character starts to develop into a particular type of boytoy as defined by which characters he ends up interacting with, walking a treacherous line as he struggles to use these people as a means of escape without succumbing to magically induced submissive instincts and fetishes he's developing (ultimately succeeding or failing or interesting combinations of the two).
That element of struggle in general is only "kind of" there in your current existing content and that's going to be the main erotic element in a story with these themes so in the initial material I think you should lean more heavily on it so that we can get that sense that their resistance is breaking down or struggling to maintain itself in later ones.
As for directions moving forward you've left it open to a bunch of different directions. Always a good thing. Playing the princess against your master, trying to buddy up to the futa to get insight on the guards, a number of other guys in the same situation for some homo fun (a scene with two of these guys struggling to overcome the magic to be on top while their instincts tell them they're not supposed to be sounds totes adorbs). Free time events should offer, I think, a number of approaches to supplement whatever approach you might be taking in the story: actions that might get you noticed in the "wrong" (depending how you look at it) way by playing too much against your new gender role, more covert "whisper in the ear" tactics to subtly influence people who think you're harmless, a more courtesan sort of approach to accumulate favors, etc. I can see all of those - as well as possible consequences of them - being fun.
One of the most noticeable things about this slave owning society is lack of cruelty, fear and violence. Slave societies are defined by their fear: fear of slave by master lest they revolt and fear of master by slave for that is what the society is built on.
Yeah, open resistance or rebellion simply isn't practical for the kitisands. You try and do that and you'll just be cut down or mind controlled immediately. There are escapees and you'll be learning more about kitisands in general as the game goes on that I hope will be interesting and give a sense of realism.
you could always go for a punishment system; spanking, chastity belts, magic cock rings, etc. Is humiliation for a kitisand a thing? like forced tattoos or nudity?
That would depend entirely on their master. There isn't really a standard for punishing disobedience, some will use physical punishment, some will revoke privileges, and others will just use mind control to force obedience. Some don't even bother with waiting for disobedience and just mind control immediately. However, Despoina frowns on this and you won't see any guys in the palace who're under strict mind control.
Humiliation generally doesn't come up as kitisands are programmed to accept and be happy with what amagissas do to them, mostly. While an amagissa can definitely be humiliated, they usually don't care about making a kitisand feel that way or thinking that they do. Their behavior or responses to situations are the natural way of things after all and most amagissas treasure kitisands as something to be protected and watched over.
What about between kitisands? Like would they pity one that had a orgasm denial magic cock ring, or one that has to wear a chastity belt? They did mention that they use the royal bodyguard to get revenge on amagissas that mistreat them (for the price of taking it up the ass later).
also, what are the amagissas take on incest? I remember one of the kitsands had a daughter. what would be the dynamic between them? considering how sexualy open the society is, would the daughter find it normal watching her father servicing her mother. would the father have any authority over his daughter? how do amagissas feel about having sons that are going to be altered? how does the mother son dynamic work? or the brother sister?
sorry if I'm asking to many questions, I'm just fascinated by this concept..
They only really mind incest between kitisands and amagissas that are close relatives. An amagissa does not fuck her father, son, or brother. Sons are almost always separated from their families shortly after they come of age, as they'll be selected to be a kitisand by some amagissa or another. Girls are usually exposed at a fairly young age to kitisands servicing their amagissas or being fucked. It's just a normal thing for them that they don't really care about until they start hitting puberty. Then most of them start finding it sexy and fantasizing about having their own kitisands. They usually aren't interested in their mother's kitisand, that's someone they've probably known their entire life and humans have a genetic disposition to not find people they've known since they were young to be a sexual partner. Also, remember that they see other amagissa's kitisands all the time in regular life, sometimes publicly having sex. There's also some kitisand trading that goes on, since there isn't anything wrong with a kitisand being with multiple amagissas, so long as his master has given the okay. Around one in ten amagissas will never have a kitisand of their own and it isn't uncommon for a child to not even have his mother's kitisand as his father.
It's no problem. I like discussing the world and doing this also helps me better figure things out as well. Just be aware that this stuff might change at some point if I forget about it or end up writing things a different way for story purposes, it isn't set in stone.
Interesting. how about the non sexual family stuff? How do amagissas interact with a kitisand sibling after they're of age? say for example if they were twin boy girl. I'd imagine the difference in social status would make things interesting while growing up and after they meet again in the future. would the daughter of a kitisand have authority to punish or mind control her father? can the father even discipline their daughter or can they only discipline their sons? how do they feel about half sisters and brothers? what about amasissas that want to keep their sons? what are sons told when their young, do they know they will be morphed/modified by magic and made submissive? what do daughters and sisters feel about it?
back to the sexual stuff, would sisters share a kitisand? kitisands are modified to be submissive and they do seem to fuck each other as well, would kitisand twins be the ultimate luxury for nobles? is therea kitisand hierarchy. say kitisands that exist solely for the benefit and pleasure of other kitisands.
I've honestly been waiting since march for another update for this game, I'm really exited to see what you have in store. I'm very happy this is being worked on again, now if only the same would be for curse bound...
I actually don't want to answer some of those questions because of spoilers, but I'll answer the others.
Boys and girls are considered to reach adulthood at different times. A girl does when she undergoes the ritual that unlocks her magic when she first mentrates. Boys aren't considered adults until they're bound as a kitisand which only happens when they're around 18. Amagissas usually become more independent from their mothers from their mothers after this point and start forming their own lives. Boys on the other hand are suppose to remain dependent and loyal. They usually just hang around with their mothers and her kitisand, training in homemaking skills for when they're bound. Brothers and sisters naturally grow apart over this time and there often isn't anything particularly special that happens between siblings once the boy has been bound.
A kitisand can be given orders or directives from other women, but his master is the one with final authority. Before he becomes a kitiand, a boy's mother is the one who has that final authority over him. A girl doesn't actually have the authority of an amagissa until she undergoes the ritual of awakening, so two young siblings don't actually have that power dynamic yet. There may be posturing or cohesion, but a girl doesn't have an actual legal right to order a boy to do anything. A kitisand child keeper has no right to punish any children unless their mother has told him he may do so. Once a girl is a full amagissa, it's impractical for a kitisand to watch over her anymore, so it doesn't really happen. Half-siblings aren't a concern socially, only who their mother is matters.
Boys born into Amagissa society usually aren't physically and mentally altered as a mater of course. That's the slaves that are captured and brought in to become kitisands. Their people naturally take on that build and appearance as adults, its the amagissa magic that turns the girls into amazons. Some amagissas may choose to modify their kitisands after they're bound, but that's very rare.
the wait is killing me. thanks for answering all my questions. I cant wait to dive back into this.
I'm about half way through the next version now. I'm hoping to get it out either tonight or tomorrow, but I have no idea if that will be possible or not since there are some events I'll be going to in the next few days that will take up a lot of my time.
Boys born into Amagissa society usually aren't physically and mentally altered as a mater of course. That's the slaves that are captured and brought in to become kitisands.
Is there a hierarchy between Kitsands born to Amagissian mothers and those captured and transformed ? Speaking as a parent, your child can cease to be a child but you never cease being a parent.
Yeah, there is a balance that you have to try and strike between letting things happen naturally and also with getting sexual content as soon as possible to give people an idea of what to expect in your story. I'm planning on giving other chances to make the relationships with the other characters into sexual ones so that the player can set their own pace to an extent. That said, are there specific things that you think could be added to the original scenes to make them seem more gradual or emphasize how much the PC's mind has been altered? Maybe things like strange thoughts or urges that seem to be constantly jumping into the PC's mind? The main character backgrounds were written after the original intro in Despoina's quarters, so maybe another pass there is needed once the last of the backgrounds is done so that it flows better.
What do you think would be good additions to make the struggle seem more apparent? What content already shows off the internal conflict well? The masturbation scene is an example of something that's intended to draw attention to the internal conflict the PC is going through. Overt refusals to do what you're told wouldn't serve any practical purpose aside from pissing Despoina off, which is why I haven't added any beyond initially choosing not to wear a kitisand outfit. I've been sort of going for a sense of being carried along without being able to do anything about it. For example, I specifically made the scene with the hairstyle to show the lack of control the player has over their situation
After reading through the material again to refresh my memory I'd say the masturbation scene does work well to introduce the first inklings of his new internal conflict and the enhanced libido the PC will be dealing with. You might consider making that mandatory specifically because the concept does need a practical introduction. The timing of the first scene with your master still feels a bit off to me, though. A different placement might help it; maybe if it were moved to the first morning or evening, after the masturbation, bath, and dressing scenes and phrased more like a strong suggestion - not something she's outright demanding but still something expected of him. She does feel like a very traditional sort of character in their society and in all other places expects the PC to go along with what she's laying out for him so finding her such suggestions hard to resist would better justify why the character would go along with it.
Same with the scene with the futa guard. If there was some peer pressure in that scene - maybe some other guard expecting a show or another sort of "encouragement" - it would not only feel more natural but also let the player know, whether they actually go along with it or not, that they're now quite vulnerable to being pressured into things and they'll have to conjure some serious willpower if they're to resist being used.
My computer suddenly crashed and now it won't recognize the SSD that I've got my OS installed on. I've exhausted what I can do to work on it myself and will have to take it into the shop when they open on Monday. Fortunately I do backup my work on cloud sites so nothing critical has been lost if the SSD is completely bricked. My HDD is still recognized by the system BIOS, so that should still be fine.
I can install Twine on other computers in the house and all of my scripts are stored on google drive anyway, so I should be able to continue working in the mean time. This mainly means that I can't play my normal games (or my porn games) at the moment or work in my usual workspace.