How do I get in contact with the developers? I want to help


New Member
Jul 8, 2024
If any of the developers see this, I am trying to get in contact with any of them. I would like to help write the game! Offer up my services, as it were. I got 23 years' experience at ERP and Erotic fiction writing, and all of it in my wheelhouse. I don't expect to get paid for my work, but the game inspires me, so, here I am! If anyone knows of how I could get in contact with a developer or you are a developer, please leave a reply and I will get right back with you in a jiff. Thanks! Sorry if this kind of thing seems odd, but, my kinky as hell stories are stuff that would fit right in. I am pretty proficient in hypnosis/mind control stuff. Also, my main OC is a Hermaphrodite Naga! Lots of coiling, bondage, vore bad ends, you name it, I've done it! Thanks guys!


New Member
Jul 8, 2024
Noted, I have tons of ideas, I hope to get started on an easier to do dream sequence next weekend!