How did you come up with your usernames?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Because my first ever username was Lordgio and I decided one day to get a new one so I upgraded it to EmperorG. I actually came up with my first name for an MMO, but it had character limits, so I couldn't use my original planned name of 'Lord Giovanni'. Then I added a 9 to it cause Lordgio was already taken and 9 feels cooler than 2 or 3. So the G in my current username stands for Giovanni, though it could also stand for my real name since it also starts with a G. 

It's a bit silly, but I've stuck with it for nearly a decade now and that's how I'm going to remain.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2015
Happened years back a friend of mine helped me get over a bad week I have having by doing a retexture in Fallout 3 of the nuke in megaton and the mini nukes to look like tacos I could not stop laughing and crying from it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Cus there isnt nothing more badass that being Taboo Sho Minamoto.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I had to enter a full name into a website when I was younger, but I didn't want to use my own, so I took a random name, 'Jim', and tried to think of a last name. 'Tonic' sounded funny as an additive to that, like Jin & Tonic, so I threw that in not thinking much about it. It became a habit to throw in Jim Tonic to get past mandatory full-name entering from that point on.

When it came to smut writing, I didn't want to use my established internet names, so I threw in my staple as JimTonic. I eventually changed it to JimThermic because 1. JimTonic had low discoverability on Search Engines and 2. My wife groaned when she first saw it and said it was a lame username. Thermic implies heat, and I want to write hot stuff, so it wound up becoming JimThermic. I figured there wasn't a chance of there being too many others using that username on the net.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
Its always interesting to me to hear how people think up their online usernames.  So what's your story?  Mine's cause I like salty food.  And also because I have two modes when playing a game: 0% sodium, and 300% Sudden Death instant launch salty as fuck.

View attachment 1493

I was drinking a can of sprite while trying to think of a good non-human race/name/theme... Spritely, made me think of some sort of British/Australian Sprite(faerie like thingy), maybe a little bit posh also probably a dude. I was pretty freakin' high at the time.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The definition of a decanter, at least where I looked it up, is "ornamental vessel for holding and serving fluids", so it's a rather low-key dirty joke.
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Un-done screw

Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
looked around my room, and saw my door was off its hinges, the single screw barley clinging on.and slamming my two inch neckbeard dick on the keyboard helped as well 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015

Got my name due to two things. *points to profile pic*

A) I'm kinda nuts about Team Fortress 2.

And b)? The Sight For Sore Eyes Pyro misc is downright adorable/terrifying, depending on who you ask (personally, I'm in the adorable camp.).

And that's pretty much that.

Nice to make your acquaintances, by the way. This is my first post, and also the closest thing I could find to an introduction thread.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
The shape of the avatar picture is a square, I am quite reserved and I like alliterations. Hence, "ShySquare".
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I needed a name for less than savory sites so I typed in the first word that came to my head which was noob and then the second which was salad but I spelled it wrong but was okay with it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
mine is a fighting move from Godhand... and i accidentally capitalised the E and it's driving me INSANE I DON't THINK I CAN FIX IT GUYS!!
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Aug 26, 2015
Hrm, well my name kind just popped into my head. Though it roughly means Night, and take one letter away and its basically another way of saying Nox or the goddess of the night
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Oct 15, 2015
This one? Had a fiction class where we had to draw up two random words and write about them, right at around the time I realized I might need a username for stuff unconnected to my meatspace self. It has some nice visual alliteration as well, and doesn't immediately scream huge steampunk nerd like my old ones.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Years ago I needed to make a username for more NSFW sites, so I came up with this one much the same as my primary one: by typing in random letters until I came up with something that sounded ok when I spoke it aloud.

I'm not sure if Zaku actually has a meaning or not, I've never bothered to google it. Autocorrect seems ok with it, so maybe it's an actual word. *shrugs*
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Years ago I needed to make a username for more NSFW sites, so I came up with this one much the same as my primary one: by typing in random letters until I came up with something that sounded ok when I spoke it aloud.

I'm not sure if Zaku actually has a meaning or not, I've never bothered to google it. Autocorrect seems ok with it, so maybe it's an actual word. *shrugs*

Google is your friend (sometimes)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
No no, that was my first hit too. I just have never watched Gundam, so I know that didn't inspire the name at all.
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Nov 28, 2015
I always want my Username/Nickname to have the first letter of my name and end with my not-too-commonly-know-country, I started using my actual username since not too long but I really like it.
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