Horizon Table Top Game (Updated 8/4/2016)


Jun 24, 2016
Centauri barely make it past Shinora, with a 2 vote lead.

Next vote shall be... Oni vs Troll.  What shall win?  Drunk, lusty ogres, or ill mannered giants?


As always i'll be posting a bit of lore here, if interested.


An observation for this poll? Why not make Oni and Troll part of the same race? I recall there being a similar race that's split between two types (frog people, I think?) and this seems like a fitting time. Maybe Oni are traditionally the diplomatic/charismatic face of the species and trolls are traditionally warriors? Compared to previous polls, that seems most possible with this comparison.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2016
I put the vote up for Patreon supporters, but sadly nobody responded :p


Due to this, while Trolls Lost, when they enter the loser's bracket, they'll be under an umbrella category including similar creatures of more western fantasy decent.  Namely, Troll will likely get changed to 'Giant', and will include, Ogres, Giants,Cyclops, and Trolls.


That said, Oni will be more Eastern based, and will simply be their own beast.  If they lose, however, they'll likely be included under Troll as well.


Nooow for the...




Battlefield Engineer buffed a bit, allowing the Stasis Field to be used after a short recharge.  Rebuilding Drones buffed.  Integration more effective.


One Way Field Removed, replaced with Linked Senses


-Linked Senses-Drones gain the Battlefield Engineer’s Accuracy, and gain a bonus to the Battlefield Engineer’s base Defense.  They do not gain Integration bonuses, however.  In addition, the Battlefield Engineer sees what the drones sees, although now takes 2 damage if a drone is destroyed.


Reason:  While Battlefield Engineers possess some great control, ultimately they lacked what a Keeper could do better.  Even Heavy Gunners have the aspect of returning heavier damage if they're ignored.  Heavy Gunners may be retuned a bit as well, but currently possess a good deal of 'Don't attack me at your own risk'.


Cyber Thief Overload can now be stopped by shielding.  But overload Kinetic Shields on use.


Reason:  Cyber Thieves made a bit over powered duelists, turning them from skulking nuisances to more of an assassin roll.  That said, allowing the stun to be blocked needed to have the counter balance of potentially blowing up electronic shielding.  Being tech saboteurs, ultimately this fills the niche a bit better.


Future Updates:


Melee Nerf

While I wanted melee characters to have high risk, high reward, as the games went on, a major trait began to unfurl.  Melee characters were capable of  practically steamrolling everything in their way.  When the attacks routinely bypass Heavy Weapons by nearly 10+ points, something needs to be changed.  Most notably, a major change will be to Weapon Masters, who are currently able to cut through damage resistances like a hot knife through butter.


Current theory is that a lot of die bonuses to damage will be replaced by static Physical Force increases.  This will make their damage more consistent, but will also have a limiter based on race.


Zax Unbreakable Carapace Genetic upgrade likely getting a buff to static damage reduction, or flat out kinetic damage invulnerability of a die score.  


Reasons:  For an unbreakable carapace, it sure is squishy.



Apparently their body is vague, and I am currently in the works for giving specific cybernetic upgrades they possess.



Next Poll:

Will be this coming friday.  

Reason:  Due to work load increasing and kicking me directly in the balls, i'm just very tired, and can't bring my brain to fully function.  I will say that the next poll will be Gobolds (Goblin), vs Dryads/Treants.  Anyway, look forward to the next update in a few  days.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2016
Sorry about the lack of updates.  Had a bout of Depression, and really didn't feel like doing much of anything for the past month.  But thanks to the wonders of modern medication, I can at least function a bit better.

Anyway, while Dryads pulled ahead eventually, at the time of the poll end, Gobolds and Dryads were tied.  Rather than putting a deciding vote, i'm just moving them both forward, and putting the other poll on a back burner for a future fan pick.  

Rather than putting one poll up, going to put them all up.  Vote for each one, and in a few weeks, we'll do the next group.

Lamia vs Dryad


Gobold vs Orocu


Vespas vs Anubasad


Centauri vs Oni



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If you use the header system in gdocs, you can have it generate a table of contents with hyperlinks for you.  Also, while I can infer what all the other monsters are, I have no idea what Vespas or Anubasads are suppose to be.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2016
Hello! Friend of the game creator here! Here for my own little update! I was given permission to do revision work on both documents. To make them easier to read and simpler to navigate. I'd like to think I made that goal. Well, for one of them at least. I don't have the Fringe expansion done yet, but I did get the main document organized. This did conflate it to 167 pages, but it's better to navigate now.

It seems he beat me to the punch. This is what happens when you go out to make some noodles. Oh well, hope you all enjoy the revamped look I worked for almost a week for!
Last edited:


Jun 24, 2016
New docs with more organization? All the better for my own campaigns of SPACER.


Jun 24, 2016
Going to drop by to say that after reading the first doc's new format: the game is actually feasible to play without digging and manual bookmarking. Having a working table of contents is just an utter blessing.

Still running a game of this (albeit it's had some issues the last few weeks) and hoping we can get more people on the site running it.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2016
Sorry to hear you're having issues. But yeah, thank Jiktaq, who is currently working on the Fringe Document. As for me, well... Goo, Tech Suppliment Book, Faction Suppliment, Psionic Suppliment, and martial Suppliment. That and ongoing work on extended Fringe Race updates.

Going to give the poll a few more days, then to the finalists. Might even have something done by holidays.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2016
Hello everyone, long time right? Figured to ensure no one thinks this died due to lack of interest, PAC has been hard at work on the game and I have been doing lots to generate interest all over the interwebs! For example, take a look at the CHYOA story I have of it:


I do my own updates there, have a discussion thread where I talk about things I know will be done of the game, and people can make their own stories based on the knowledge they have available or even add their own spice to things.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2016
Impromptu update from me, the Horizon noobie editor. Since it seems PAC isn't all that into updating y'all on current events and I assume msot of you would like to stay up to date on things, I figured why not? Don't think he would mind.


Here you will find the newest document. It is called the "Warp Compendium". It is here you will find all information needed about the Warp, the realm where demons and gods dwell and affect the mortal plane. It is all information about all types of Warp Daemons, stats they would have, new veteran classes for Psionics, variants for Psionic abilities, Daemon Gods, and other fun things!

Hope you all enjoy!


Jun 24, 2016
Nice to see this updating. I might have to reboot my CYOA I was doing with a Goo-Human hybrid. Feels like ages since I fell off from being able to run my Horizon game (it was still called Spacer), too.

Going to be re-reading these since I heard it was all re-formatted and there's now a daemon addition... which adds psionic info. Something I've wanted for ages.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2016
Read and enjoy! Be sure to give us your opinion on it so we can further increased the effectiveness of learning the game as well as consider all ways of improving the game itself to be more fun to play.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2016
Newbie editor here again!

Just here to say that now the Goo race (or Irana) has been fully implemented. You can find them in the Fringe Document. Hope you enjoy!


Jun 24, 2016


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2016
Back again. The project went through a bit of hiatus due to creator getting tired of working on it for so long without a break and wanted to go into some other fields. However! He just got back into wanting to make some forum based Play-By-Post games for Horizon.

It got me expired to do my own game of Horizon! On the great old site of roll20.net! That way I don't have to worry about any BS site blockers and it's super easy to do a game.

If anyone is interested, let me know through PMing and I can set up a team. That is, if people are still interested in this game, since it's been awhile since there's been a update.


Jun 24, 2016
Back again. The project went through a bit of hiatus due to creator getting tired of working on it for so long without a break and wanted to go into some other fields. However! He just got back into wanting to make some forum based Play-By-Post games for Horizon.

It got me expired to do my own game of Horizon! On the great old site of roll20.net! That way I don't have to worry about any BS site blockers and it's super easy to do a game.

If anyone is interested, let me know through PMing and I can set up a team. That is, if people are still interested in this game, since it's been awhile since there's been a update.
Definitely hope we can get an additional player or two. First session went very well :Lc