The Ideas Subforum exists as a place to pitch concepts you intend to work on to the community, receive feedback and criticism on them, and then refine your ideas into a workable outline for the content you're going to be making.
This is not a place to pitch ideas for characters/items/etc. you want, but will not create yourself.
Allow me to explain:
Trials in Tainted Space accepts community content submissions. You don't need to know how to code to submit written content to TiTS (I sure don't!), but having an understanding of the parser we use is a must. There are many, many submission documents you can look at for examples to base your own documents off of. My signature contains a repository of them. Specific writing guides can be found in stickied in Event Submissions.
This subforum is a good place to take an idea you've come up with, and would like to work on yourself, and pitch them. See if it's actually a good idea, first and foremost, and allow other members of the community to suggest ways you could improve your starting idea. This process will help you save time by abandoning bad ideas, and help you to make the best quality submission possible from the ground up. Taking in feedback and making sweeping changes to your content after the fact is much harder than having a great starting point.
Once you have actual writing to share, start a topic in Event Submissions with a link to a publicly-viewable Google Document. This will allow community members to copy edit your work, and for coders to access it and implement it into the game.
Pitching ideas you do not intend to put the time and effort into writing is not the purpose of this subforum. You may do so, but expect a strongly negative response. Nobody is going to write your ideas for you: the people who can write have more ideas of their own than they can ever possibly write already; they don't need or want yours.
The exception to the above is ideas for purely mechanical changes to the game. If you have ideas that would improve the way the game works, combat balance, class features, etc., this is the place to put them up for discussion.