Harem, Dark RPG (VXA) game.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Thank you for bringing this to my attention Ideo.

When I packaged 4m0.3 to send it out for everyone, I had put in the in-progress walkthrough for 4m1 instead of the one for 4m0. The segment on Noemi's capture won't occur until 4m1, and cannot be done in 4m0. Same with the Shenetore segment.

It is correct as I've seen otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2016
I'm doing my best to stay on top of the walkthrough but I'm also trying to find a new job which will likely take lots of my time. I have an interview at 8:00 am today so i'll likely be busy for a while. Also for the time being since the work on obtaining the Inn in Eowen to turn it into a brothel is not finished but I started to put it into the walkthrough so that bit can be ignored till it is complete.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Testing is finished on v2c4m1 and I'm glad to send it out to my Patrons! Their support is why we're on a monthly release cycle instead of biannual so a huge thanks to them! Public release for 4m1 will be on the 24th.

Content Additions:
-Noemi has escaped from prison after the events in Lesser Corsix, and certainly is looking for you as much as you are looking for her!
-While Lesser Corsix have been saved from the Tu'Than, the city is still in dire straits! Isn't there someone in town that can help rebuild?
-The mysterious Naitay and the Cheli in the Westlands also have an interest in Noemi.
-The old inn in Eowen may have a more profitable purpose if you can convince it's owner to give up his old ways!
-After defeating the Orcs in the Westlands, Joan can start providing resources and open the forest to you.
-Hearing of Sarah's 'relaxing' trip to the resort, Samantha wants to take a break as well.
-Multiple scenes for Noemi and Terra as well as an additional scene for Rhea, Alena and Phoebe. 15 new scenes in the main game and 2 more exclusive to $25+ patrons!
-195 new images
-~230 pages of new text

Bugs fixes and Modifications
-Many images resized and recentered.
-Many small improvements on image cycling to make events flow smoother
-Alena had been set to attack at 150% faster than normal, where it was intended to be 50% faster. Corrected.
-Many Sprite swaps fixed


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
It looks like I was one of the creators chosen to beta the new option to charge when someone pledges, rather than waiting for the 1st of the month. The huge benefit to that is near instant gratification. As soon as your payment gets processed you'll get access to the tier rewards instead of having to wait. Hopefully this will also eliminate the 'I pledged, where's my rewards' messages as well!

4m2 is coming along very well. I have the main arc 95% written, 100% coded and imaged. Once the proofs on the writing get down I can get that finalized. Will have a lot of other things to do as well. An old placeholder character's getting a full backstory and questline this time around, Fiona will be capturable (although it will not be cheap) as well as the Brothel opening up with some limited content for it. Hiro's sidequest is also sounding very cool.

Although yesterday was one of those days that seemed like every time I got to work something came up to distract me. If you want to find out what that means, check the blog as I can't attach images here. But I was very happy with the way it turned out!


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Alright, the code is all in place for the brothel and I like it's implementation far better than in version 1. Should be a bit more interactive and obvious without the level demands of before. Your whores will get a customer wave every 5 battles. There will be another handful of scenes for it. You'll have to convince Samantha/Noemi if you want them to whore (3 scenes total) and there will be a handful of small whoring scenes in 4m2. Noemi, Phoebe and Naitay will all get one. Samantha and Terra most likely will. I might add in a few more. They'll be 2-3 pages scenes instead of the 6-10 page length of most full scenes, 2-3 images instead of 7-12.

But it needs a name!
What I've done is create an option to select between two different names. I'm going to use the suggestions from Patrons but have two different polls, one Patron one public and those will be the two options for your brothel's name.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
v2c4m2 is firming up, with the vast majority written and mostly coded/imaged. Not enough to pin down a release date beyond July but enough to tell you all what's coming!

Content Additions
-There is yet another barrier blocking your path to to Corsix. You'll have to find a way to strengthen Terra to get past it.
-In doing so, you will capture another slave, one with a mysterious past that she has had taken from her. Unlocking it will grant her great power, but at great risk.
-A new questline from the Celeean Swords and a new slave to add to your harem.
-Fiona will have another quest for you, and her arrogance and greed could make her vulnerable to ones whose pockets are deep enough.
-The repairs on your brothel have finally been completed, letting you open it for business. Some slaves may require 'convincing' in order to serve there.
-Scenes for Phoebe/Noemi, Terra, Kathleen, Fiona and Cindy, plus a handful of brothel scenes.

I have a bunch of teasers ready. Check the blog if you want to see them! (can't attach images here)


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
When I went onto Patreon and switched to monthly releases, I decided to switch between major releases (main storyline progression) and minor releases (side quests and non-plot slaves). This was mostly done as I knew I couldn’t do a major every month and the minors gave me a chance to keep new content coming while simultaneously giving me the time to rewrite/code the old content.

Generally, we’ve been doing a major followed by two minors over time. Initially, this was done to buy me time more than anything else. As I’ve been developing the minor quests, something interesting happened. I found that I really enjoyed adding some breadth to the world. Exploring new territories, learning about the history of the world and getting to know the existing cast better. And of course, finding and enslaving new women.

As we go into Chapter 5 we’re going to be hitting an on-rails section. Some fairly big things will be happening with the plot and to make sure that flows properly and makes sense, I have to control the pacing. Once we hit that, we’re probably going to be looking at roughly 4 months of on-rails as we go through two months of Corsix and then 2 months dealing with the aftermath of what happens there. While there will be some new content there (Kathleen/Fiona mostly) most of it will be retreads of v1 content. And you won’t get back to Celee for months.

So the question is: Where to go next? I want to know what you all think. Would you enjoy starting the on-rails section, knowing that it’s going to last a few months, or should there be a 4m3 and explore some of the new content more? I definitely have more stories to tell about Fiona, Naitay, and Joan that really won’t get told for quite a while without a 4m3.

I want your feedback. Where you want to see Harem go? Your feedback will decide this. But just to be upfront, unless feedback is definitely in one direction or another, it will be decided by a Patreon-only poll.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For my feedback I'm definitely voting for 4m3. I love seeing more content and exploring the history and lore of the world, and it should hopefully be fun.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2016
I'm gonna agree with Number13. Having played v1 and having it end around the rail section after reclaiming Terra I'm not quite ready to tackle that section just yet. so a C4m3 is more enticing to me as a player.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
v2c4m1.2 Public release!

Noemi will be yours!
Game download

RTP download (if this is your first RPG maker ACE game, you'll need to install this)

Content Additions:
-Noemi has escaped from prison after the events in Lesser Corsix, and certainly is looking for you as much as you are looking for her!
-While Lesser Corsix have been saved from the Tu'Than, the city is still in dire straits! Isn't there someone in town that can help rebuild?
-The mysterious Naitay and the Cheli in the Westlands also have an interest in Noemi.
-The old inn in Eowen may have a more profitable purpose if you can convince it's owner to give up his old ways!
-After defeating the Orcs in the Westlands, Joan can start providing resources and open the forest to you.
-Hearing of Sarah's 'relaxing' trip to the resort, Samantha wants to take a break as well.
-Multiple scenes for Noemi and Terra as well as an additional scene for Rhea, Alena and Phoebe. 15 new scenes in the main game and 2 more exclusive to $25+ patrons!
-195 new images
-~230 pages of new text

Bugs fixes and Modifications
-Many images resized and recentered.
-Many small improvements on image cycling to make events flow smoother
-Alena had been set to attack at 150% faster than normal, where it was intended to be 50% faster. Corrected.
-Many Sprite swaps fixed
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Another good update.

Haven't figured out how to manipulate the Inn owner at Eowen for myself though.

Just to ask, is gaining Alena a dark path only event or did I miss gaining her?

Will the area North-west of Shentora eventually become available?

When fighting Naitay with Noemi, the bleed affect wasn't working.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2016
Alena is a dark path only at this point but ker did say that the one that was not obtained in the path specific Croxis will be obtained later though that may be waiting till Ch.7. As for the bleed effect idk. I just stuck to attacking till the poison ailment was inflicted the n played defense with healing items since Naitay hits like a truck in this that first fight. If had to update the walkthrough a bit since I found somethings I missed but at the time I was finding a lot of things so I don't think I sent a different walkthrough update so I'll include it here. Pleas forgive the lateness of this update but it will be a little better then before. On that note after the next major release and subsequent minor releases I'll rewrite the walkthrough from the beginning so to male it less jumpy and get the minor  and major content mixed in a little e better so it makes some organizational sense when compared to how I wrote the beginning.

View attachment Harem V2 Walkthrough.rtf


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Ikatashi - I just sent you a beta version of 4m2 for the next section of walkthrough.

Number13 -

You don't know enough about Jon to manipulate him.  His brother runs the item shop in town and might have more information for you, even plans of his own.

Alena is dark path only currently as Rhea is light path.  There might be a way to get them in the future, but that's months off at best.

Yes, we will find a use for the area NW of Shenetore.  Not sure exactly what, but odds are it'll figure into 4m3.

I'll take a look at the bleed, but unlikely to get fixed by 4m2's release.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Bug Fixes
-You can rape Noemi in her cell even after saving the Lesser Corsix (retroactive)
-Properly coded the end of Terra's date (retroactive to busted saves)
-Corrected walkthrough version
-Tu'Than sacrifice returned to party after Jessica's event at gala (Not retroactive.  Will become retroactive at 4m2)
-Adjusted tentacle cave 2/3 transfer to avoid being stuck in a misplaced rock.


Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I was replaying one of of Terra's scenes called The Key to That Memory (Light) and it seems like in the middle of the scene it transitions into the Dark path scene with her chained in the dungeon while telling about Isabella.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Newest release is very unstable, I have had 3 crashes in about a hour

Are they crashes from within ACE (missing resources or script errors) or hard to windows crashes?  If it's the latter, stop holding control when entering combat.  It's a known bug that we can't figure out why it's happening.  I'd prefer not to reassign the skip/hide keys but we might have to in a future release.

I was replaying one of of Terra's scenes called The Key to That Memory (Light) and it seems like in the middle of the scene it transitions into the Dark path scene with her chained in the dungeon while telling about Isabella.

Grr, I'll take a look at that to see if I can get it fixed from 4m2.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
After the second village it stopped crashing. I had been minimizing the game up to that point.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Just released v2c4m2 to my $5+ Patrons today!  Let me know what you think of it, I think it's very cool!  Definitely the largest and most complex minor release I've ever done.  Nearly 300 pages of new text and images with some of the most intricate coding that I've done to date.   Public release will be on 7/29!

And just a reminder to everyone.  I'm one of the content creators testing the new pay at pledge option.  So if it sounds interesting, go to https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2583450 and pledge at least $5 to support the development of Harem.  And as soon as your payment goes through, look at the other posts I made today for the download links!


Content Additions

-There is yet another barrier blocking your path to Corsix and you must remove it. You'll have to find a way to strengthen Terra to get past the barrier!

-In doing so, you will capture another slave, one with a mysterious past that she has had taken from her. Unlocking it will grant her great power, but at great risk.

-A new questline from the Celeean Swords and a new slave to add to your harem.

-Fiona will have another quest for you, and her arrogance and greed could make her vulnerable to ones whose pockets are deep enough.

-The repairs on your brothel have finally been completed, letting you open it for business. Some slaves may require 'convincing' in order to serve there.

-Scenes for Phoebe/Noemi, Terra, Kathleen, Fiona and Cindy, plus a handful of brothel scenes.

-More than 270 images and 290 pages of text added

-19 new scenes added to main game. 5 brothel scenes in addition. 2 new NC scenes, one open to all!


Bug Fixes/Modifications

-Quite a few modifications to characters behind the scenes for future content. This does require a full character reset.

-Brothel sequence cannot be started until after you've captured Angelica

-Allowing for a 12 character name for the main character. This may cause text clip issues, go beyond 6 with caution.  You must use the main character rename option in system menu to enable this.

-Hearthstone will only show you places you've already visited

-Character Bios added

-Significantly more hints toward where quests are
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
A fyi to everyone!  Patreon and Paypal (Braintree) have worked out a deal allowing Paypal being used to support and donate development of adult content.  So if you've ever wanted to support Harem's development but wanted to use Paypal, swing on over to the Harem Patreon page and there should be options to do so.  I don't personally know how it works, but one of the reasons why I love working with Patreon is their ability to simplify the income side of indy development.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
So a bit of personal info. During the end of the 4m2 dev cycle I put in a string of 14+ hour days trying to get everything working right and an early July release. Unfortunately I got myself sick in the process and had to take a light week afterwards to recuperate. My own contribution to 4m3 will be a bit smaller as a result, but Hunter769 has decided to join the quest writing team and his ideas a pretty cool! Between him and Hiro's work 4m3 should still be a decent sized update.

This is a preliminary change log, please don't view these as locked yet!
-The end of Kathleen's sequence may have resolved her past, but it was a bit of a cliff-hanger for the rest of Celee. You'll have to work with the Celeean Swords to address this new threat and change your relationship with them fundamentally in the process.
-You control both of the human groups in the Westlands, but the peace between them is shaky at best. You'll need to unify your followers before going further into this new land.
-Hiro is further expanding Heather, and she'll function as a quest hub inside of your Castra for those who have taken the time to capture her.
-Hunter769 is working on creating unique items for every character in the game gained through a quest series. Because Terra and Donna won the poll (I'm calling it a tie) they'll be the first two to get quests for their unique gear.
-As Terra actually won the poll, she'll be getting a set of scenes in 4m3.
-Sarah will also be getting a unique item. If we can get the scripts working right you'll be able to upgrade the unique items to keep them always relevant to the characters. If not I can do it through events, but it would be far clunkier.
-Additional Brothel content.

I'm closing the 4m3 additional content poll as of now and creating the September development poll. Is it time for you to go deeper into Rata and progress the main plot or would you all like to spend more time in Celee. 4m3 will wrap up most of the macro events going on in Celee, 4m4 would expand on the unique item idea to hopefully every Celeean-born slave. I'd probably try to sneak in some additional Vanessa and maybe Jessica content as well if we stick around for longer.

As usual, to participate in the poll you must be a supporter of Harem at the $2+ level at least, but you're free to comment here if you wish!
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New Member
Jul 18, 2016
This is one of my favorite adult games and one I follow every update of since the the beginning of the second version.  I would recommend it greatly. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Have to admit, Harem Is among my favourite RPG maker games I play. It has a lot of content that gets me hooked for hours and I like how your choices have an impact on the story. I also like how there are so many quests for me to perform and the ability to teleport, which makes it easier to travel around. Truly, one of my favourite adult games I've played.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Thanks for the kind words you two!

I've put a pair of teaser images up on the blog!  http://harem-vx.blogspot.com/

Terra had won the Patreon vote to get a bonus scene in the 4m3 content and I just imaged it today.  Another one of your harem decided to help out her 'going away party', although you'll have to wait for release to see who it was!


Aug 27, 2015
The game is pretty much one of the top three RPG maker games. Great sex scenes and story, but I'm not a fan of the combat as it's usually just have the healer in your team and turn auto on and that makes you invincible as the cost of healing is so low that you can cast it about 40 times before you run out of MP Honestly not a problem for me as I play the game for the story and combat is a minor nuisance in between but I would recommend having a difficulty setting that increases ability costs for people who want difficult combat. the Characters are good usually being quite well rounded and fleshed out. My favorite scene in the game was the moment where you rescue the daughter of a noble from orks, I like this not for the sex scene and more because it was something I never expected to see in any sex game .


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2016
I've lost with auto battle before but that was early on in the game and I tend to tire of random combat easily and end up running from everything as soon as I get what I want. Combat with in map sprits are easily avoided so RBE is just about the only way I fight in this game. Although I tend to keep Donna out of my ABP to heal in between battle as she can't take a hit. Even with good equipment so there maybe my reason for battling myself rather than letting the program do it for me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Thanks for the kind words Jing!  I'm a bit torn on the combat myself.  It's important to get a sense of effort and accomplishment but I'm not great with it.  So ultimately I've decided to let people get a bit OP and figure out unbeatable combos and feel powerful!  Much like the rest of the game.  Speak of such, more 4m3 teasers!




Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Great sex scenes and story, but I'm not a fan of the combat as it's usually just have the healer in your team and turn auto on and that makes you invincible as the cost of healing is so low that you can cast it about 40 times before you run out of MP 

Speaking of combat, I actually preferred the TP system in the first version of the game where pretty much every character had their own unique system for gaining points, rather than the current version's 'everyone can pick their system a-la-carte'. Having it locked to characters helped the characters feel more unique.