Harem, Dark RPG (VXA) game.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
8m3 update
8m3 update.jpg
I hope you all had a great holidays! I enjoyed mine quite a bit, feeling good enough to travel for the entire period and visit both my family and friends. Lots of fun, but time to get our noses back to our grindstone.

For the last week I’ve been putting together content for the Harem c8m3 release. This will be a smaller release due to the holidays, hoping to get about 100 pages and images or so. I left you with a bit of a cliffhanger after being sent away from Valerie unsatisfied, but Noemi and Phoebe were waiting to help you with that. They’ll take their turns satisfying you before Valerie sends you on another quest. But you’ll should get a bit more than just a feel for this one.

Beyond that, I’m just about caught up with the patreon poll scenes. Noemi’s was done last month, I worked out all what I wanted for Rhea’s scenes so those should be in 8m3 (both light and dark). Just finishing up those, I’ll likely do Vanessa’s TKP and the start up a poll for the next one. I’ve also had a fun idea for Cecilia’s assessment. She’s the only woman who wouldn’t call you master on entering Corsix, it’s time to have a bit of fun making that official now. I’m also going to get a Legate+ scene done, sorry the last one got caught up in the holidays.

I want to enter beta this week, which there are a bunch of things that we just won’t have time to get to due to the shortened dev cycle. I have a good start on Mercalius/Livia’s next bit, but not enough to get done in a reasonable amount of time. Derek’s gotten most of Eowen’s start done and Altan has Baylie nearly done, but neither of those are done enough to push into 8m3. 8m4 should be either early or large, we’ll have to see.

Anyways, thank you for the support as always!


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Harem c8m3 is ready for you all! You met Nona’s young daughter Valerie last month. A quite headstrong woman, capable of making her own decisions both in terms of getting her mother’s quest done and how she conducts herself in private. She’s quite fond of you, you’re quite attracted to her. Time to let things play out, but of course there is that pesky quest she needs done first… oh, and your own needs to satisfy beforehand. Fortunately, Phoebe and Noemi are more than eager to take care of anything she wasn’t willing to the night before!

There’s both new business to get started and old business to take care of. Cecilia was the only woman you entered Corsix with that wasn’t willing to call you her master in front of the assessor. Now you’ve changed her mind, time to correct that prior mistake. During one of my latest polls, you all said you wanted to see more of Rhea. 8m3 adds in a pair of scenes for her, one light and one dark. And any Legate+ Patrons get to see a new scene in the “Angie’s in Charge” line, “Laura - Not What You Want, What I Want (dark)”.


c8m3 - Holiday shortened, scene focused!
Content additions:
-Valerie blueballed you pretty hard last night, but not an issue to a man with a Harem. Noemi and Phoebe are waiting for you in Phoebe's house in the Cheli village
-Speaking of Valerie, time to move beyond first base with her. She has another quest and scene for you
-Of all the women you took in Celee, only Celee refused to be assessed. She has submitted, time to bring her back to the assessor.
-Rhea has a new light and dark scene. Light is in Lesser Corsix, Dark (group) is back in base.
-7 new scenes (2 group, 1 Rhea, 3 Cecilia, 1 Valerie)
-101 pages of new text, 146 new images
-Many minor bug fixes

With that, Harem c8m2 goes out to the public. Another smaller release due to holidays/health, but also packed with titillating content! The Castra had been your primary base during your time in Celee, now that you’re back into Celee you’ll want to occupy it again… assuming nothing else has. Nona has asked you to look after her young daughter she sent into Celee to complete a mysterious quest… but she’s old enough to be an adult which makes her old enough if she’s worthy of your attentions. And if you made allies during your previous escapades in Celee, it’s time to check on them. Starting with Benjamin in Lesser Corsix.

c8m2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3KuKjSbH2FhYmNGX1Z0U0Zpemc
-You've been away from your Castra for too long. You acquired it first to find a way into Lesser Corsix, now it will be able to get you past Lesser Corsix.
-And with access to more of Celee, Valerie is out there somewhere. Maybe a new army buddy of yours will know where she is.
-The Celeean Swords were good allies and rewarded you well in the past. Benjamin in Lesser Corsix needs your help again.
-Noemi accepts you as her god, but she's still a willful woman. Selene might have a new trick to teach her in The King's Pleasure.
-4 new scenes add (View Noemi's training in replay mode)
-177 pages of new content, 109 new images

Bug Fix/QoL
-Fixed Freeze in Fiona's chapter 7 content
-2 upgraded items added to Fiona's shop in Celee.
-Many fixes in old content, thanks TG!

8m3 front.jpg 8m3 back.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Harem c8m3.1/c8m2.1 released!

Fairly minor bugfix version, the only critical issue was a freeze when entering the Cheli Village while Noemi was busy. A few text/image fixes and you'll stop seeing version after every load. All prior replay files will work.

Patreon c8m3.1 Link : https://www.patreon.com/posts/24220898
Public folder updated for c8m2.1 : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B3KuKjSbH2FhYmNGX1Z0U0Zpemc

Bug fixes
-Version will stop updating with every load.
-Fixed a freeze when entering Cheli village w/o Noemi
-A few text/image corrections

Bug fixes
-Fixed a freeze when entering Cheli village w/o Noemi


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Combat/code pass upcoming!

I’ve been hearing the feedback that the combat/mechanics in Harem could use improvement. While this is something I’ve always agreed with, it’s always been a question of priority to me. Spend hours tweaking stats and abilities or write another scene/plot point. Generally I’ve been happy keeping the gameplay ‘acceptable’ and trying to make the story excellent.

A few months ago a patron, TG22, joined the testing team and has proven himself very knowledgeable on the inner working on the RPG-maker combat systems. Far more knowledgeable than me tbh. A few weeks ago I asked him if he would be willing to get take on a larger role, moving into a developer role and go looking through the code and design to see how he could improve them.

And holy *^%& has he been working on it. He’s fixed many issues with enemies and skills already, so things should work closer to how they’ve been described. He’s helped me rework both Rhea and Vanessa already, trying to keep their core concepts around but make them more interesting and interactive characters to play with. As well as improving quite a few scripts and code that I can’t even pretend to understand. So a huge thanks to him.

And this is the ideal time to give us suggestions on how you’d like the mechanics of Harem improved. Which characters could be more interesting to play, which enemies more interesting to fight. The actual gameplay of Harem, not story or personalities. He’ll check here occasionally and I’ll relay key points to him as I see them.

Just as always, keep in mind these will be suggestions only. Some we won’t be able to do, some we’ll choose not to do. But we genuinely do want to hear your opinions on this.

And both thank you to TG22 and a big welcome to the dev team!

There's also a 8m4 update post on Patreon right now, check it out if you want to know what's upcoming!


Active Member
Feb 27, 2016
there is n error in the text for sarah eent on the dark path called to make her fear on the option when we make donna participate, it reads donna hides her smile while hidding her ERECTION???, either she is pretty damn good at hiding it or she had a shot of throbb before just before that event happened....BTW love how she looks on that blue outfit


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Harem c8m4 released to patrons, public version upgraded to c8m3!

c8m4 front.jpg c8m4 back.jpg
Harem c8m4 is ready for my wonderful patrons! As we push further into Celee, the gates of Eowen is finally open to you. While Hanno and your brothel will be opened later, there are two huge things to do there. First, you’ll be able to extend your portal network into Celee after helping one of your allies’ lieutenants. But considering they’re both beautiful women, that’s hardly work! Second, you had met a beautiful waitress, the slave Baylie, in Eowen before. Her owner wasn’t willing to sell her until he could travel to Eowen to purchase a replacement, but that passage is open now. Although you remember she was a bit odd…

But the Empire is still full of women for you to find. Livia, Mercalius’s wife, was injured in Booker’s attack. She’s not taking male visitors while she recuperates, but you have healers that could help her. And a woman in the inside would be useful, if only temporarily.

And we’ve completed the first stage of our combat upgrade. There were quite a few characters that were either ineffective or boring to use. Vanessa’s tanking ability is improved. Rhea, Naitay, and Sarah’s characters have new fundamental mechanics. Jessica, Terra, and Angelica have gotten tweaks as well and many enemy/gear/item fixes.

c8m4 https://www.patreon.com/posts/24886685

Content additions
-Livia’s healing is going slower than you’d like. After meeting Aries in your Castra, you can assign a healer to help her recovery and possibly her husband’s needs.
-Eowen is now opened to explore and talk to the citizens after meeting Valarie in the Cheli village and speaking to the chieftain. Hanno is slated for 8m5, the brothel in the near future.
-Your ally has sent one of her most trusted lieutenants to set up a new portal for you in Eowen, but she may need help for it to be finished.
-While you got most of the women in you wanted in Celee before, a few got away. Baylie’s, the waitress in Eowen, wouldn’t sell her until the way to Corsix was opened. Well you opened it, time to get her!
-Phase 1 of the combat improvement completed! We went through and tried to improve a few of the less useful or interesting character’s design and skills. Sarah, Rhea, Jessica, and Naitay have all received significant changes. Vanessa, Terra, Angelica, and Donna have received tweaks as well.
-6 new scenes added to the game
-~190 new pages of text, `~190 new images

Other adjustments:
-All characters had to be unequipped for the new designs. Make sure to equip them again.
-Large shields have been buffed by 33% but made exclusive to Ralph and Vanessa
-Many more skills will crit now, many monsters, skills, item, and animations fixed.
-Note: Because Mercalius doesn't return Donna until 8m5 and she's required for a few of Baylie's events, the game "forgets" Donna shouldn't be in the base. She won't be in combat, but she will be in your Denai base. This "bug" will be fixed in 8m5. Please don't report it.
-Added a combat glossary to help explain the mechanics.

And with c8m4 out to patrons, c8m3 becomes free to the public! This is a bit of a shorter release due to the holidays, but still had some quality content.. and by that I mean scenes, scenes, and more scenes! Valerie gets a taste of you for the first time, Noemi and Phoebe get their 789th (est) turn. Rhea gets introduced to your harem in the dark route, and reintroduces herself to the people of Eowen. And Cecilia gets her turn in front of the assessor!

c8m3 - Holiday shortened, scene focused! https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3KuKjSbH2FhYmNGX1Z0U0Zpemc

Content additions:
-Valerie blueballed you pretty hard last night, but not an issue to a man with a Harem. Noemi and Phoebe are waiting for you in Phoebe's house in the Cheli village
-Speaking of Valerie, time to move beyond first base with her. She has another quest and scene for you
-Of all the women you took in Celee, only Cecilia refused to be assesssed. She has submitted, time to bring her back to the assessor.
-Rhea has a new light and dark scene. Light is in Lesser Corsix, Dark (group) is back in base.
-7 new scenes (2 group, 1 Rhea, 3 Cecilia, 1 Valerie)
-101 pages of new text, 146 new images
-Many minor bug fixes


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
8m5 first teasers!
8m5 intro.jpg
I hope everyone’s had fun with the new content released last month! For the patrons playing 8m4, I’d still love more feedback on the combat pass. So far it’s been positive, but the more we hear back the better we can make it. So all opinions, critical or positive, are appreciated.

Onto 8m5! So, there’s three big things we’re working on for 8m5. Altan has been making a questline to get us back into the Westlands for the last month, so we’ll be finding out what Joan and the Cheli have been up to. Not sure how far into it we’ll get, but there is another character planned in the Westlands. Hiro has been working more on Eowen. Hanno, Angelica’s father, may or may not know she’s joined your harem. That’s something which needs to be resolved. TG22 has moved onto redoing the Brothel code, so hopefully can get a smooth interface for that so we can stop using the mess of code I stitched together back in chapter 4 for it. So lots of new events for you.

As to what I am working on for 8m5? Well, I’m going to talk more about that next post, but I will say that my first priority is getting Angie or Donna back from Mercalius. Gotta save something for the next post!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2016
Don't know what it's worth but Ker did make a post on his Patreon titled "I'm alive!"

It was posted on the March, 31.


Active Member
Feb 27, 2016
yeah on april fools day, mixed signals on that one. i know he said that the monthly updates aren't a 100% thing, but some status updates are a welcome thing, pretty sure some of the patreon backers feel the same


Active Member
Feb 27, 2016
been two months since the last public news, and close to one since the last patreon post. leta hope this one doesnt become another abandoned unfinished game, anyone knows about the contents of the last patreon post?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I live!

Hey everyone, sorry for the extended absence but both I and Harem is back. Had some severe health issues that knocked me out for a few months there but it looks like I have turned a corner on it, enough to get back to work at least. There’s a few more details on my patreon about what happened, but I am a private person by nature so not a great deal.

We’re way too far into July to hope for a release this month still but reviewing what was done before my illness and there was a decent amount of content already fairly well set up. Enough where getting a solid update together in August should be quite doable. And when 8m5 comes out, 8m4 will go public. I'll stop by in a few days to do the usual teaser content for the new content, today I just wanted to stop by and say that neither I nor Harem is dead. It may have come close a few times back there, but there are more updates, scenes, and quests to come!


Apr 1, 2017
Holy shit. The man of the hour is back.

I'm so glad one of my fav games isn't abandoned as I feared it to be.


Apr 1, 2017
I'm interested in how the MC will continue to prevent his slaves from being suspicious on his brainwashing power from the Angels' ring. He was shitting bricks on that notion in the later updates. How long can he keep it up?

Ker has been in this Harem project since 2010 iirc (I have been playing the first installments since 2012)

Great game. Glad everything is back running. Stay safe and healthy ker.

One thing I'd like is the complete bio information of the girls part of some document package when downloading updates. (Their origins, age, race, etc)


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Harem c8m5 released to patrons, public version updated to c8m4!

After entire too long, I’m happy to announce that Harem c8m5 is ready for my patrons! In what was supposed to be a leave of only a few weeks, you have been without your healer for many months now. Well, finish the next few Aries’s quests and her time helping Livia recover is at an end. And she’ll have quite a few stories to tell you from her time in Mercalius’s mansion. Speaking of missing women, Joan has been gone since you sent her back to the Westlands. With the Ratans in Celee, you should check in on her. Speaking of people and places you should also be checking in on, Hanno in Eowen would like to see his daughter again and your brothel has been closed for far too long. Something vague about the ‘plot’ as well. Oh… and Yvone. Yup, Yvone. And a huge number of bug fixes by TG22 and new code for both Ralph and Vanessa.

c8m5 https://www.patreon.com/posts/28996259

Content additions
-The plot quickens!
-You've done as Mercalius requested by helping Aries. Time to recover your healer and start on a plan to betray Aries.
-With gaining entry to Eowen, you should check on your friend Hanno the governor. Make sure to bring his daughter along!
-Westlands opened. It's been too long since you've visited your assets in there.
-You've met many new women... time to reopen your brothel and get them working!
-Bonus scene with Yvone involving her, you, and Donnie or Tomas. A small conversation if you sent them packing.
-6 new scenes, 202 pages of new text in game, 205 new images

Bug fixes/combat adjustments
-Fixed a memory leak that was causing crashes.
-Ralph has a new passive aura, Vanessa has a new TP mode. Various other character fixes.
-Brand new brothel UI! https://harem-db.lewdbit.studio/wiki/Eowen_Brothel
-Fixed an issue where you could get back to Celee without Adeline. Talk to Mercalius to have her added to your party if she was not after her questline completed.
-Retconned Shenetore Elders to have names, Kyruth and Safio
-Improved item UI and many moderate to minor bug fixes/combat improvements.

And again, thank you to all my patrons who continued their support during my long illness and recovery. And with the patron release, the public version gets updated to Harem c8m4. Livia was injured in Booker’s attack and Mercalius will want your help in healing her back to help, and maybe a bit of stress release for himself. Eowen is opened to you, offering chances to meet both new and old friends. With benefits, of course. This is also the start of the combat revamp, many characters received significant upgrades.

c8m4.2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3KuKjSbH2FhYmNGX1Z0U0Zpemc

Content additions
-Livia’s healing is going slower than you’d like. After meeting Aries in your Castra, you can assign a healer to help her recovery and possibly her husband’s needs.
-Eowen is now opened to explore and talk to the citizens after meeting Valarie in the Cheli village and speaking to the chieftain. Hanno is slated for 8m5, the brothel in the near future.
-Your ally has sent one of her most trusted lieutenants to set up a new portal for you in Eowen, but she may need help for it to be finished.
-While you got most of the women in you wanted in Celee before, a few got away. Baylie's owner, the waitress in Eowen, wouldn’t sell her until the way to Corsix was opened. Well you opened it, time to get her!
-Phase 1 of the combat improvement completed! We went through and tried to improve a few of the less useful or interesting character’s design and skills. Sarah, Rhea, Jessica, and Naitay have all received significant changes. Vanessa, Terra, Angelica, and Donna have received tweaks as well.
-6 new scenes added to the game
-196 new pages of text, 218 new images

Other adjustments:
-All characters had to be unequipped for the new designs. Make sure to equip them again.
-Large shields have been buffed by 33% but made exclusive to Ralph and Vanessa
-Many more skills will crit now, many monsters, skills, item, and animations fixed.
-Note: Because Mercalius doesn't return Donna until 8m5 and she's required for a few of Baylie's events, the game "forgets" Donna shouldn't be in the base. She won't be in combat, but she will be in your Denai base. This "bug" will be fixed in 8m5. Please don't report it.
-Added a combat glossary to help explain the mechanics.

One thing I'd like is the complete bio information of the girls part of some document package when downloading updates. (Their origins, age, race, etc)

Some of that is in the wiki https://harem-db.lewdbit.studio/wiki/Home


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
8m6 intro.jpg
Hey everyone, hoping that you’re enjoying the new content! Development for Harem c8m6 is coming along nicely. We’re up to 141 pages of writing done already which is ahead of schedule, even have a touch of coding and imaging done. In terms of new content, I’m doing a bit of both progressing the main plot along and finishing up some old plots.

Both the Westlands and Castra plots are getting another step in, those are essentially done, as are Angelica and Donna’s reward scenes from their time with Livia. Speaking of our favorite Magni, you’ll also get to know her better in 8m6, although her capture is a long way off. I’m also hoping to get Leona’s capture done this month (mostly done already) as well as Rhea’s quickie. If I have much space left in the 200 page budget I’m going to try for either another off camera scene for the legates and/or another bit for the adversary plot. If the off-camera scene gets done, it would bump Sam and Terra dark to public.

And as always, when 8m6 goes to my patrons, 8m5 will become available to everyone! But if you don’t want to wait, hey I’d love your support and a $5 pledge will get you instant access to the new content, as well as the chance to vote in the 2 polls running. Maybe a few teasers of 8m5 to motivate!
8m5 t1.JPG 8m5 t2.JPG

I’ve been keeping an eye on the polls and so far, it’s looking like Chinua is getting her turn in the brothel next and that the Eldari need more attention. Which means that the Fiona/Mary plot needs to get done so we can make the Solis Diamond. The brothel poll is set to end on the 25th and the focus plot on the 30th, so remember to vote if you haven’t already.



Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Greetings to everyone! I’m hoping that you’ve enjoyed the new Harem c8m5 if you’re supporting me on Patreon, c8m4 if not. It was good to get as much positive feedback as I did after my return, really helped me get back into stride. Progress has been going well on both new and old content.
8m6 update 823.jpg8m5 t3.JPG 8m5 t4.jpg 8m5 t6.jpg
We’re currently doing the combat pass 3 “beta” testing. TG22 has been helping me update the class design over the last few releases, trying to improve the admittedly basic combat loop for Harem. CP3 is trying to improve the early game, both with more interesting classes but overall a better monster system. In 8m6 it should be complete, with all the non-sequenced fights in chapters 1-4 adapting to your level. So you won’t ever significantly under or over level any fight, making things like composition choices and gearing more important than simple grinding. And if you don’t like any of that, it will make the difficulty controls work properly in c1-4 where previously they only had an effect after chapter 5. Including going to -100 and making almost all fights trivial if you’re just in this for the “story”. A big thanks to him and all the testers!

As to c8m6, progress is great. I’m almost at the 200 pages written, the majority of code is in place, the only big jobs left are imaging and testing. If things go according to plan, testing that content should start next week and have us ready for an c8m6 release in early September. I’ll post patch notes for it next week so you all know what’s coming!

And as always, thanks to everyone who supports the game. Doubly so for those pledging on Patreon, I’d be hard pressed to generate 50 pages of content a month if I wasn’t able to rely on your generosity to pay the bills. If you want to help support Harem’s development as well, my thanks in advance! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2583450&u


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Harem c8m6 released to patrons, public version updated to 8m5!

Your fight to reclaim what is rightfully yours continues. Aries is starting to trust you, giving you the start of an opportunity to evict him from your Castra without him realizing it. And the Ratans also threaten your allies in the Westlands, but they may have a new weapon to aid you both in liberating them and your own quest. But even as you arm yourself, your adversaries are making their own moves with their own new weapons. A challenging time, but fortunately you have women back home eager to help you forget about everything else for a night at least. See all that, and more, in Harem c8m6!

c8m6 https://www.patreon.com/posts/29740189
Content additions
-Angelica or Donna helped Livia recover from her injuries. They've earned a special reward for doing so!
-With Livia back on her feet, lets see how her view of you has changed
-Aries still occupies your Castra. It's time to figure out how to get him to leave
-You've found out what happened in the Westlands and recovered Joan. What else might that territory have to offer you?
-Danielle/Teresa have found a new weapon to use against you. Their own plots continue
-And if all that sounds too complicated, maybe a relaxing evening with Rhea is in order. And where did Leona go?
-Bonus off-camera scene for Legate+ patrons, Samantha and Rhea dark. Sam's dark scene with Terra goes public.
-7 new in game scenes, 1 new off-camera scene, 202 pages of new content, 223 new images
Combat pass 3
-Samantha's singing ability has been made stronger and more complex, with her song changing as the battle progresses. But if she stops singing, the benefit is lost.
-The enemy leveling system used in chapter 5 and later added to chapters 2-4 with many improvements to the combat there. No new content, improved old content.
-Gold drops eliminated from non-humanoid enemies, replaced with an upgraded trophy system of saleable drops

And with c8m6 coming out for patrons, Harem c8m5 becomes available to everyone. While my patrons can see your adversaries new weapon in action, 8m5 is when the arm themselves. And time to find out what dangers your Cheli are in as well as start to earn that trust you’ll need to betray Aries. Business as usual, killing monsters and running your newly redesigned Brothel!

c8m5 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B3KuKjSbH2FhYmNGX1Z0U0Zpemc
Content additions
-The plot quickens!
-You've done as Mercalius requested by helping Aries. Time to recover your healer and start on a plan to betray Aries.
-With gaining entry to Eowen, you should check on your friend Hanno the governor. Make sure to bring his daughter along!
-Westalnds opened. It's been too long since you've visited your assets in there.
-You've met many new women... time to reopen your brothel and get them working!
-Bonus scene with Yvone involving her, you, and Donnie or Tomas. A small conversation if you sen them packing.
-6 new scenes, 202 pages of new text in game, 205 new images

Bug fixes/combat adjustments
-Fixed a memory leak that was causing crashes.
-Ralph has a new passive aura, Vanessa has a new TP mode. Various other character fixes.
-Brand new brothel UI! https://harem-db.lewdbit.studio/wiki/Eowen_Brothel
-Fixed an issue where you could get back to Celee without Adeline. Talk to Mercalius to have her added to your party if she was not after her questline completed.
-Retconned Shenetore Elders to have names, Kyruth and Safio
-Improved item UI and many moderate to minor bug fixes/combat improvements.


May 28, 2018
Public Version: After the Slime Quest i got the scene so i should have a shirt with blue slime but where is it?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Harem c8m7 released, c8m6 gone public!

Hey all, we were able to get through the testing a bit faster than I was expecting and Harem c8m7 is ready to go out! More content, more scenes, and (now) more challenges! The two big plotlines continue with new quests from Aries and the Westlands Cheli. We’re also introducing ‘challenge dungeons’ in this release. TG22 is far better at combat design than I am, and this is me letting him off the leash a bit. So if you choose to do the harder parts, expect to have fight a bit harder to get through the new sequences. If you don’t, they will never be required for the main plot. And of course, this game is for adults only, so there are new scenes! Jessica ‘attends’ you and Aries, Vanessa gets a chance to learn a few new tricks at the King’s Pleasure, and you meet High Priestess Anaisha. In every sense of the term. Also, for those who didn’t grind out 75k gold in Eowen during chapter 3, you’ll finally get to add Fiona to your harem! Enjoy your holidays, if you need a few minutes away you’ll have new Harem content to enjoy!

Harem c8m7 https://www.patreon.com/posts/31906486

Content additions
-High Priestess Anaisha, a Shada, has gone to the Fire Temple to prove her gifts. Travel there to see if she's worth a spot in your harem!
-You have started on a plan to remove Aries from your Castra. Time to see how else you can make his life more... interesting.
-A new feature has been added, Challenge Mode. A series of harder bosses and encounters to test the player's skill, giving more loot as a reward.
-Her rank means Vanessa can't call you Master in public, but that's no reason she can't train her skills in The King's Pleasure.
-Chinua gets her chance to serve in your brothel.
-If you didn't add Fiona in Eowen, she can be captured in Corsix now.
-A new shop has been added to Denai with more accessories for sale.
-4 new in game scenes added, 1 new brothel scenes added, 1 new non-canon scene. Slight tweaks made to Fiona's first scenes for Corsix event.
-For the Legate+ patrons, Vanessa's Duty gets an new non-canon scene.
-118 pages of new text (not including Fiona's rewrite), 120 new images

-Bug fixes/gameplay tweaks
-Beta for improved Quest UI, can be activated in debug menu.
-Minor buffs to Sarah, Rhea, and Naitay. Updated UI for Adeline. Defensive and taunts skills sped up.
-Improvements to autobattler choices and TP management.

With 8m7 being released, that means that Harem c8m6 goes public! Now everyone gets the chance to reward Angelica or Donna for healing Livia and get a viewing of/by her. If you had gotten to Shenetore before entering Corsix, you’ll be able to find out what happened to the foul-mouthed Joan and meet some old friends… and they do have a present for you. Samantha also learns to sing a far more powerful song. Oh, and some plot stuff happens…

c8m6 http://harem-vx.blogspot.com/?zx=454d54a2ba4be3e9

Content additions
-Angelica or Donna helped Livia recover from her injuries. They've earned a special reward for doing so!
-With Livia back on her feet, lets see how her view of you has changed
-Aries still occupies your Castra. It's time to figure out how to get him to leave
-You've found out what happened in the Westlands and recovered Joan. What else might that territory have to offer you?
-Danielle/Teresa have found a new weapon to use against you. Their own plots continue
-And if all that sounds too complicated, maybe a relaxing evening with Rhea is in order. And where did Leona go?
-Bonus off-camera scene for Legate+ patrons, Samantha and Rhea dark. Sam's dark scene with Terra goes public.
-7 new in game scenes, 1 new off-camera scene, 202 pages of new content, 223 new images

Combat pass 3
-Samantha's singing ability has been made stronger and more complex, with her song changing as the battle progresses. But if she stops singing, the benefit is lost.
-The enemy leveling system used in chapter 5 and later added to chapters 2-4 with many improvements to the combat there. No new content, improved old content.
-Gold drops eliminated from non-humanoid enemies, replaced with an upgraded trophy system of saleable drops

Final notes: There might be a few text issues left, we aren’t fully done with the reproofing. I should have the CG packs update by the time you read this. Polls will restart in 2020, not enough time to do one for the 8m8 release in December.