Further typos/etc

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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Lets keep the ball rolling, shall we?

pretty sure the period after an is meant to be an ellipses.

This is a real shot in the dark, but you always miss the ones you don’t take right. I have an. Lets call it an investment opportunity. Ive read a lot about you, and people who know you say its the sort of thing youd be interested in. Hint hint.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
perhaps change greeting to greetings. sorry if this one is a bit nitpicky

She turns toward you as you reach her, tilting her head and offering you a smile. “Greeting kitsune, how may I serve your needs today?”


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
the ellipses is missing a period. again, sorry for being so anal

You stare at the knife in her hands, feeling your jaw slack slightly. “You haven’t.. stabbed anybody, have you?”


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
wow, im ona bit of a streak here. again, sorry about that, but maybe change its to it or isnt to not. either one would work

It looks like somebody smashed the side of her face with a blunt instrument, her synthetic skin cracked and her left eye appearing dead. “It’s....” you think about how to say it. “Isn’t that noticeable, no.”


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
perhaps remove the comma after dense

As the urban sprawl has spread to every inch of habitable land, the quality of life for the poor has spiraled further and further down. Most labor-intensive jobs have been phased out with automation, while unchecked industry fills the sky with thick clouds of pollution. Eventually, the Peers established separate, private districts for themselves, taking the guards who had previously served as police. The absence of immediate authority has led to a proliferation of gangs, practically one for each city block. With the current Planet Rush underway, MegaCorps from all over the galaxy have flocked to Dhaal, and with them, rushers looking to indulge in any of the sin-centric vices that fill the dense, streets and alleys of the planet-spanning city.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Missing period in ellipses

Rather than stick around and risk the hydra’s libido kicking in once more, you help slide the girl to a sitting position and retrieve your kor’diiak hide armor, corset and hardlight anti-grav thong. “Th-thank you,” she murmurs meekly when you’ve suited back up.. “I really needed that. Sorry for, um, attacking you like a crazy person.” She stoops around to retrieve the cum-drenched glasses that fell off her nose during the bestial chaos. Without her glasses on, you can get a full view of the girl’s big, pink eyes. “I really like you,” she admits with a shy blush, as if the two of you hadn’t just been rutting like beasts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
typo in the first word

nThe tentacle slaps at your wrist, sending a surge of pain up through your arm. You hiss through your teeth, nearly dropping your Trick Bracer. Heat lances out from the point of contact, running up all the way to your shoulder. (S: -7)


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Maybe replace restriction with restricting

But the one thing that catches your attention the most is the occupants. You’ve taken two steps into the building, and in the main hallway just past the foyer, there are two slyveren women within eyesight, and they’re both ass-naked. Even in the restriction light of the room, you can tell that one of them is soaking wet between the legs, with rivers of fluids going down the inside of her calves and down to her ankles. They’re going in different directions deeper into the building, and when they pass by each other, the one with dry legs turns and gives the other a playful slap on the ass, making them both giggle as they continue on their ways.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Sorry that this one is suggestiony, but maybe remove the highlighted comma? imo, it would help the sentence flow better. apologies if im being rude by stating this, and please let me know if i am.

Stumbling back through customs, and onto your ship seems to take eons, but the moment you’ve set a course back for Mhen’ga the almost deadly encounter begins to take its toll, and you can do nothing else but press a clumsy kiss to your android lover’s lips as he leads you back to your quarters.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
missing space

You both realize at the same time and once again you’re not sure who actually goes for it first, but you’re almost instantly frenching messily, his cockhead sealed firmly between your matched lips.Instinctually, you make sure you’re the one who ends up with the cock down your throat when the three of you orgasm almost simultaneously, swallowing down as much of the thick load as you’re able before pulling back, letting the brute jerk himself off and painting the both of you with the last of his seed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
extra space

. The fervor and concentration with which he traces your fem-cum-dripping opening with his chitin-gloved digits and flicks at your pierced teats with his long, thin tongue makes you guffaw - but the intense blush this causes to break out over his china-bone features makes you regret that a bit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
missing space

Advertisements catch your left eye while whispers tickle your right ear. Techno-trance music blares through meticulously engineered sound systems, making the whole building feel as if it’s vibrating. Dolled-up whores dressed in silk slide through your personal space,extending liquor-soaked invitations while corralling tourists into hedonistic orgies.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
more missing spacces

“Hey, where’d your friend go?”one of the nearby partiers croons.

“Dunno, went off to the bathroom or something! Better get back soon, or I’ll spend all his money!”

“D’awwhahawhaw, you’re such a prick!”

“Ooh, didn’t know we had a sixth! What’s your name?”one asks you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Typo in this scene. figured a screenshot would be better to convey this. Maybe change the highlighted her to him so it all stays consistent



Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
more missing spaces

“Just that kind of face,”you answer, picking a sweet treat from the kaithrit dish’s thigh. It’s a bite-sized roll stuffed with proteins, jabbed with a toothpick. Warm and crumbly, it melts in your mouth — delicious.

“A gentle reminder,”murmurs a madam with a voice like a sword drawn from the scabbard.“Our food is not to be played with, only savored. Maintain propriety at all times.”


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
another one

That’s why it’s easy to blend in.“Oh, I must have missed you! What’s your name?”


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Ok there are missing spaces after/before literally almost every quotation mark where possible in the wander scenes of the Dhaal Paragon Brothel. IDK if its a writing style or something, and apologies if it is and im just be an asshole. If you guys want to fix it, have at it, but im not going to waste your time reporting every single one.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
missing space, but not one of the aforementioned pre/post quotation ones

Mischievous thrill pumps through your heart — overtime you learn what not to do here, how to enjoy yourself, and make small talk.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Idk what happened here. I think maybe a part of the text got deleted by mistake?

You tuck to the wall, making room for the over-endowed pups to pass you by; before you can get back to walking, a third woman comes out of the room, still adjusting her casual suit’s pants. She’s a zaika, and a particularly member of the species at that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
extra space before the highlighted girl and bodysuit. Idk why but it wont show up when i copy paste the text

Also, i think this scene may be glitched, cuz i havent been to the party yet, but this scene implies that i have. No clue who the gal in the bodysuit may be either, but that may just be steele making up some bullshit or whatever idk.




Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
missing period

Feeling rather lazy yourself, you decide to follow suit. Chance’s cum will probably dry on your coat, but you just can’t be bothered to hit the shower right now — not when you can bask in this afterglow, enjoying the sweet, sweet relief coming from your breasts and members


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Italics glitch, as well as missing end quote and period/comma for highlighted part



Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Missing capitalization

“Oh, hey Jinx, how are you doing?” Chance greets once he notices your approach. As you take a seat at the bar beside the twink and exchange pleasantries, he orders drinks for the both of you. His feline eyes tavel boldly over your form, “been taking care of yourself, I hope,” he says with a friendly smile.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
missing space

Some time later, following the instructions you left when checking in, thebabies are safely tucked into space pods and sent to the Tavros nursery, where they will be well cared for while you continue your quest.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Extra period here

“Oh!” Fluttering her long lashes, the galotian girl seems to take notice of you. “Oh my, aren’t you adorable. Say, haven’t I seen you around here before? Why yes, you’re that girl who has been sharing their bubbles with Cherry. Aren’t you just the sweetest!.” She leans in and plants a kiss so warm and soft that it brings a blush to your cheeks. “I’m not very good with faces, but I never forget a taste,” she confides with a wink.
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