Fucked Up Burger Shack (release 21)


Active Member
Aug 20, 2016
Hi all, I go by the moniker p4p. This is my first post here although I've lurked for a while, going back to the old site. I was greatly inspired by CoC way back when, and I've always hoped to make something a fraction as good. But enough butt kissing...

So I'm building this game that I call Fucked Up Burger Shack. It is text only and built with Unity. I think of the game as a business/life sim with a sprinkling of CYOA.

Story: The game sets you in the role of a cursed young man who has inherited a food truck business, Sticky Stu's Burger Bus, from his deceased uncle. Sales are great thanks to the uncle's keen business skills, but also thanks to his special sauce recipe; mayo, ketchup, and a fresh load of magical semen that can induce immediate orgasms upon consumption.

Unsurprisingly the tainted sauce really helped drive customer retention or whatever, but it's not all roses. It's more like daisies ... being pushed up, because Uncle Stu died from an evil curse that has decimated the player's family for generations. With his uncle's untimely death, the player is now the last of his name. The eventual goal is to learn enough about the curse to break it, or just settle on impregnating as many women as possible to carry on the family legacy before the curse takes the player's life.

Game Play: The base of FUBS is a business/life-sim loop. You run the Burger Bus by prepping and selling food, go home and sleep, wake up and source food (buy food to sell) for the day, then repeat. You have to get gas and do banking too. Sounds fun right? Well the actions available are all meant to lead to events.

The smallest events are little vignettes that describe actions based on sales, weather, traffic, etc. The main story is told through larger CYOA style events with authored characters. The third type of events are random encounters with procedurally generated non-playable characters. These NPCs, or Randos as I like to call them, are created using a hierarchical randomization system that takes a few random stats as base elements and builds them up to spit out a human. I call it RandoEngine and it's probably the coolest thing about the game right now (but that's just the nerd in me talking).

Parings: The PC is male and you can fuck men, women and trans women. Randos can be filtered by gender, and for the authored characters you can just skip their scenes (although each skip destroys a tiny piece of my soul).

Fetishes: The primary fetishes I'm going for are cum, cum eating, creampies and impregnation, mind control, forced orgasms, vanilla & gay sex, soft-core and hardcore sex. Lesser available fetishes include squirting, public sex, masturbation, voyeurism and more things as I get to them ^_^.

Modding: Fucked Up Burger Shack is written in plain text files that you can mess around with if you are brave. Once you start the game, you select a path for these source files and they are copied into that directory. This currently is not optional, but you can ignore the files if no fucks are given. I've included a document with the compressed game downloads that explains a bit about the formatting of the source. It's something like Twine 1 but incompatible past basic passages and links.

Status: Fucked Up Burger Shack is a work in progress, something like an alpha I suppose. I started coding the tech behind the game 3 years ago. The idea for FUBS came to me a year back, but I won't explain how :S. I have been heavily working on FUBS this past summer, and have been making weekly releases since August. I'll probably be working on the game forever because there is just so much I want to add to it.

I won't paste the full roadmap here, but these are a few of the features I intend to add:
  • Employees with uniforms and a sexual harassment heavy process for hiring, training, promoting, and firing.
  • Dating, flings, relationships, cheating, and pregnancy.
  • Restaurant upgrades from Burger Bus, to Shack, to Drive-thru, to sit-in restaurant, and finally to a fancy restaurant.
  • Side businesses like catering, delivery driving, running a brothel and sex club out of the restaurant.
With that wall of text done, here are some links.

Latest Public Release Link: https://mega.nz/#F!RckUhKCZ!HlQgJ55W6_rdPnOpZEUFgw
The Bunkville Blog: http://bunkville.blogspot.com/
Fucked Up Burger Shack: https://bunkville.blogspot.com/p/fucked-up-burger-shack.html
FUBS Change log: https://bunkville.blogspot.com/p/changelog.html
FUBS Roadmap v2: https://bunkville.blogspot.com/p/fubs-roadmap-v2.html
FUBS FAQs: https://bunkville.blogspot.com/p/fubs-faqs.html
FUBS Legal mumbo jumbo: https://bunkville.blogspot.com/p/fucked-up-burger-shack-modding-policy.html
Old Stuff: https://bunkville.blogspot.com/p/old-stuff.html
FUBS Known Bugs: https://goo.gl/8o61LU
FUBS Bug Submission: https://goo.gl/forms/nvqADNDVOGhlhZv13
FUBS Discord: https://discord.gg/66Zm2E3
Bunkville on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bunkville

I hope you give the game a try and let me know what you think.

Fucked Up Burger Shack 2.6 Screen Shot Business.png
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Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
Played the game, interesting concept. I'd like to see more but currently there is very little actual erotic content that I've seen. I didn't explore any M/M options but with Layla the only thing I've gotten is getting her to give a handjob. There seems to currently be no obvious interaction with the "Randos" either. And I just died after 4 days with no explanation after I went to sleep. I got around that for a time by closing shop and resting at the house through the night instead of sleeping and had a brief interaction with Mr.Rembert the next day but then nothing. If there's more to this that I simply missed or if this was a bug, I'd love to know.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2016
Played the game, interesting concept. I'd like to see more but currently there is very little actual erotic content that I've seen. I didn't explore any M/M options but with Layla the only thing I've gotten is getting her to give a handjob. There seems to currently be no obvious interaction with the "Randos" either. And I just died after 4 days with no explanation after I went to sleep. I got around that for a time by closing shop and resting at the house through the night instead of sleeping and had a brief interaction with Mr.Rembert the next day but then nothing. If there's more to this that I simply missed or if this was a bug, I'd love to know.

Thanks for the feedback, this gives me some targets of things to tweak. You missed all the Rando content. You can find them by chance when you: A. use Sauce then Power Nap, B. Hold to much cash and a jar of sauce then use Power Nap, C. Serve at late night. Resting at home is just incomplete at the moment and I shouldn't have even enabled it yet. I should also probably lower the death chance for this early stage in the game, since it can leave players with a bad ending and there is nothing yet available to stop it. That third scene with Layla is her last for now. More is planned of course, but I've been heavily focusing on Randos recently.

The story is really cool! )

Thanks ^_^


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
I enjoyed what I saw of it.  Got to night 8 before I stopped for the day.  Saw a sauce>Power Nap scene and dealt some porno justice to a couple would-be burglars, but they didn't wait for me to power nap.  I think I was cleaning?  Haven't seen the late at night scenes.  I usually stop at 10pm or so.  Is stockpiling sauce jars only used for the burglars?


Active Member
Aug 20, 2016
I enjoyed what I saw of it.  Got to night 8 before I stopped for the day.  Saw a sauce>Power Nap scene and dealt some porno justice to a couple would-be burglars, but they didn't wait for me to power nap.  I think I was cleaning?  Haven't seen the late at night scenes.  I usually stop at 10pm or so.  Is stockpiling sauce jars only used for the burglars?

Glad you like it. For now the sauce jars only help with that scene. I expect them to come in handy for those kinds of moments when you need sauce but don't have time to make any.

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
Played through again, interacted with some randos and robbers. I like that there's an option to not surrender if you have secret sauce with ya but I think it could benefit from an option to also NOT have sex with them. Maybe skip straight to the stripping them and sending them walking part. When the robber's a woman or a transwoman there isn't any problem but personally I would like to not get robbed by the big, burly bald man and also not bone him. I don't mind femboys and traps but I'm not into actual manly men.

Also, could go without the mention of farting after anal. Breaks the fantasy and reminds me how gross the act actually is. Personal preference though, but still, not my thing and I'm sure there are others that feel the same.

In addition, perhaps it's a bug, but after having vaginal sex with a fertile woman sometimes it'll say she's already pregnant before we even get to "The Arrival" scene. Maybe adding a "She could be pregnant" scene/paragraph after the deed is done could clarify things. Unless it's intended that the woman is already pregnant before she came to the truck, in which case I think it should be a bit clearer there too. I'm cool with both boning a pregnant woman and knocking one up, but it can be confusing as to which is happening currently.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2016
Played through again, interacted with some randos and robbers. I like that there's an option to not surrender if you have secret sauce with ya but I think it could benefit from an option to also NOT have sex with them. Maybe skip straight to the stripping them and sending them walking part. When the robber's a woman or a transwoman there isn't any problem but personally I would like to not get robbed by the big, burly bald man and also not bone him. I don't mind femboys and traps but I'm not into actual manly men.

Also, could go without the mention of farting after anal. Breaks the fantasy and reminds me how gross the act actually is. Personal preference though, but still, not my thing and I'm sure there are others that feel the same.

In addition, perhaps it's a bug, but after having vaginal sex with a fertile woman sometimes it'll say she's already pregnant before we even get to "The Arrival" scene. Maybe adding a "She could be pregnant" scene/paragraph after the deed is done could clarify things. Unless it's intended that the woman is already pregnant before she came to the truck, in which case I think it should be a bit clearer there too. I'm cool with both boning a pregnant woman and knocking one up, but it can be confusing as to which is happening currently.

Those are good points about the robbery scene and cum farting. Will definitely add some ways out of those.

Some of the Randos are already pregnant at various months of pregnancy before you encounter them. Unfortunately nothing is changing pregnancy state after an encounter either. I'm going to add some special case content when it comes to impregnation and defloration or both. I also need to work on the descriptions to hide some information, since for example if a woman is only in the early stages of pregnancy she might not even know it herself, let alone the player character. Same thing with virginity, because it's kind of like the PC just has god like powers to spot these things. That kind of power is cool, but It'd be better to unwrap that knowledge as part of a scene. Thanks for the feedback.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
It's kind of sparse so far.  Playing with randos gets boring quickly, and I never saw the robbery or late night scenes because I didn't anticipate there'd be anything like that.  The randos could definitely use some work though.  The first one I came across was an 18 year old "mommy you'd like to fuck" with a dick and no pussy.  Reading "mommy you'd like to fuck" repeatedly actually starts to become a turn-off, and it should really be shortened to MILF.  I also didn't see anything in her description that indicated she was a mother or that she had a dick.  Going from "there's a beautiful woman asking for a tour" to "do you want her dick up your ass" with nothing inbetween is a pretty jarring transition.  And you might want to adjust who can and who can't be a MILF based on age and whether or not they actually have a vagina.

Also, much like MFV, I'm fine with traps and shemales but don't find masculine guys attractive.  The content filter at the beginning would probably work better if you could choose Masculine and/or Feminine partners then choose which sex options you want based on orifice and whether you're giving or receiving (ie anal pitch, anal catch, suck dick, lick pussy, vaginal).  This would still leave the same content open for the most part, but give players a chance to control who their partner is more accurately.  Maybe have it so that marking Feminine partners and removing any content that involves your partner having a dick would make it so that all encounters are with women, and similarly choosing masculine partners and turning off content involving pussies would make it so that only men are encountered.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2016
Hey I've got a new version of the game available to download. It's mostly bug fixes for several issues brought up here and elsewhere. Downloads are on my blog http://bunkville.blogspot.com/p/fucked-up-burger-shack.html Here is the changelog.

Version 3.9
    • General
        - Added debug links to test story events
        - Added location Sex Shop
    • Events
        - Added SIM 01
        - Added RANDO 02 sauce failure path
        - Added RANDO 05 auction
    • Randos
        - Added Ass Shape generation based on weight, muscularity, race, etc. and updated ass descriptions.
        - Added Cock Curvature generation
        - Added preference for hormone levels in order to generate more pleasing Rando's
    • Events
        - RANDO 03 remove cum farting line
    • Randos
        - disable MILF/DILF babe descriptions for better balancing
        - increase hair length for feminine men

    • General
        - Update to Unity 5.4.1
        - Increased scroll sensitivity
    • Events
        - DAY 1 Add fast option select instructions
        - REM 03 "You are such a dirty." statement was vague.
    • Randos
        - Flatten the odds of babe descriptions for more variation

    • General
        - prevent depositing and withdrawing negative or zero values from the bank because apparently that's something cubano tried -_-
    • Events
        - RANDO 02 "on pants" typo
        - RANDO 02s fix trans woman content
        - RANDO 03 added missing stat bars on event exit
        - RANDO 03 fix trans woman content
        - REM 01 dead link
        - REM 03 rule name conflict causing loop
    • Randos
        - womb description fertile typo


Active Member
Aug 20, 2016
I can't play, nothing happens when i select new game.

Which version of the game did you download? I just made a new build (3.10) to fix blurry text and add text resizing so it may be worth a try downloading it.

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
Played the most recent update. It's most definitely improved since I last played it. However, a few problems arise. 

1. The save system needs work. As it is now it just makes a new, larger file right below the last one whenever you press the save button. That could lead to it taking up a fair amount of space very quickly, especially for folks who like to save before they make any important decisions.

2. The robber rando works just fine, however the rando that shows up and knocks on the van is broken in that after completing the scene and "Arriving", there's no option to continue or go back so you're stuck on that screen unless ya press the back button at the top. 

In other news, I like the addition of Simi and hope to see more of her, and Layla of course. As well as any other feminine(traps, shemales, muscular women, petite women, etc) NPCs in the future, as well as the "Dominance" stat being fleshed out. It's very well done. I'll continue to give you input as I'll be watching this game closely.
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Active Member
Aug 20, 2016
1. The save system needs work. As it is now it just makes a new, larger file right below the last one whenever you press the save button. That could lead to it taking up a fair amount of space very quickly, especially for folks who like to save before they make any important decisions.

I designed saving so that saves would include all of the undo history, but capturing everything can cause the size of saves to balloon. I tried to mitigate that somewhat by using a compression algorithm, but it only helps so much and hurts the ability to edit saves. I was also taking into account that saves for some AAA games get really big, so maybe it wouldn't be the worst problem to have even though this is a text game.

What would the ideal save system do? No undo steps? Some undo steps? I also haven't gotten around to auto saves, but they could possibly capture just the current game without including undo steps.

2. The robber rando works just fine, however the rando that shows up and knocks on the van is broken in that after completing the scene and "Arriving", there's no option to continue or go back so you're stuck on that screen unless ya press the back button at the top.

Someone else brought this up too. I must have missed an option somewhere. Thanks.


Jun 30, 2016
Which version of the game did you download? I just made a new build (3.10) to fix blurry text and add text resizing so it may be worth a try downloading it.

I tried the Windows 64 then the windows versions.  The new built don't work too :(  

I'm just stuck here after i select a new game.



Active Member
Aug 20, 2016
I tried the Windows 64 then the windows versions.  The new built don't work too :(  

I'm just stuck here after i select a new game.

Since you got to that screen, the source must have imported successfully. Are you able to get to the saves page by clicking the Saves button? If not then there must be something wrong with those buttons, but there shouldn't be. If you can reach the saves page, then there must be something preventing the Start passage from loading up. You can try deleting the folder created at the path set on the very first screen (should be STUFF/My Games/Fucked Up Burger Shack) then restart the game. The game should export the source again and it might work.

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
What would the ideal save system do? No undo steps? Some undo steps? I also haven't gotten around to auto saves, but they could possibly capture just the current game without including undo steps.

Placing a limited number of saves and an ability to overwrite. The ability to undo is handy when ya wanna see what effect each choice will have, I personally like it. I think the problem could be mostly mitigated if it was simply replacing an older save rather than making another ever-expanding series of saves with no apparent cap.


Jun 30, 2016
Since you got to that screen, the source must have imported successfully. Are you able to get to the saves page by clicking the Saves button? If not then there must be something wrong with those buttons, but there shouldn't be. If you can reach the saves page, then there must be something preventing the Start passage from loading up. You can try deleting the folder created at the path set on the very first screen (should be STUFF/My Games/Fucked Up Burger Shack) then restart the game. The game should export the source again and it might work.

I can get to the saves page. I tried to erase the folder and to launch it as administrator but it doesn't seems to work too.


Sep 9, 2015
Not bad at all but every time I give a tour, at the end of the chain it just stops, and I got to back up and chose end tour to go back to the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Not bad at all but every time I give a tour, at the end of the chain it just stops, and I got to back up and chose end tour to go back to the game.

I have encountered the same problem. If you give a tour and have sex with the customer the game stops and you can't continue anymore. Happened to me at day7.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2016
Placing a limited number of saves and an ability to overwrite. The ability to undo is handy when ya wanna see what effect each choice will have, I personally like it. I think the problem could be mostly mitigated if it was simply replacing an older save rather than making another ever-expanding series of saves with no apparent cap.

I'll keep this in mind next time I go over how saves work.

I can get to the saves page. I tried to erase the folder and to launch it as administrator but it doesn't seems to work too.

It could be an issue with the path being used for game files? Setting a custom path for game files actually breaks things for some reason.

Not bad at all but every time I give a tour, at the end of the chain it just stops, and I got to back up and chose end tour to go back to the game.

I have encountered the same problem. If you give a tour and have sex with the customer the game stops and you can't continue anymore. Happened to me at day7.

I just made a patch that should fix the tour dead end issue. It's available from my blog.


Sep 9, 2015
Yeah the update, I have no clue how to install it.Blog says delete the source folder, but I re downloaded it and didn't see any source folder. Only thing I could think of was to unzip it into the same folder but only thing it replaced was the readme, everything else was different, and there was no source folder at all I even dug around in the data folder for it
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Active Member
Aug 20, 2016
Merry New Year Internet!

I've just made version 4.12 public. You can grab it from my dev blog. I added the ability to save contacts and then have booty calls basically whenever. It's also got text coloring, indefinite article generation, a different font, lighter game saves (they no longer include undo steps), and some other things.

When updating from previous versions you'll need to delete the previous 'source' folder that is created when the game was first run. It's somewhere like C:\\Users\Username\My Games\Fucked Up Burger Shack\source or ~/Documents/Games/Fucked Up Burger Shack/source
Placing a limited number of saves and an ability to overwrite. The ability to undo is handy when ya wanna see what effect each choice will have, I personally like it. I think the problem could be mostly mitigated if it was simply replacing an older save rather than making another ever-expanding series of saves with no apparent cap.
I've removed the undo steps from being saved since a save is essentially an undo step. I think this was a good change but if you would still prefer overwriting a single save let me know.
Yeah the update, I have no clue how to install it.Blog says delete the source folder, but I re downloaded it and didn't see any source folder. Only thing I could think of was to unzip it into the same folder but only thing it replaced was the readme, everything else was different, and there was no source folder at all I even dug around in the data folder for it
I'm going to rewrite the README.txt to be a little more clear about how to update. It's a little more work than people expect, but it's basically the result of trying to make FUBS moddable (which is a good thing I believe).

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
I've removed the undo steps from being saved since a save is essentially an undo step. I think this was a good change but if you would still prefer overwriting a single save let me know.

That has definitely helped a lot. It is still likely to get out of hand eventually for any long term play but it's not a swamp now. I'm looking forward to future updates.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
With this new version, when I start a new game, I can't figure out how to trigger the main plot events. That lady (forgot her name) never comes and tells how to make special sauce.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2016
With this new version, when I start a new game, I can't figure out how to trigger the main plot events. That lady (forgot her name) never comes and tells how to make special sauce.
Try doing some cleaning in the afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Spiffy ^_^


Active Member
Aug 20, 2016
Hey all, I've got another update to FUBS available, version 8.16. It's got better text rendering, a loading screen, a broken scene when you get caught by cops, and various bug fixes and tweaks to things. You can grab it from mega here: https://mega.nz/#F!RckUhKCZ!HlQgJ55W6_rdPnOpZEUFgw

I've recently set up a Discord for Fucked Up Burger Shack because it's a thing that people do. Here is an invite link https://discord.gg/66Zm2E3. Feel free to drop by and sling words around if you are into that kind of thing.